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Comparative Evaluation of the Hemodynamic Effects of

Oral Cimetidine, Ranitidine, and Famotidine as

Determined by Echocardiography
Lynda S.Welage, Pharm.D.,Valerie A. Dunn-Kucharski, Pharm.D., Rosemary R. Berardi, Pharm.D.,
Michael J. Shea, M.D., Ronald E. Dechert, M.S.,
and Barry E. Bleske, Pharm.D.

Study Objective. To evaluate the influence of cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine,

and placebo on cardiac performance as determined by echocardiography.
Design. Randomized, four-way crossover trial.
Setting. Echocardiography laboratory at a university hospital.
Participants. Twelve healthy volunteers.
Interventions. Volunteers received oral treatment with placebo, cimetidine 800
mg, ranitidine 300 mg, or famotidine 40 mg once/day for 7 days.
Measurements and Main Results. On the seventh day of each stud? phase, 2
hours after administration of the final dose, each subject underwent cardiac
echocardiography and Doppler flow studies. No significant differences were
detected in ejection fraction, peak flow velocity, or percentage fractional
shortening among the treatment phases. A large degree of variability in ejection
fraction was observed, with some subjects experiencing marked decreases.
Conclusion. The histamine-2 (Hl)-receptor antagonists had no effect on the
hemodynamic variables as determined by echocardiography. The variability in
the hemodynamic response may in part explain the conflicting results reported
in the literature. It also raises the question as to whether certain individuals are
more sensitive to the potential cardiac effects of H2-receptor antagonists.
(Pharmacotherapy 1995;1 x 2 ) :158-163)

Histamine-2 (Hz)-receptor antagonists are used gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, Zollinger-Ellison
to treat a variety of acid-peptic disorders, including syndrome, and gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Although these agents inhibit gastric acid secretion,
From the College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan (Drs. they may also antagonize the effects of histamine
Welage, Berardi, and Bleske), and the Departments of on the myocardium.'-3 Stimulation of H1 and HL
Pharmacy, (Drs. Welage, Berardi, and Bleske), Internal receptors on the myocardium results in a fine
Medicine (Dr. Shea), and Surgery (Mr. Dechert), University of
Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan; Department balance of inotropic effects, with HI receptors
of Pharmacy, St. John Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan (Dr. mediating a negative effect a n d H2 receptors
Dunn-Kucharski); and University of Michigan Medical School, eliciting a positive effect.l U n d e r n o r m a l
Ann Arbor, Michigan (Dr. Shea). conditions, the positive inotropic effect mediated
Supported i n part by a gift by Hoffmann-La Roche by the Hz receptor usually predominates over the
Pharmaceuticals, Nutley, New Jersey.
Presented as a poster at the winter practice forum,
negative inotropism caused by stimulation of the
American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Phoenix, Arizona, HI receptor^.^ In vitro studies indicate that
February 9-12, 1992. cimetidine and ranitidine may inhibit histamine's
Manuscript received October 25, 1993. Accepted pending positive inotropic effects, resulting in a negative
revisions January 3, 1994. Accepted for publication in final inotropic effect on the m y o ~ a r d i u m . ~ - ~
form August 16, 1994.
Address reprint requests to Lynda S. Welage, Pharm.D., Studies assessing the impact of H2-receptor
College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan, 428 Church antagonists on cardiac performance in humans
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1065. have produced conflicting In some
ct ([I

studies oral faniotidine, but not cimetidine or s e p a r a t e d each of the treatment phases
ranitidine, exerted a negative inotropic effect on Compliance with the drug regimens mas dsscssed
card i a c p e r f o r ni a n c e . ’-’ 0 t h e r in v e s t i g a t o r s , by questioning the participants and bj. tablet
however, were u n a b l e to s u b s t a n t i a t e these counts In addition, subjects were queried during
results,’-’’ and in fact one group demonstrated a each s t u d y phase as to w h e t h e r or not the)
positive inotropic effect with oral ranitidine. The ’‘ experienced any adverse el ents
reasons for these discrepancies are not clear, but On the seventh day of each study phase, after a
they may be d u e to i h e i e c h n i q u e s u s e d t o 6-hour fast, subjects returned to the hospital where
detemmine cardiac function, the agents studied, the they took the study drug with 240 ml of water and
population examined, the route of administration, then underwent noninvasir e cardiac studies
or the dosage of the H2-receptor antagonist.
The purpose of this study was to determine the Noninvasive Assessment of Cardiac Function
effects of the three most commonly prescribed Hz
antagonists, cimetidine, famotidine, and ranitidine, Blood pressure and heart rate were measured in
on left ventricular performance as assessed by a triplicate using automated blood pressure devices
standard t e c h n i que , echo c a r d i o gr a p h y, which before and 30, 6 0 , and 9 0 minutes after drug
derives its measurements by direct visualization of administration. Two hours after drug adminis-
the heart. Unlike previous studies,’-” this one tration, each subject underwent two-dimensional
employed once-daily dosing of each drug and echocardiography and Doppler flow studies while
assessed cardiac performance at steady state (day lying i n a left lateral p o s i t i o n . These were
7) using accepted echocardiographic techniques. performed by a technician w h o was blinded to the
treatment schedule.
To facilitate t h e study, the s t u d i e s were
performed using three-phase array echocardio-
Subjects graphic systems, the Interspec/Vingmed Color
Flow Mapping System 700 (ATLAnterspec
T h e s t u d y was a p p r o v e d by the hospital’s
Cardiology, Ambler, PA), the Ultramark 9 Ultrasound
institutional review board. Twelve volunteers (6
System (Advanced Technology Laboratories, Bothell,
men, 6 women) were enrolled in this randomized,
WA), a n d the Acuson 128XP/E C o m p u t e d
single-blind, four-way, crossover trial and provided
Sonography System (Acuson Corp., Mountain
written informed consent. They were in good
View, CA). Three echocardiographic systems
health as determined by medical history, physical
facilitated echocardiographic assessments of all 12
examination, electrocardiogram, complete blood
volunteers on a single study day. Although there
count, urine pregnancy test (if applicable), and
were three separate echocardiographic systems and
serum chemistries. Persons with a history of renal,
three independent technicians, the device and
hepatic, or cardiovascular disease were excluded
technician for a given patient remained constant
from participation, as were women w h o were
throughout the study (e.g., different systems were
pregnant or lactating. Also excluded were those who
used for different subjects). The echocardiograms
had received any drug known to inhibit or induce
were recorded onto videotape and read by two
drug metabolism within 30 days of study entry
technicians who were blinded to the treatment
All subjects were nonsmokers and within 20% of
their ideal body weight (Metropolitan Life Insurance
Standard two-dimensional echocardiographic
Co., 1983). They were drug free, including over-
measurements and Doppler flow velocities were
the-counter agents, 7 days before study initiation
obtained according to the guidelines prepared by
and throughout the study period. They were
the American Society of Echocardiography as
requested to refrain from xanthine-containing
outlined briefly.13 Simpson’s rule was used to
foods and beverages for 24 hours before each
obtain left ventricular volume and ejection fraction.
assessment of cardiac function.
Specifically, the endocardial surface of the left
ventricle was first traced at end diastole (upstroke
Study Design
of the R wave) to obtain the end-diastolic volume.
In a randomized, crossover manner, each subject The end-systolic volume was obtained by tracing
received oral doses of c i m e t i d i n e 8 0 0 m g , t h e e n d o c a r d i a l surface of t h e smallest left
ranitidine 300 mg, famotidine 40 mg, or placebo ventricular cavity. Left ventricular ejection fraction
(lactose tablet) once/day between 3 and 5 P.M. (EF) was estimated b y s u b t r a c t i n g t h e left
every day for 7 days. A 1-week washout period ventricular volumes during systole (ESV) from left
160 PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 15, Number 2, 1995
ventricular volumes during diastole (EDV) divided performed b y three-way analysis of variance with
by the left \Tentricular volume during diastole treatment, subject, and period being the class
(EDV) (EF = [EDV - ESV]/EDV).’i The percentage \rariables. Differences a m o n g the treatment
fractional shortening (FS), which also measures left regimens in data sets 2 and 3 were evaluated by
ventricular function (contractility), was calculated three-way analysis of variance. To evaluate
as end-diastolic diameter (EDD) minus end-systolic whether there was an overall effect of H2-receptor
diameter (ESD) divided by the product of end- antagonists versus placebo on cardiac performance
diastolic diameter (EDD) multiplied by 100 (FS = (EF, percentage fractional shortening, peak flow
[EDD-EDS]/[EDD*lOO]). Ascending aortic blood velocity), for each of the three data sets the mean
flow velocity (peak flow velocity) was obtained by effect obtained during treatment with the HL-
Doppler measurements. Peak flow velocities were receptor antagonists ( e . g . , mean effect of the
measured from the leading edge of the high- treatments) was compared with placebo using
frequency opening sound to the leading edge of the paired Student’s t tests. A paired Student’s t test
closing sound of the aortic valve cusps. was u s e d to c o m p a r e the ejection fractions
Interobserver variability in EF was evaluated for determined in our laboratory with those obtained
each of the 48 echocardiograms that were read in by the independent laboratory. A p value less than
duplicate (data set 1). The average interobserver 0 . 0 5 was set as the critical level for statistical
coefficient of variation was 1 1 . 1 6 f 7 . 7 9 % ; significance. The reported data are represented as
however, the coefficient of variation ranged from mean and standard deviation unless otherwise
0-27.1% for the data pairs. specified.
Since inspection of the EF data revealed that in
3 3 % of the m e a s u r e m e n t s the coefficient of Results
variation exceeded 15%, the videotapes of these All 12 subjects completed all four phases of the
echocardiograms were reread by two technicians investigation without any complications or adverse
w h o were unaware of the treatment schedule. reactions. They were compliant with study drugs
Thus, these echocardiograms had four readings. and procedures. They ranged in age from 20-43
Subsequently, to minimize the variance, the high years (27.3 f 6.4 yrs), with a weight of 62.8 * 13.2
and low observations were discarded and the kg (range 45-94 kg) and a height of 66.5 f 4 . 5
average was obtained for the remaining two inches.
readings (data set 2). The average interobserver Minor fluctuations i n heart rate a n d blood
coefficient of variation for data set 2 was 6.57 * pressure o c c u r r e d across the 2 - h o u r s t u d y ;
4 . 2 0 % . In a d d i t i o n , d u e to t h e u n e x p e c t e d however, no significant differences were observed
variability observed at o u r i n s t i t u t i o n , all in systolic or diastolic blood pressure or heart rate
videotapes were evaluated in a blinded manner by among the treatment phases immediately before
an independent laboratory (data set 3). echocardiography (e.g.,at 1.5 or 2.0 hrs).
For purposes of this analysis the parasternal
short axis view of the left ventricle at or near the Data Set 1
papillary muscle tips was used to obtain end-
diastolic and end-systolic endocardia1 contours, According to the initial data analysis, the mean
and an apical four-chamber view to measure end- EFs were 58.6 * 8.6%,57.3 + 5.4%, 55.9 e 5.8%,
systolic and end-diastolic long axes. The bullet a n d 55.1 f 6 . 3 % after p l a c e b o , c i m e t i d i n e ,
formula for measuring left ventricular volume was ranitidine, and famotidine, respectively (p>0.05).
e m p l o y e d to o b t a i n t h e v o l u m e s for t h e EF A large degree of variability in EF was observed
calculations. Interobserver variability at the among the individual subjects (Figure 1). Since
independent laboratory yielded a coefficient of one subject appeared to be an outlier, the data
correlation of 0.78. were reanalyzed w i t h o u t this subject’s d a t a ;
however this did not significantly alter the results
Statistical Analyses (e.g., no significant differences among treatments).
Therefore, the following are results from all 12
Statistical analysis of heart rate a n d blood subjects.
pressure among the four treatments over time was Differences in EF during the placebo phase
performed using a repeated measures analysis of versus the treatment phases (EF placebo - EF
variance. Comparisons among the four regimens treatment) for the individual subjects ranged from -
for EF, percentage fractional shortening, and peak 12 to 16%, -12.5 to 8%,and -14.5 to 11% during
flow velocity obtained f r o m data set 1 were cimetidine, ranitidine, and famotidine, respectively
Table 1. Ejection Fraction (%) 34.1k 2.9, and 33.6 c 3.7, respectively (p>0.05)
Treatment Data Set 1 ' I' ~ a t ka t 2" Data set 3.1I'
Placebo 58.6i 8.6 5Y.Y * 6 2 5Y 1 t 5 Y Data Sets 2 and 3
Ciinetidine 57.3 5.-t 57.$i 5 3 61.02 3.1
Ranitidine 55Yk58 564k5.2 h03i-t.l Due to the large degree of interobserver
Farnotidine 551i63 55 6 k 6.2 60 Y * 6.2 m.riability, the echocardingraphic irideotapes were
reevaluated both at our institution (data set 2) and
by a n i n d e p e n d e n t l a b o r a t o r y ( d a t a set 3 ) .
Analyses of the EFs derived from the two data sels
revealed n o significant differences among the
treatment regimens (p>O.O5) (Table 1). Using data
set 2 , decreases in EF compared with placebo were
observed in eight, eight, and nine subjects after
cimetidine, ranitidine, and famotidine, respectively.
The mean differences during the placebo phase In contrast, with data set 3, decreases occurred in
versus those during cimetidine, ranitidine, and only five, three, and two subjects after cimetidine,
famotidine phases were 1.29 * 6.53%, -2.75 * 8.91%, ranitidine, and famotidine, respectively. Although,
and 3.54 c 8.7696, respectively. Decreases in EF the EFs reported by the independent laboratory
compared with placebo occurred in nine, seven, tended to be higher than those reported by our
and seven subjects after the three agents, respectively laboratory, the difference between them was not
The mean peak flow velocity was 1.11 0.17, 1.06 significant.
c 0.16, 1.10c 0.18, and 1.07 0.16 cdsecondafter I n d e p e n d e n t of t h e d a t a set e x a m i n e d , n o
placebo, cimetidine, ranitidine, and famotidine, significant differences were detected between the
respectively (p>O.O5). The mean percentages overall effect of Hz-receptor antagonists (e.g., mean
fractional shortening were 35.3 f 6.4, 34.0 k 7.3, effect of the 3 treatments) and placebo.

70 - 70 -

60- 60-

w 50- it 50-


: /
Placebo Cirnelldlne

Placebo Ranilldine



Lu 50-


Placebo Farnotldlne
Figure 1. Ejection fraction (EF%) for each subject during each treatment phase compared wlth placebo The symbols refer to
individual patients, 0 = mean
162 PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 15, Number 2, 1995
Discussion h i ghe r than ex pe c I ed in t e ro b se r\re r va rial] i li t y in
the assessment of EF. The mean interobserver
The H 2 - r e c e p t o r antagonists are generally coefficient of variation in ejection fraction was
regarded as safe, as eiridenced by t h e i r low 11.16% and is higher than that normally reported
frequency of s e r i o u s adverse reactions. '' for our laboratory or for other laboratories." It is
Nevertheless, concern exists regarding the potential probably due to the range restriction in our EFs.
for these agents to cause undesirable cardiovascular In contrast to the wide range normally seen by an
side effects. In vitro and animal studies suggest echocardiography laboratory, all of our EFs were
that they may oppose the action of histamine on essentially within normal limits.
the myocardium, resulting in negative inotropic In addition to interobserver variability, one may
action.'-' In 1989, oral famotidine, b u t not question whether certain individuals may be more
cimetidine or ranitidine, was reported to have sensitive than others to the cardiac effects of these
negative inotropic effects in healthy volunteers.' agents. Decreases in EF occurred during each of
Although these investigators confirmed their the treatment phases. The maximum decreases
findings in two subsequent studies,' ' independent were -12%, -12.5%, and -14.5% for cimetidine,
laboratories failed to s u p p o r t the results.'-I2 ranitidine, and famotidine, respectively. Since our
Potential reasons for the conflicting data include study was conducted in healthy volunteers, it is
differences in the methods of assessing cardiac difficult to ascertain whether these changes would
performance, agents studied, dosage regimens, represent clinically significant alterations in cardiac
d u r a t i o n of d r u g therapy, t i m e of cardiac function in patients with heart failure.
assessment in relationship to drug administration, Alternatively, the variability may be related in
and/or populations studied. Our study intentionally p a r t to t h e range of doses (mg/kg) o f H L
employed a design similar to that used by Kirch et antagonists. Although they were therapeutic doses,
al,5-7except that cardiac performance was assessed based o n subjects' w e i g h t , there is a 2-fold
by echocardiography rather t h a n i m p e d a n c e variation in them when normalized to milligrams/
cardiography kilogram. However, similar doses of famotidine
Our results indicate that 7 days of therapy with exerted a negative inotropic effect o n cardiac
cimetidine 800 m g , r a n i t i d i n e 300 m g , o r performance in healthy volunteers.', '
famotidine 40 m g is n o t associated w i t h any Another explanation for the changes may relate
significant alteration in cardiac performance in to the variability in the interpretation o f the
h e a l t h y i n d i v i d u a l s as d e t e r m i n e d by t w o - echocardiograms rather than changes related to a
dimensional echocardiography and Doppler flow specific H2 antagonist. This can be indirectly
studies. Using d u p l e x ultrasonography'? a n d inferred by comparing the echocardiography
exercise echocardiography,' other investigators results from data sets 1 and 3. The EFs measured
similarly demonstrated that famotidine 40 mg/day by the independent laboratory tended to be higher
had no deleterious effect on cardiac function. t h a n those i n o u r laboratory, w h i c h c a n be
The apparent most likely explanation for the explained by differences in how the EFs were
disparate results between these investigations', ' calculated. Those calculated by the bullet method
and the others5-' appears to be the methods by tend to be higher than those determined using
which cardiac function was assessed. Kirch et ali-' Simpson's rule.13 Basing assessment strictly on the
used impedance cardiography, which is based on results from data set 1, one might conclude that a
impedance changes in the thorax that result from slight decrease in EF during therapy might occur
pulsatile flow in the thoracic aorta.16 Although with these three drugs (p>0.05). Conversely,
impedance cardiography correlates with invasive basing conclusions strictly on the results from data
measurements of cardiac o u t p u t , it correlates set 3, one might conclude a slight increase in EF is
poorly with radionuclide ventriculography. 17. l 8 associated with the agents (p>0.05). Clearly, the
Echocardiography is commonly performed to magnitude of change in each case is extremely
evaluate myocardial function in the United States. small, is highly dependent on the method used to
The ability to identify changes i n myocardial calculate the EF, and was not statistically significant
function secondary to drug effects with both two- regardless of data set employed. This may suggest
dimensional echocardiography a n d D o p p l e r that such changes are the result of the variability in
echocardiography is well established.". l 9 the methodology and not the result of a specific
It is important to point out that we observed a drug.
large degree of variability in cardiac response to the With the variance observed, this study had a
three agents. This may be explained in part by the power of 80% to detect a 10% difference in EF
et L(11~ C 163
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