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Nama muhamad rifa koswara



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So how are nursing students rich? what are you doing? maybe there is more or less a question like
that right, I was the same at the beginning like that.

Now, without further ado, I will share a little of my experience.

The first thing I will ask is what is the reason you chose nursing major?

1. a heart calling, because you like the world of health.

2. devoted to parents (because of the wishes of the parents)

3. runaway because it failed to be accepted in the direction you want * usually don't enter the police
(that's my friend, HAHA)

4. Confused about what major (so running to the nurse)

5. Follow my friends (because many of my friends are majoring in nursing)

Now the reasons are mostly like that, if I myself number 1 & 2, what are you?

then how good is it? yes, in my opinion, the main capital is in number 1. because usually if the
reason is just following the parents, following along with friends or others, it will end up when you
enter nursing college, you will say "how come?" or say "I think I'm in the wrong direction" or "I'm
afraid of blood, syringes" etc. Meanwhile, the one with alesanya No. 1 must already know better
about the world of nurses, what nurses do, so when I enter college, I'm ready.


Now there are 2 kinds of learning systems, the first is to learn THEORY such as body anatomy,
various kinds of diseases, medicines etc.

and what is rather difficult is we PRACTICE, for example the practice of injecting, taking blood,
placing an IV, inserting a catheter (must know), inserting an EKG (can you find out for yourself what
an EKG is), and many others. and you have to know to learn to inject, draw blood, put the infusion
and so on. THE PRACTICE TO YOUR OWN FRIENDS (turns out so everyone gets to including YOU) so
before we infuse the patient we also have to know what it feels like to be on the infusion, before we
take the patient's blood we must first know how it feels to be drawn by blood.

Except for inserting a catheter that's rich, practice it at PHANTOM (statue) HAHA.
Yapp decide from now on, think further to enter the world of nurses, don't drop out of college

So the point is that being a nurse is the main asset. Intention, courage, not disgusted, and also
patient, resilient too, because if you are already practicing in the hospital it is definitely not bad,
Cape, you don't have to work on reports etc.

eh yes, being a nurse must be brave too, because later we will meet various kinds of patients, don't
be afraid of BLOOD, we will definitely meet accident patients whose blood comes from everywhere,
and so on. there are still many things that should be shared, this is only a small part of my
experience. but because I'm not in the mood to write so it's enough until here, next time I'll continue
again: D HAHA

Hopefully this article is useful.

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