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Lush is located in Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom. The company was founded by Mark Constantine, a trichologist and Liz
Weir, a beauty therapist. They met in a hair and beauty salon in Poole, UK. A few years later, they decided to branch out
and start their own business selling natural hair and beauty products.
Lush is a manufacturer and retailer of fresh handmade cosmetics. It is a healthcare brand that manufactures several
body products using only vegan or vegetarian recipes. These product items are 100% vegetarian and have vegetables
and fruits as its main ingredient like coconut, papaya, rosemary oil, avocado butter, vanilla beans and grapefruit juice.
Some items have beeswax, honey, eggs, milk and lanolin.
The Company produces and distributes creams, soaps, shampoos, shower gels, lotions, moisturizers, scrubs, masks and
other cosmetics for the face, hair, and body. Lush provides its products through shops, internet, and telephone, as well
as partnerships with local franchise holders internationally. Lush has been defined by its customers in three simple
words verdant, green and fresh.
Lush has kept a company policy where they sell their products without any packaging. It encourages customers to
explore and interact with the products more as they can pick them up, smell them and even taste them in some cases.

Lush products each have a sticker on them showing the face and name of the person who made it, as well as the
production and use-by date. This proves the freshness as customers can see exactly when it was made. It also humanises
the production process by making it clear that a person, not a machine was involved in the making. This makes
customers feel closer to the company and the people who work there – you almost feel as though the item was made
just for you.

Their staffs have a deep knowledge of the products on offer so they can help guide customers to the right items for
them, with an explanation of what the ingredients are and what they can do for them. The company empowers them to
spend time with customers, to ask questions and build relationships. This helps customers feel like they are buying into
the company’s expertise, as well as good quality, healthy produce.

Staffs are allowed to giveaway products to customers that need cheering up and celebrating a special occasion in
random acts of kindness. The random acts help make customers feel more valued, as well as warmer towards the
brand, which can keep them coming back.

Lush is a supporter of direct action, animal rights operations including Sea Shepherd, a group that works to protect
whales, seals, and other aquatic animals. Lush is always working to use as many natural ingredients as possible in its
products, to reduce its environmental impact. The company uses its brand as a platform to engage with the public on
key issues, to educate and inform, and to get conversations going. This makes Lush something of a hub for customers
with the same views. It’s a space for them to hang out and talk with like-minded people.

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