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6 “Weird” Natural Secrets To Cure Oily Skin

Hi, and thanks for downloading this free report.

By the time you read all 6 of these weird secrets, I promise you’ll be digging around
your refrigerator or pantry to test these out.

You’re about to discover:

 6 “Weird” home remedies that can literally “MELT” the acne causing oil out
of your skin… so you can start seeing clearer skin in just days from now
 How to TURN OFF your oil producing sebaceous glands using a special
vitamin found in almost every refrigerator
 If you want to shed those “acne-causing” dead skin cells fast, STOP
scrubbing. Apply this “miracle” fruit juice instead for an easier way to exfoliate
your skin. Finally, reduce acne and skin blemishes in no time
 A “weird” dairy product that absorbs excess oil like a sponge. Don’t even
think about applying that chemical skin cleanser until you try this
 And much more

PLUS, there’s also a surprise bonus waiting for you at the end of this report, but WAIT! I
know you might be tempted to scroll down and see what’s waiting for you, but I URGE
you to read this report all the way to end.

It could mean the difference between living with oily, acne-prone skin, to seeing clear,
vibrant skin in just days. With that said, sit back, relax, and read about these 6 “weird”
natural secrets to cure oily skin.

6 “Weird” Natural Secrets To Cure Oily Skin

Oily Skin Remedy #1: Egg Whites

Women and men who experience acne and oily skin
have overactive sebaceous glands.

These oil producing glands are essential, but with acne

prone skin the sebaceous glands produce too much of
this oil, and when dead skin cells get trapped in the
pores, they mix with the oil, and then the pores cannot

The result is a breeding ground for the bacteria that

causes acne. Our first natural cure for oily skin is to
apply egg whites to your affected areas. Follow us:

Benefits of applying an egg white mask include:

 Egg whites will tighten, tone, and dry out skin blemishes
 Egg whites control the release of oil in your skin due to its pore tightening
 As the egg whites dry on your skin, they naturally draw out excess oil and dirt
from your pores
 Egg whites BOOST your skin’s elasticity, giving you a more youthful look and feel

Recipe #1:

 Separate one egg white in a bowl. Whip it until it becomes stiff and then apply it
to your skin. Wait for it to dry and then rinse with warm water. Do this two times
each week for best results.

Recipe #2:

 Separate one egg white in a bowl. Whip it vigorously, and then add the juice of
half a lemon. Make sure to mix the 2 ingredients together and apply it to your
face. Let it dry on your face/skin for at least 15 minutes before rinsing with warm
water. This mixture of ingredients draws out skin oil, while tightening your skin.

Oily Skin Remedy #2: Lemon Juice

Lemon juice acts to shrink the skin & tighten pores,

resulting in a tighter and more youthful complexion.
With its antiseptic properties, it will also fight off acne
causing bacteria, while actually lightening skin

But, more importantly for you, it will greatly reduce the

oils in your skin.
 Recipe #1: Apply a mixture of ½ teaspoon of lemon juice mixed with one
teaspoon of distilled water. Apply and let dry for 10 minutes. Next, rinse your face
with warm water. But beware, overuse of this will cause an excess of skin drying.
Make sure you apply an all-natural skin moisturizer after doing this. We
recommend doing this treatment once a week for oily skin. Make sure you do this
treatment in the evening.

 Recipe #2: Apply a mixture of one tablespoon lemon juice, ½ tablespoon honey,
and one tablespoon of milk. Rub this mixture onto your skin and leave it for at
least 15 minutes. Next, wash it off using warm water. We recommend applying
this recipe three times a week. Follow us:

Oily Skin Remedy #3: Yogurt
Rather than constantly scrubbing your skin with a
brush, try applying a yogurt mask. Yogurt contains
lactic acid which dissolves and exfoliates dead skin

Just some of its benefits include:

 It’s ability to dissolve and exfoliate skin

 It absorbs oil
 It’s gentle on the skin
 It creates a natural glow
 It can stop breakouts from happening
 It reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
 It moisturizes the skin
 Its antibacterial properties fight acne
 It fights premature aging
 It reduces skin discoloration
 And much more

Recipe#1: This recipe is simple. Just apply a generous amount of plain yogurt to your
face, and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. When you’re done simply rinse with cool
water. This treatment is so gentle you can do it every day.

Recipe #2: With this recipe you do the same thing but add one teaspoon of warm
honey, along with some finely ground up oatmeal. Honey is great for acne due to its
antibacterial properties. Plus it’s packed with antioxidants which slow down the aging

Adding oatmeal provides these great benefits:

 Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the skin

 Since oatmeal is packed with fats, it’s a wonderful moisturizer
 Oatmeal is often used in soaps and cleaners because it contains saponins, which
have cleansing properties that eliminate oil and dirt
 Oatmeal is an excellent way exfoliate your skin without using harsh chemicals.

Oily Skin Remedy #4: Tomatoes

Tomatoes are great for shrinking your pores down. When your pores are big it makes it
easy for dirt and grime to infect the pores, leading to acne. Tomatoes are very acidic,
thus it’s great for clearing up acne. Follow us:

You’ll find that Vitamin A and C are commonly
found in acne products, and tomatoes are rich
in both of these. But, maybe most importantly is
that tomatoes are a natural astringent meaning
they dry up oil, and minimize pores.

 Recipe #1: Cut a tomato in half and

proceed to rub it all over the affected
area. Give it about 15 minutes to work its
magic before rinsing with cool water.
Next, apply an oil-free moisturizer.

 Recipe #2: Make a tomato based face mask. Simply combine 3 tablespoons of
tomato juice with 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply and let sit for 15 minutes.

 Recipe #3: You can combine the power of tomato with the power of lime juice to
make a fantastic oil fighting, pore shrinking facial,. Simply combine a tablespoon
of tomato juice with about 3 drops of lime juice. Next, use a cotton ball to apply.
Let it sit for about 15 minutes before rinsing with cool water.

Oily Skin Remedy #5: Apples

Apples contain malic acid to help exfoliate dead skin
cells, and absorb excess oil from within the skin.
They also provide a good source of Vitamin A to
help with new skin development.

Apples are also rich in vitamin C to help you

produce collagen, the abundant protein found in
your skin.

 Recipe #1: Shred an apple then place those

shreds on your skin. Leave them there for at
least 15 minutes before rinsing with water.
 Recipe #2: This recipe is sort of a
combination of ingredients we’ve learned
about so far. You’ll want to combine apple
shreds, yogurt and lemon juice to make a
paste. Apply generously to your face and let it
sit for 15 minutes before rinsing with water.

Oily Skin Remedy #6: Sea Salt

Sea salt is a wonderful natural skin detoxifier, and it’s an excellent treatment for oily
skin. Follow us:

 Sea salt actually kills acne causing bacteria
 It puts your skin’s PH balance back in balance
 It exfoliates and draws out excess oil
 Sea salt contains magnesium, iodine, calcium,
chlorine, zinc, potassium, and more that are
important to your skin’s health
 It contains zinc which can effectively regulate
your sebum production
 And more

Recipe #1: Combine 2 teaspoons of sea salt in one cup of warm water and stir. Apply
warm water to your face to open the pores. Next, apply the paste mixture to oily or acne
stricken skin. Let it sit for at least 15 minutes before rinsing with water.

Recipe #2: This recipe combines 2 teaspoons of sea salt, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in
in one cup of warm water. Once mixed, massage the mixture into your skin well. Let it
sit for a few minutes before rinsing with warm water. (Do this treatment in the evening

I hope you’ve found these tips useful, but you might be wondering what makes me
qualified to give you advice on skincare.

So, Who Am I To Give You Advice On Skin Care?

Hi, my name is Myra Qureshi. I’m the CEO of Conatural along with my sister Rema
Taseer (co-founder). We’re skin and hair care consultants helping women and men
achieve their dream results using natural and organic products. Follow us:

When we started this company 3 years ago our goal was to be the only skin and hair
care company in Pakistan that sells 100% organic products, and we’ve done just
that. We’ve had first-hand experiences with chemical based skin and hair care formulas
that don’t work, and that lead to long term health problems - even cancer in many

We both agreed that it was time to give women the pure, organic, and natural products
they deserve. We are absolutely committed to providing the highest quality Organic
solutions for luxurious and affordable skin and hair care.

We are proud to be an ISO 22716 certified company. We implement the strictest

international standards of Good Manufacturing Practices.

Our products are as close to natural, organic where possible and will always be
FREE from toxic chemicals such as Parabens, Triclosans, Artificial Musks,
Phthalates, SLS, PPD, Petroleum Jelly, and Silicones.

Our mission is to change the way women and men buy skin and hair care products
forever. We want to help eliminate people's exposure to toxic chemicals in cosmetics
and help educate them on the benefits of natural and organic ingredients.

Not Interested In Using Home Remedies?

If you don’t want the hassle of rubbing yogurt on your skin, squeezing lemons every
day, or even cutting tomatoes regularly just to get clear skin, do what thousands of other
women with oily skin are already doing.

Wash every day with our natural Activated Charcoal Detox Soap. It is excellent for
reducing oily skin, and it’s an easy & affordable habit you can maintain.

As A Subscriber You Qualify To Receive A Special

One-Time Offer On Our Activated Charcoal Detox Bar
Pakistan’s Only 100% Organic Activated Charcoal Detox Soap, Scientifically Proven To
Draw Out Oils From The Skin Like Nothing Else - 15% Off Gift Ends Today!

Dear oily skin sufferer,

If you want to experience a skin detox with a game-changing moisturizing treatment,

then this will be the most important message you ever read. Follow us:

See, if you’ve got oily skin, dirty skin, sensitive skin, or even normal skin then our
Activated Charcoal Detox Bar will work wonders for your skin by drawing out oils, dirt,
and toxins like a vacuum cleaner.

Why Activated Charcoal?

Imagine a sponge for a second. When you squeeze it under water, the pores of the
sponge act to attract and soak up water.

This same process is how activated charcoal works. It attracts and draws out
impurities deep within your skin - the invisible dirt and oil you don’t see.

During the manufacturing of activated charcoal, the heating process causes the
carbon to form enlarged “pores”. When toxins, dirt, and oil come in contact with the
activated charcoal, they become trapped within these pores and get washed away.

This is what makes our soap so powerful at cleansing your skin. This is also why
activated charcoal is used in other industrial applications like water filtration.

Our Activated Charcoal Detox Bar is truly a game changer for your skin care,
particularly for women with oily skin. It will leave your skin feeling balanced and
refreshed due to its rapid detoxifying qualities, but we went a step further to give our
unique Activated Charcoal Detox Bar an unfair advantage. Follow us:

We Added Shea Butter For A Deep
Moisturizing Experience You Won’t Find
Anywhere Else

Our Shea butter is extracted from the nut of the African Shea tree, and it provides an
unparalleled skin moisturizing experience. It’s jam-packed with natural fatty acids, and
vitamins A, E, and F to give your skin the essential nutrients it craves.

Our Shea butter is BURSTING with the necessary nutrients required for collagen
production, and the result is skin that’s as smooth as a baby’s bottom. The secret is
that it contains oleic, stearic, palmitic and linolenic acids that prevent your skin from

Give Your Skin The Royal Treatment

For centuries Shea butter has been sought after by royalty, including the likes
of Cleopatra herself. In fact, accounts from the 1st century BCE talk of
caravans carrying jars brimming with this ivory coloured gold. It was a hot
commodity for desert dwellers fighting the brutal sun and was considered the
“Holy Grail” of skin moisturizers. Follow us:

Plus, according to, a 2010 study proved that Shea butter is even a
natural anti-inflammatory. One compound found in Shea butter known as
Lupeol Cinnamate has even been shown to help avoid skin mutations, making
it an excellent choice for acne sufferers.

Our Shea butter also offers UV protection of SPF 6 to combat the Sun’s violent
rays. This is why we chose to add this essential skin healing moisturizer to our
Activated Charcoal Detox Bar.

We Also Gave This Soap A Critical

Advantage By Adding Tea Tree Essential
Our Tea tree is derived from the Australian native plant Melaleuca which is
well-known for its powerful antiseptic and antifungal properties, along with its
ability to treat wounds.

The oil contains teripen-3-ol which DESTROYS the skin swelling bacteria that
causes acne. This tea tree essential oil penetrates deep into your skin to
unblock the sebaceous glands. This disinfects the pores, dries out whiteheads,
pimples, zits and blackheads while preventing further outbreaks.

Believe me, this soap packs a powerful cleansing punch!

Here’s What Our Raving Fans Are Saying:

"I have seriously sensitive skin, like it's ridiculous how it reacts to stress, the environment,
make-up and creams. It's also a combination of extremely dry and mildly oily. Because I work
in environments that are rough on my skin I choose my hair and skincare very carefully. So
I've gone the Shisedo, La Prairie, La Mer, Clarins routes and switched creams endlessly over
the years. Today, I ONLY use Conatural products, other than an extra SPF sometimes.

I wash my face with the Activated Charcoal Detox Bar and have a separate one for my body.
It's great since it works like a sponge to absorb toxins and poisons from the skin. The
products are quite radical and are extremely gentle on the person.

Organic, toxin-free, gentle on the skin and hair and smelling like heaven, I am a total
Conatural woman for life!" Follow us:

Nadia Jamil

"I just want to tell you that I have been using almost all of your products from the oils (Intense
Growth Hair Oil, Intense Luster Hair Oil, Argan Oil) Dead Sea Mud Mask, Restorative Eye
Gel, Ultra Body Butter, Activated Charcoal Detox Bar and I'm still ordering further can't get
enough. I honestly love them. And not to forget the simple and cute packaging is really worth
ordering something online. Thank you." Follow us:

Shifa Makhdoom

"Thank you Conatural for the best facial soap: the Activated Charcoal Detox Bar is the best at
removing the little fellows popping out on the skin!! I would love to order more from the best
natural product range. Loads of love from the bride herself." Follow us:

Fatima Ali

"I've been using Conatural for a month now, and I can't tell you how jubilant and satisfied I
am! At first I was afraid of trying your products for I've a really sensitive skin. But thank God I
haven't been through any bad experiences as yet! The Activated Charcoal Detox Bar is
amazeballs, and my most favourite products. Keep going, can't wait to try more of your

Rida Asghar Follow us:

"My skin always had a mind of its own. After using numerous cleansers I finally found one that
gave the balance I needed for my skin. Conatural's Activated Charcoal Activated Detox Bar
gave me results after a few weeks and I saw significant reduction in my acne and spots.
Thank you Contural! Looking forward to more amazing products from Conatural."

Hira Hasnain

"I ordered the Organic Activated Charcoal Detox Bar a week ago,i have been using it since
and it is AMAZING!!.I even take a bath with it,my skin feels very soft and really does
remove the impurities, making the skin part is after using it i dont need to apply any guys do try it,very reasonably priced.i have thrown away my Pears and am hooked
on to this."

Saira Khan

"I'm using the Activated Charcoal Detox Bar now and have seen visible changes in
blackheads and the occasional breakouts. Can’t wait to try out more from you guys!" Follow us:

Afrah Chaudhry

"I used the Activated Charcoal Detox Bar I just loved it. It’s an ideal soap for oily skin. Results
are remarkable. My acne problem is solved. I am so happy to be part of Conatural. Its
chemical free products are best for sensitive skin like mine. I will definitely try other products
but for sure hanging on this one."

Noreen Akbar

"I had hair fall since one year and I was using several products but then i have heard about
Conatural's products after which I had the best experience. When I started using Conatural's
Intense Growth Hair Oil and Hair Repair Shampoo, my hair fall stopped. Then I start using the
Hair Repair Conditioner which makes my hair shiny and smooth. Now I am using the
Activated Charcoal Detox Bar which is the best for oily skin as well. I will recommend to all
you girls out there to use these products, spending your money is worthy on these products."

Mariam Zahra Follow us:

"Your Organic Activated Charcoal Detox Soap is one of the greatest product I've ever used. I
feel how soft my skin is after using it. Thanks!"

Hira Zamir

"The Activated Charcoal Detox Bar's smooth, oil free effect on my skin is commendable."

Afza Malik

So why not give our Activated Charcoal

Detox Bar a try today?
Secure Your 15% Off Activated Charcoal Detox Bar Today! Follow us:

You have nothing to lose and only
beautiful, vibrant skin to gain.
“If we didn’t believe deep in our hearts that these are the purest,
healthiest, and most effective certified organic products in the world - we
wouldn’t put our names on them.”

Myra Qureshi Jahangir & Rema Taseer - Founders Conatural Follow us:

Get 15% Off: Offer Ends TODAY!
Normal Price: 350 PKR
Discount Price: 298 PKR

Or copy and paste this link to your browser:

And Of Course, Our Activated Charcoal

Detox Bar Is 100% Organic & Natural

You won’t find any of this garbage in our products, EVER:

- Parabens

- Triclosan

- Artificial Musks

- Phthalates



- Petroleum Jelly

- Silicones

Here's How Much It Is... Follow us:

If youʼve read this far, you can probably already imagine how this could change
your life from this day forward.

And I bet you can already imagine what itʼs going to feel like to wake up in the
morning and look forward to showing off your new beautiful, clear, and supple

Honestly, we are so sure you’ll get great results with the Activated Charcoal
Detox Bar that we stand by our product. When you see the results you're going
to get you're going to be so blown away because the tiny amount we’re asking
you to invest today is nothing... and you're going to have no problem paying it.

This product is so unique and one-of-a-kind there's nothing to compare it to...

so let's just think about the alternatives you could try…

You Really Have Just 3 Options

Option 1: DO NOTHING. Stop reading this page, leave it behind, and stay on
the same path you’ve been on. Keep using artificial, chemical-based products
that give you no results and cause long term health issues.

Option 2: Take what you’ve learned here and try to find a better skin care
detox soap. You can try this, but I’ll tell you exactly what’s going to happen.

You’ll find yourself right back here because no other skin care soap detoxifies
and washes away dirt like our Activated Charcoal Detox Bar. And if the price
goes up in the future, you’ll be disappointed you didn’t take action.

And then there’s option 3…

Do what thousands of other women have already done and place your order
today. You’ll be well on your way to the cleanest skin you’ve ever experienced.

All you have to do to place your order is click the green “Add to cart” button

This product frequently goes out of stock, forcing some people to wait a month
or more to order it. And at the price it’s currently at, it’s a no-brainer.

We could easily sell our Activated Charcoal Detox Bar for Rs 1,000, but we’ve
chosen to lower the price to help as many women as possible gain back the
vibrant, clear skin they deserve. Follow us:

Literally, for the price of one lunch you can secure your order for…

Rs 350 Only!
And all you have to do to place your order is click the green “Add to cart” button

Get 15% Off: Offer Ends TODAY!

Normal Price: 350 PKR
Discount Price: 298 PKR

Or copy and paste this link to your browser:

Plus, You’re Covered By Our 100%

Satisfaction Guarantee
We guarantee that every product we sell is made with the
purest organic ingredients we can find. We have literally
scoured every corner of the earth to bring you only the
best, most natural products that are healthy and safe to

We’re not like some companies who add artificial

ingredients that can cause health problems with long term use. Our goal is to
create lifelong customer relationships by providing only the best organic

Each soap is handcrafted and made in the cold-press method – which means it
takes 6 weeks (yes, 6 weeks!) from the start of the manufacturing process till
the time a single bar of soap is ready to be packaged. Many companies use hot
process methods to prepare soap which means a batch is usually ready to ship
in ONE day. Follow us:

We use cold process methods to ensure that none of the precious plant
botanicals we use are destroyed in the process of heating, and the end product
that you get is full of the natural goodness that goes into it.

But You Have To Secure Your Order Now,

Here’s Why…
Each month we manufacture a limited supply of our Activated Charcoal Detox
Bars for one very good reason. When products are manufactured in bulk and
they sit on the shelf, much of the nutrients seep out of them. After a while, any
product containing oil will eventually turn rancid, making it ineffective.

We have chosen to only sell the freshest products (not stale, ineffective
products like some of our competitors). For this reason, our stock levels sell out
on a regular basis, forcing many people to wait - sometimes for months.

We can’t guarantee that this item will be in stock the next time you return, so
you may want to stock up while you can.

Get 15% Off: Offer Ends TODAY!

Normal Price: 350 PKR
Discount Price: 298 PKR

Or copy and paste this link to your browser:

Stay Blessed,
Myra Qureshi, CEO

P.S. Remember, this 15% off deal ends today!

P.P.S. We could be raising the price of this item soon due to its cost of manufacture. Follow us:

Congratulations! You Now Hold The Keys To Fighting
Dirty, Oily Skin...
If you’re on the fence about giving our Activated Charcoal Detox Bar a try, let me put
you at ease.

“If we didn’t believe deep in our hearts that these are the purest, healthiest, and
most effective certified organic products in the world - we wouldn’t put our names
on them.”

Myra Qureshi Jahangir & Rema Taseer - Founders Conatural

We wouldn’t do business any other way. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Thank you for
reading. We hope you enjoyed it!

Stay Blessed,
Myra Qureshi
CEO, Conatural

P.S. You owe it to yourself, your family, and your future to at least give our Activated
Charcoal Detox Bar a try today.

Your BONUS Gift!

7 Critical Questions To Ask Before Buying A Hair

Growth Product Follow us:

If you want to grow naturally thick, shiny, luxurious hair 2x faster than any other method
out there, then this is a must read. It’s our free report that will help you avoid hair growth
products that can actually reverse hair growth, and how to grow thick hair at an
astounding rate.

Inside you’ll discover:

 How to avoid products that can actually reverse hair

 The best way to grow long, thick, luxurious hair 2x
faster than other methods
 Why Parabens, Triclosans, and more can cause
CRIPPLING illnesses - including cancer
 And the 7 essential ingredients you must look for to
guarantee you get FANTASTIC hair growth, fast!
 And much more

⇒ Download “7 Critical Questions To Ask Before Buying A

Hair Growth Product” Follow us:

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