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Malachi 3:13-18
David Jiménez
1. Doubts about God will arise at some point in our lives.
a. No one is exempted from feeling discouraged.
b. When we look at the world and see that the evil seems to prevail against the good, we
might question the reason to be a child of God.
2. The prophet Malachi can bring to us an encouragement from the Lord.

I. Impatience that leads to sin (vv. 13-15).
A. There were people questioning the faithfulness of God towards the righteous.
1. They would look at the word of God and the world and see a big difference
between the two.
2. While the word of God promised judgement to the wicked, they could see the
contrary in their lives.
B. This led them to the conclusion that: “It is vain to serve God”.
1. They could not see the point in trusting in God or to keep His commandments.
2. They would look at themselves as mourners, but the proud as happy.
C. They did not realize that this was to speak harshly against the Lord.

II. Conversations that lead to encouragement (v. 16a).

A. We see a different picture with the righteous.
1. These are people that faithfully revered the Lord.
2. People that, despite what they see in the world, do not lose their trust in God’s
B. They gather together to speak among themselves.
1. The best way to keep your trust in the Lord is by talking to likeminded people.
2. They found in that company a conversation that reestablished their faith in God.
III. Memory that leads to reward (v. 16b-18).
A. God takes notice of this conversation to the point of keeping a record.
1. He knew them personally, and recognized them as people who revered Him.
2. Note the phrase in the last part of verse 16: “that thought upon his name”: The
Lord appreciated the moments that they dedicated to meditate about him.
B. He recognized them but also declared something wonderful to them:
1. “They shall be mine”: They will be the Lord’s special possession.
2. God does not forget those who do not forget the Lord. He keeps them in
remembrance, and considers them as His special and beloved people.
C. The Lord reassures them that there will be a judgement.
1. He will make plain the difference between the righteous and the wicked.
2. He will make vain the words of the impatient ones, who regarded as meaningless
to serve God.

1. Sometimes our discouragement can lead us to say something similar to the first kind of people.
a. We can fall in the impatience of wanting God’s judgement immediately.
b. We might even believe that serving God is meaningless.
2. Let us surround ourselves in conversations that can bring encouragement and trust in the Lord.
a. God will remember that our hearts have not fainted, and will reward us in the end.
b. Hang on and trust in God!

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