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Actividad 1

1. we shouldn't cut down trees

2. we shouldn't pollute the environment
3. we should use sustainable energy
4. we should save energy
5. we shouldn’t use pesticides
6. we should respect the earth
7. we should keep the earth clean
8. we should join campaign
9. we should cooperate
10.we shouldn’t have open mines
1. what does the singer believe will destroy us?
pesticides and open mines
2. what can’t we afford to do?
We cannot afford to pollute more
3. what should you do, wherever you are?
We must recycle wherever we are
4. what should you use instead of a car?
We must use the bicycle
5. where is the petition?
Save energy to be Green!
Respect the earth and keep it clean,
Save energy to be green!
Respect the earth and keep it clean
6. what must we protect?
We must protect our habitat
7. what happens when we lose our trees?
Deforestation occurs
8. what destroys our seas?
Water Pollution
9. what should you ask your friends to do?
Believe in the cause and join a campaign
10.what should you do before it’s too late?
We must make a change

As is well known, our environment is more polluted every day. Being factors of
this contamination the pesticides used in agriculture, illegal mining and
indiscriminate felling of trees.
Human beings should not carry out the activities mentioned above, on the contrary,
we must contribute to the care of the earth. We must plant trees, recycle. since if we
do not take proper care, our habitat will be destroyed over time.
We must implement practices that contribute to the environment and pollution
control. We should not only use cars if we do not implement the use of the bicycle,
we must use sustainable energy, we must recycle, we should help to collect the
garbage that we find on the ground and take it to the right place.
We must not allow our forests to be ending due to industrialization, because this
indiscriminate logging leads to the detriment of our habitat. We should not accept
illegal mining, nor should we waste water.
We must carry out campaigns for garbage collection, we must encourage our
friends and neighbors to be part of caring for the planet. We must carry out
campaigns for the planting of trees and thus recover a little vegetation and home for
many animals.
2 actividad quiz
Negative effects on the environment
Excessive use of pesticides, indiscriminate felling of trees. There are no campaigns
for the care and prevention of the environment, very few people recycle, there is
not a good handling of the bottles, bags of pesticides and other things used in
what happens when people don’t care about the environmental
What happens when people do not take care of the environment is that future
generations are being denied the right to enjoy a healthy environment, to enjoy
nature and the planet's biodiversity
what is the problem with pesticides?
The problem with pesticides is that it is a great pollutant, it causes harm to animals,
for example to bees, their jars or bags if they are not recycled in a good way, they
contaminate the soil, rivers, etc.
name one eco-friendly action you do at home
recycling papers, which is also a major pollution problem. I reuse or look for a
good way to put the papers that are in my home to good use.
describe what’s happening
The image shows us the great pollution produced by industries, their toxic waste
that affects air quality and the ozone layer.
what is illegal mining
Illegal mining is the activity dedicated to extracting minerals without having the
authorization from the state entities in charge of said activity.
Realizar campañas para la siembra de árboles y cuidado del medio ambiente,
seguimiento a los agricultores para que hagan un buen manejo de los residuos
utilizados para los cultivos, a través de charlas enseñar e incentivar al cuidado del
medio ambiente
what environmental issue have you recently read about in the news?
The news I read was about the Nukak-Makú Indians, cornered by palm, coca, and
criminal gangs. Illegal palm surrounds the Nukak reservation and actions to stop
this expansion appear to be insufficient. Coca and livestock are also devouring,
little by little, the home of a people that until less than 33 years ago had had no
contact with the "West."
what do you have to do to recycle?
The first thing to keep in mind to start recycling is the 3R rule - reduce, reuse and
recycle. The key to recycling materials is learning to properly separate recyclable
materials from those that are waste and cannot be recovered.
what can people do lo solve this problem?
Become aware, cooperate and respect the environment. Recycle, reuse, plant trees,
invest in renewable energy etc.
how does planting trees help the environmental?
Trees produce oxygen, purify the air, form fertile soils, prevent erosion, maintain
clean rivers, capture water for aquifers, serve as refuges for fauna, reduce soil
temperature, promote the establishment of other species, and regenerate nutrients
from the soil and improve the landscape


say why you think it is important to protect forest.

Living forests sustain life: they benefit people, plants and animals for all the
invisible work they do as a store of carbon. They also help control the planet's
climate and rainfall
Name two actions to the environmental that you strongly disagree with.
Indiscriminate logging, illegal mining
complete: I have no doubt that…
pesticides are a huge polluter, and more control should be had over them
describe something you and you friend strongly believe in?
When trees are cut down for their wood or for fuel or when forests are burned for
agriculture, their stored CO2 is released into the air and, in this way, causes the
planet to warm.
express your opinion about adopting animals from a shelter.
It is good as it is the process of taking responsibility for an animal that an owner
has previously abandoned or left in an animal shelter.
complete: it’s wrong to ...
throw trash when we go out anywhere
Describe actions taken in you to community recycle.
recycle plastic bottles, reuse plastic or glass containers, give cardboard and wooden
boxes a second use
Explain how you can reduce water consumption.
Turn off the tap while you shave or brush your teeth, turn off the shower while
washing your hair, take a shower instead of bathing and do not spend too much
time in the shower, check that the toilet tank does not have water leaks, check that
all the taps have water aerators, throw the toilet paper in the bin and not in the
Name one item you can reuse.
Glass bottles. Clean and easy to decorate, they serve as vases, makeshift pots.
Plastic containers, soda or water caps.
Do you respect public spaces?
Yes, respecting the spaces, both your own and those of others, is an elementary rule
of common sense. We all have the right to enjoy, in our own way, any activity we
undertake without being able to alter the tranquility or safety of others.
Explain what you can do with these items.
carry out the recycling activity and give the containers a second use
Describe one action you can take start reducing waste.
Recycle: it is essential to respect and care for the environment. Have a bin for each
type of recycling and fold the containers to optimize space.


Explain how your school can be more eco- friendly.

Create ecological gardens, recycle materials, involve them in the energy saving
process, sustainable consumption practices
How can carbon emissions be reducing?
Reduce the use of private cars, sustainable mobility, consume renewable energy,
plant trees
Describe some eco- friendly things you can do when traveling.
Use ecological products, use rechargeable batteries, prefer the natural, recycle, do
not throw garbage, on the contrary, do the collection of those that we can find on
our way
Define composing.
Compost or compost is a product obtained from different materials of organic
origin, which are subjected to a controlled biological oxidation process called
composting. It has an earthy appearance, free of odors and pathogens, it is used as a
base fertilizer and as a partial or total substitute for chemical fertilizers.
Is buying bottled water every day an eco- friendly action?
Not. Bottled water generates a large amount of garbage, bottling water consumes a
large amount of natural resources, its transportation consumes millions of liters of
Describe one a way you can save energy
Take advantage of natural light, turn off lights that are not used. So we can
contribute to the planet since many times we waste energy unnecessarily

write a short letter expressing an environmental concern.
We all know that the Earth is our home, but we are all aware that human beings
have worked to destroy it, altering the riches that nature has given us for many
thousands of years.
The effects of this neglect are not very alarmed every day: the climate has been
altered, the natural cycles are not regular and, as a consequence, our flora and fauna
have been seriously damaged.
It seems that our values have also been weakened, because, despite this evident
deterioration of nature, we operate in a world lacking sustainable development and
an equitable distribution of resources.
We all have a share of responsibility for this task, since only together can a
sustainable society be created, willing to respect the various forms of life, take care
of nature.
what is closing paragraph of a letter?
the completion of the letter, which summarizes what is requested or reported in the
kernel, in a synthetic way. The letter does not use abbreviations, and requires a
correct punctuation of the text, appropriate to the meaning of what you want to
mean or express.
what is the purpose of the letter in the box below?
Inform the community that the respective recycling is not being done, about the
garbage that is in public spaces
continue de letter: dear sirs, our community is not recycling. there is rubbish
in the park and public space…
We must become aware and participate in the collection and recycling of garbage,
as it is expressed, it is a public space and we all have rights and duties. To have a
healthy environment we have to contribute
what part of a letter is this? I’m writing to you because...
Core: it is the development of the explanations that constitute the reason for the
Mention the three important parts of a letter
Place and date, Body of the letter, conclusion.
Describe what habitat loss means
Habitat destruction is the process by which a natural habitat is transformed into a
habitat unable to support its native species. The plants and animals that used it are
destroyed or forced to emigrate, as a consequence there is a reduction in
what is the effect of cutting down trees for cattle farming?
What causes the felling of trees for livestock is the deforestation of forests, losing a
vital source for our ecosystem
how do human actions impact the environment?
The effects of urbanization, agriculture and industrial livestock, forest clearing and
CO2 emissions, among other actions, accelerate the loss of biodiversity due to
global warming, desertification or the pollution of oceans and rivers.
explain what was happening before and what happened after.
As illustrated in the image, it can be seen that before there was an abundant forest,
the slope of a river, inhabited by animals, in short a pleasant place. The later shows
us the lack of responsibility and awareness towards the environment and animals
and even human beings themselves.
what environmental problems are there in Colombia?
Deforestation and forest fires in Colombia.
• Man-made or anthropic pollution.
• Poaching and illegal trafficking of flora and fauna in Colombia.
• Illegal mining in Colombia.
• Armed conflicts in Colombia.
• Exploitation of natural resources in obtaining fuels.
what is deforestation?
Deforestation refers to the action of stripping a piece of land of its trees and plants.
It is a process caused by the action of humans, in which the forest area is destroyed
or depleted, generally with the aim of allocating the soil to another activity.


discuss a possible solution for the island of rubbish in the Pacific Ocean.
A possible solution is to try to create channels for the collection of the waste that is
thrown into the sea, also to maintain some control and vigilance to be able to
control that people dump their garbage in the ocean. We would provide a great help
to all beings being aware that we will all be affected if we do not take action on the
matter and do not act responsibly for the care of our natural resources
briefly tell the story of Easter island. what can we learn from it?
Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is an island of volcanic origin with a
triangular shape, created by the action of three main volcanoes located at each of its
vertices, Maunga Terevaka, Poike and Rano Kau. "The triangular aspect of Rapa
Nui is the result of the eruption of three main volcanic centers and around 70
secondary volcanic cones.
Despite the fact that Easter Island is one of the most remote places with difficult
environmental conditions on the planet, an extraordinary culture developed on the
island. The first colonizers of the Island, of Polynesian origin, would have arrived
around the fourth century of the Christian era. "It’s unique and yet deciphered
hieroglyphic writing, its monumental architecture and exceptional megalithic
statuary in both quantity and quality, as well as its advanced astronomical
knowledge, have made the Rapa Nui culture one of the most unique.
Without a doubt, one of the biggest tourist attractions on Easter Island are the
moais. These are gigantic stone sculptures, most of them carved out of porous tuff,
stones of volcanic origin.
The main teaching is how nature is maintained despite the years, how its beauty
attracts tourists. It highlights the responsibility that must be taken with the
environment and how these places become attractive thanks to their fauna, stone
sculptures, etc.
Is it possible to work together and change the world? explain.
If possible, since unity is strength, if both of us become aware and act responsibly,
we can turn this great problem around completely.
what can teenagers do to help the environment?
Create garbage collection campaigns, speak with the respective authorities to
develop sustainability plans. Find different ways to make human beings aware of
the importance of the environment.
What can a teacher do to help the environment?
Within their classes, develop activities that generate impact on young people so that
they are the ones who take action on the matter in front of the problem. Likewise,
seek solutions to known problems, create research projects on pollution and its
What can a farmer do to help the environment?
Farmers can help in planting trees, in the proper management of pesticides used for
their work, take care of rivers, avoid cutting down trees, preserve the moors.

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