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Lesson 2D
ACTIVITY # 5 Write A Critique Paper About President Duterte’s Governance.

President Duterte’s Governance

Critique by Jerome Marc Montilla

The Philippines is in a position to be self-sufficient. Its geographical situation is away

from the Southeast Asian mainland, and as such, it developed a different culture, far unique

compared to its neighbors. Duterte’s administration rose to power at a time when the Philippines

is slowly rising back on its feet and trying to take away the humiliation of being the most corrupt

“sick man of Asia.”

Decades of mismanagement, starting from the Marcos administration, the Cory coups, the

Ramos privatization, the Erap impeachment, Gloria’s negligence, and Noynoy’s fiscal

conservatism, has created the overarching public opinion in which Filipinos feel that the

government not only has left them, but has no interest in helping them.

The situation is ripe for the rise of another populist leader, this time, much more brazen

than the others, with seemingly no basic understanding of international diplomacy. His words

spark both caution and fear, from domestic opposition as well as international observers; I can

already say that his legacy will be a controversial one.

His war on drugs is ruthless and precise, calling to attention the way the country’s

judicial systems have failed the ordinary Filipino. His attempt at addressing the country’s

infrastructure by allocating billions of pesos to build, build, build, calls to attention the

mismanagement of the preceding administrations. His international diplomatic antics call to

mind the failure of Filipino diplomats to engage a better deal with its neighbors. His desire for a

federalist parliamentary Philippine republic calls to attention the Manila-centered politics, on

which every huge decision is made for millions of Filipinos.

My stand on him? I disagree with him on a wide range of issues, because that is what democracy

protects the right to disagree. But I understand where he’s coming from. He is the symbol of the

Filipino hope of something different.

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