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Software Requirements


Hotel Automation System

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by Aditya Sinha and Srikaran E.

Computer Science and Engineering, Section D

31st August, 2016

Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Document Conventions ....................................................................................................................2
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions ..................................................................................2
1.4 Product Scope ...................................................................................................................................2
1.5 References ........................................................................................................................................2
2. Overall Description ................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Product Perspective ..........................................................................................................................3
2.2 Product Functions .............................................................................................................................3
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics ......................................................................................................3
2.4 Operating Environment ....................................................................................................................3
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints...........................................................................................4
2.6 User Documentation .........................................................................................................................4
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies .......................................................................................................4
3. External Interface Requirements .......................................................................................... 4
3.1 User Interfaces ..................................................................................................................................4
3.2 Hardware Interfaces..........................................................................................................................5
3.3 Software Interfaces ...........................................................................................................................5
3.4 Communications Interfaces ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. System Features ....................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 System Feature 1 ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.2 System Feature 2 (and so on) ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.1 Performance Requirements............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.2 Safety Requirements ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.3 Security Requirements.................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.4 Software Quality Attributes ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.5 Business Rules ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
6. Other Requirements .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix A: Glossary ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix B: Analysis Models ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix C: To Be Determined List ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) will provide a description for the Hotel
Automation System (HAS). This SRS will provide a clear understanding of what is to be expected
from the newly constructed HAS. The clear understanding and functionalities provided will allow
for the correct software to be developed for the end user and also for future development of the

1.2 Document Conventions

ASP: Active Server Pages
VS: Visual Studio

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The intended audience of this document are:

1. Software Developer
2. Software Tester
3. Hotel Manager
4. Hotel Receptionist

This SRS can be used in any case regarding the requirements of the project and the solutions that
have been taken. The SRS will provide a clear idea about the system that is building. Brief outline
of the project is:

1. Overall Description
2. System Features
3. Functional Requirements
4. Non Functional Requirements (if any)

1.4 Product Scope

This Hotel Automation System is basically updating the manual Hotel Management System into an
application software so that the Hotel Manager can keep details of their guests, availability of rooms
and other features.
This project will be made for the use specifically for the use of Hotel staff. It will provide a
complete User Interface for Hotel Automation Software.

1.5 References
Software Engineering- Rajiv Mall
2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
Hotel Automation System is a new self-contained software product which will be produced by the
project team to behave as an upgrade over the manual Hotel Management System. This new system
will provide easy access to the system and a user friendly interface with helpful functions. The final
outcome of this project will help in increasing the efficiency of the reservation system of the Hotel.

2.2 Product Functions

 Check Availability
 Reservation of Room
 Revision of Room Tariff
 Hotel Catering System
 Generate Bill on check out
 Register for Frequent Guests Program

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

The User Classes present in this SRS are:

1. Hotel Owner
2. Hotel Manager
3. Receptionist

Characteristics of User Classes:

1. Hotel Owner: This user has the privilege of monitoring and authorizing all the tasks handled by
the system. As the main authorized person of the system, the owner has the ability to manage the
other users including their user levels and privileges. The owner can take backups and restore the
system. He has the power to set room rates as well. He also has the right to delete a staff member
from the database.

2. Hotel Manager: Manager is responsible for managing resources in the system. He also has almost
all the privileges mentioned above except payment handling. The Manager is given an intermediate
role, for doing the jobs a Receptionist cannot do and reducing the work load on the Owner.

3. Receptionist: The Receptionist has the least accessible role in the system. There are limited
functions that a receptionist performs such as registering new guests to system, make reservations,
and printing bills etc. The receptionist should have good people skills and appropriate IT skills to
handle the software.

2.4 Operating Environment

The hardware and software requirements are:
Hardware Requirements:
1. Operating System: Windows.
2. Computer: 512 MB RAM, monitor, keyboard and mouse.
3. Hard Drive: 10 GB free space of disk space.
4. Laser Printer: To print bills and receipts.

Software Requirements:

1. Software designed to run on Microsoft Windows 7 and above.

2. Microsoft SQL Server.
3. Microsoft .NET Frameworks.

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

Software Development team provides their best effort in developing the system. In order to
maintain reliability and durability of the system, some design and implementation constraints are
applied. System generally requires 512 MB of ram but 1 GB+ is recommended. Considering the
budget, the interfaces are created in a simple realistic manner using affordable technology.

2.6 User Documentation

User manual provided to the client will give a clear idea in interacting with the system. It will be
written in a simple understandable language concealing the inner complexity of the system. A hard
copy of the user manual will be delivered to the client with the delivery of the system.

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

Some software used in implementing the system could be high cost and the client is agreed to adjust
the budget. It is assumed the client does not change his mind over the next phase of the
development. We also assume that the software will run on Windows 7 and above. If client uses
open source operating system, there has to be change in SRS documentation accordingly.

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces
1. Check Availability
2. Reservation of Rooms
3. Revision of Room Tariffs
4. Hotel Catering System
5. Generate bill on check out
6. Register for Frequent Guests Program
3.2 Hardware Interfaces
The computer should be as per the specifications described in section 2.4. A specific computer
should match the above mentioned requirements in order to obtain maximum benefits from the
system in an efficient manner. A laser printer would be needed to print bills and receipts. A stable
internet connection is required to maintain guest information.

3.3 Software Interfaces

The computer this software will be installed on will have an Operating System of Windows 7 or
above. On that Windows Platform, .NET Framework 4.0 above will be installed and it will be the
platform on which the software will be run.

4. System Features
R1: Check availability
I/P: Type of the room, date of arrival, date of departure, number of persons.
Process: Store and check with database.
O/P: Displays whether room is available or not and tariff if available and calculates average
occupancy rate of room and allow option to reserve room.

R2: Reservation of room

I/P: If reserving room, enter visitor details based on 2 options. Advanced check in or spot booking.
Process: Stores arrival time, approx. duration of stay and checks whether room is available or not. If
reserving room in advance, take advance amount. Also check is customer is part of Frequent Guests
program or not.
O/P: If room available then computer allots room number and a unique token number to the visitor.
If not, then computer generates and apology message.

R3: Revision of room tariffs

I/P: Month, Change in tariff according to Average occupancy rate
Process: Updates the database with new tariff, if not then stores same tariff for particular month.
O/P: Change in tariff rate for different rooms.

R4: Hotel Catering System

I/P: Quantity and type of food item, token number of visitor and date & time.
Process: Adds the catering amount to the total hotel bill.
O/P: Successfully adds catering amount to bill amount.

R5: Generate bill on check-out

I/P: Token number of visitor
Process: Checks corresponding token number to add total bill (including catering amount) and
subtracts advance paid from it.
O/P: Generates bill containing final amount to be paid by visitor.

R6: Register for “Frequent Guests” program

I/P: Visitor wants to opt for FG program or not.
Process: If visitor registers for program, issue special ID number for visitor.
O/P: ID number used to avail special discounts on bill.
5. Other Non-functional Requirements:

5.1 Performance requirements:

The system must be interactive and the delays involved must be less .So in every action-response of
the system, there are no immediate delays. In case of checking details, else popping error messages
and saving the settings or sessions there is delay much below 2 seconds, In case of opening
databases, sorting details and generating bills there are no delays and the operation is performed in
less than 2 seconds.

5.2 Safety Requirements:

Information transmission should be securely transmitted to server without any changes in


5.3 Security Requirements:

The main security concern is for staff account hence proper login mechanism should be used to
avoid hacking.

5.4 Availability Requirements:

This system will be open 24/7. The staff must be able to make a booking anytime and anywhere.
Hotel Automation System (Functional Requirements)
R1: Check availability
I/P: Type of the room, date of arrival, date of departure, number of persons.
Process: Store and check with database.
O/P: Displays whether room is available or not and tariff if available and calculates average
occupancy rate of room and allow option to reserve room.

R2: Reservation of room

I/P: If reserving room, enter visitor details based on 2 options. Advanced check in or spot booking.
Process: Stores arrival time, approx. duration of stay and checks whether room is available or not. If
reserving room in advance, take advance amount. Also check is customer is part of Frequent Guests
program or not.
O/P: If room available then computer allots room number and a unique token number to the visitor.
If not, then computer generates and apology message.

R3: Revision of room tariffs

I/P: Month, Change in tariff according to Average occupancy rate
Process: Updates the database with new tariff, if not then stores same tariff for particular month.
O/P: Change in tariff rate for different rooms.

R4: Hotel Catering System

I/P: Quantity and type of food item, token number of visitor and date & time.
Process: Adds the catering amount to the total hotel bill.
O/P: Successfully adds catering amount to bill amount.

R5: Generate bill on check-out

I/P: Token number of visitor
Process: Checks corresponding token number to add total bill (including catering amount) and
subtracts advance paid from it.
O/P: Generates bill containing final amount to be paid by visitor.

R6: Register for “Frequent Guests” program

I/P: Visitor wants to opt for FG program or not.
Process: If visitor registers for program, issue special ID number for visitor.
O/P: ID number used to avail special discounts on bill.

spot reservation advance reservation

Customer registration


check out frequent guest program(FGP)

request customer details



generate bill updatebill


hotel caterer
input food details generate food bill


check occupancy rate per room update room tariff

ID: UC-1
Title: Reservation of Room
Description: A guest enters the hotel and checks the availability with the receptionist. If a room is
available, then the guest can reserve a room for themselves. A guest can also reserve a room in
advance by paying an advance.
Primary Actor: Guest, Receptionist
1. A room must be available.
2. The guest must make an advance for reserving a room in advance.
1. The guest reserves their room and a confirmation is sent.
Main Success Scenario:
1. The guest wishes to make a reservation.
2. If reserving the room in advance:
2.1. The guest enters the check in and check out date and number of rooms.
2.2. If room available for those dates, the guest pays the advance amount.
3. If reserving the room on the spot:
3.1. Receptionist stores the arrival time, duration of stay and number of rooms.
3.2. The guest may need to pay some advance for the room.
4. The receptionist will check whether the guest is a part of the Frequent Guests Program.
5. The receptionist will provide the room to the guest, if available and assign a token number.
6. The room reservation confirmation sent to the guest.
1. Rooms are not available for that particular duration.
2. Guest is unable to pay advance.
3. Guest enters false details, or incorrect details.
Frequency of Use: Depends on the number of guests incoming to a hotel.

ID: UC-2
Title: Generate Bill on Check Out
Description: The guest check out from the hotel and the receptionist displays the final bill amount to
be paid by the guest.
Primary Actor: Guest, Receptionist
1. The guest must be staying in the hotel.
2. The system should keep updated bills of all services.
1. The guest pays the bill amount and checks out.
Main Success Scenario:
1. Guest approaches reception on day of check out.
2. Receptionist checks the token number of guest.
3. System displays the total bill amount of guest.
4. Receptionist checks whether guest is a part of FGP.
5. If yes, then special discounts offered on the bill.
6. Guest pays the bill.
7. Guest checks out from the hotel.
1. The guest is unable to pay the bill amount.
2. The system crashes deleting all records.
3. All the catering details are not added in the bill.
Frequency of Use: Depends on the number of guests incoming to a hotel.

Context Diagram (DFD Level 0)

Guest Receptionist
S/W details Database

Database S/W details

Hotel Automation

S/W details

S/W details

Context Diagram (DFD Level 1)

Guest details

Updated DB

Req. Details Updated DB

Updated DB n of Room Req. changes
ty Revision
0.1 of Tariff


Frequent Catering
Guest System
Program Generate
Bill 0.4

Updated DB Update DB

Bill details

Guest details Update DB Order food details

Context Diagram (DFD Level 2)

Guest Details Manager updates

Duration details tariff

Check Reservatio
Availabili n of Room
Check available room Reserves room

Room Database
Revise tariff

Guest Database

Provide special discount Update bill Add food bill to total

Frequent Catering
Generate Details
Guest Bill

Check if FGP Check all bills Take food


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