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Assignment 4

Duration: 4 days
Name : Dudun Abdurohman
NIM : 2022432838
Class : UR102
Major : Technical Information – Software Engineering

I. Reading multiple choice (soal terlampir di file materi pptx)

Ketik soal, pilihan jawaban dan jawabannya
1. What is the best title for this passage?
A. An insect’s Environment
B. The Structure of an Insect
C. Grasshoppers and Beetles
D. The Stages of Life of an Insect (X)
2. How are insect classified?
A. By the environment in which they live
B. By the food they eat
C. By the structure of the mouth(X)
D. By the number and type of wings
3. The word common in paragraph 2 is closet in meaning to …
A. Normal(X) C. Import
B. Rare D. Necessary
4. The author compares labrum and labium to …
A. an upper and lower lip (X) C. maxillae
B. mandibles D. jaws
5. What is the proboscis?
A. Nectar
B. A tube constructed of modified maxillae (X)
C. A kind of butterfly
D. A kind of flower
6. Which of the following have mandibles and maxillae that have been modified to
sharp stylets?
A. Grasshoppers C. Mosquitoes(X)
B. Butterflies D. Houseflies
7. The phrase drill through in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by …
A. penetrate C. explore
B. saturate(X) D. distinguish
8.The word it in paragraph 2 refers to …
A. pad C. Housefly
B. food (X) D. Mouth
9. What is the purpose of this passage?
A. To complain B. To persuade(X) C. To entertain D. To inform
I. Structure
You may browse the answer in internet.
1. Please give me explanation about: conditional sentence type:
a. Type 0 (zero)
Answer : If you freeze water, it turns into ice
b. Type 1
Answer : If you study, you will pass the exam.
c. Type 2
Answer : If I were him, I would buy an expensive car.
d. Type 3
Answer : If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.

2. Please give me explanation about: impersonal expressions (importance)

Answer : It snowed in the past three days.

Note: boleh browsing yang penjelasannya menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia

II. Attachment
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