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When we say ethics and morality there is a lot of distinctions and perceptions that we can

hear or read about and some of them are not always clear. Even in some philosophical sources,
both words are used interchangeably, while others seem to have a clear and precise distinction
between them. Historically speaking, Cicero defines ethics as a Greek word “ethos” which
means habits of people, customs, and mores. While Morality is derived from Latin word “mos or
moris” which is basically the same with ethos. Aristotle made a clear and concise definition of
these two, he defines morality as the shared and generally accepted traditions, unique dos and
don’ts that are widely accepted as normal in a culture or group of individuals and are not subject
to be questioned. While ethics is the intellectual analysis of these laws and modes of coexistence,
as well as the customs and behaviors of people, classes, and humanity as a whole.

In four weeks meeting and in our four times discussion, I think one of our interesting
topic is the morality and ethics because it shows how people face their daily lives regarding to
their beliefs, perspective and norms. I do not choose the topic in module 2 and 3 because it is
connected to our topic in module 1. In our past discussion, I have realized that our module 2 and
3 will depend on the ethics and morality of every individual. One part of our discussion in
module 1 that made me listen more or read more about ethics and morality is the normative
ethics. Normative ethics is a broad topic, it is concerned with the expression and explanation of
basic values that control matters such as how we should live and what we should do morally. As
a person, I came to think that why I should be moral in this world where most of the people
judge you when you do your beliefs? Or perspective in life? And that the ideas that I think were
novel to me. This idea gives me more question regarding what is really right and what is really
wrong and how we identified if it is wrong and if it is right. Furthermore, it gives me realization
that we need to be more understanding to have a clear and peaceful life. Ethics and morality are
made because in this world we are unique, we have our own life, and we have our own mindset.
Ethics and morality give us understanding on how we can connect ourselves to others and on
how we can interact with them. This lesson is important because it can change your ideas and
can give you the knowledge on how the world will become more peaceful if we respect each
other opinions, cultures, beliefs and norms.
To sum it up, morality and ethics play a huge part in this world because they are the basis
on how people will act depends on the situation. Proper understanding and education plays also a
big role to understand how the world works.

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