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An obligation which involves multiple prestations but debtor will only perform one


Alternative Obligation
Are those which arise from the same cause, wherein each party is a debtor and a
creditor of the other, such that the performance of one is conditioned upon the
simultaneous fulfillment of the other.

Reciprocal Obligation
An obligation where only one prestation has been agreed upon, but the obligor may
render another in substitution.

Facultative obligation
If the obligation of the debtor is " I will pay you my debt after I have arrived from
abroad", this is

The following are other terms interchangeably used with solidary obligations, except:

An obligation whose performance of the prestation cannot be fulfilled in parts.

Indivisible obligation
The condition involves the non- performance of an act.

Negative condition
It has the effect of "unmaking a contract, or its undoing from the beginning, and not merely its

The condition is not susceptible of partial realization.

Indivisible condition
It is a classification of a condition where the fulfillment of the condition depends upon
the will of one of the contracting parties.

Potestative condition
Whenever in an obligation a period is designated, it is presumed to have been established for the
benefit of:
Both the creditor and debtor
An obligation where one debtor can be made to pay for the whole obligation subject to

Solidary obligation
It is an obligation where the whole debt is to be paid or fulfilled proportionately by the different
debtors and/or to be demanded proportionately by the different creditors.

Joint obligation
This is solidarity among the debtors and creditors.

Passive solidarity
Obligations for whose fulfillment a day certain has been fixed, shall be demandable only when that
day comes.

Ex die
There are several conditions, all of which must be realized.

Conjunctive condition
The condition shall be deemed fulfilled when the obligor voluntarily prevents its fulfillment.

Doctrine of constructive fulfilment of suspensive condition

An obligation which involves a principal prestation and a substitute prestation.

Facultative obligation
The credit or debt is divided into as many shares as there are creditors or debtors, the credits or debts
being considered distinct from one another.

Joint obligation
A person who has the right to the benefits of another's property.

Are those which have as their object a prestation which is susceptible of partial performance without
the essence of the obligation being changed.

Divisible obligation
The following are the terms interchangeably used with joint obligations, except:

Juntos o seperadamente
Obligations which take effect at once, but terminate upon the arrival of the day certain.

In diem
May be defined as a tie or vinculum among several creditors of one and the same obligation.

Active Solidarity
Every future event and uncertain event upon which an obligation is made to depend.
An obligation whose fulfillment or extinguishment depends upon a future and certain event.

Obligation with a period

An obligation where all objects must be performed to extinguish the obligation.

Conjunctive Obligation
An obligation whose performance of the prestation can be fulfilled in parts.

Divisible obligation
The fulfillment of the condition depends upon chance and/or upon the will of a third person.

Casual condition
An obligation where only one object is due but the debtor may substitute another object.

Facultative obligation
It is also known as condition precedent.

Suspensive condition

It refers to a joint obligation:

One in which each of the debtors is liable only for their proportionate part of the debt and each of the
creditor is entitled only for a proportionate part of the credit.
An obligation whose fulfillment or extinguishment depends upon a future and uncertain event.

Conditional Obligation
Is an obligation with an accessory undertaking by virtue of which the obligor assumes a greater liability
in case of breach of the obligation.

Obligation with a penal clause

The following are the effects of joint obligation, except:

Insolvency of one joint debtor makes the other joint debtor or debtors responsible for this
proportionate share.
The following actions must be brought within ten (10) years from the time the right of action accrues:

The defences of one joint debtor are not necessarily available to the other joint debtor or debtors.
The remedy of requiring exact performance of a contract in the specific form in which it was made, or
according to the precise terms agreed upon.

Specific performance
An obligation where there are two or more objects and all of them are due.

Conjunctive obligation
A promissory note signed by X and dated March 31, 2021 is worded as follows, :
"I promise to pay Y the sum of P75,000 provided that if she should fail in the May 2021 CPA
Examination, she shall return to me the said amount."

The above note gives rise to an obligation with:

Resolutory condition
The following are other terms interchangeably used with joint obligations, except:

In solidum
"A will sell to B his lot and house in the city if A decides to transfer and live in the countryside" is an
example of :

Potestative condition
X obliged himself to give Y a car if Y places among the top 10 in the CPA Board exam. Subsequently,
they agreed that X will give Y the car if Y merely passes the CPA Board. This is an example of:

Personal novation
The following must be commenced within six (6) years:

Upon a quasi-contract
The condition involves the performance of an act.

Positive condition
A, B, C, and D, solidary debtors, are obliged to give V, W, X, Y, and Z, solidary creditors, P39,000

V may collect from D P39,000

The condition is not capable of realization according to nature, law, morals, good customs, public
order or public policy.

Impossible condition.
It gives a right to enjoy the property of another with the obligation of preserving its form and
substance, unless the title constituting it or the law otherwise provides.

An obligation where each debtor can be made to pay only his shares in the obligation.

Joint obligation
It is a kind of division in a divisible obligation where the thing can be materially divided into parts and
such parts are homogenous to each other, such as when the parts are separated from each other as in
the case of movables, or when the limits of the parts are fixed by the metes and bounds as in the case
of immovables.

Quantitative division
This is a promissory note:
"We promise to pay A, B and C the sum of P18,000." (sgd) X, Y and Z.
Z is obliged to pay C P2,000.
X, Y and Z are solidarily liable to A for P30,000 which matures on July 1, 2020. On May 1, 2020, X paid
A for the whole amount of the debt. If on December 1, 2020, X will be reimbursed by Y, the latter will
be liable for

P10,000 with interest from July 1, 2020 to December 1,2020

It is a kind of division in a divisible obligation where the thing can be materially divided, but the parts
are not homogenous to each other, such as in the partition of an inheritance.

Qualitative division
Which of the following is not void ab initio?

That which is undertaken in fraud of creditors.

These are conditions which are contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy.

Legal impossible condition

The condition is capable of realization according to nature, law, public policy, or good customs.

Possible condition.
May be defined as a tie or vinculum among several debtors of one and the same obligation.

Passive Solidarity
Are those which have as their object a prestation which is not susceptible of partial performance,
because otherwise the essence of the obligation will be changed.

Indivisible obligation
An obligation where there are two or more objects.

Compound obligation
The obligation attached to a principal obligation in order to complete the same or take its place in the
case of breach.

Accessory obligation
There are several conditions, one of which must be realized.

Alternative condition
The condition is susceptible of partial realization.

Divisible condition
A owes B P150,000 due on June 30, 2018. A executed a mortgage in favor of B on A's building. On June
10, 2018, the mortgaged building was totally lost due to an earthquake. On June 12, 2018, B
demanded payment from A. Is B's demand valid?

Yes. The debt becomes due at once because the object of the mortgage was lost.
An obligation where one, two or more of the objects are due. One of the objects must be performed
to extinguish the obligation.
Distributive obligation
An obligation where each one of the debtors is bound to render and/or each of the creditors has a
right to demand entire compliance with the prestation.

Solidary obligation
It is a kind of division in a divisible obligation where the thing can only be separated into undivided
parts, not material parts, as in the case of co-ownership.

Ideal division
Is an interval of time, which, exerting an influence on an obligation as a consequence of a juridical act,
either suspends its demandability or produces its extinguishments.

D is obliged to give C a specific ring. The parties agreed that D may give a specific bracelet as a
substitute. Which of the following is true?

If the ring is lost through a fortuitous event before substitution, the obligation is extinguished.
The following actions must be instituted within four years:

Upon a quasi-delict
An obligation where two or more objects are due but the performance of one is sufficient.

Alternative obligation
A thing is lost when it, except:

An obligation where there is only one object.

Simple obligation
The following are the requisites of the doctrine of constructive fulfillment of suspensive condition,

The condition is resolutory.

The fulfillment of the condition depends partly upon the will of a party to the obligation and partly
upon chance and /or the will of a third person.

Mixed condition
Means bringing the parties back to their original status prior to the inception of the contract.

Mutual restitution
The following are other terms interchangeably used with joint obligations, except:

Joint and several

D obliged to give c a specific watch, a specific ring, or a specific bracelet. The parties agreed that C will
have the right to choose the thing which will be given to him. before C could make his choice, the
watch and the ring were lost through D's fault, successively. What is right of C?

C may choose the delivery to him of the bracelet, or the price of the watch or the price of the ring plus
This is a promissory note:
"I promise to pay A, B and C the sum of P18,000." (sgd) D, E and F.

F is obliged to pay P6,000.

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