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Assignment 7

Duration: 4 days
Name : Dudun Abdurohman
NIM : 2022432838
Class : UR102B
Major : Technical Information – Software Engineering

I. Reading multiple choice (soal terlampir di file materi pptx)

Ketik soal, pilihan jawaban dan jawabannya
1. Which of the following titles would best express the main topic of the passage?
A. The Father of American Public Education(X)
B. Philosophy of Education
C. The Massachusetts State Board of Education
D. Politics of Educational Institutions
2. Why does the author mention Horace Mann’s early life?
A. As an example of the importance of an early education for success(X)
B. To make the biography more complete
C. Because it served as the inspiration for his later work in education
D. In tribute to the teachers who helped him succeed
3. The word struggles in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by
A. valuable experiences C. influential people
B. happy situations D. difficult times(X)
4. The word there refers to …
A. the Massachusetts legislature (X) C. Mann’s legal practice
B. the state board of education D. his political career
5. The word mandatory in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to …
A. required(X) B. equal C. excellent D. Basic
6. With which of the following statements would the author most probably
A. Horace Mann’s influence on American education was very great
B. A small but important influence on American education was exerted
by Horace Mann
C. Few educators fully understood Horace Mann’s influence on American
D. The influence on American education by Horace Mann was not
accepted or appreciated
7. Horace Mann advocated all of the following, EXCEPT …
A. a state board of education C. classes for adult
B. a district school system(X) D. graded elementary schools
8. The reforms that Horace Mann achieved …
A. were not very radical for the time
B. were used only by the state of Massachusetts(X)
C. were later adopted by the nation as a model
D. were enforced by the Massachusetts bar
9. With which of the following statements would Horace Mann most probably agree?
A. Think in new ways
B. Help others
C. Study as much as possible
D. Work hard(X)

I. Structure
You may browse the answer in internet.
1. Please give me explanation about: Count & Noncount nouns
Answer : - Count nouns refer to people, places, and things that can be counted.
- Noncount nouns, on the other hand, refer to items, qualities, or concepts
that cannot be counted.

2. Please give me explanation about: Classifications–Kind and Type

Answer : - type is used to differentiate one group from the rest
- kind is used to link an individual to a group.

3. Please give me explanation about: Infinitive and –ing Subjects

Answer : The subject of a sentence is usually a noun or a pronoun. But sometimes,
to-infinitives and –ing forms are also used as subjects.

4. Please give me explanation about: Qualifying Phrases with –ing Nouns

Answer : A gerund phrase is a phrase consisting of a gerund and any modifiers or
objects associated with it.

5. Please give me explanation about: Nominal That Clause

Answer : Nominal clauses are formed when an interrogative or nominal-that
introduces a clause by serving as the subject of the clause or preceding the clause in
order to serve a noun role in another structure.

Note: boleh browsing yang penjelasannya menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia

II. Attachment
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