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What do we want them to learn?

Intended Learning Goal Curriculum Links What do the students bring? How will we find out what the students
bring? Or How do we already know?

Students will analyse and explain literal and implied information Content: Achievement Progression: PAT R - indicates students lack skills when making inferences.
when reading narrative and persuasive texts. “Use comprehension Standard: At the end of Year 4:
strategies to build “They analyse and “Interpret literal Pre-Assessment – Students will complete the ‘Friends Houses’ and
Updated learning goal – Students will analyse and explain literal literal and inferred explain literal and information and ‘Book Review’ assessment tasks developed from the PAT Resources.
and implied information when reading different text types and meaning to expand implied information make inferences to
visuals. content knowledge, from a variety of expand topic
integrating and texts.” knowledge using Using the PAT R data to create a summative assessment piece that
Implement new student feedback/peer feedback to assist with
linking ideas and comprehension focuses on inferring literal and implied information – focus on
next steps. analysing and strategies”. questions that look at narrative or character descriptions to
evaluating texts”. connect with narrative writing/reflection.

How will we know if they’ve got it?

Success Criteria (What will success look like?) Formative Assessment: Midpoint Snapshot Formative Assessment: (Near) End point Feedback Methods
(This will determine the next teaching step) (This will determine the whether further teaching is

Students effectively answer questions based on a Picture Prompt/Exit Ticket: After an explicit Visualisation Practice: Read a story and have Verbal feedback during lessons.
narrative or persuasive text which are asking them teaching lessons, students will infer a picture on each student create an illustration that describes Think-pair-share – Peer assessment.
to infer. the board and write these on a post-it note as an what is happening in that portion of the story.
exit ticket. Literacy progressions – ‘I can’ statements ‘Step
Students effectively answer questions based on a Week 10 - Give students a passage of text from Ladder format.
narrative texts, pictures and character analysis Week 6 Formative Assessment - ‘The Race’ re- ‘The Witches’ by Roald Dahl describing a
which are asking them to infer. created from PAT.R resources at a band 110-119 character, students to respond to questions using Glow and Grow + Levels of understanding on task
inferring. cards, traffic light book sort.
Week 8 Formative Assessment - ‘The Statue’ re-
created from PAT.R resources at band 129-135

What will we do to get them there?

Explicit Teaching Cycle & Gradual Release Design the teaching and learning Differentiation:
First steps initially, rest to be documented as you proceed through
the cycle

Pre-Assessment – Students will complete the ‘Friends Houses’ & How will you support those who How will you extend those who
‘Book Review’ assessment. are not learning? have already got it?

Explicit Teaching Lesson – Provide them with prompts. Provide hard, unfamiliar texts
Success Use PowerPoints (Chloe will email) to explain what is inferring, what Use one SSO support time to and encourage students to
Goal Setting
• Provide
skills do we use when inferring. Use I do, we do, you do to introduce work one on one. compare information.
• Celebrate


Create inferring prompts as a class and display for students to refer

to during reading rotations.
• Gradual release • Gradual release
model model
• Provide • Provide
feedback feedback
Introduce activity into weekly literacy rotations
1. Inferring pictures. ‘The Crowd’ task
2. Where am I – Inferring post cards from around the world.
Determine next
snapshot 3. Inferring unknown words/poetry.
4. Inferring song lyrics ‘Fireworks’ by Katy Perry.
5. Inferring character descriptions.

6. Inferring short ‘narrative texts’ – link in the narrative writing
focus. For example, developing character, provide students
with a text to infer characters.
7. Whole class – detective scene.

Complete the QAR lesson from Sheena Cameron – students

identifying what type of question it is and what skills they need to
use to answer them.

Formative Assessment:
Week 6: ‘The Race’ Formative Assessment
Week 8: ‘The Statue’ Formative Assessment.

Summative assessment -
Week 10 The Witches character traits analyses.

Agreed Actions
Date Agreed Action By Who? By When?
14/02/2020 Complete and mark the pre-assessment. Meet to discuss results and organise data. Chloe/Liam/Mitch End of Week 4
14/02/2020 Explicitly teach class what inferring is and the skills of inferring. Chloe/Liam/Mitch End of Week 5
29/05/2020 Continue weekly literacy rotations focusing on inferring activities – complete x2 formative assessment tasks prior to summative (created) Chloe/Liam/Mitch End of Week 9

Goal Reflection (end of cycle)

Teacher How did your 6 tracking students perform in relation to the goal? How do you know? What did you notice about the rest of the class?
Chloe All students achieved the goal - ‘Students will analyse and Students showed an increase in the step ladder, starting from Increase in confidence and skills when inferring. A common
explain literal and implied information when reading different Step 3 and students finished at Step 8 (I can ask and answer my interest and enjoyment when focusing on inferring. All students
text types and visuals. own inferring questions). confidently made inferences, however some students struggled
to make connections to their prior knowledge or back their
All students were able to make inferences from both visuals and ideas up with evidence. Students required the success criteria
text types, making connections to their prior knowledge. and sentence starters to effectively answer questions, in
5 students could effectively make connections within the text assessments when checklists weren’t provided children didn’t
and back their answers up with evidence, however one student naturally provide evidence.
still required prompts to support her answers with evidence.
5 students could confidently write using the effective inferring
sentences starters to prompt thoughts and answers when
writing. Emily requires reminders and visuals to write using the
appropriate sentences starters.
When the success criteria are provided all students confidently
achieved the goal, however without the success criteria Emily
didn’t achieve the goal.

Liam 4 students achieved the goal. Ella & Mia still need to pull the Students showed an increase in the step ladder, starting from Lower students struggled with the concept and being able to
information together to summaries. They can inference and Step 3 and students finished at Step 8 (I can ask and answer my identify the facts & character traits. Students required
answer questions however lacked depth compared to the own inferring questions). additional prompts to arrange ideas.
other high band students.
Mitch 4 students achieved the goal confidently however 2 students Students showed an increase in the step ladder, starting from Needed a lot of assistance to justify their inferences. Towards
lacked adding detail and depth in their final assessment to Step 3 and students finished at Step 8 (I can ask and answer my the end still required prompts to support their answers with
support own inferring questions). evidence.


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