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To the editor,

In today’s society more individuals are becoming aware of the effects we as human

beings are placing on the earth. This has brought a rise of research and efforts to try and become

more eco-friendly to our planet. The main issue arises with where do we draw the line between

putting our planet first or sustaining an efficient energy system. One area of controversy that has

risen recently within the past decade is Fracking or Hydraulic Fracturing. Fracking is the process

of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, etc. so as to force open

existing fissures and extract oil or gas. This process has brought about a lot of attention to see

how efficient is the process and how damaging to our environment is it?

In the pros of Fracking it has been a staple for the united states energy system and

economy while also providing millions of jobs to Americans. According to the IPAA

Independent Petroleum Association of America the fracking industry has provided roughly 2.7

million jobs since the beginning of the shale revolution. The group also stated increasing

America’s oil production by 75% making the United States “the undisputed leader of oil and gas

production worldwide”. This brings about many questions to just how can fracking be this

efficient without having any significant damage to the earth.

In the cons of Fracking research has been done showing the risk with air pollution, water

contamination, earthquakes and methane leaks. It has not been definitively confirmed of these

risks but occurrences have happened with these issues. The process itself in theory is very

efficient and beneficial to the united states as a whole and much less air pollution as compared to

coal energy plants. The issue comes about with human interaction as the cause is usually human

error creating faulty systems.

This places the earth and surrounding communities at a high risk for these negative effects to

occur and cause devastating damage if proper action is not taken. So this leaves the question

again of where do we as human beings draw the line between aiding the planet and future

generations or aiding the country and current economy.


Dale Wolford – YSU Student

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