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Teacher Philosophy

As a middle school mathematics teacher I’m committed to ensuring that all my students have
equal access to the New York State Mathematics General Education Curriculum. As an
educator, my favorite part of teaching mathematics is knowing that there are multiple ways to
problem solve. I set high expectations in my classroom that promote my students to be creative,
make mistakes, and critically think about mathematics. I’m devoted to creating a learning
environment that engages all of my students. I firmly believe in my student's abilities as learners
to learn at their own pace and succeed at meeting their individual academic learning goals.
Below are the following teaching ethics that I believe in and am committed to being:

1. A Diversity Connector
As a diversity connector I RESPECT all cultural diversity. I do this by getting to know all of my
students and then creating academic lessons that are culturally relevant to my students. I’m
committed to engaging all my learners by making sure all students' voices are heard within the
classroom setting. I will continue to teach my students about cultural tolerance and acceptance
of our differences as people of diverse backgrounds.

2. An Advocator for Parents/Guardians

Parent involvement is the secret ingredient to student success. I will work hard to make sure I’m
communicating knowledge of my students' academic growth to their parents. I will inform
parents what accommodations and best teaching strategies I’m using to help their child meet
their specific learning goals. I will make sure as a professional to communicate to parents when
modifications have been made to their grades. I will make sure to send home different ideas in
which parents/guardians can foster their students academic growth at home.

3. A Professional
As a professional I’m committed to showing up for my students with my best foot forward. This
means coming to work dressed professionally, making sure my lesson plans are designed to
reach all my learners, using data to drive next day's instruction, and coming to work with a
positive attitude.

4. A Researcher
As an educator, I’m also a researcher which means I will make it my mission to continue to
become knowledgeable about best teaching practices for my diverse learners. I will work
continuously with my co-teacher to build on my own knowledge of special education and
accommodations to meet the specific needs of my learners. I will continue to grow in my
profession as a lifelong learner by continually participating in professional development.

5. An Expert in Assistive Technology

There is value in teaching technology competence and using technological resources to
facilitate student growth. As an educator of 21st century students it is imperative that I’m
knowledgeable in how to use technology to enhance student learning. I view technology as
something all learners should know how to use to integrate successfully into the global world we
live in today.

6. A Inclusive Learning Environment facilitator

I believe in building and sustaining a caring, respectful and growth producing relationship with
each and every one of my students. To do this requires me to make sure I have first created an
environment that is inviting to all learners. My classroom must be a safe place where students
are encouraged to take RISKS, FAIL and TRY AGAIN. Mathematics is a practice of trial and
error, which means my students need to feel as though they are in a learning environment
where they will not be ridiculed for making a mistake as a mistake should be seen as a part of
their learning process as mathematicians.

7. A Differentiator/Accommodator/Modifier
As a mathematics teacher I understand that not every child learns the same way. I’m committing
to learning about how my students learn best so that I can develop differentiated lesson plans to
meet the specific needs of all my students. I will also make sure that I read each of my students
IEP thoroughly so that I’m providing them with the services that are rightfully theirs. I will work
hard to provide my students with learning disabilities appropriate accommodations and
modifications that

8. A Collaborator
There is no “I” in team or teacher! I will work together with my colleagues to promote the
well-being of our diverse student population. I will work together with my colleagues and the
learning community to improve student achievement.

9. An Educator that encourages growth mindset

I believe that every child is capable of learning. I firmly believe that with hard work and effective
effort that my students will be able to achieve anything they put their mind too. I will continue to
instill this mindset of “I can” within my students. I want my students to be able to believe in

10. An Educator who teaches with integrity

No one is born with integrity, it is something we learn from positive role models. This is why I will
continue to act and teach with integrity and serve as a mentor for my students. I will work hard
to instill within my students a sense of morals so that they always act and speak honestly. I want
my students to have the courage to speak up for what's right in a respectful way.

I believe in the importance of abiding by these ten professional ethics as I work in my field of
special education. As I enter my third year of teaching, I feel energized and enlightened to use
the new tools I have aquired to teach a wide variety of learners. I will continue to work hard to
create an atmosphere that embraces students' differences and allows students to be
expressive. My goal is to create a community that links parents, students, and teachers by
providing a platform that allows students to showcase their knowledge. I will provide my
students with the appropriate accommodations and services to meet their needs.

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