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au WeChat: LaurieGren

the weekly for the Jing
23 December, 2020 issue
a mixture of whimsy, snippets, news, announcements

May friends & family make your festive season (whichever one you celebrate) wonderful.
Joy is the word!
Meanwhile – The Great Stoat Mystery!
From a NANNERS reader: Hi Laurie, I just read this weeks Nanners. As usual it's chock full with
loads ‘n loads of great information. Could you please send out a follow up asking anyone who has
seen a stoat in Nanjing recently to report it to me? I run a small stoat farm outside of the city. We
are conducting research and surprisingly found Nanjing is home to an increasing number of stoats
from all over the world and they seem to thrive in the city. It truly is fascinating research and any
sightings will help us. We try to catch them in the wild, tag and register them as a stoat, and release
them. The more data we have, the more we can learn about these furry little stoats. I appreciate it!
Stoat out, Jacky-O (No WeChat yet, so

"Only in China" applies here? Well, actually no. The canal with strange bright blue water is in
Sydney, and the authorities don't know what the contamination is yet. Bridges collapse in OECD
countries and corruption occurs in the developed world. So let’s stop saying “OIC” with a wise nod
of the head.
Hand sanitizer is another example? Australia has some fairly high standards
for labelling, particularly when it comes to hygeine products. Just recently a
consumer organization tested sanitizers, some came up with levels of alcohol that
was below what was stated on the label, and well below what the minimum
requirement is. So watch out here too!
Need some international business support?
Shuai Hong (Serresa) has been helping people with services between
countries for two decades. Organizing, communicating, researching, and
much more. Let her “smooth out the bumps in the road”.

Philosophy Corner
The Muslim world, with its history and cultures, and indeed its different interpretations of Islam, is
still little known in the West…
The two worlds, Muslim and non-Muslim, Eastern and Western, must, as a matter of urgency, make
a real effort to get to know one another, for I fear that what we have is not a clash of civilisations,
but a clash of ignorance on both sides.
--Aga Khan IV

Who will you help?

We need you, or more precisely, people need you …… your blood.
This Sunday is Rotary’s Blood Drive in Nanjing … from 1pm to 5pm.
Join a bunch of Rotarians and their friends and leave a little of your
red stuff at the bank. Convenient central location & full support.
Serresa (Shuai Wei Hong) would love to add your name to the list, so
contact her WeChat: serresa (now that surprised you, didn’t it). She
will give you full details. If you cannot make it, contact her anyway to
ask about how you can donate at other times.

Foil-coated plastic wrap is not easily recyclable because it has

two layers. Planet Ark Deputy CEO Rebecca Gilling said,
“When people are shopping for wrapping paper, the best thing to
do is to just buy paper.” Also, small chocolates that come
individually wrapped are often packed in a similar material – it
might look like aluminium because of its shiny inside, but really
it’s soft plastic. Modern cutlery designed to be disposed after one
use but marketed as compostable and environmentally friendly
should, in most cases, not be recycled. “Single-use plastic plates and cutlery can’t be recycled. They
don’t belong in your recycling bin, they are best avoided where possible,” Ms Gilling said. And
that’s this week’s ENVIRONMENTAL HINT.

Reach more customers with NANNERS.

Drop me a line to get your name in front of thousands of people. The
exact number of eyes that will see your message is hard to establish, but
the eNewsletter goes out via WeChat, facebook, and Linked In, to reach
potentially over 10,000 people.
Feathers – Fur – Scales
If you don’t need a pet, consider becoming a foster “parent”. Our
Animal Rescue group is always
looking for people to take care of pets, especially while some folk are
trapped outside China.
Contact Laurie to connect.

What’s happening here?

Our friends at The Nanjinger bring another great story.
Nah, we’re not gonna tell you. Read for yourself online.

Business Support
Novas International has connections in many countries. WeChat: serresa
XEON – local firm with international experience and English. WeChat mabell0101
The Nanjinger – monthly and online, packed with full-length articles
Guze Clinic Baijiahu - local health care with bilingual staff. Wechat: gz02586153390
Real Estate
Overseas property? Novas International can help in many countries. WeChat: serresa
AU86 – Brunch, coffee, drinks, and dinner. Downtown 1912 near DaXingGong station
Novas International – including professional editing services WeChat: serresa

Calendar Notable events coming up

24th Thursday 6.30pm Christmas Carols raising money for charity at Real Bread Cafe
27th Sunday 1pm to 5pm Rotary Club of Nanjing blood donation event.

If you know events that you think will be of special interest to Nanjingers, send the details to your
editor for inclusion in future issues of NANNERS.

Why is it called “NANNERS”? It is an old slang word used by expats to refer to Nanjing, which is
also known as “The Jing”.

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