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Tissue Location Characteristics Function Monocot Dicot

1. Epidermis upper and lower

surfaces of the
a single layer of cells (ordinary EPIDERMAL
CELLS and crescent-shaped GUARD CELLS)
from the protoderm
protection from water loss, abrasions, and
entry of fungi and bacteria that cause
 
usually non-photosynthetic regulates the exchange of gases- CO2,
H2O, and water vapor that are
outer layer of leaf cells needed/produced by leaves

Upper a single layer of cells containing few or no reponsible for preventing water loss by with upper no
epidermis chloroplasts. evaporation (through cutin) bulliform cells bulliform
The cells stomata
 quite transparent (dumbell
shaped) without
 permit most of the light that strikes stomata
them to pass through to the
underlying cells.

cutin is present in the upper epidermis

cutin the upper
surface of a leaf
a waxy, waterproof cuticle serves to reduce water loss from the leaf.
 
Lower Reason: most of the stomata (thousands per square allow gases to enter and leave the leaf as a stomata with
epidermis stomata- centimeter) are located in the lower result of photosynthesis and respiration; (dumbell stomata
protected from epidermis, surrounded by two guard transpiration shaped) (kidney
the highest cells/stomata shaped)
temp. Function of stomata: allows CO2 to enter
accumulate less the leaf --> photosynthesis-->
dust and fewer carbohydrates--> water vapor and O2
fungal spores *O2 may exit/enter the leaf depending on
the time of day

Inversely proportional to the opening of

 high temp and winds
 High concentration of CO2 (signal
the plant that sufficient CO2 is

Mechanics of Guard cells and stomata:

A. water--> guard cells--> guard cells swell
& curve due to cellulose on cell wall--->
stomata opens
B. guard cells lose water--> stomata closes

mesophyll of the
leaf section;
occur in
occur in aggregates

possess thicker primary cell walls than

The main function:
 to provide additional support to the
plant, especially in areas of
 
aggregates just parenchyma cells.

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