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Semana 13

Unit 5: Section A.

Title: A typical day.

Topic: Daily routines.

Objective: -To practice the communicative function of talking about daily

routines developing skills of internet usage.


*Communicative function:

- Talking about daily routines.

*Vocabulary: daily routines.

*Grammar: Present Simple: (he, she, it): positive and negative.

*Activities to develop by the students:

Exercises: 1 a, b, c.2 a, b.3 a,b.4 a,b,c.6 a,b.8. Assignment 7 a. Pages: 38, 39

Student´s Book.

Semana 13

Unit 5: Section B

Title: Where does she work?

Topic: Personal profiles.

Objective: -To practice the communicative function of talking about personal

items related to life, work or studies developing skills of internet usage.


* Communicative functions:

-Talking about personal items related to life work, studies.

*Vocabulary: phrases with like, have, live, work, study. Time phrases with on,
in, at.

Useful expressions: I´m a first year medicine student. /I´m a first year nursing
student/I´m a first year dentistry student.

*Grammar: Present Simple:(he, she, it). Questions and short answers.

*Activities to develop by the students:

Exercises: 1 a,2 a,b,c.4 a,b,c,d.8.9 a . Assignment : 10 a,b. Pages: 40, 41
Student´s Book.

Tarea integradora a entregar:

Write five questions with does to ask your classmate about his or her best
friend. Use the ideas of your own:

Live work study

Food and drink
Daily routine
Free time activities
Things he or she likes
Things he or she has
Example: Where does _Frank_ live?

Does he(Frank) study Medicine?

What food does he(Frank) like?

Semana 14

Unit 5: Section C.

Title: An evening out.

Topic: Food and drink.

Objective: -To practice the communicative functions of talking about food and
drink and eating out developing skills of internet usage.


*Communicative functions:

-Talking about food and drink.

-Ordering meals.

-Talking about prices.

*Vocabulary: food and drink: it includes the healthy food and a balanced
diet such as: vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, eggs, milky products; money, prices;
love, like, eat, drink, a lot of.

*Grammar: Present simple tense. Questions about price: How

much…?.Expressions for ordering food and drink: What would you like to eat/
drink? Would you like…..? The use of can for making requests: Can I have the
chicken salad?

*Activities to develop by the students:

Exercises: 1 a, b.2.3 b.4 a,b.5 b.6 a,b,c. Assignment continuar la práctica del
6. Pages: 42, 43 Student´s Book.

Semana 14

Unit 5: Section D

Title: A day off.

Topic: Free time activities and their frequency.

Objective: -To practice the communicative functions of talking about free time
activities and their frequency developing skills of internet usage.


*Communicative functions:

- Talking about free time activities and their frequency.

*Vocabulary: free time activities. Frequency adverbs and phrases with -every.

*Grammar: Present Simple (I, you, we, and they): questions and short answers.
Frequency adverbs and phrases with -every.

*Activities to develop by the students:

Exercises: 1 a, b, c.2 a.3 a, b. 4. 5 a. Assignment : 8 a, b. Pages: 44, 45

Student´s Book.

Semana 15

Section : Reading and Writing: R&W Portfolio. Exercises from Page 45. Student
´s Book.
Se consolidarán además los conocimientos de la unidad a través de los
ejercicios de práctica de la sección: Extra Practice 5
Exercises:1-8 page 101 Student´s Book.

Self-assessment of the unit:

-I can talk about my routine and other people´s routines.

- I can use time phrases.

-I can ask about other people´s routines and free time.

-I can understand a simple menu.

-I can order food and drink in a restaurant.

-I can use frequency adverbs.

Evaluación de la unidad 5
Tarea Integradora a entregar:
Write a paragraph in no less than 10 sentences in which you refer to your
routine and your best friend´s routines. Use time phrases, free time activities,
food both like and dislike.

Orientación de Trabajo Extraclase Final.

Semana 16

Trabajo Extraclase Final. (Entrega)

El siguiente trabajo se entregará de forma escrita e individual.

La presentación del trabajo contará con los siguientes datos:

Medical Collage.
Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna.
Departments of Medicine and English.

Theme: A Medicine student´s routine.

Title: __Debe sugerirlo a partir del tema solicitado___.

Subject: English I.

Semester: 1st .

Student´s full name: _______________________________________

Group: 1st year.

Course: 2020-2021.

Professor: Liliana Valdés Aragón

En la segunda hoja se desarrollará una breve introducción con el objetivo

del trabajo: Profundizar en el conocimiento básico sobre aspectos esenciales
de la futura profesión, la medicina.

-Go deepen on the basis for Medicine as the future health profession.

Introduction: Refer in a paragraph about the importance and expectations you

have with Medicine.

A partir de la 3ra hoja se desarrollará el trabajo que debe abarcar más de una
Desarrollo: Development:

Write about the medicine student´s routine:

Refer to: Main activities in the week: (subjects to develop, main procedures or
promotion activities in the community, the specialties in the hospital, the main
instruments and materials in the hospital).

-Use frequency adverbs and phrases.

-Mention free time activities you like doing.

A continuación concluirá el mismo resaltando la significación de la carrera o

futura profesión para usted.

Conclusion: Refer to the importance of Medicine for you, your family and

Y por último plasmará las Referencias Bibliográficas (Bibliography) que le

sirvieron en la redacción de su trabajo. Su libro del estudiante entre otras
fuentes de consulta, sitios web, las que mencionará utilizando las normas
establecidas para ello. Ejemplo: Vancouver. Debes revisar los textos de
bibliografía complementaria que aparecen en la carpeta Bibliografía adjunta
a la de la Guía.

Para una mejor calificación se exigirá del estudiante creatividad, originalidad

y ajuste a las normas establecidas.

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