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Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs are verbs which do not follow normal rules for conjugation. For example,
the irregular verb be has several unique forms (I am, you are, he is) which are quite different
from regular verbs such as cook (I cook, you cook, he cooks).
Irregular verbs, like regular verbs, have a base form, an -s form and an -ing form but they
vary in how the functions of the regular verb -ed form are relised.
Some irregular verbs have the same form for the base form and for all the functions of the
-ed form.
1. One form, for the infinitive, past simple and past participle. So there are three kinds of
verbs that sound and written with the same way. So in this type we don't need to look
for another verb because the past verb is the same as the present verb.

Examples :
V1 V2 V3
Put Put Put
Shut Shut Shut
Cut Cut Cut
Set Set Set
Cast Cast Cast
Burst Burst burst
Cost Cost Cost
Hit Hit Hit
Retread Retread Retread
Thrust Thrust Thrust

2. Two different form. The sound and the writing are different, but the other 2 of verbs
are same. It is like V1 and V3 with the same sound and writing, or also can V2 and V3
with the same sound and writing.

V1 V2 V3
Find Found Found
Have Had Had
Say Said Said
Come Came Come
Run Ran Run
Bleed Bled Bled
Bring Brougth Brougth
Build Built Built
Send Sent Sent
Tell Told Told

3. Three different form. In this type, the three verbs have different sounds and writing. so
we have to be good at memorizing it and know how to apply it into a sentence.
Examples :
V1 V2 V3
Choose Chose Chosen
Ring Rang Rung
Begin Began Begun
Sing Sang Sung
Break Broke Broken
Speak Spoke Spoken
Fly Flew Flown
Forget Forgot Forgotten
See Saw Seen
Wear Wore Worn

Name : Dwi Nur Azizah

NPM : 20012010323
Class : M

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