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Did You Know?

INSOMNIA – Taking foods like oatmeal and lettuce salad, at least 2 hours prior to bed, helps to
induce good sleep. Oatmeal contains AVENIN, which is a mild sedative, whilst lettuce contains
LACTUCARIUM, which is a sleep inducing nutrient.

AVOCADOS - Avocados are rich in IRON, which is beneficial for anaemic persons. It is also effective in
lowering cholesterol levels due to its high HYPOLIPIDEMIC ACTION (reduction of fat level in the

Cholesterol is a type of lipid. It is a waxy, fat-like substance that your liver produces naturally. It is
vital for the formation of cell membranes, certain hormones, and vitamin D. Cholesterol does not
dissolve in water, so it cannot travel through your blood on its own.

WATER - One of water’s many benefits is an increase in BRAIN POWER. Since your brain is
made of 73% water, drinking it helps you think, focus, concentrate, and stay alert. As a
result, your energy levels also improve.

Pawpaw / Papaya – Pawpaws contain PAPAIN which is a proteolytic enzyme (one that
digests proteins). It is very effective in combating indigestion, gastric prolapse and
neutralizing gastric acid.

Indigestion — also called dyspepsia or an upset stomach — is a general term that describes
discomfort in your upper abdomen. Indigestion is not a disease, but rather some symptoms
you experience, including abdominal pain and a feeling of fullness soon after you start

Stomach acid, or gastric acid, is a watery, colorless fluid that is produced by your stomach's
lining. It is highly acidic and helps break down food for easier digestion. This helps your body
absorb nutrients more easily as food moves through your digestive tract.

Gastric prolapse – It is when part of the stomach either moves up into the oesophagus or
down into the duodenum

WHITE BREAD - It is quick and easy to digest but has little nutritional value. Foods made
from highly processed grains cause blood sugar to spike soon after eating. Frequent blood
sugar spikes can eventually contribute to the development of TYPE 2 DIABETES. Processed
carbs also lack FIBER. As a result, a person will not feel full after eating them. They will crave
more food again soon after, especially when the blood sugar drops.

Fiber, also known as roughage, is the part of plant-based foods (grains, fruits, vegetables,
nuts, and beans) that the body cannot break down. It passes through the body undigested,
keeping your digestive system clean and healthy, easing bowel movements, and flushing
cholesterol and harmful carcinogens out of the body.
FRENCH FRIES AND POTATO CHIPS - These foods are very high in calories, and it is easy to
eat excessive amounts. Several studies link French fries and potato chips to weight gain.
These foods may also contain large amounts of ACRYLAMIDES, which are carcinogenic
substances that form when potatoes are fried, baked, or roasted.

Carcinogenic substances are those that have the potential to cause cancer.

Sugar - Throughout the body, EXCESS SUGAR is harmful. Even a single instance of elevated
glucose in the bloodstream can be harmful to the brain, resulting in slowed cognitive
function and deficits in memory and attention.

Cognitive function is a broad term that refers to mental processes involved in the acquisition
of knowledge, manipulation of information, and reasoning. Cognitive functions include the
domains of perception, memory, learning, attention, decision making, and language


Fleshy food

Junk food

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