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The year is 1940, and Nazi Germany has become an unstoppable force rampaging

through Europe. The British a French troops fighting them have been pushed back to sea and are

surrounded at Dunkirk with seemingly no way to escape to the English Isles.

The movie takes place all throughout the battle of dunkirk and jumps between several

stories that take place at different times. The first story is of two young soldiers trying to escape

Dunkirk as fast as possible, leading them to try to pose as medical personnel to get onboard a

medical ship. Unfortunately the ship is bombed and sinks in the harbor. The next story is of a

squadron of three Supermarine Spitfires. Britain wanted to conserve their navy and airforce for

the impending attack on the british main islands and could only deploy a handful of fighters. The

three planes engage a fighter and deal with it promptly though one spitfire is attacked by surprise

and shot down leaving only two. The final story is of a civilian yacht requisitioned by the british

navy to rescue the trapped soldiers at Dunkirk. On their voyage across the channel they find a

sunk cargo ship hanging in the water with its sole survivor sitting on top of what remains. The

survivor of the cargo ship says they were hit by a U-boat, which is confirmed throughout the

movie by several British destroyers being sunk through the night, one of which had the soldiers

from the first story on a board leading to them having to escape back to shore via being towed by

a life-boat. The Spitfires engage a bomber that is about to take out a minesweeper and force it to

pull off. Unfortunately another Spitfire is lost and its pilot has to ditch in the water, though he is

picked up by the civilian boaters going to rescue the forces at Dunkirk. The trapped soldiers are

rescued by thousands of civilian boats requisitioned by the navy. The final Spitfire shoots down a

german plane about to strafe the boats right as he runs out of fuel and is forced to land on the

beach, leading toi his capture by the germans.


I believe that Dunkirk is a very good source of history as the events depicted in

the movie actually happened, though the characters are fictional. The small boat evacuation of

Dunkirk was a huge historical event that helped to shape the battles to come and gave Britain a

fighting chance in the war against the Nazis. The movie accurately depicts this by showing many

different perspectives on the battle at different times, then having them all lead into each other.

That being said there are some inaccuracies in the movie, such as the number of small

boats only being a handful in the movie. This is probably due to the movie producers not wanting

to acquire or model one-thousand boats, though the number they do have is still enough to get

the point across.

Overall Dunkirk was one of the best World War 2 movies that I have seen. This is due to

the constant action and suspense shown through the movie, which made for a really good

representation of a very important and crucial point in history. I did find the movie kind of hard

to follow with it jumping from time to time, which would show the same things you just watched

from a different perspective. This is one of the reasons it's good, but also makes it hard to

understand what's going on at times. I would one-hundred percent recommend this film to

another student, or really anybody who is into world war 2. The movie is filmed excellently and

the acting is spot on.

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