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Державний заклад “Київський коледж зв’язку”

для робіт з англійської мови
студента/студентки групи _________
(прізвище, ім’я, по батькові)

Київ 2019
Заняття 1.
Тема Present Perfect Tense. Утворення та вживання.
Англійська мова у світі. Особливості її вживання

VOCABULARY Practise the following words and word combinations. make use of smth

2.the only being recent as = as old as
5.human being the most
7.the remote past
8.spoken language
9. native speaker
10. mother tongue have (a practical) command (of) have a much better grasp (of the subject)

Activity 1. Read and translate the text.


Language is a means of communication in human society. People can use other means
of communication, such as red lights or flags, but these signs are interpreted into human
language. So language is the normal form and the main means of communication in
human society.
Primitive people had a few hundred words at the most. Today highly cultured nations
have more than seven hundred thousand words in their dictionaries. This means that now
people can communicate by words much better than they did it in the remote past. The
rapid growth of the vocabulary of modern languages is due to the development of
science and technology.
But spoken languages were easy to forget; so people invented writing to record them.
Writing is a way of recording language by means of visible marks. The first form of writing
was picture writing. Symbols representing the sounds of a language appeared much later.
The art of writing made it possible to fix thoughts and to store knowledge, and to pass
them on from one generation to another.
Mankind speaks many languages. A group of people who use the same system of
speech signals is a speech community. Speech-communities differ greatly in size. An
American Indian tribe of only a few hundred persons speaks language of its own On the
other hand, there are some speech communities that are very large.
English has several hundred million native speakers. For them English is their mother
tongue. Millions of people with some other native language learn English for business,
professional or political purposes. For them English is not their mother tongue but a
foreign language. Ukrainian, Russian, French, German, Chinese and some other languages
also have vast numbers of speakers.
There are people who know three, four, five or six languages. They are polyglots. They
study languages because knowledge of languages is their speciality or hobby.
For a modern engineer and research worker it is absolutely necessary to have practical
command of foreign languages. A scientist who can read the literature of his field in
several languages has a much better grasp of the subject.
Learning foreign languages enriches the native language, makes it clearer, more
flexible and expressive.

Activity 2. Write the sentences.

1. The first form of writing was

2. Language is a

3. Speech community is a

4. Polyglots are

Activity 3. Give English equivalents of the following Ukrainian words and word-

Людське суспільство
засіб спілкування
первісна людина
спілкуватися словами
далеке минуле
швидкий ріст (збільшення)
розмовна мова
жива істота
мовна спільність
з іншого боку
рідна мова
практично володіти іноземною мовою
більш гнучкий і виразний

Activity 4. Give nouns corresponding to the following verbs.

To think
to live
to grow
to speak
to know
to produce

Activity 5. Read and translate the following words of the common root.

create — creation — creator — creative — creativity — creature;

differ — difference—different — differentiate — differentiation;
distinct — distinction — distinctive;
represent — representation — representative;
communicate — communication — communicative.

Activity 6. Combine the word "human" with the proper English word to form the
following Ukrainian expressions.

Людська мова being

людський голос language
людина voice
людський фактор factor
людський рід progress
людська природа nature
права людини race
прогрес (людського) rights

Activity 7. Read the following sentences, translate them into Ukrainian paying special
attention to the words in bold type.

1. The vocabulary of contemporary writers reflects today's developments in

2. New ideas and notions must have new, up-to-date lables (words) to name them.
Without new words and new word-combinations it is impossible to reflect the
contemporary advance of human society
3. The recent words and word-combinations are called neologisms.
4. The words "flavour" with the meaning "aroma", and "charm" with the meaning
"attractiveness" are a recent usage to denote the physical characteristics of the quark, a
fundamental physical particle.
5. A serious student of a foreign language needs a contemporary dictionary.

Activity 8. Fill in the blanks with the verbs "to be", "to have” or "to do".

1. English ________a Germanic language. It_________ a long and complicated history.

2. Each branch of science and technology ______________ its separate vocabulary.
3. Language _____________ a perfect means of expression and communication.
4. In some countries, such as China, Egypt and Mesopotamia writing _____________
practised thousands of years ago.
5. Many people ____________ professional need to know something about language.
6. Every national language _______________many functions.
7. A specialist who_____________ not know foreign languages ________________ a
problem of using foreign scientific and technical literature.
8. English ____________________ millions of native speakers.

Activity 9. Put questions to the words in bold type and answer them.

There are in most European languages some words the meaning of which, except for the
difference in pronunciation, is roughly speaking identical. They are called "international" words.

These "international" words came into different languages as a result of borrowing. As a rule,
"international" words are either of political or scientific-technical nature. A striking characteristic
of English is a certain vagueness in the use of words. One of the most important aspects of twen-
tieth-century vocabulary is the rapid extension of scientific vocabulary in recent times.

GRAMMAR. Present Perfect Tense


Вже зробив, тільки що, нещодавно

Already, just, yet, ever, never, for, since


Стверджувальне Заперечне речення Запитальне речення


We We Have I played…?
You + have + 3f (-ed) You haven’t gone he
They They Has she played…?
He we
She + has + 3f (-ed) He Have you played…?
It She hasn’t gone they

Just “a short time ago”

• Would you like something to eat? No, thanks. I've just had lunch.
• Hello. Have you just arrived?

something happened sooner

than expected

• Don't forget to post the letter, will you? I've already posted it.

• What time is Mark leaving? He's already gone.

shows that the speaker is

expecting something to happen
Yet “until now”

only in questions and

• Has it stopped raining yet?
• I've written the letter but I haven't posted it yet. negative sentences

Activity 10. Complete B's sentences. Use the verb in brackets + just/already/yet (as shown).
1. Would you like something to eat? No, thanks. I ‘ve just had lunch (just/have)
2. Do you know where Julia is? Yes, I her. (just/see).
3. What time is David leaving? He (already/leave).
4. What's in the newspaper today? I don't know. I (not/read/yet).
5. Is Ann coming to the cinema with us?No, she the film. (already/see).
6. Are your friends here yet? Yes, they (just/arrive).
7. What does Tim think about your plan?I (not/tell/yet).

Activity 11. Open the brackets, using the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. The rain (to stop) and the sun is shining in the sky again.
2. The rain (to stop) half an hour ago.
3. The wind (to blow) off the man's hat, and he cannot catch it.
4. The weather (to change), and we can go for a walk.
5. We (to travel) around Europe last year.
6. My father knows so much because he (to travel) a lot.
7. I (to see) Pete today.
8. She (to see) this film last Sunday.
9. Alex (to meet) his friend two hours ago.
10. The children already (to decide) what to do with the books.

11. Yesterday they (to decide) to help their grandmother.

Activity 12. Open the brackets, using the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. I (not yet to eat) today.

2. He (not to eat) yesterday.
3. You (to play) the piano yesterday?
4. You (to play) the piano today?
5. What you (to prepare) for today?
6. Look at this birdhouse. Mike (to make) it himself. He (to make) it last Sunday.
7. Where you (to put) my pen? I cannot find it.
8. You (to see) Mary today?
9. When you (to see) Mary? — I (to see) her last week.
10. Your mother (to promise) to take you to the theatre?
11. Look at my new dress! I (to make) it myself.
12. He is not at school today, he (to fall) ill. — When he (to fall) ill? — He (to fall) ill yesterday.
13. I already (to do) my homework. Now I can go for a walk.
14. I (to do) my homework yesterday.
15. He just (to come) home.

Activity 13. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect of the following verbs and any
words in brackets. Use each verb only one time:

eat, look, save, use, give, play, sleep, wear, improve, rise, speak, win

1. People _______________________ sheep’s wool to make clothing for centuries.

2. The night is over. It’s daytime now. The sun _______________________________.
3. I (never) __________________________________ golf, butI’d like to. It looks like fun.
4. Our team is great. They _______________________________ all of their games so far this year.
They haven’t lost a single game.
5. Lily must be angry with me. She (not ) ________________________ one word to me all evening.
I wonder what I did to make her angry.
6. The cat must be sick. He (not) ______________________________ any food for two days. We’d
better call the vet.
7. Our teacher ___________________ us a lot of tests and quizzes since the beginning of the term.
8. We put a little money in our savings account every month. We want to buy a car, but we (not)
_____________________________ enough money yet. We’ll have enough in a few more months.
9. (you, ever) ________________________________outdoors for the entire night? I mean without
a tent, with nothing between you and stars.
10. My aunt puts on a wig whenever she goes out, but I (never)
____________________________a wig in my life.
11. Paul’s health _________________________________ a lot since he started eating the right
kinds of food, exercising regularly, and handling the stress in his life. He’s never felt better.
12. I can’t find my keys. I _______________________________ everywhere – in all my pockets, in
my briefcase, in my desk. They’re gone.

Activity 14. Complete the sentences using Present Perfect with just, already, yet

1. After lunch you go to see a friend at her home. She says: “Would you like something to eat?”
You say: “No, thank you. I _______________________________________________ (have lunch).”
2. Bill goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the caller says: “ Can I speak to Bill?” You
say: “I’m afraid, he _______________________________________________ (go out).”
3. You are eating at the restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your
plate away. You say: “Wait a minute! I __________________________________ (not, finish).”
4. You are going to a restaurant this evening. You phone to reserve a table. Later your friend says:
“Shall I phone to reserve a table?” You say: “No, I ________________________________ it.” (do).
5. You know that a friend of yours is looking for a job. Perhaps he has been successful. Ask him.
You say: ______________________________________________________ (find)?
6. Alice went to the bank, but a few minutes ago she returned. Somebody asks: “Is Alice still at the
bank?” You say: “No, __________________________________________ (come back).”
Home task: ______________________________________________________________________

Заняття 2.

Тема Present Perfect Tense. Особливості вживання.

Людина і суспільство.

Be happy!

Activity 1. Match the verbs in A to the words/phrases in B.

visit a lie in
go relatives
have clubbing

meet up a quiet night in

do with friends
have some gardening

tidy up some exercise

do the house/the flat
go to exhibitions

chat for a walk/a run

have to people online
go people round for dinner

go clubbing go to clubs where there is music and dancing: Lots of people in the UK
go clubbing at the weekend
lie -in when you stay in bed longer than usual in the morning: I often have a
have a lie-
lie-in on Sundays.
tidy up the house/flat put things back in the places where you usually keep them:
I usually tidy up the flat before I go to work.
chat to someone online talk to someone by sending messages to each other an the
Internet:: Lots of people chat online to friends in different countries.

Which of the things from Activity 1 do you: usually, often, sometimes, never do at
the weekend?
What other things do you do at the weekend?

Activity 2. Work in pairs. Compare ideas.

I sometimes go to the exhibitions at the weekends Yes, so do I

Activity 3. Read the beginning of the article about happiness. How did the scientists make their
top ten list?

Activity 4. Look at these reasons for happiness. Put them in order from 1-10 (1 = the most
friends and family
being married
helping others
your genes
being attractive
growing old
not wanting more than you've got

Work in pairs. Compare lists. Explain the order you chose.

Activity 5. Read and translate the text.

The secret of happiness

Many people think that being clever, rich and attractive is the best way to find happiness.
But according to a recent report in New Scientist magazine, these things aren’t as important as we
think. A group of scientists reviewed hundreds of research studies from around the world and
then made a list of the top ten reasons for happiness – and their list makes very surprising reading.

Activity 6. Look at the photos of Sarah, Greg and Jenny. What makes them happy, do
you think? Listen and write two things that make each person happy. Listen again. Answer
these questions.
1. Who does Sarah work for? Her father
2. What are her children doing at the
3. What did Sarah do last Saturday?
4. How many countries has Greg been to?
5. Where did he go last year?
6. How often does he work in his garden?
7. Does Jenny usually get up early on
8. What did she have for breakfast last
9. What makes her flatmate happy?
Help with Grammar

Activity 7. a) Match questions 1- 4 from Activity 6 to these verb forms.

Present Simple 1 Past Simple

Present Perfect Simple Present Continuous

b) Write questions 2-4 from Activity 6 in the table.

question word auxiliary subject verb

Who does Sarah work for?

Activity 8. Fill in the gaps in these questions with do, are, have, did or - (no auxiliary).

1. Where do you live?

2. How long_______________you lived there?
3. Who________________you live with?
4. Who _____________gets up first in youi home?
5. Why __________ you studying English?
6. Who _____________told you about this school?
7. ________________you study here last year?
8. How many countries _____________you been to in your life?
9. Which of your friends_____________lives closest to you?
10. What ___________ you do last New Year?

Activity 9. Make a list of the top ten things you do that make you happy.

1) go out for a meal with friends

2) read in bad

Activity 10. Make questions with these words.

1. house / you / at weekends / tidy up / Do / your ?

2. been / in / the / you / lasi / clubbing / month / Have ?
3. quiet / having / you/hcxt / When / a / night / in / are ?
4. round / you / have / How often / do / for dinner / people ?
5. people / online / ever / Have / chaned / you / to ?
6. you / a / have / Did / last weekend / lie-in ?
7. friends / visiting / you / weekend / this / Are / or relatives ?
8. many / How / lasl year / go / did / you / exhibitions / to?

GRAMMAR. Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense

Present Perfect Past Simple

1. Tells us something about now. 1. Tells us only about the past.
• Jack grew a beard but now he has • They went out after lunch and they've
shaved it off. (so he doesn't have a just come back. (so they are back now)
beard now)
2. To ask When...? or What time...?:
• When did they arrive? (not 'have they
• What time did you finish work?

Present Perfect (have done) Past Simple (did)

period of time that continues

finished time in the past.
from the past until now.

today, this week, since 1985 last week, yesterday,

• I've done a lot of work today. from 1985 to 1991.
• I did a lot of work yesterday.
Unfinished Finished
today yesterday
Past now Past now
• It hasn't rained this week. • It didn't rain last week.
• Have you seen Ann this morning? • Did you see Ann this morning?
(it is still morning) (it is now afternoon or evening)
• I have never played golf. 12 • I didn't play golf when I was on
(in my life) holiday last summer.
Activity 11. Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use the present perfect or past simple.

1. (it / not / rain / this week) It hasn't rained this week

2. (the weather / be / cold /recently) The weather
3. (it / cold / last week) It
4. (I / not / read / a newspaper yesterday) I
5. (I / not / read / a newspaper today)
6. (Ann / earn / a lot of money / this year)
7. (she / not / earn / so much / last year)
8. (you / have / a holiday recently?)

Activity 12. Open the brackets, using the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. It (to be) very cold yesterday.

2. When you (to meet) him?
3. I (not to see) him since 1987.
4. How many mushrooms you (to gather)?
5. Where you (to put) the newspaper? I want to read it, but cannot find it anywhere.
6. The new school (to begin) working last year.
7. At last I (to do) all my homework: now I shall go out.
8. The building of the house (to begin) early in April.
9. The rain (to stop) but a cold wind is still blowing.
10. We already (to solve) the problem.
11. He just (to finish) his work.
12. You (to make) any spelling mistakes in your dictation?

Activity 13. Put the verb into the correct form, Present Perfect or Past Simple.
1. I don't know where Amy is Have you seen (you/see) her?
2. When I (get) home last night, I (be) very tired and I (go)
straight to bed.
3. Your car looks very clean. (you/wash) it?
4. George (not/be) very well last week.
5. Mr Clark (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
6. Molly lives in Dublin. She (live) there all her life.
7. (you/go) to the cinema last night? Yes, but it (be)
a mistake. The film (be) awful.
9. I don't know Carol's husband. I (never/meet/him).

Activity 14. Present Perfect and Past Simple. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. My sister (has been, was interested) in medicine ever since she has been, was a child.
2. How long (have you studied, did you study before you have qualified, qualified)?
3. Where (have you first met, did you first meet) your husband?
4. Is it the first time (you’ve cooked, you cooked) pasta?
5. We (have wanted, wanted) to go to the theatre last night, but there (haven’t been, weren’t)
any seats.
6. Oh, dear. What can we do? I’m sure something dreadful (has happened, happened; we’ve been
waiting, we waited) over an hour and (he hasn’t phoned, hasn’t been phoning) yet.
7. We (have posted, posted) the parcel three weeks ago. If you still (haven’t received, didn’t
receive) it, please inform us immediately.

Activity 15. Use Present Continuous or Present Perfect.

1. What you (to talk) _________________________________about?

2. We just (to talk) _________________________________about it.
3. He just (to say) __________________________________something about it.
4. She (to tell) _____________________________________ them some interesting story.
5. He (to tell) __________________________________ us nothing about it.
6. She (to tell) _________________________________ them some stories about dogs.
7. We have (to have) ____________________________ two lessons today.
8. They (to have) ______________________________a meeting at the moment.
9. She (not to speak) ____________________________ yet.
10. They (to ask) __________________________________ me several questions.
11. He already (to learn) ___________________________ the rule.
12. I’m busy. I (to write) ___________________________ an exercise.
13. What he (to do)_________________________? — He (to read) ______________a newspaper.
14. _____________________________(to read) you any stories by Jack London?
15. What you (to do) __________________ here? — I (to write) __________________a letter to
my friend.
16. Who (to write) _____________________this article?
17. What language you (to study) _________________________?
18. We already (to learn) _______________________________a lot of English words.
19. Who (to teach)______________________________ you to do it?
20. (you, to find) ________________________________the book?

Activity 16. Use the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. The sun (not to rise) ________________________yet, but the sky in the east is getting
lighter every minute.
2. I _________________________(not to read) the newspaper today.
3. How many times you (to be) _________________________ to Paris?
4. At last I (to translate) ____________________ this article: now I shall have a little rest?
5. We (to go) ___________________ to the country yesterday, but the rain ______________
(to spoil) the pleasure.
6. The lecture (not yet to begin) _____________________________ and the students are
talking in the classroom.
7. She ____________just (to go) _____________ out.
8. We (not to solve) _____________________ the problem yet.
9. Oh, how dark it is! A large black cloud (to cover) ____________________________ the sky.
I think it will start raining in a few minutes.
10. Oh, close the window! Look, all my papers (to fall) _______________________ on the floor
because of the wind.

Home task: Open the brackets, using the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. What books you (to read) when you (to live) in the country?
2. They (not yet to come) from the south.
3. He (to be) ill last week, but now he (to recover).
4. If everybody (to read) this new novel, let's discuss it.
5. You (to read) all the books on this shelf?
6. I (not to see) my cousin since last year.
7. Why you (to put) these things in the wrong place?
8. Why you (to leave) the door open? You will catch cold sitting in the draught.

Заняття 3.

Тема Past Perfect Tense. Утворення та вживання.

Людина і суспільство.

Likes and dislikes

Activity 1. Match these phrases to a) - c).

I really love... I enjoy….

I really hate…. I don’t mind...
I don’t like… at all. I'm not very keen on ...
I can’t stand…. I'm really/very/quite keen on ...
I’m really/very/quite interested in ... …drive(s) me crazy.
I think... is/are all right. I think….. is/are really boring/annoying.
….really gets on my nerves. I think... is/are great/brilliant/wonderful
I can't bear...

phrases to say you like phrases to say something is phrases to say you don t like
something OK something

Activity 2. Think about how you feel about these things. Choose a different phrase from A1 for
each thing.
• waiting in queues
• doing the washing up
• buying new shoes
• going on long journeys
• getting up early
• watching reality TV

Work in pairs. Compare ideas. Explain why you feel like this.

Activity 3. Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

1. Have you got a mobile phone? If so, how important is it to you? If not, why haven't you
got one?
2. What are the good things and bad things about mobile phones? Make two lists.

Activity 4. Look at the article. Read and listen to Amy and Jeremy. Which things on your
lists from 3 do they talk about? Read the article again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. Amy phones people a lot during the day.

2. She often uses the camera on her phone.
3. She always takes her phone with her when she goes out.
4. Jeremy enjoys listening to people's phone conversations.
5. His brothers turn off their mobiles when they go out with him.

Who do you agree with, Amy or Jeremy? Why?


"I love my mobile I didn’t t get one for ages, but now I don t think I could
live without one I hardly ever call people during the day because it's quite
expensive, but I text my friends all the time. My phone's also got a camera,
but I haven’t taken many photos with it. Also I feel much safer with my
mobile phone and never leave home without it, especially at night. The
only problem is when the battery runs out or there’s no signal – that’s
happened to me once or twice, usually when I’m trying to get home late at
night and there are n taxis around. But I don’t have my mobile on all the
time – when I’m not feeling very sociable or talkative I just switch it off”


"I really hate mobile phones None of my friends can understand why I
haven't got one, but no one thinks about how annoying mobiles are to
other people. Everyone always talks very loudly when they’re on then
mobiles and I can’t bear listening to other’s conversation when I’m on
the train. Also the ring tones really get on my nerves! Both of my
brothers have got mobiles, but when we meet up, neither of them ever
switches their phone rang five times! I know I can’t stop other people
having them, but I don’t think I’ll get one.”

Activity 5. Make these sentences negative. There is sometimes more than one possible answer.
1. I often call my sister. I don't often call my sister.
2. Everyone in my family has a mobile.
3. Miranda's sent me a text.
4. I think I'll buy a new phone.
5. There's a message for you.
6. All of my friends have got mobiles.
7. Both of my sisters like texting.

Activity 6. Listen and check the sentences. Listen again and practise.

I don’t often call my sister.

Activity 7. Listen to Amy and Jeremy talking about topics 1-4. Who talks about each topic?
Do they love them or hate them?

1. Cooking
2. Flying
3. Football on TV
4. Customer service phone lines

Listen again. Find two reasons why each person loves or hates each topic.

Activity 8. Match beginnings of sentences 1-8 to ending a) -i)

1. I'm very interested a) keen on joining my local gym.

2. I'm quite b) mind going food shopping.
3. I don’t c) working at weekends.
4. I don't like going d) a quiet night in.
5. Tidying up my house e) in working abroad.
6. I think lic-ins f) to the dentist at all.
7. I'm not very keen g) drives me crazy.
8. I can't stand h) on takeaway food.
9. I enjoy having i) at the weekends are wonderful

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Activity 9. Read Martin’s opinions of computers and fill in the gaps.

There aren't many things I don’t like in life, but computers drive me crazy. Of course, everyone
___________________ they are a wonderful invention and we've got one at home for the
children. Both of them ___________________ a computer since they __________________young
and they hardly ever__________________any problems. But when I_____________________to
send an email or use the Internet, it never works properly. I___________________ excuses - I
know it's my problem rather than the computer’s. None of my friends like computers so maybe it
_____________________ something to do with our age. I don't think we'll ever understand them.

a) I’m not liking don’t like didn’t like
b) says said is saying
c) are using use have used
d) have been are were
e) have had are having
f) tried ‘m trying try
g) haven’t made didn’t make ‘m not making

Activity 10. Now read Diane‘‘s opinion of computers and fill in the gaps with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Present
Perfect Simple.

I think computers arc amazing. We’ve had (have) one in our family for almost 20 years -
since I ___________ (be) about 12. At that time we _________________ (not use) it for anything
serious - no one did. My sister and I usually played games on it. Then at university I always
______________________ (write) my essays on it and I soon realised there are lots of things a
computer can help with. Since then I ______________________ (not be able to) leave it alone! All
of my friends____________________ (call) me with their computer problems. I_______________
(not get) paid or anything - I just do it as a favour. I_______________ (help) two of my friends
with their computers at the moment - they're broken. Neither of them know anything about
computers, but they know how io take me out for a meal!

GRAMMAR. Past Perfect Tense


Зробив щось, до того, як

Before, just, yet, ever, never, already


Стверджувальне Заперечне речення Запитальне речення


We We Had I played…?
You + had + 3f (-ed) You hadn’t gone he
They They Had she played…?
He we
She + had + 3f (-ed) He Had you played…?
It She hadn’t gone they
It 19
I/we/they/you gone
had seen
he/she/it finished

Something that happened

in the past:

If we want to talk about things that

happened before this time, we use • Sarah arrived at the party.
the Past Perfect

This is the starting point

of the story
When Sarah arrived at the party,
Paul had already gone home.

Present Perfect Past Perfect

have done had done

past now past now

Who is that woman? I've never seen her before • I didn't know who she was. I'd never seen
her before. (= before that time)

• We aren't hungry. We've just had lunch. • We weren't hungry. We'd just had lunch.
• The house is dirty. They haven't cleaned • The house was dirty. They hadn't cleaned it
it for weeks. for weeks

Activity 11. Open the brackets, using the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.

1.Tom ( to return) home by 5 o’clock.

2.When I (to come) home, mother already (to cook) dinner
3. When the teacher ( to enter) the classroom, the pupils already
(to open) their books.
4. Kate (to give) me the book which she (to buy) the day before.
5. Nick (to show) the teacher the picture which he (to draw).
6. The boy (to give) the goats the grass which he (to bring)
from the field.
7. Mother (to see) that Nick (not to wash) his hands.
8 The teacher (to understand) that Lena (not
to do) her homework.

9. I (to know) that my friend (not yet to come).
10. When I (to wake) up yesterday, father already (to go)
to work.
11. Nick (to think) that his father (not yet
to come) home.
12. Mary (to tell) us that she (to cook) a good dinner.

Activity 12. Choose the correct form of the verbs. (Past Simple, Past Perfect).


The conference was very successful. The seminars and talks (1) were / had been
extremely interesting and it was obvious that all speakers (2) had prepared / prepared
their material very thoroughly. Everyone agreed that this should become an annual event.
There were however a number of administrative problems. When
we (3) arrived / had arrived, we (4) discovered /had discovered, that the hotel manager
(5) reserved /had reserved the wrong room for us and therefore we (6) did not have / had
not had enough space. Unfortunately, he could not let us have the larger room because
(7) he gave / had given it to another group, even bigger than ours.
He (8) also misunderstood / had misunderstood the letter explaining
what food we (9) required / had required. In fact, we (10) suspected / had suspected that
he (11) lost / had lost the letter. We do not recommend using this hotel again.

Activity 13. Use the Present Perfect or Past Perfect.

1. A: Oh, no! We’re too late. The train (leave, already) ______________________________.
B: That’s okay. We’ll catch the next train to London.
2. Last Thursday, we went to the station to catch a train to Bristol, but we were too late. The train
(leave, already) _________________________________ .
3. A: Go back to sleep. It’s only five o’clock in the morning.
B: I am not sleepy. I (sleep, already) … for three hours. I’m going to get up.
4. I woke up at five, but I couldn’t get back to sleep. I wasn’t sleepy. I (sleep, already)
__________________ for three hours.
5. A: I’ll introduce you to Mr. Brown at the meeting tonight.
B: You don’t need to. I (already, meet) _______________him.
6. Alex offered to introduce me to Mr. Brown, but is wasn’t necessary. I _____________________
(meet, already) him.
7. A: Do you want to go to the movie tonight?
B: What are you going to see?
A: The Silence of the Lambs.
B: I (see, already) _______________________ it. Thanks anyway.
8. I didn’t go to the movie with Eva last Saturday night. I (see, already) ______________________.
9. A: Amanda? Amanda! Is that you? How are you? I haven’t seen you for ages!
B: Excuse me? Are you talking to me?
A: Oh. You’re not Amanda? I’m sorry. It is clear that I (make) ____________________________
a mistake. Please excuse me.
10. Yesterday I approached a stranger who looked like Amanda and started talking to her. But she
wasn’t Amanda. It was clear that I (make) ________________________________ a mistake. I
was really embarrassed.

Activity 14. Use Past Continious or Past Perfect.

1. Adel didn’t need to study the multiplication tables in the seventh grade. She (to learn)
_____________________________ them.
2. I enjoyed visiting Adel’s class. It was an arithmetic class. The students ( to do )
____________________________ their multiplication tables.
3. While I ( to walk )________________________ up the mountains, I got tired. But I didn’t stop
until I reached the top.
4. I was very tired when I got to the top of the mountain. I ( to walk ) _______________________
a long distance.
5. I knocked. No one answered. I turned the handle and pulled sharply the door, but it didn’t open.
Someone ( to lock )______________________________ it.
6. “Where were you when the earthquake occurred?” “In my office. I ( to talk )
_______________________ to my assistant. We were working on the report.”
7. “Roy’s house was destroyed in the earthquake.” “I know! It’s lucky that he and his family (to
leave ) ______________________________ for his parents’ home before the earthquake struck.”
8. We drove three hundred miles to see the circus in Atlanta. When we got there, we couldn’t find
the circus. It had left city. We ( to drive ) ___________________all the way to Atlanta for nothing.

Home task: Open the brackets, using the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.

1. Yesterday I (to find) the book which I (to lose) in summer.

2. When we (to come) to the station, the train already (to leave).
3. The girl (to be) glad that she (to find) a seat near the window.
4. Suddenly he (to remember) that he (not to ring) her up in the morning.
5. By the time the train (to reach) the city, he (to make) friends with many passengers.
6. When my uncle (to leave), he (to hurry) to the station to book a ticket.

Заняття 4.

Тема Past Perfect Tense. Особливості вживання.

Людина і суспільство.

Which of these things do you do to relax?
How often do you do them?
What else do you do to relax?

watch TV go swimming do yoga have a massage

paint go for a run go out for a drink meditate

Work in pairs. Compare your answers.

Activity 1. Jeremy and his wife, Anne, have invited two friends, Mike and Sally, round for
dinner. Listen to their conversation. What does each person do to relax?
listen again. How often do they do the things that help them relax?

Tick the words you know.

fed up

relaxed happy because you aren't worried about anything: Adela felt very relaxed
after her holiday in Spain.
nervous worried because of something that is going to happen; I always get
nervous before I speak in public.
pleased happy about something that happened: I'm pleased you like the present.
embarrassed feel stupid because of something you did or something that
happened: I felt so embarrassed when our son said he didn't like the food.
annoyed a bit angry: I get annoyed when I have to wait in queues.
fed up annoyed or bored because you have done something for too long: I'm fed up
with working so hard.
disappointed unhappy because something is not as good as you wanted it to be, or
because something hasn't happened: They were disappointed that only ten people
came to their party.
stressed worried and not able to relax: He’s very stressed about his new job.
calm relaxed and peaceful: I always feel very calm after doing yoga.
upset unhappy or worried because something bad has happened: She was very
upset when she lost her job.
scared frightened: I'm really scared of spiders.
satisfied pleased because something has happened in the way that you want: She
was very satisfied with her students’exam results.
confused when you don't understand what is happening or what people are saying:
Matt was confused and didn't know what to do.
shocked very surprised and upset: I was shocked by the news of his death.
glad happy and pleased: I'm glad you enjoyed the meal.
frustrated annoyed because things are not happening in the way that you want
them to: She felt very frustrated because people couldnr understand her.
concerned worried: I'm very concerned about the environment.

Which words in describe negative feelings?

Choose six adjectives. Think of the last time you felt like this.
Activity 2. Read the article and match topics a) -e) to paragraphs 1-5.

a) It worked for me - try it yourself

b) Why laughter is good for you
c) Start the day with a laugh
d) My first laughter class
e) How Laughter Clubs began

Do you want to live a happier, less stressful life? Try laughing for no reason at all. That's
1 how thousands of people start their day at Laughter Clubs around the world and many
doctors now think that having a good laugh might be one of the best ways to stay

The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai, India, in 199b by Dr Madan Kataria.
Young children laugh about 300 times a day. Adults laugh between 7 and 15 times a
2 day," says Dr Kataria. "Everyone's naturally good at laughing – it’s the universal
language. We want people to feel happy with their lives." There are now more than 500
Laughter Clubs in India and over 1,300 worldwide.

Many doctors in the West are also interested in the effects of laughter on our health.
3 According to a 5-year study at the UCLA School of Medicine in California, laughter reduces
stress in the body improves our defences against illness by about 40% and is very good for
the heart.

So what happens at a Laughter Club? I went along to my nearest cluo in south I ondon to
find out. I was quite nervous about it, to be honest - I wasn't keen on the idea of
4 laughing with a group of strangers, and I was worried about looking stupid. First, our
laughter teacher told us to clap our hands and say "ho he ho ha ha ha," while looking at
each other. Apparently our bodies can't tell the difference between fake laughter and
real laughter, so they still produce the same healthy chemicals.

Amazingly, it works. After ten minutes everybody in the room was laughing for real - and
5 some people just couldn't stop! At the end of the class I was surprised by how relaxed
and calm I felt. So if you're upset about something at work or just ted up with your daily
routine, then start laughing. You might be very pleased with the results!

Activity 3. Read the article again. Fill in the gaps in these sentences with one or two words.

1. The first _______________________ was in Mumhai, India.

2. Children laugh ______________ than adults.
3. There are ________________Laughter Clubs in the world.
4. Doctors think laughing helps people stay_______________________.
5. Fake laughter is _____________________for your health
6. The reporter really_______________ the class.

Would you like to go to a laughter Club? Why?/Why not?

Activity 4. Work in groups. You are going to create a Happiness Club. Decide on these things.

a name for the club

the number of different rooms or areas
activities people can do in each room/area
music, food, drink, furniture, decoration, etc.
any other ideas

Activity 5. Read the sentences. Fill in the puzzle with adjectives to describe how the people are
1. She works really hard, but she can't get promotion.
2. He's forgotten his best friend's birthday.
3. She's got her driving test this afternoon.
4. He's just come back from a long holiday.
5. He didn't get the birthday present he wanted.
6. They don't understand the exercise.
7. Their son got the job he was applying for.
8. She hasn't got time to do everything she needs to do.

5 I

Activity 6. Open the brackets, using the verbs in Past Simple або Past Perfect.

1. By two o'clock the teacher (to examine) all the students.

2. On my way to school I (to remember) that I (to leave) my report at home.
3. All my friends (to be) glad to hear that I (to pass) all the examinations successfully.
4. He (to open) his eyes, (to look) around and (to try) to remember what (to happen) to him.
5. All the passengers (to see) at once that the old man (to travel) a great deal in his life.
6. By the time we (to come) to see him, he (to return) home.
7. During the holidays my friend (to visit) the village where he (to live) in his childhood.
8. When they (to enter) the hall, the performance already (to begin).
9.When I came home, my mother (to tell) me that she (to receive) a letter from grandfather.
10. Where you (to work) before you (to enter) the institute?
11. He (to study) French before he (to enter) the university.

Activity 7. Put the verbs in the present perfect (have done) or past perfect (had done).

? It isn't raining now. It's stopped (stop) at last.

? We had no car at that time. We'd sold (sell) our old one.

1. The park looked awful. People (leave) litter everywhere.

2. You can have that newspaper. I (finish) with it.
3. There's no more cheese. We (eat) it all, I'm afraid.
4. There was no sign of a taxi, although I (order) one half an hour before.
5. This bill isn't right. They (make) a mistake.
6. I spoke to Melanie at lunch-time. Someone (tell) her the news earlier.
7. I was really tired last night. I (have) a hard day.
8. Don't you want to see this programme? It (start).
9. It'll soon get warm in here. I (turn) the heating on.
10. At last the committee were ready to announce their decision. They
(make) up their minds.

Activity 8. Use Present Perfect, Past Continious or Past Perfect.

1. When I went to bed, I turned on the radio. While I (sleep) ______________________________

somebody turned it off.
2. You’re from Italy? I (never, to be)_______________________________ there. I’d like to go
there someday.
3. I started to tell Dad the news, but he stopped me. He (already, to hear)
______________________________ it.
4. When Karen went to bed, it was snowing. It (snow, still) _______________________________
when she woke up in the morning.
5. Rita called me on the phone to tell me the good news. She (to pass) ______________________
her final exam in English.
6. I couldn’t think. The people around me (make) __________________________ too much noise.
Finally, I gave up and left to try to find a quiet place to work.
7. Are you still waiting for Peter? (he, come, not) ______________________________ yet? He’s
really late, isn’t he?
8. Otto (to be, never) ____________________________ in the hospital before. It was a new
experience for him.
9. A couple of weeks ago Mr. Brown, our office manager, surprised all of us. When he walked into
the office, he (to wear) __________________________a bright red jacket. Everyone stopped and
stared. Mr. Brown is a conservative dresser. Before that time, he (to wear, never)
_______________________ anything but a blue or gray suit. And he (wear, not)
_____________________ that jacket again since that time. He wore it only once.

Activity 9. Test yourself. Choose the correct verb form.

1. Were you at the race yesterday? I _______________________ you there.

A: haven’t seen B: didn’t see
C: wasn’t seeing D: don’t see

2. Patty, please don’t interrupt me. I _____________________ to Mom on the phone. Go play
with your dolls.
A: talk B: have talked
C: am talking D: have been talking

3. Now listen carefully. When Aunt Betty _____________________tomorrow, give her a big hug.
A: arrives B: will arrive
C: arrived D: is going to arrive

4. I ________________ my glasses three times so far this year. One time I dropped them on the
cement floor. Another time I sat on them. And this time I stepped on them.
A: broke B: was breaking
C: have broken D: have been breaking

5. Angela reached to the floor and picked up her glasses. They were broken. She ______________
on them.
A: stepped B: had stepped
C: was stepping D: has stepped

6. Dorothy gets angry easily. She ____________________ a bad temper ever since she was a child.
A: has B: will have
C: had D: has had

7. Now, whenever Dorothy starts to lose her temper, she ______________ a deep breath and
_______________ to ten.
A: takes … counts B: has taken … counted
C: took … counted D: is taking … counting

8. I unlocked my door and walked into my flat. I was surprised to see my cousin there. He
____________________ in the middle of the of the big room. He ____________________ in
through the open window in the kitchen. I demanded to know why he was in my flat.
A: stood … was coming B: stood … came
C: was standing … came D: was standing … had come

9. Ever since I told Tom about my illness, he ___________________ me. Why are people like that?
A: is avoiding B: avoided
C: avoids D: has been avoiding

10. The phone rang, so I _____________________ it up and ______________________ hello.

A: picked … had said B: picked … said
C: was picking … said D: was picking … had said
Home task: ____________________________________________________________________

Заняття 5.
Тема Future Perfect Tense. Утворення питальних речень.
Людина і суспільство



Activity 1. Look at the picture. Where are the people?

Activity 2. Complete the questions in conversations A-D with these question tags.

isn't he? don't you? have you? didn't she?

Activity 3. Complete conversations A-D with these short answers.

Yes, she did. No, he isn't, actually. Yes, I do. No, I haven't.

Listen and check.

Activity 4. Listen to the next part of conversations A-D. Choose the correct answers.

1. The woman wants Dave's mobile number/ email address.

2. Steve's brother wants to go/went to Bristol University.
3. Tom has/hasn't been to China.
4. Jack eats/doesn't eat steak.

Activity 5. Write question tags for these sentences.

1. Your sister did law too___________________?
2. She works for a big law firm now_______________?
3. You're coming to my party, ________________?
4. Dave hasn't got a girlfriend,_________________?
5. You eat meat,_____________________?
6. You've got a drink,_______________________?
7. Tom went to school with you,_________________?
8. He isn't here today,_________________________?

Activity 6. Fill in the gaps with not and the correct form of the auxiliaries do, be or have.
1. You aren’t coming tomorrow.
2. I __________________ need to bring anything to the barbecue.
3. Clare_________________________eat beef.
4. He_______________________been here before.
5. They ________________________ got any ehildren.
6. We ________________________see him yesterday.
7. It _________________________going to rain.
8. You______________________told him yet.

Activity 7. Write question tags for these sentences.

1. You eat fish don't you?
2. You're vegetarian,________________?
3. Children love barbecues, _______________?
4. They came round for dinner once, _________________?
5. He's being very sociable,_____________________?
6. Their garden is looking very nice,____________________?
7. I’ve cooked too much food,_______________________?
8. We've got a barbecue like yours,________________?

Activity 8. Correct the mistake in each sentence.

1. I'm really interesting in gardening. interested in
2. Everyone want to go clubbing tonight.
3. Their going to have a lie-in tomorrow,
4. I often loose against my brother when we play tennis.
5. He’s worked here for the year before last.
6. I've gone to France and I thought it was beautiful.
7. I can’t bear Paul and Sallys' dog.
8. Nobody doesn't want to come.

Activity 9. Complete questions with these verbs.

do have go to meet up go tidy up chat visit

Last weekend did you __________?

1. do any exercise?
2. __________clubbing?
3. __________the house/flat?
4. __________any exhibitions?
5. ____________relatives?
6. ___________ to friends online?
7. ____________a lie-in?
8. ___________ with friends?

Activity 10. Fill in the gaps with an auxiliary where necessary.

1. What ____________you do to relax?

2. Who________watches TV the most in your family?
3. _________________you go anywhere interesting last week?
4. What________you going to do after class?
5. How many times ________________you moved house?
6. Which of your friends ____________ the most exercise?
7. How long __________________you known your best friend?
8. ________________you studying any other languages at the moment?

Activity 11. Read and translate the text.

On Not Answering the Telephone
Why don’t I have a telephone? Not because I pretend to be wise or pose as unusual. There
are two chief reasons because I don’t really like the telephone, and because I find I can still work
and play, eat, breathe, and sleep without it. Why don't I like the telephone? Because I think it is a
pest and a time-waster. It may create unnecessary suspense and anxiety, as when you wait for an
expected call that doesn't come; or irritating delay, as when you keep ringing a number that is
always engaged. As for speaking in a public telephone box, that seems to me really horrible. You
would not use it unless you were in a hurry, and because you are. in a hurry you will find other
people waiting before you. When you do get into the box, you are half asphyxiated by stale,
unventilated air, flavoured with cheap face-powder and chain-smoking; and by the time you have
begun your conversation your back is chilled by the cold looks of somebody who is fidgeting to
take your place.
If you have a telephone in your house, you will admit that it tends to ring when you least
want it to ring — when you are asleep, or in the middle of a meal or a conversation, or when you
are just going out, or when you are in your bath. Are you strong-minded enough to ignore it, to say
to yourself, "Ah well, it will all be the same in a hundred years' time?" You are not. You think there
may be some important news or message for you. Have you never rushed dripping from the bath,
or chewing from the table, or dazed from bed, only to be told that you are a wrong number? You
were told the truth. In my opinion all telephone numbers are wrong numbers. If, of course, your
telephone rings and you decide not to answer it, then you will have to listen to an idiotic bell
ringing and ringing in what is supposed to be the privacy of your own home. You might as well buy
a bicycle bell and ring it yourself...
to pretend [pri'tend] — претендувати на, робити вигляд
suspense — занепокоєння, невідомість
anxiety [en'zaieti] — тривога
horrible — жахливий
to asphyxiate [es'fiksieit] — викликати ядуху, душити
to fidget ['fidgit] — неспокійно рухатися, бути у хвилюванні
privacy ['praivesi] — самота, таємниця

Activity 12. For each sentence, place the letter of the best answer in the space provided.
Translate them into Ukrainian.
1. There are two chief reasons for not having a telephone. The author thinks _____.

a) that some dishonest people use it to find out when a home will be unoccupied or to
get credit card numbers;
b) it has a very irritating sound;
c) it may create unnecessary suspense and anxiety, as when one waits for an expected
call that doesn't come.

2. The author of the essay considers speaking in a public telephone box ______.
a) very enjoyable;
b) amusing enough to speak for a long time';
c) really horrible.

3. The author's attitude to the telephone is negative because_____.

a) he dislikes telephone solicitation (sales by telephone);
b) he thinks the telephone tends to ring when one least wants it to ring;
c) he always reaches the wrong number.

4. When the author gets into the telephone box he _____.

a) is half asphyxiated by stale, unventilated air;
b) is very angry because he misdials and reaches the wrong number;
c) he has a bad connection and the line goes dead.

5. Sometimes people rush dripping from the bath, or chewing from the table, or dazed
from bed, only to be told_____.
a) that somebody wanted to call and ask for verification;
b) that somebody wanted to know emergency phone numbers for information;
c) that somebody is a wrong number.

Activity 13. Explain the following phrases as they have been used in the text. Translate them
into Ukrainian.
Chief reasons;
a time-waster;
to wait for an expected call;
an irritating delay;
to keep doing smth.;
a public telephone box;
to be in a hurry;
to get into the box;
to be half asphyxiated by smth.;
the cold look of smb.;
to take one's place;
to be all the same;
a wrong number;
to tell the truth;
in one's opinion;
to be the privacy of one's own home.
Future Perfect Tense

Завтра, до 5 годин
Before, by, by the time


Стверджувальне Заперечне речення Запитальне речення


We Will I have played…?
You will not have gone he
You + will have + 3f (-ed)
They Will she have played…?
He we
She will not have gone Will you have played…?
She + will have + 3f (-ed)
It they

Activity 14. Fill in the sentences with one of the verb forms given after each sentence.

1. My mother began to drive cars when she was fifteen. Now she is eighty, and she still drives. She
___________________________ cars for sixty years.
A: has been driving B: drives
C: drove D: was driving

2. In every culture, people _____________________ jewelry since prehistoric times.

A: wear B: wore
C: have worn D: had worn

3. It’s hard for many young people to find jobs today. As a result, many young adults in their
twenties and even early thirties _____________________________ with their parents.
A: have still lived B: are still living
C: still lived D: were still living

4. Australian koala bears are interesting animals. They _______________________ practically their
entire lives in trees without even coming down to the ground.
A: are spending B: have been spending
C: spent D: spend

5. If you continue to work hard and try your best, I ___________________________you. But if you
stop working, I’m through.
A: will help B: am helping
C: help D: have helped

6. It’s raining hard. It ___________________an hour ago and __________________________yet.

A: starts … doesn’t stop B: started …. hasn’t stopped
C: has started … didn’t stop D: was starting … isn’t stopping

7. Nigel’s bags are almost ready for the trip. He _________________ for Syria later this afternoon.
A: leave B: left
C: has left D: is leaving

8. I heard a slight noise, so I walked to the front door to investigate. I looked down at the floor and
saw a piece of paper. Someone _____________________a note under the door to my apartment.
A: has pushed B: is pushing
C: had pushed D: pushed

9. I walked slowly through the market. People __________________________all kinds of fruits

and vegetables. I studied the prices carefully before I decided what to buy.
A: have sold B: sell
C: had sold D: were selling

10. The first advertisement on radio was broadcast in 1922. Since that time, companies
_________________ tens of billions of dollars to advertise their products on radio and television.
A: are spending B: have spent
C: spent D: spend

Home task: _______________________________________________________________________

Заняття 6.
Тема Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Утворення та вживання.
Людина і суспільство

Vocabulary Work collocations

Work collocations

Activity 1. Choose the correct verbs in these phrases.

1. Take/be work home

2. be/have time to relax
3. get/work King hours
4. work/spend overtimes
5. get/be a workaholic
6. meet/take deadlines
7. take/be time off work
8. havc/bf under pressure at work
9. leave/spend a lot of time at work
10. have/be good working conditions

overtime extra time that you work after your usual working hours: I have to work
overtime tonight.
a workaholic someone who works too much: Chris is a real workaholic. He
never does anything else.
a deadline the time when work must be finished: The deadline for this report is
9 a.m. tomorrow
pressure difficult situations or problems that make you feel worried or unhappy:
I'm under a lot of pressure at work at the moment.
working conditions things which affect the quality of your job (working hours, the
place you work, holidays, sick pay, etc.): Working conditions have improved in
the last fifty years.

Activity 2. Think of three people you know who have jobs. Choose two phrases for each person.

Activity 3. Listen to the beginning of a radio programme. Two journalists, Kim and Rob,
are discussing In Praise of Slow by Carl Honore. Check your answers.

Activity 4. Work in pairs. Try to fill in the gaps in sentences 1-6 with these countries. Use one
country twice.
the USA France Japan Germany the UK
1. Some companies in____________give their employees three days off at the weekend.
2. People in_______________spend 15% less time at work now than they did in 1980.
3. In _____________20% of people work more than 60 hours a week.
4. 60% of people in___________said they didn't take all their paid holiday.
5. In ________________20% of people don't take t-me off when they're ill.
6. In________________ they have a word that means death from working too hard'.

Activity 5. Listen to the second part of the radio programme again. Fill in the gaps with one
or two words.
1. Rob says he must take more lime off________________ .
2. Honore thinks people should only work________________________ hours a week.
3. Some French employees are allowed to begin their weekend at______________on
4. Honore: says we ought to spend more time relaxing with______________.
5. People can get their best____________ when they're doing nothing.
6. In some Amtrican companies, employees can ________________whenever they want
7. In the UK people are supposed to have a break every __________________.
8. Kim says that lots of people have to take __________________.
9. Rob says that we're able to continue working when we’re_____________.

Activity 6. Put sentences a) - j) in the correct order.

Do you live to work ... or work lo live?
a) Count the hours! Do you spend more than 1
b) long hours? And weekends? Do you often take
c) long hours is an early sign you might be
d) work home with you or regularly work
e) some time off.. It’s good for you!
f) to meet deadlines and sometimes everyone is
g) 50 hours at work every week? Dо you work
h) a few hours overtime? Of course, everyone has
i) a workaholic. Find time to plan a holiday and take
j) under pressure at work. But working

Present Perfect Continuous

Study this example situation:

-Is it raining? -No, but the ground is wet. It has been raining.

-Is it raining? -No, but the ground is wet. It has been raining.

Have/has been ing

Present Perfect Continuous Tense утворюється

I have been working We

He You have been working
She has been working They

У питальній формі ________________________________________________________________

Have you been working?

У заперечній формі _______________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________Не has not been working
Present Perfect Continuous Tense вживається __________________________________________
I have been waiting here for half an hour.

Activity 7. Make the following interrogative.

1. The film has been running for a month.____________________________________________

2. They have been waiting for the director since 2 o’clock._______________________________
3. It has been raining since morning _______________________________________________

Activity 8. Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.

1. Bob is a friend of mine. I know him very well. OK

2. Bob is a friend of mine. I know him for a long time. I’ve known him
3. Sue and Alan are married since July.
4. The weather is awful. It's raining again.
5. The weather is awful. It's raining all day.
6. I like your house. How long are you living there?
7. Gary is working in a shop for the last few months
8. I don't know Tim well. We've only met a few times
9. I gave up drinking coffee. I don't drink it for a year.
10. That's a very old bike. How long do you have it?

Activity 9. Read the situations and write questions from the words in brackets.

1. John tells you that his mother is in hospital. You ask him:
(how long / be / in hospital? How long has tour mother been in hospital?
2. You meet a woman who tells you that she teaches English. You ask her:
(how long / teach / English?
3. You know that Jane is a good friend of Caroline's. You ask Jane:
(how long / know / Caroline?)
4. Your friend's brother went to Australia some time ago and he's still there.
You ask your friend: (how long / be / in Australia?)

5. Tim always wears the same jacket. It's a very old jacket. You ask him:
(how long / have / that jacket?)
6. You are talking to a friend about Joe. Joe now works at the airport. You ask your friend:
(how long / work / at the airport?
7. A friend of yours is learning to drive. You ask him:
(how long / learn / to drive?)
8. You meet somebody on a plane. She says that she lives in Chicago. You ask her: (always /
live / in Chicago?)

Activity 10. Complete B's answers to A's questions.

1. Bill is in hospital, isn't he? 1. Yes, he has been in hospital since Monday.
2. Do you see Ann very often?
2. No. I has not seen her for three months.
3. Is Margaret married
4. Are you waiting for me? 3. Yes, she________________married for ten years.
5. You know Linda, don't you? 4. Yes, I___________________for the last half hour.
6. Do you still play tennis? 5. Yes. we _______________each other a long time.
7. Is Jim watching TV? 6. No. I ___________________tennis for years.
8. Do you watch TV a lot? 7. Yes. He___________________TV all evening.
9. Have you got a headache? 8. No. I _____________________TV for ages.
10. George is never ill, is he? 9. Yes, I_____________a headache all morning.
11. Are you feeling ill? 10. No, he_____________ill since I've known him.
12. Sue lives in London, doesn't 11. Yes, I _________________________ill all day.
she? 12. Yes, she_______________________in London
13. Do you go to the cinema a lot? for the last few years.
14. Would you like to go to New 13. No, I__________________to the cinema for ages.
York one day? 14. Yes, I ___________________to go to New York.
(use always / want)


For and since

When ... ? and How long ... ?
We use for and since to say how long something has been happening.
We use for + a period of time (two hours, six We use since + the start of a period (8
weeks etc.): o'clock. Monday, 1999 etc.):
• I’ve been waiting for two hours. • I've been waiting since 8 o'clock

for two hours since 8 o'clock

two hours ago now

8 o'clock now

two hours a long time a week 8 o'clock April lunchtime

20 minutes six months ages Monday 1985 we arrived
five days 50 years years 12 May Christmas I got up

• Sally has been working here for six • Sally has been working here since
months. (not since six months) April. (= from April until now)
• I haven't seen Tom for three days. • I haven't seen Tom since Monday.
(not since three days) (= from Monday until now)

Compare when ... ? (+ past simple) and how long ... ? (+ present perfect)

A: When did it start raining?

B: It started raining an hour ago / at 1 o'clock.

A: How long has it been raining?

B: It's been raining for an hour / since 1 o'clock.

A: When did Joe and Carol first meet?

B: They first meet a long time ago.
when they were at school.

A: How long have they known each other?

B: They have known each other for a long time.
since they were at school.

Activity 11. Choose the correct verb form.

1. Where have you been? I___________________________________ for you for over an hour!
(am waiting, have been waiting).
2. I’m exhausted! I ________________________________ for the last eight hours without a break
(am working, have been working).
3. Shhh! Karen _________________________ . Let’s not make any noise. We don’t want to wake
her up (is sleeping, has been sleeping).
4. Lora, go upstairs and wake your sister up. She _________________________ for over ten hours.
She has a lot of job to do (is sleeping, has been sleeping).
5. Ann has never gone camping. She _____________________________in a tent (has never slept,
has never been sleeping).
6. This is a great shirt! I ________________________ it at least ten times, and it still looks like new
(have washed, have been washing).
7. Aren’t you about finishing with the dishes? You __________________________ dishes for thirty
minutes or more. How long can it take to wash dishes? (have washed, have been washing).
8. We ____________________________ to the Beijing restaurant many times. The food is
excellent (have been, have been doing).

Activity 12. Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous.
Underline the correct verb form A, B, C, or D to fill the spaces in the following sentences.

1. About 200 people ______________________ outside the theatre for tickets when we got there.
A. were queuing B. queued
C. have queued D. queue

2. This time last week I ___________________________ to Berlin.
A. have driven B. have drove
C. was driving D. have been driving

3. By the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students __________________ .
A. left B. had left
C. were leaving D. have left

4. The witness claimed he _________________________________ the accused before.

A. did not see B. hasn’t seen
C. wasn’t seeing D. hadn’t seen

5. I ________________________________ a shower when the telephone rang.

A. had B. was having
C. have had D. Have

6. She’s changed a lot ____________________________________ she left school.

A. for B. since
C. during D. after

7. I’ve been waiting in the rain _______________________ hours!

A. during B. since
C. for D. from

8. ____________________ I was coming home I met my old English teacher.

A. During B. While
C. Before D. Since

9. She was born twenty five years _______________________in a small town in Scotland.
A. before B. since
B. C. over D. ago

10. I’ve ________________________ seen the film and I don’t want to see it again.
A. yet B. still
C. already D. before

Home task: _______________________________________________________________________

Заняття 7.
Тема Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Особливості вживання
Людина і суспільство.

In the kitchen

Activity 1. Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

1. What's your favourite meal?

2. When do you have your main meal of the day?
3. Who cooks your main meal and how long does it take to prepare?
4. Do you like cooking? Why? Why not?

Activity 2. Put these words/phrases into groups.

Broccoli, a fridge, boil, a freezer, a red/green pepper, roast, peas, beef, bake, a cooker, a grill,
lamb, grill, an oven, carrots, a microwave, a saucepan, fry, an aubergine [US: an eggplant], heat
up, a frying pan, beans, microwave, a wok, courgettes [US: zucchinis], steam, a blender, a
toaster, a rubbish bin.

food things in the kitchen ways of cooking

broccoli a fridge boil

Broccoli is an uncountable noun: I've bought some broccoli. not I've bought a
Beef is meal from cows.
Lamb is meat from young sheep. Both of these words are uncountable.

boil cook in a saucepan in water that is boiling (100°C).
roast cook chicken, lamb, potatoes, etc. in an oven.
bake cook bread, cakes, biscuits, etc. in an oven.
grill cook under a grill, fry cook in a frying pan.
heat up make something hot that is already cooked (a
ready meal, something you cooked yesterday, etc.).
microwave cook in a microwave.
steam cook with steam produced by boiling water.
Activity 3. Work in pairs. Answer these questions.

How is the food usually cooked in your country?

Which of the things do you both have in your kitchen?

Activity 4. Look at the cartoon of Linda and her mother. What is the article about, do you think?

Activity 5. Read the article. Match headings a) - d) to paragraphs 1 - 4.

a) Ready meals around the world

b) How British eating habits are changing
c) Too busy to cook
d) How healthy are ready meals?

What’s for dinner?

Linda Roberts investigates the rise in popularity of ready meals.

Like many working people, I never actually cook anything - I

1 just don't have the time. My mother, on the other hand, still
cooks a full three- course meal every evening, but then she
doesn't have to work any more. I usually work very long
hours and now I'm writing a book in my spare time, so ready
meals are the perfect solution - or are they?
According to a survey by a British market research company, we only spend 20 minutes
2 cooking each day - 20 years ago it was an hour a day. One reason for this change is ready
meals. Now you can heat up a delicious Indian, Thai, Chinese or Italian meal in the
microwave in under four minutes. What could be easier or quicker?
We all know these ready meals taste delicious, but many experts now believe they're bad for
3 our health because they often contain a lot of sugar, fat and salt. Health advisers say that we
shouldn't eat ready meals too often and we need to read the labels carefully. Despite this,
people who live in the UK spend over £1 billion a year on ready meals and the market is
growing rapidly.
People in the USA and Sweden also buy a lot of ready meals, and they're becoming more
4 common in Germany, France and Holland. The Spanish and Italians still cook their own meals,
but things are beginning to change there too. My mother will never change, though - now
she's doing an evening course in traditional English cooking!

Activity 6. Are sentences 1-5 true or false? Change the false ones.

1. Linda Roberts cooks a three-course meal every evening.

2. We spent more time cooking 20 years ago than we do now.
3. Health advisers say we should never eat ready meals.
4. The Spanish eat a lot of ready meals.
5. Linda doesn't think he mother will start eating ready meals.

Activity 7. Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

Did any of the information in the article surprise you?

Are ready meals popular in your country? Whv?/Why not?
Do you ever eat read) meals at home? If so, do you like them?

Activity 8. Look at the article and the cartoon again. Match the verb forms in bold to these
meanings. There are two verb forms for each meaning.

We use the Present Continuous for things that:

a) are happening at the moment of speaking: ‘m cooking
b) are temporary and happening around now, but maybe not at this exact moment.
c) are changing over a period of time.

We use the Present Simple for:

a) habits, daily routines, things we do every day/week/year, etc.
b) things that we think are permanent, or true for a long time
c) verbs that describe states (have got, be, know etc.).

Activity 9. Look at these verbs. Do they usually describe activities (A) or states (S)? Do we
usually use state verbs in the Present Continuous?

be S watch A talk seem spend agree eat taste prefer

learn buy own cook understand want take remember
Activity 10. Read these paragraphs. Is Linda or her mother speaking in each paragraph, do you
think? Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. The ready meal I 1______________________(cook) right now is chicken and vegetables. I

__________________(eat) a lot of ready meals because I 3______________________(prefer)
to do other things in the evening. I 4__________________(learn) Italian at the moment, so I
often 5 ___________________(watch) Italian films in the evenings. I 6_______________(think)
my Italian 7 _____________________(get) quite good.
2. I 8_________________________________(not understand) her. She says that she 9
_____________________(put on) weight – well, that’s because she 10____________________
(never eat )properly. Also she 11______________________ (not know) how to cook, so why
______________she__________________(study) Italian instead of going to cookery classes?

Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Compare these examples:

My hands are very dirty. I've been • The car is OK again now. I've repaired it.
repairing the car.
Where have you been? Have you been • Have you ever played tennis?
playing tennis?
It's nice to see you again. What have you • Where's the book I gave you? What have
been doing since we last met? you done with it?

Activity 11. Put the verb into the more suitable form, Present Perfect (I have done etc.) or
Continuous (I have been doing etc.).

1. Where have you been? Have you been playing (you/play) tennis?
2. Look! Somebody __________________________________ (break) that window.
3. You look tired______________________________________ (you/work) hard?
4. ______________________________ (you/ever/work) in a factory?' 'No, never.
5. 'Jane is away on holiday.' 'Oh, is she? Where________________________________ (she/go)?
6. My brother is an actor. He _________________________ (appear) in several films.
7. 'Sorry I'm late.' That's all right. I_____________________________(not/wait) long.'
8. 'Is it still raining?' 'No, it___________________________________________ (stop).'
9. I_______________ (lose) my address book___________________ (you/see) it anywhere?
10. I_________________ (read) the book you lent me but I__________________(not/finish) it yet.
11. I______________________________(read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back now.

Activity 12. Find mistakes in the use of the Present Perfect and the Simple Past and correct
Dear Olga,
Last month I have met the most wonderful guy. His name is Gary, and he is a student
in our college. He lived here since 2001. Before that he lived in Liverpool too, so we
have a lot in common. Gary has been married for five years but got divorced last
September. Gary and I spent a lot of time together. Last week I saw him every night,
and this week we’ve already got together three times after class. Monday night we
have seen a great movie. Did you see “Mousetrap”? It’s playing at all the theatres. We
decided to take a trip back to Liverpool in the summer. Maybe we can get together? It
would be great to see you again. Please let me know if you’ll be there.

Activity 13. Complete the story with the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

In a short period, Anita Roddick (become) ________________________ one of the most

successful businesswomen in the world. She is the owner of an international chain of stores that
sells soaps, body lotions, and creams.
The first Body Shop opened in Brighton, England, in 1976. Since then, more than 700 stores
in more than forty different countries around the world (open) ___________________________ .
Roddick spends almost half of her life travelling. Right now she is “on the road.” For the past
several months, she (travel) ________________________________ around the world in search of
new ideas for her body-care products. Roddick is more than a businesswoman. She (receive)
__________________________________ several awards, including the United Nations Global 500
environmental award. She is also concerned with human rights, and she (start)
_______________________________________a London newspaper that is sold by homeless
people. Roddick (write) ____________________________________ an autobiography, called
Body and Soul: Profits with Principles. Published in 1991, the book shows how Roddick
________________________successfully (combine)____________________________________
business with social responsibility.

Home task: _______________________________________________________________________

Заняття 8.
Тема Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Утворення та вживання.
Дозвілля. Подорож

Tick the words/phrases you know. Then check new words/phrases.

Have a dream
fall asleep
wake up
get (back) to sleep
be fast asleep
be wide awake
have insomnia
not sleep a wink
have nightmares
be a light/heavy sleeper
take a nap
doze off
have a lie-in
talk in your sleep

have a dream have stories and pictures in your head while you are sleeping: I
had a very strange dream last night.
fall asleep start sleeping: She fell asleep on the train home. Also: be asleep.
wake up stop sleeping: I woke up at six thirty this morning.
get to sleep start sleeping, often with some difficulty: It usually takes me half an
hour to get to sleep.
get back to sleep start sleeping again after you have woken up: It took me a long
time to get back to sleep.
snore breathe in a very noisy way when you are sleeping: Steve was snoring so
loudly I couldn't get to sleep.
be fast asleep be completely asleep: The children were fast asleep when we got
be wide awake be completely awake: I was wide awake at 3 am. last night.

Choose six words/phrases that are connected to you, or people you know.

Activity 1. Work in pairs. Look at these sentences about sleep. Choose the correct words/phrases.

1. Tiredness causes more/less than 50% of all road accidents in the USA.
2. 10%/30% of people in the UK have problems getting to sleep or staying asleep.
3. Nowadays people are sleeping half an hour/one and a half hours less than they did 100
years ago.
4. Teenagers need more/less sleep than adults.
5. We use less/the same amount of energy when we're asleep compared to when we're
6. A thirty-minute nap at work can improve people’s performance for an hour/a few hours.

Activity 2. Listen to a TV interview with a sleep scientist. Check your answers to Activity 1.

Activity 3. Answer these questions.

1. How many British people have serious insomnia?

2. How were sleeping habits different 100 years ago?
3. Who needs the least amount of sleep?
4. What do our brains do when we're asleep?
5. What is a siesta salon?

Reading and Vocabulary

Activity 4. Work in groups. Tell other students what you do when you can't get to sleep. Which
is the most unusual method of getting to sleep?

Activity 5. Read the article. Why does Emma have insomnia? What has she tried to do to get a
good night's sleep?

I just can't sleep!

Emma talks about how her stressful life has made getting a good night's sleep impossible.

Last night I was fast asleep by 11 p.m. , but I woke up again at 1 a.m. Even though I was
exhausted when I went to bed. I was, suddenly wide awake and it was impossible to get back to
sleep again. So I just lay there watching the clock change from three to four to five without
sleeping a wink - it was very frustrating. Finally, I got up at 6.15 and went off to work feeling
terrible. That's a typical night for me. I've had insomnia for so long I'm amazed that anyone else
actually sleeps through the night. And when this goes on tor too many nights I feel really

I'm a sales manager, and I work really long hours and have to do a lot of travelling. I worry
about work all the time, which makes it incredibly difficult to get to sleep. Sometimes I get home
from work extremely late and when I go to bed everything is still going round my head. Money's
also a huge worry for me. I borrowed a lot when I was a student and I still owe £15,000.I only get a
full night's sleep once a month - hut when I do I feel absolutely fantastic the next day.
I've tried nearly everything to cure my insomnia - herbal teas, yoga, meditation -you name
it, I've tried it. I've also started going to the gym three times a week, but it hasn't made any
difference. I have a fairly healthy diet and I don't smoke or drink coffee I haven't tried hypnosis
because it's very expensive and that would just add to mv money worries. I don't want to start
taking sleeping pills because I'm terrified of becoming addicted to them. Although I know it's an
awful way to live, I've learned to accept that insomnia is part of my life.

Activity 6. Answer these questions.

1. How much sleep did Emma get last night?

2. What happens on a typical night?
3. Why is her job very tiring?
4. Why does she have money problems?
5. Which cures for insomnia hasn't she tried? Why not?

Work in pairs. What advice would you give Emma?

Activity 7. Complete the table with the strong adjectives in the article.

gredable adjectives strong adjectives

tired exhausted,
bad ,

Activity 8. Replace the phrases in bold wiih the correct form of the phrases in the box.

Take a nap not sleep a wink get back to sleep have a lie-in
be a light sleeper be fast asleep have nightmares doze off

1. My grandparents often have a short sleep after lunch. take a nap

2. I haven't had bad dreams lor a long lime.
3. I didn't sleep at all last nigh!
4. My dad often falls asleep for a short time in trout of the TV.
5. I love staying in bed on a Sunday morning.
6. He often wakes up early, but he finds it easy to go to sleep again.
7. You won’t be able to wake him up. He’s in a deep sleep.
8. Shhhh! My brother wakes up very easily.

Activity 9. Read the article and write headings a)-c) in the correct places 1—3.

a) How much sleep do we need?

b) Why do we sleep?
c) What happens when we go lo sleep?

The science of sleep

Sleep is one of the body's most mysterious experiences. Scientists don't completely understand the
process, but it seems that all living things need some sleep. And some need a lot more than others!

1. There are five stages of sleep: stages 1,2, 3,4 and REM (rapid eye movement). In stages 1 to
4 our body becomes more relaxed. Our muscles and heart rate slow down and our brain
becomes less active. Stage 5 is called REM sleep. Our heart beats faster and our eyes move
quickly in different directions. People dream during this stage and we cannot move at all -
probably to stop us from doing the actions in our dreams.
2. An average person spends almost a third of their life sleeping! Is it a waste of time?
Scientists believe that when the heart and brain slow down, the body is recovering after
the day's work. They also think that REM sleep is important for memory and learning -
babies have twice as much REM sleep as adults.
3. On average an adult needs about 7-8 hours' sleep every day. A baby needs 12-16. In the
animal world, bats sleep for about 20 hours every day. But a giraffe sleeps for only an hour
or two every night.


Study this example situation: yesterday morning

Yesterday morning I got up and looked out of the window. The sun was shining; but the ground
was very wet. It had been raining. It was not raining when I looked out of the window; the sun
was shining. But it had been raining before.

I/we/you/the had (= I'd etc.) been doing

y he/she/it (= he'd working
etc.) playing etc.
Some more examples:
When the boys came into the house, their clothes were dirty, their hair was untidy and one
of them had a black eye. They'd been fighting.
I was very tired when I got home. I'd been working hard all day.
When I went to Madrid a few years ago, I stayed with a friend of mine. She'd been living
there only a short time but knew the city very well.

You can say that something had been happening for a period of time before something else
We'd been playing tennis for about half an hour when it started to rain heavily.
George went to the doctor last Friday. He hadn't been feeling well for some time.

Compare have been -ing (present perfect continuous) and had been -ing (past perfect continuous):

Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous

I have been –ing I had been –ing

past now past now

- I hope the bus comes soon. - At last the bus came.

I've been waiting for 20 minutes. (before now) I'd been waiting for 20 minutes.
(before the bus came)

Activity 10. Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets.
1. I was very tired when I arrived home. (I / work / hard all day). I had been working hard all
2. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired.
(they / play / football) ______________________________________________________
3. I was disappointed when I had to cancel my holiday. (I / look / forward to it) ___________
4. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and didn't know where she
was. (she / dream)_________________________________________________________
5. When I got home, Tom was sitting in front of the TV. He had just turned it off. (he / watch /
a film) ___________________________________________________________________

Activity 11. Put the verb into the most suitable form, past continuous (I was doing), past
perfect (I had done) or past perfect continuous (I had been doing).
1. It was very noisy next door. Our neighbours were having (have) a party.
2. We were good friends. We had known (know) each other for years.
3. John and I went for a walk. I had difficulty keeping up with him because he ____________
______________________(walk) so fast.
4. Sue was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. She_______________________(run).
5. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They_______
________________________________ (eat).
6. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table and talking. Their mouths were
empty, but their stomachs were full. They___________________________________ (eat).
7. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He_____________________________(look)
for his contact lens.
8. When I arrived, Kate_________________________(wait) for me. She was annoyed with
me because I was late and she_______________________________ (wait) for a long time.
9. I was sad when I sold my car. I___________________________________(have) it for a very
long time.
10. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We_____________________________
(travel) for more than 24 hours.

Activity 12. Use Present Perfect, Past Continious or Past Perfect.

1. When I went to bed, I turned on the radio. While I (sleep) _____________________ somebody
turned it off.
2. You’re from Italy? I (never, to be) ______________________ there. I’d like to go there someday.
3. I started to tell Dad the news, but he stopped me. He (already, to hear)
________________________ it.
4. When Karen went to bed, it was snowing. It (snow, still) ____________________________
when she woke up in the morning.
5. Rita called me on the phone to tell me the good news. She (to pass) _____________________
her final exam in English.
6. I couldn’t think. The people around me (make) _______________________________ too much
noise. Finally, I gave up and left to try to find a quiet place to work.
7. Are you still waiting for Peter? (he, come, not) ___________________________yet? He’s really
late, isn’t he?
8. Otto (to be, never) _______________________ in the hospital before. It was a new experience
for him.
9. A couple of weeks ago Mr. Brown, our office manager, surprised all of us. When he walked into
the office, he (to wear) __________________________a bright red jacket. Everyone stopped
and stared. Mr. Brown is a conservative dresser. Before that time, he (to wear, never)
_____________________ anything but a blue or gray suit. And he (wear, not) _____________
that jacket again since that time. He wore it only once.

Home task: _______________________________________________________________________

Заняття 9.
Тема Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Особливості вживання.
Подорож. Відпочинок

Activity 1. Work in pairs. Guess the meaning of the phrasal verbs in bold in these sentences.

1. Have you ever set off very early to catch a flight?

2. What's the best way for tourists to get around your country?
3. Do you bring back souvenirs from places you've been to?
4. What's the worst problem you've ever had to deal with on holiday?
5. What information do you have to give the receptionist whpn you check into a hotel?
6. What's the earliest that you've had to check out of a hotel?
7. Have you ever had to put up with noisy people in a hotel?
8. Did anyone see you off when you last went on holiday?
9. Did anyone pick you up from the airport or station when you got back?
10. Are you looking forward to your next holiday?

set off start a journey: They set off at 5 a.m.
get around travel to different places in the same town/city/area: What’s the
cheapest way to get around?
bring sth back (from a place) return from a place with something you bought
there: We brought this carpet back from Turkey.
deal with sth do something in order to solve a problem or achieve something: I
have to deal with a lot of difficult customers as part of my job.
check into somewhere go to the reception desk to say you have arrived and to get
the key to your room: Have you checked into the hotel yet?
check out of somewhere go to the reception desk to pay your bill before you
leave: We checked out of the hotel early this morning.
put up with sth accept a situation that you don't like because you can't change it: I
don’t know how you put up with all this noise.
see sb off go to the place where somebody is leaving from (for example, an airport
or a station) to say goodbye to them: My parents came to see me off at the airport.
pick sb up go to a place where somebody is waiting and take them where they
want to go: Can you pick me upfront the station?
get back (to/from a place) return to a place after you have been somewhere else:
When did you get back from Brazil?
look forward to sth feel happy and excited about something that is going to
happen: I'm really looking forward to my holiday.

Look at the photos of Sam and Marcia. Listen to them talking about their jobs. Answer
these questions.

1. Do they like their jobs?

2. What problems do they have in their jobs?

Activity 2. Work in pairs. Who said these sentences, Sam or Marcia?

a) I've worked in two other Central American countries and I had a great time m both places.
b) We've been away together a few times, hut each time there was a problem at the hotel.
c) I started working in the hotel industry 14 years ago
d) Last month two guys set off on their own.
e) I've lived in this country for three years.
f) My husband and I have had this place since 2001.
g) I've just been to San Isidro to pick up a guest.
h) My husband's gone to see some friends off.

Activity 3. Listen again and check. Put the sentences in the order you hear them.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Activity 4. Listen to how we say these phrases. Notice the difference.

Listen to six sentences. Are the verbs in the Present perfect Simple or Past Simple?

I’ve met I met They've told They told

You've had You had He's wanted He wanted
We've won We won She's lived She lived

Activity 5. Read about Kara and Brian's restaurant in Greece. Put the verbs in brackets in the
Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple.
In the nineties we 1 came (come) here every year on holiday Ihen in 2001 we__________
(decide) to open a restaurant. We 3________________ (live) here since then and we
________________ (just open) a guest house nearby. The main problem is holidays. We
_______________ (go) to Spain twice, but our last holiday 6________________(be) two years
ago. We 7______________ (not have) any time off since then. My parents are here at the moment
- it's the third time they ___________________(visit) us this year! Brian's family are arriving today
too. In fact, he ____________________ (just go) to pick them up from the airport.

Activity 6. Work in pairs. Discuss why you chose your answers. Listen and check.

Activity 7. Read the conversation. Replace the phrases in bold with a phrasal verb from the box
in the correct form.

Look forward to see (somebody) off get around put up with

pick (somebody) up check into set off get back

Mum: Are you excited about tomorrow? Are you looking forward to
Cass: Of course. We're leaving very early, though.
Mum: I know. I still want to come to the airport to sау goodbye to

CASS: Of course. Thanks, Mum.
Mum: And give me a quick call when you’re arrived at the hotel.
CASS Sure. Are you going to miss me?
Mum: A bit. But at least I won't have to tolerate your loud music.
CASS: And you won't have to give me lifts so I can travel about.
Mum: No That's true. So what time do you return?
CASS: At one o'clock in the morning.
Mum: That's late!
CASS: I know, so I was wondering …. can you meet me in the car?

Activity 8. Are sentences 1-9 correct? Change the incorrect sentences.

1. I knew him since I was young. have known

2. Wendy and Carl never saw our old house.
3. We've run a bed and breakfast since three years.
4. I like your house. How long did you live here?
5. Mark isn't here. He's been to work.
6. We've set off hours ago, but we're stuck in traffic.
7. We haven't had a holiday this year.
8. Did yon check into the hotel yet?
9. No one has picked me up at the airport

Activity 9. Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets.
1. I was very tired when I arrived home.
(I / work / hard all day). I’d been working hard all day.
2. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired. (they
/ play / football) _____________________________________________________________
3. I was disappointed when I had to cancel my holiday.
(I / look / forward to it) _______________________________________________________
4. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and didn't know where she was.
(she / dream)________________________________________________________________
5. When I got home, Tom was sitting in front of the TV. He had just turned it off.
(he / watch / a film) __________________________________________________________
Activity 10. Read the situations and complete the sentences.
1. We played tennis yesterday. Half an hour after we began playing, it started to rain.
We had been playing for half an hour when it started to rain.
2. I had arranged to meet Tom in a restaurant. I arrived and waited for him. After 20 minutes I
suddenly realised that I was in the wrong restaurant.
I_________________________________for 20 minutes when I______________________
________________________________the wrong restaurant.
3. Sarah got a job in factory. Five years later the factory closed down.
At the time the factory________________________, Sarah_________________________
_______________________________________there for five years.
4. I went to a concert last week. The orchestra began playing. After about ten minutes a man
in the audience suddenly started shouting.
The orchestra__________________________________when________________________

Activity 11. Put the verb into the most suitable form, past continuous (I was doing), past perfect
(I had done) or past perfect continuous (I had been doing).
1. It was very noisy next door. Our neighbours were having (have) a party.
2. We were good friends. We had known (know) each other for years.
3. John and I went for a walk. I had difficulty keeping up with him because he
_____________________________ (walk) so fast.
4. Sue was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. She______________________(run).
5. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They
__________________________________ (eat).
6. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table and talking. Their mouths were
empty, but their stomachs were full. They__________________________________ (eat).
7. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He_____________________________(look)
for his contact lens.
8. When I arrived, Kate_______________________(wait) for me. She was annoyed with me
because I was late and she__________________________________ (wait) for a long time.
9. I was sad when I sold my car. I_______________________(have) it for a very long time.
10. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We______________________(travel)
for more than 24 hours.

Activity 12. Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple, present perfect continuous
or past perfect of the verbs. Sometimes me than one form is possible.
1. We_________________________(know) each other since university.
2. They _________________________for the last three weeks.
3. He _______________________________40 books before his death two years ago.
4. They___________________________ (work) really hard all morning and they still haven't
5. He_________________________ (write) two best-selling novels in the last twelve months.
6. He ____________________________ (never eat) curry before he went to London.
7. They ____________________________(play) chess all morning.
8. He’s really good. He _________________________(play) against some of the best players
in the world.
9. She ________________________(never visit) Paris before and she instantly fell in love with
the city.

Activity 13. Choose the correct form of the verbs to complete the story. (Grammar Level 3 p.29).

1. He'd never fallen/ been falling in love before. She was his first love.
2. They'd gone I been going out together for a couple of months.
3. Then she'd started / been starting making excuses so as not to see him.
4. She'd met/ been meeting another man at a party a few weeks earlier.
5. She'd seen / been seeing him for a few weeks.
6. He hadn't realised / been realising what was happening.
7. Then one day, he'd seen /been seeing the two of them walking down the street hand in
8. And he understood that she’d found / been finding a new boyfriend.

Home task: _______________________________________________________________________

Заняття 10.
Тема Future in the Past. Особливості перекладу
Подорож вихідного дня. Мої враження від останньої подорожі

Phrases with travel, get and go on.

on your own

independently light

first/economy class separately/together

into/out of a car

back from somewhere here/there by (10.30)


on/off a bus/plane a taxi home/to work

a trip

a guided tour a journey

go on

a cruise a package holiday

independently without the help of other people: I don’t like package holidays. I
prefer travelling independently.
first class the best and most expensive way to travel: Famous people usually travel
first class.
economy class the cheapest way to travel: I don’t have much money so I always
fly economy class.
travel light travel with a very small amount of luggage: I always travel light. I only
take hand luggage.
a trip when you go to a place for a short time and then come back: I went on a
business trip to Berlin last month.
a guided tour when you travel to lots of places in a city or country and a guide tells
you about the interesting things you can see: We're going on a guided tour of
a journey when you travel from one place to another place: We went on a journey
across Europe.

a cruise a holiday on a ship when you sail from place to place: We’re going on a
Mediterranean cruise next month.
a package holiday a holiday where everything is included in the price: Many British
people go on package holidays to Spain every summer.

Activity 1. Complete these sentences with the correct form of travel, get or go on.

1. I travelled on my own quite a lot last year.

2. I usually1____________________to work/schooVuniversity by 9 a.m.
3. I ___________________a guided tour of a famous city last year.
4. I_____________never__________________a cruise.
5. I sometimes__________________a taxi home late at night.
6. I like_____________ long journeys.
7. I usually________________light.

Activity 2. a) Fill in the gaps 1-3 with these verbs. travel get go on

d)____________ f)__________

__ 3._____
a trip c) ____________ ____
1. travel
on a bus e)__________
a) together b)______________
together taxi to work on your own
a journey a cruise out of the car
b) Fill in the gaps a-f with these words/phrases.

Activity 3. Make sentences in the Present Perfect Continuous with for or since.

1. They started going on cruises three years ago.

They’ve been going on cruises for three years.
2. Marta started giving guided touts when she was 16.
3. I started looking forward to my holiday six months ago.
4. Cambridge University Press published its first book in 1584.
5. We strated going out together when I was 18.
6. You moved into this house two months ago.

Activity 4. Write questions with these words. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfecl
1. How long/Jane / wait? How long has Jane been waiting?
2. How many cruises / you / go / on?
3. Mow many hotels you / work / in?
4. How many limes / you / go / on a package holiday?
5. How long / he / take / work home?
6. How many times / you / get / a taxi to work?
7. How long / you / study/ English?
8. How long / Tony and Maureen / be / married?

Activity 5. Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

Do you usually take a guidebook when you go on holiday?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a guidebook in a new country?

Activity 6. Look at the photos. Who are Tony and Maureen Wheeler, do you think?

Activity 7. Read the article. Match headings 1-4 to paragraphs A-D.

1. How it all began 3. Travel guides for the world

2. Their first best-seller 4. An international company

A. The most famous travellers in the world are probably Tony and Maureen Wheeler. Their
company, Lonely Planet, has been publishing guidebooks for 30 years and it sells over 5
million books a year in English. It also publishes books in Spanish, Italian and French.
B. Tony and Maureen met on a park bench in London and they've been married since 1972.
After their wedding they bought an old van and traveled across Europe and Asia to
Australia. They arrived in Sydney with only 27 cents in their pockets. Everyone they met
asked them about their journey, so they decided to write a book about it. They wrote a 93
page guidebook railed Across Asia on the Cheap at their kitchen table and it sold 8,000
copies in three months.
C. Tony and Maureen spent the next 18 months travelling around Southeast Asia and then
wrote their second guidebook. Southeast Asia on a Shoestring, in a Singapore hotel room.
It's been a best-seller since it was first published in 1973 and has sold over a million copies.
D. Lonely Planet has published over 650 guidebooks since the company began and employs
over 400 people and 150 writers. 'The company has also been running a website for
several years which gets over one million visitors a day; and their television company,
Lonely Planet TV, has been making programmes since 2004. “I think we've done a good
thing," says Maureen, "and I still believe that travel is the best way for people to
understand the world”.

Activity 8. Answer these questions.

1. Which languages does lonely Planet publish books in?

2. Why did Tony and Maureen decide to write their first guidebook?
3. Where did they write their second guidebook?
4. How many copies has this guidebook sold?
5. How many guidebooks has Lonely Planet published?
6. What other businesses does Lonely Planet have?

Actvity 9. Put the verb in brackets in the Present Perfect Continuous or the Present Perfect
Simple. Use the Present Perfect Continuous where possible. Then choose for or since where
1. I ‘ve been working (work) here for/since two months.
2. How long_________you______________________(travel) on your own?
3. Scott________________________(write) books for/since he left university.
4. He______________________(write) three books so far.
5. They________________________(not play) tennis for/since very long.
6. I___________________ (know) my best friend for/since we were kids.
7. How long___________your sister______________________(be) an actress?
8. We__________________(not have) a holiday for/since three years.

Actvity 10. Work in pairs. Compare answers. Discuss why you chose each verb form.

Actvity 11. Complete the text using the past perfect simple or past perfect continuous
form of the verbs in brackets. Then listen and check.
We 1_________________________(work) for the same company for a couple of months. I 2 _____
________________________(see) her in the distance and I3 _________________________(notice)
how attractive she was, but we4_____________________________(never/speak). Then, while we5
_________________________(do) a training course together, we finally got to know each other.
We6___________________________________(have) a drink with the other people on the course
at the end of the first day, and we 7_______________________________ (all/talk) about how
difficult it was. I 8___________________________________(not notice) that she was standing just
behind me. I laughed at one of the jokes, stepped back and spilt her drink down her dress!
I9___________________________________________ (never/feel) so embarrassed in my life. But
she was really nice about it. I bought her another drink and we got talking. She told me she
__________________________________________ (just/buy) a house on my street and that she
___________________________________________ (spend) her weekends painting and
decorating. I offered to help her. That's how it all started!

Actvity 12. Read about Simon Reeve. Circle the correct form of the verbs.
Simon Reeve is an author and TV presenter. Several of his books and TV
programmes won/have won international awards. He 2made/ has made a
series of fascinating travel documentaries for the BBC. He 3 travelled / has
travelled to the four corners of the earth. In 2006 he 4circled / has circled the
earth following the Equator. In 2008 he did /has done the same again, but this
time following the tropic of Capricorn. He 6visited / has visited some of the
most dangerous places on earth. He 7also went / has also been to places no
other foreign visitor 8ever visited / has ever visited. His taste for travel first
developed /has developed when he and his family l0drove /have driven across
Europe on their summer holidays.

Actvity 13. Complete the interview using the present perfect simple or past simple
of the verbs in brackets. Then listen and check.
A: What's the most exciting thing you have ever done (ever/do)?
B: I 2 __________________________(do) so many exciting things. Perhaps the most exciting was
when I 3 ___________________________(climb) to the top of Kilimanjaro. I 4
________________ (climb) a lot of mountains, but Kilimanjaro was definitely the best.
When I5 ________________(reach) the top, I just 6 __________________________(want) to
shout. It's amazing standing on a snow-capped mountain looking down over sun-baked Africa.
A: What7 _________________ (be) the worst moment of your last trip?
B: When I 8____________________ (catch) malaria. I9 ___________________(never/ feel) so ill.
A: Is there anywhere you 10 __________________________________(not/visit)?
B: I 11_________________________ (never/be) to the Arctic Circle. I'd love to visit the North Pole.
I 12 _____________________________(never/see) the midnight sun or the Northern Lights. I'd
love to do that some day.

Home task: _______________________________________________________________________

Заняття 11.
Тема Типи питань в англійській мові.
Подорож. Видатні особистості країни відвідування

Actvity 1. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

1. Which holidays can you remember from your childhood?

2. What was the best, or worst, holiday you've ever had?
3. Have you or anyone you know ever had an unusual holiday? If so, why was it unusual?

Actvity 2. Read about a TV programme and answer these questions.

1. What is the programme about?
2. How many holidays are in the programme?
3. Which holiday sounds the most interesting; do you think?

Call that a holiday?

Call that a holiday?

Tuesday 6.45 p.m. ITV5
This fascinating new holiday programme follows the adventures of four people who
have chosen to go on a holiday with, a difference. So if you've ever wanted to travel
across Africa in a Jeep, go on a cycling tour of China, work on an organic farm in
Australia, or go on a South African cosmetic surgery and safari holiday, then this is the
programme for you. Package holidays will never be the same again!

Actvity 3. Listen to part of the TV programme. Which holidays arc Alan and Emily going
on? Why did they choose these holidays?

Actvity 4. Tick the true sentences. Correct the false ones.

1. Alan is going on holiday next week.

2. He's been working in advertising for thirteen years.
3. He's going on a safan before the operation.
4. He's looking forward to seeing a lion.
5. Emily works for a women's magazine.
6. She's flying to Australia next weekend.
7. She never goes on package holidays.
8. She's worried about the work she'll have to do.

Actvity 5. Alan and Emily wrote reviews on their holidays for the TV programme’s
website. Read and listen to the two holiday reviews.
Alan's holiday
My holiday began when I arrived ot the medical centre in Cape Town. I had
my operation the next day and it went very well, I'm glad to say. However, I had lo
spend the next five days inside, which is quite difficult when you're on holiday. But
you need to be patient — you can't just sit in the sun after having a facelift. The
second week I just relaxed by the pool. In Ihe third week I went on safari, which
was definitely the best thing about ihe holiday. We saw lots of lions and other wild
animals, but we were never in any danger. We stayed in a guest house in the
jungle, which was extremely comfortable. The staff were very kind and helpful,
and it was fantastic being surrounded by nature. I'd definitely come back again
and I'm sure this kind of holiday will increase in popularity as more people worry
about their health and appearance.

Emily's holiday
My holiday on an organic farm in New South Wales in Australia was hard
work, but very enjoyable. The couple who ran the farm were fantastic, and I was
amazed by their kindness and patience. We worked five hours o day, six day a
week. At first I had a lot of difficulty doing what they asked because I wasn't vary
strong. However, I soon got stronger and by the end of my two weeks there I felt
incredibly fit and healthy. The best thing about the holiday was the people I met
there, who were from all over the world, and it also felt great to eat natural
organic food every day. Everyone stayed in a fairly basic farmhouse, which was
OK, but I missed the comfort of my own bed. We spent all our spare time at the
beach, but I didn't go surfing because it was too dangerous for beginners like me. I
don't know if this kind of holiday will ever become very popular, but I'd definitely
do it again.

Activity 6. Michael is going on a trip to Delhi. He is asking his friend Ellen for
recommendations. Listen and tick the topics they talk about. Which two topics don't they talk
• the best time to visit • things to see outside Delhi
• getting around • food
• things (not) to see in the city • dangers and problems
• changing money • places to sta

Activity 7. Change the incorrect ones.

Ellen thinks ...

1. ... rickshaws are the best way to get around the city.
2. ….it's better to travel to other cities by bus.
3. ... Michael should visit the museums in Delhi.
4. ….he should go to the Red Fort in Old Delhi.
5. ….he can visit the Taj Mahal and come back the same day.
6. ….there's only one good restaurant in Connaught Place.

Activity 8. Use these prompts to write a conversation. Use the Present Perfect Simple or
the Past Simple.

A. / you ever / visit / the USA?

B. Yes. I / go / there several times. I / just / get back / from Boston, actually.
C. What / be / it like?
D. Fantastic! I / have / a great time.
E. / you / go / anywhere recently?
F. Yes, we / go / to our holiday home in France last week.
G. How long / you / have / that?
H. We / have / it since the kids / be / tiny. It / belong / to my parents before us, so it / be /
the family holiday home for a long time.
I. / you / go / there when you / be / a child?
J. Yes. Then my father / want / to sell it so I / buy / it.



Activity 9. Complete the table with the adjectives or nouns.

adjective noun
adventurous adventure

Activity 10. Read the article and fill in the gaps 1-9 with an adjective or noun.




Activity 11. Read the article. Choose the best answers.

1. Alan is from ...
a. Nepal.
b. the UK.
c. Japan.

2. Alan Hinkes has climbed ...

a. Everest 14 times.
b. 14 mountains in Nepal and Pakistan.
c. the 14 tallest mountains in the world.

3. Alan climbs mountains because ...

a. he loves doing it.
b. he doesn't like teaching any more.
c. he gets a lot of money for it.

4. Alan hurt his back ...
a. in a snowstorm.
b. because he sneezed.
c. when he fell.

5. To pay for his trips, Alan ...

a. speaks about his adventures.
b. makes films about climbing.
c. both a) and b).

6. In his country, Alan is ...

a. very well-known.
b. a hero to some people.
c. a schoolteacher

За характером запитання і потрібної на нього

відповіді розрізняють:

________________________ (general questions)

_________________________ (special questions)
_____________________ (alternative questions )
______________________ (disjunctive


Do you like this part of the country? Вам подобається цей куточок країни?

Is the weather fine? Are the birds singing?

Did you do your homework yesterday?

Серед спеціальних запитань розрізняють:
а) ______________________________________________________________;
б) _____________________________________________________;

Where do you live? Де ви живете?

How did you meet her? Як ви зустріли її?

Is he a doctor or an engineer? Він лікар чи інженер?

Where does he live: in Kyiv or in Poltava? Де він живе: в Києві чи в Полтаві?

Розділове запитання складається з двох частин. Перша частина — розповідне

речення в стверджувальній або заперечній формі, друга —коротке загальне
запитання, що складається з підмета, вираженого особовим займенником, який
відповідає підмету першої частини, та допоміжного або модального дієслова. Якщо
присудком першої частини є дієслово в Present Indefinite або в Past Indefinite (крім
дієслів to be і to have), в другій частині вживаються відповідні форми допоміжного
дієслова to do.

You have brought your luggage with you, haven’t you?

Ви привезли з собою свій багаж, чи не так?

You haven’t seen him yet, have you? Ви ще не бачили його, чи не так?
I didn’t say that, did I? Я не казав цього чи не так?
You want some money, don’t you? Вам потрібні гроші, правда?

У разі наказів або прохань щось зробити після коми
використовують can you? could you?
Swiсh off your cellular phones, can you? Put them aside, could
У разі наказів або прохань не робити щось, після коми
використовують will you?
Don’t use mobile phones during the lesson, will you?
Коли пропонують щось зробити, після коми
використовують shall we?
Let’s watch a video, shall we?

Activity 12. Write the end of the sentence.

1. You haven’t learnt English long, _______________________?

2. You work here, _____________________________________?
3. Simon can play the violin, _____________________________?
4. These sandwiches are delicious, ________________________?
5. The weather forcast wasn’t very good, ___________________?
6. Let’s go out somewhere tonight, ________________________?
7. Stop playing computer games, _________________________?
8. Harry isn’t our mentor, ______________________________?
9. There is nothing to argue about, ________________________?
10. Pass the salt over here, ______________________________?

Activity 13. Ask the questions to the sentences.

1. My sister Sally practices the piano every day after school.

(Yes / No Question) _______________________________________________________________
(Alternative Question) _____________________________________________________________
(Wh- Question) ___________________________________________________________________
(Tail Question) ___________________________________________________________________

2. Mr. Johnson didn’t teach well as his supervisors were sitting at the back of the room and
watching him.

3. Susan can’t answer the phone at the moment she’s on the other line.

4. James wasn’t very athletic when he was younger.

5. Louise and Nick used to have a lot in common but now they argue most of the time.

Home task: _______________________________________________________________________

Заняття 12.
Тема Типи питань в англійській мові. Запитання до підмета.
Спорт. Видатні спортивні команди

Music collocations
Do/play a concert/a gig
appear on TV
release a new album/CD
go to a concert/a gig/a festival
have a hil single
be/go on tour
have an album/a CD In the charts
see someone play live
be/go onstage

a gig (informal) a concert (rock, pop, jazz, etc.): went to a brilliant gig last night
appear be in a concert, film, TV programme, etc.: The Rolling Stones have appeared on TV
all over the world.
release make a CD, film, etc. available tor the public to buy or see: Their first album was
released last week.
an album a collection of songs or pieces of music on a CD, record, etc.; The Beatles' firsl
album was called 'Please Please Me'.
a single a CD or record that has only one main song: Have you heard U2’s new single?
a hit single a single thai is very successful and sells a lot of copies: Madonna’s first hit
single was called 'Holiday'.
on tour when a band or singer is on tour, they travel from one city or country to another
and play concerts in each place: Prince is going on tour next year,
the charts official lists that show which singles and albums have sold the most copies each
week: REM have two singles in the charts.
play live play in front of an audience: Have you ever seen Van Hulen play live?
be onstage be on a stage in a concert ball or a theatre: What time are the band

Activity 1. Work in pairs. Look at the photos. What do you know about these people/bands?

Activity 2. Read the article. Fill in the gaps with the names of the people or bands in the
Rock’n’roll Riders

When a band or a musician goes on tour, they have to sign a contract with the
concert promoters. These contracts often include requests for things the musicians
want. And these requests - or riders - are often more unusual than you might expect.
___________________________, for example, was famous for his riders. He always said
what size sofa he wanted and exactly how many flowers there should be in his dressing
room.However, 2___________________________were very different. In 1998 they were touring
in Europe and the USA for most of the year. They used to take their own furniture with them
wherever they went but they always asked the promoter for a full-size snooker table.
______________________ is famous for being difficult. In 2001 she went to Miami to
take a music video for charity. Her rider said that everything in her dressing room had to be
white-sofas, tables, flowers, curtains, even the walls. And when 4______________________was
on tour in 2000, her contract said that the promoter had to pay $5,000 every time the phone rang
in her dressing room. But perhaps the most unusual rider was from the rock star
_______________________ . He wanted everything in his hotel room covered in clear plastic.
Some food requests are aliso rather strange. We all know about 6_________________and his love
of food. Once, while he was staying in New York he asked for a kitchen in his hotel suite - but it
had to be exactly like his kitchen at home. And the seventies rock group 7_______________ once
asked for twelve fruit pies, but not to eat. While they were having their end-of-tour-party, they
threw the pies at each other to celebrate the end of the tour.

Activity 3. Listen, read and check. How many did you get right? Which rider do you think
is the most surprising?

Activity 4. Read about Van Halen's rider. Why was the rider important? Choose the correct verb
forms. Check your answers.

The rock band Van Halen always had/were having a

rider in their contracts asking for bowls of M&M chocolates in
their dressing room- but with all the brown ones taken out!
The band 2were including/included this rider because they
wanted to check if their promoters read the contract
properly. If the band 3found/were finding any brown M&Ms
while they were getting/got ready to go onstage, they knew
that there would be problems at the gig.
For example, the following accident 5happened/was
happening when they 6were doing/did a gig in Colorado.
While the technicians 7were putting/put up the equipment
some of it 8was crashing/crashed to the floor. It was
costing/cost $80,000 to repair the damage. Interestingly, the
promoters at that gig 10forgot/were forgetting to take the
brown M&Ms out of the bowls.

Activity 5. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of these verbs.
release see go (x 2) play appear have

Nowadays the business of selling music is a little more complicated than simply 1 releasing
a new album. Groups also have to promote their records so they have to 2__________________on
TV and talk about the new album. What's more, fans like 3_____________________ their favourite
group play live so groups also have to4_______________________on tour. 5 ________________
on stage and 6___________________concerts every night is exhausting, but if you want to
______________________ an album in the charts, you have to promote it

Запитання до підмета
Subject Questions

Whose children are playing in the yard? Чиї діти граються у дворі?

Who lives in the surburb? Who called you? What are you?
What has happened? Who will be next? Who is helping you?

Зверніть увагу, що іноді можна починати запитання з

Whose + іменник або which + iменник!!!

Who is interviewing Kitty? Who is Kitty interviewing?

Who and what can be the subject of a Who and what can also be the object. An
question. auxiliary (e.g. did, will) comes before the
The word order is the same as in a subject.
- Who rang you? (Someone rang you.) - Who did you ring?
- Who is helping you? (You rang someone.)
(Someone is helping you.) - Who are you helping?
- What will happen next? (You are helping someone.)
(Something will happen next.) - What will they do next?
(They will do something next.)

Activity 6. Read about the situations and answer each question in a single phrase.

1. Nick wants to marry Rita. She's been out with him a few times, but really she's in love with Tom.
Unfortunately he isn't in love with her.
a) Who is Nick in love with? _____________ b) Who is in love with Tom?_______________

2. Mark met Sarah at the airport. The plane was two hours late. On the way out they passed Mike
standing at a bus stop, but they didn't notice him.
a) Who met Sarah?___________. b) What was Mike waiting for?__________________
3. There was an accident at the crossroads. A lorry crashed into a van that was waiting at the
lights. The van slid forward and crashed into a car. The van driver had to go to hospital.
a) What hit the van? ____________ b) What did the van hit?________________

Activity 7. Ask questions to the subject.

1. Someone is looking for you.

2. Jill is planning to have a party.
3. My parents have invited a lot of guests.
4. Children used to go out a lot.
5. I’ll pnohe Jack tomorrow.
6. Einsteine could’t talk until he was 8.
7. Picasso could draw before he could talk.
8. Queen Victoria was Queen of the United Kingdom for nearly sixty — four years.
9. Summer is my favourite season.
10. Their daughter’s mobile phone is missing.

Activity 8. People aren't giving you enough information. Ask questions with who or what.
? Something has happened. ~ Oh? What has happened?
? I've invited someone to tea. ~ Well? Who have you invited?
1. Somebody is having a party. ~ Oh, really?
2. I was reading something. ~ Oh?
3. I've learnt something. ~ Go on, tell me.
4. We should do something. ~ Yes, I know, but
5. Someone is looking for you. ~Oh?
6. I'm looking for someone. ~ Maybe I can help
7. Rachel is planning something. ~ Is she?
8. Somebody has moved in next door. ~ Oh, really?
9. Something is worrying me. ~ Well, tell me.
10. I want to meet someone. ~ What do you mean?

Activity 9. Complete the subject and object questions about this news report.

THE MINISTER for Education, Gordon Fortescue, met the Prime Minister
this morning at ten o'clock. Mr. Fortescue spent 30 minutes with his ex-boss
and then walked from 10 Downing Street. He told the waiting newspaper
reporters that he had resigned and immediately returned to his home to be,
with his family. Fortescue is married and has three children.
Later in the day, the Prime Minister’s Press Secretary made an official
statement, saying that the Prime Minister understood the reason Mr.
Fortescue gave for leaving, which was that he couldn't continue as a
politician while the police were investigating his private life.

1. Which minister____________________________the Prime Minister this morning? The

Minister for Education.
2. What time____________________________the Prime Minister? At ten o'clock.
3. How long____________________________with his ex-boss? Thirty minutes.
4. What____________________________the waiting newspaper reporters? That he had
5. Where____________________________immediately? To his home.
6. How many____________________________? Three.
7. Who____________________________an official statement? The Prime Minister's Press
8. What reason____________________________for leaving? That he couldn't continue as a
politician while the police were investigating his private life.

Activity 10. Complete the telephone conversation. Write one word in each gap. One gap
does not need a word. Then listen and check.

Customer: Hello. I'm calling about your camping equipment.

Supplier: Sure. What exactly are you looking 1________________________________________?
Customer: I need a tent.
Supplier: What2______________________________of tent?
Customer: I've seen one called “The Bonnington Mountain Tent”. What's it3 ________________?
How4______________________________________people can sleep in it?
Supplier: It's for two people.
Customer: I see. And5__________________________________________ I use it in any season?
Supplier: It depends on the weather. What time of year are you planning to use itб _____________

Home task: _______________________________________________________________________

Заняття 13.
Тема Present Tenses. Особливості перекладу.
Спорт та ігри

Activity 1. Tick the adjectives you know.

Character adjectives
Adventurous people like visiting new places and having new experiences.
Talented people have a natural ability to do something, like paint, write, play music.
Sensible people can make good decisions based on reasons and fads.
Sensitive people are able to understand other peoples feelings and problems and help
them in a way that does not upset them.
Brave people are not frightened in dangerous or difficult situations.
Determined people want to do something very much and don't allow anything to stop
Reliable people always do what you want or expect them to do.
Independent people don't want or need other people to do things for them.
Organised people plan things well and doirt waste time.
Stubborn people won't change their ideas or plans when other people want them to.
Ambitious people want to be very successful or powerful.
Confident people are sure that they can do things successfully or well.
Practical people are good at planning things and dealing with problems.
Generous people like giving money and presents to other people.
Mean people don't like spending money or giving things to other people.
Responsible people behave sensibly and can make good decisions on their own.
Activity 2. Think of five people you know. Choose adjectives to describe them. Think of reasons
why you chose those adjectives.

Activity 3. Work in pairs. Try to complete the table with the names and dates.

Famous Firsts
men dates
Louis Bleriot 1909
Yuri Gagarin 1979 and 1982
Sir Ranulph Fiennes and Charles Burton 1961
women dates
Valentma TereshKova 1912
Harriet Quimby 2000 and 2002
Am Daniels and Caroline Hamilton 1963

Who were the first Fly a plane across th Reach both the North Travel in Space?
people to… English Chennel? and the South Poles?
Men Louis Bleriot

Activity 4. Listen to two TV producers, Beth and Luke, discussing a new TV series. Answer
these questions.
What is Beth’s new TV series about?
Who is the first programme about?
Why didn't this person become famous?

Activity 5. Answer these questions.

1. Where did Beth get the idea for the series?

2. What did Harriet do in 1911?
3. When did she arrive in England?
4. Why didn't she fly on the Monday?
5. Did she know she was in France when she landed?
6. When and how did she die?

Activity 6. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect or Past Simple.

1. I went (go) to the shop tor some bread, but they had sold out (sell out).
2. The meeting _________(finish) by the time I _____________(get) there.
3. I___________ (invite) Tim to dinner, but he_______________ (already arrange) to do
something else.
4. When I______________ (get) to the airport, I realised I___________ (forget) my

5. Erica______________(ask) me to go to Spain with her, but I________________(already
book) a holiday in Italy.
6. I___________________ (see) Gary Dale when I___________(be) in town
I __________________________________(not see) him for ten years!

Activity 7. Listen to these sentences. Notice the diflerence between the Past Perfect and
the Past Simple.

1) I finished work. I’d finished work

2) He left home. He'd left home.
3) They bought it. They'd bought it
4) Nick worked there. Nick had worked there.

Activity 8. Listen to six pairs of sentences. Which do you hear first: the Past Perfect (PP) or
the Past Simple (PS)?

Activity 9. Read about the first women to walk to the North Pole. Why didn't they all reach the
North Pole? Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Past Perfect.

On March 1st 2002, Ann Daniels, Caroline Hamilton and Pom Oliver 1flew (fly) from
England to Canada to walk to the North Pole. They 2_____________ (be) all experienced
explorers and they 3_____________(already walk) to the South Pole two years earlier. By the
time they 4______________ (leave) the UK they 5______________ (train) for months with the
British army and they 6 __________________ (put on) 16 kilos in weight. However, as soon as
they 7___________ (set off) they 8__________________(start) having problems because of bad
weather and temperatures of -50°C. Pom soon 9__________________ (get) frostbite and by day
47 her feet 10_______________ (become) so painful that she couldn’t continue. By the time Ann
and Caroline 11_______________(arrive) at the North Pole they 12_____________(walk) 750
miles in 81 days. When they arrived back in England they 14__________________(receive) a
hero's welcome. No other women 15________________ (ever walk) to both Poles before.

Activity 10. Listen and check your answers.

Activity 11. Choose the correct word.
1. He works long hours and never takes time off.
a) ambitious b) generous c) reliable

2. They often go on holiday to places I've never heard of!

a) organised b) adventurous c) ambitious
3. Tim gets embarrassed quite easily.
a) sensitive b) sensible c) brave

4. My sister always brings me back a present from her holidays.

a) reliable b) practical c) generous
5. I think he prefers to travel on his own.
a) determined b) independent c) confident
6. Kathy will know what time the meeting is.
a) practical b) talented c) organized

7. My boss always makes good decisions.

a) sensitive b) mean c) sensible

8. They won't give up until they find the answer.

a) determined b) reliable c) adventurous

Activity 12. Read the first part of Charlie's story and choose the correct words.

By the time I was 18, I 1stopped/ had stopped going on holiday with my parents. The first
year I 2stayed/ had stayed at home, my parents asked me to pick them up at the airport. The night
before they 3got back/had got back, I realised the house was a mess. I 4didn't tidy up/ hadn't tidied
up for two weeks. I finally went to bed about 3 a.m. and a few minutes later I 5 was/ had been fast
asleep. I woke up suddenly at 7 a.m. I 6arranged/ had arranged to meet them at the airport at 6.30
a.m. and I 7didn't set/ hadn't set the alarm! I quickly set off for Heathrow airport, but there are
four terminals at Heathrow airport and it's one of the biggest airports in the world! I had no idea
which terminal they 8arrived/ had arrived at! And this 9was/had been before the days of mobile

Activity 13. Read the second part of the story and put the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect or
Past Simple.

When I arrived at Terminal 1, I was an hour late. When I eventually found my parents at
Terminal 3, they had: spent (spend) two hours waiting for me. They 2______________ (not be)
pleased. They 3______________ (be) on a flight for 12 hours and they were exhausted.
But things were getting worse ... when we 4__________________(get back) to the car, I realised I
___________________________ (lose) my car keys somewhere at the airport. We phoned my
elder brother and he came and took my parents home.
About three hours later, I 6_________________ (get) home. Fortunately someone
____________________(find) my keys at the airport. The first thing I 8______________ (see) was
my father repairing a broken window. What had happened?
When my parents and my brother 9________________(get) home, they realised they hadn't got
any house keys. They 10__________________(have to) break a window to get into the house!

Activity 14. Put events in the correct order 1-6.

Charlie lost his keys.
Charlie met his parents.
Charlie's parents got home.
Charlie got home.
Charlie's parents broke a window.
Charlie's brother arrived at the airport.
Activity 15.Choose the correct form.

1. I (get / am getting) up early every weekday.

2. Sue can’t come to the phone now because she (has / is having) a bath.
3. I always (phones / is phoning) my parents when I go out.
4. Where (is / are) everybody?
5. I can’t go to the cinema tonight because I (work / am working).
6. Why (do you come / are you coming) late every morning?
7. Steve (drives / is driving) for over an hour to get to work every day.
8. Why are you in such a hurry, Nick? Where (do you go / are you going)?
9. I wonder what his son (is doing / does) after classes every Monday.
10. Could you speak quieter, please? The children (sleep / are sleeping).

Activity 16. Write the correct auxiliary verb.

1. What _______ you doing?

2. What ________ you think of the book?
3. __________ Lucy and John coming to the party?
4. Where __________ Mark usually go on holiday?
5. Why ________ you want to stay home today?
6. How much ___________ those jeans cost?
7. Why _________ you wearing rubber gloves?
8. How many languages ____________ your friend speak?
9. __________ you know where Peter is?
10. When ________ Alice coming to see us?
11. Why ___________ Henry live so far away?
12. ________ you like travelling by train?
13. How often ________ you have English?
14. What ________ you do at weekends?
15. Why ________ you learning English?

Home task: _______________________________________________________________________

Заняття 14.
Тема Past Tenses. Особливості перекладу.
Популярні види дозвілля

Activity 1. Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

1. Have you got a garden or a balcony where you live? If so, what's it like?
2. Have you, or people you know ever used medicines made from plants or flowers?
3. Do you think these medicines are as good as normal medicines?

Activity 2. Read the article. Match pictures A-F to health problems 1-6.

1. sleep problems 4. heart problems

2. sore throats 5. burns and cuts
3. pain 6. a fever

Nature’s little helpers

People have been using natural medecines for thousands of years. Did you
know, for example, that aspirin originally came from the bark of the willow tree? In
the 5th century BC the Greek doctor, Hippocrates, gave it to his patients to stop their
aches and pains.
Another natural remedy is quinine, which used to be an important drug in
the battle against malaria. It comes from the bark of the cinchona tree, which grows
in the Andes mountains in South Americ. Peruvian Indians have been using quinine
for centuries to cure fevers.
In 1775 a British doctor, William Withering was unable to treat a patient who
had a serious heart problem. However, the patient made a complete recovery after
taicing something a local woman had given him. The woman told the doctor she'd
made the remedy from purple foxgloves. This natural medicine is still given to peopie
with heart problems because it makes your heart beat more slowly.
Many of the most effective natural remedies can be found in our homes and
gardens. Put some lavender oil on your pillow at night to help you sleep. Or break
open the leaves from an aloe vera plant and put the sap on your burns or cuts. This
will help them to heal and might also stop you getting a scar. The Egyptian queen,
Cleopatra, used this remarkable plant to keep her skin soft and young-looking.
Finally, we mustn't forget the healing power of garlic. It thins and cleans the blood, it's
good for stomach problems and coughs, and it's a natural antiseptic. So, next time yon
have a cold, try a mixture of garlic, lemon and honey. It's magic!

Activity 3. Work in pairs. Compare answers.

Activity 4. Read the article again. Then change one word in these sentences to make them

Aspirin originally came from a flowcr. tree

Quinine came lrom a tree in India.
Dr. Withering heard about foxglove from a patient.
Cleopatra used to put aloe vera on her food.
If you have a hack problem, try taking garlic.

Activity 5. Choose the correct meanings, a) or b). What information in the article helped you
a. remedy a) a medicine b) a type of plant
b. battle a) a fight b) a type of illness
c. treat a) give money b) give medical attention
d. leaves a) young plants b) the green parts of a plant
e. heal a) get better b) get worse
f. scar a) a bad cold b) a mark on your skin after a cut
g. remarkable a) very unusual b) very dangerous

1. remedy (noun) a medicine: Another natural remedy is quinine.

2. battle (noun) a fight: Quinine is an important drug in the battle against malaria.
3. treat (verb) give medical attention: William Withering was unable to treat a patient.
4. leaf the green parts of a plant: Pull off one of the leaves from
leaves (plural noun; singular: leaf)
an aloe vera plant.
5. heal (verb) get better (for cuts, injuries, etc.); This will help them heal quickly.
6. scar (noun) a mark on your skin after a cut: It might also stop you getting a scar.
7. remarkable (adjective) very unusual: Cleopatra used this remarkable plant.

Activity 6. Look at the map and the photos. What is the connection between them, do you
think? What's the name of the plant?

Activity 7. Listen to the beginning of an interview with Monica and Kaz. Answer these questions.
Why were Monica and Kaz living with the Pa’Dalih people?
How old was their daughter, Molly?

What happened to Molly?

Activity 8. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

What do you think Monica and Kaz did next?
How did the Pa'Dalih people help them?
Activity 9. Listen to the next part of the interview. Were your answers correct?
Activity 10. Read this summary and correct the five mistakes.

While Monica and Kaz were living in Borneo, their daughter, Molly, got some burns
on her face. The Pa’Daliih people put sap from banana leaves on her. Monica and
Kaz took Molly to the nearest doctor 12 miles away. Then they took Molly to
hospital. The Pa'Dalih people didn't think the doctor's medicine would leave scars.

Listen again and check.

Activity 11. Open the brackets, using the verbs in Present Simple, Past Simple, Present
Continuous, Past Continuous.
1.We (to have) a postcard from them two days ago. They (to say) they (to have) a marvellous time.
2. While she (to shop) this morning, she (to lose) her money. She (not to know) how.
3. They (to announce)our flight. We (to have) a problem. One of our suitcases (to miss).
4. Who (to speak) there? — I (not to know).
5. He (not to smoke). He (not to smoke) now. When he (to be) at the office yesterday, he (not to
smoke), he (to work) hard.
6. When my sister (to wash) her skirt, she (to find) a pound note in the pocket.
7. When you (to learn) German?
8. We (to go) home now because it (to be) late.
9. Who you (to wait) for?
10. Her car (to break) down yesterday while she (to drive) to work.
11. When and where it (to happen)?
12. She always (to wear) nice clothes for work. Today she (to wear) a nice blouse and a dark skirt.

Activity 12. Open the brackets, using the verbs in one of these tenses:
Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous.
1. Your father (to go) on a business trip last month?
2. What Nick (to do) yesterday?
3. When Nick (to get) up every morning?
4. Where your mother (to go) tomorrow?
5. I (to invite) my friends to come to my place tomorrow.
6. A disco, which (to take) place at the club last weekend, (to keep) people awake
half the night.
7. What she (to watch) at the moment?
8. I (to see) my friend in the street yesterday, but he (to run) for a bus and he (not to have) time
to speak to me.
9. What your son (to do)? — He (to study) computer science.
10. What you (to do) at the weekend?

Home task: Think of an interesting story about when you were a child. Choose one of these
ideas or your own.
your first/last day at school
an accident
a birthday party
a sports event
the best/worst day of a holiday

Make notes on these things.
Where and when the story happened
how the story started
the main events of the story
what happened at the end

Заняття 15.
Тема Future Tenses. Особливості перекладу.
Спорт. Популярні види дозвілля

Activity 1. Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

1. Do you, or people you know, support a football team? If so, why did you/they choose that
2. Have you ever been to a football match? If so, tell the group about the last match you went
3. Are there ever fights at football matches in your country? If so, why?

Activity 2. Tick the adjectives you know. Check new words.

Violent hard-working
arrogant loyal
rude enthusiastic
polite considerate
noisy spoilt
loud patient
selfish offensive
aggressive helpful
stupid bad-tempered
lazy well-behaved

Adjectivs to describe behaviour

Violent people try to hurt or kill other people.
Arrogant people believe they are better or more important than other people.
Rude people aren't polite.
Loud people make a lot of noise.
Selfish people usually only think about themselves.
Aggressive people behave in an angry or violent way towards other people.
Stupid people are no I very intelligent.
Hard- working people work very hard.
Loyal people always support their friends, etc.
Enthusiastic people show a lot of interest and excitement about something.
Considerate people are very kind and helpful.
Spoilt people behave badly because other people always give them what they want
or allow them to do what I hey want (often used for children).
Offensive people often upset or embarrass people by the things they say or how
they behave.
Helpful people like helping other people.
Moody people are often unfriendly because they are angry and unhappy.
Bad- tempered people become annoyed or angry easily.
Well- behaved people behave in a quiet and polite way.

Activity 3. Work in pairs. Answer these questions.

Which adjectives have a negative meaning and which have a positive meaning?
Which adjectives can you use to describe football fans in your country?

Activity 4. Listen to Cwan and Michelle talking about football fans. Choose the correct
words/phrases in these sentences.

1. There were some fights at a football match last night/weekend.

2. Ewan thinks that a few/most football fans are violent.
3. Michelle thinks that most/all fans are loyal.
4. Michelle agrees with everything/some of the things Ewan says.
5. Ewan changes/doesn't change his opinion of football fans.

Activity 5. Match beginnings of sentences 1-6 to ends of sentences a)-f).

1. Some of them can be a) just want to see a good game
2. They tend to get b) be a bit too enthusiastic
3. That’s not very c) auite rude at times
4. Generally speaking d) rather loud
5. You get a few who can e) normal behavior
6. On the whole, most fans f) most people who go to matches are just
loyal fans

1 2 3 4 5 6

Activity 6. Listen and practise the Sentences in Activity 4.

Activity 7. Use the words/phrases in brackets to soften these opinions about children.

1. Children don’t do very much sport. (Generally speaking; most).

Generally speaking, most children don't do very much sport.
2. They're very spoilt.(tend to; a bit) ________________________________________________
3. They're rude to their teachers. (can; quite; at limes)__________________________________
4. They're very unhealthy. (Some of them; not very)____________________________________
5. They watch a lot of TV. (On the whole; tend lo; quite)_________________________________
6. They're impatient. (Generally speaking; not very)____________________________________
7. They're selfish. (Some of them; can; rather)________________________________________

Activity 8. Work on your own. Think of reasons why you tend to agree or disagree with these
1. Men watch too much sport.
2. Men arc better at sport than women.
3. All teenagers are lazy.
4. Fast food is bad for you.
5. Pets cost a lot of money.
6. Motorbikes are dangerous.
7. There’s never anything good on TV.

Activity 9. Choose the best response or ending.

1. Why did he run away?

a Because he'd seen a ghost.
b Because he was seeing a ghost.

2. Are they still working on the house?

a No, they aren't. They've just finished.
b No, they aren't. They've just been finishing.

3. What happened when they heard the news?

a They had decided to have a party.
b They decided to have a party.

4. He's just rung and ...

a he's coming here now.
b he came here.

5. I've lost my mobile phone ...

a and I don't know where it is.
b then I bought a new one.

6. Where had they been all that time?

a They'd been playing golf.
b They'd played golf.

Activity 9. Choose the correct form of the verbs.

Collect cool
In the past, collecting was/ had been a hobby for rich people. Kings and queens 2sent /
were sending explorers to find new objects in strange new countries. Since those times, people
from all types of background 3 collected / have collected every kind of object from the normal
(stamps and coins) to the weird (lunchboxes and toilet paper).
Mike Bryant 4collected / has been collecting antique bottles for years. Bryant 5has built /
has been building an extra room above his garage to keep all the bottles.
Another collector, Pat Sonnenberg, has also 6created / been creating a special room in the
house for her collection of 350 lunchboxes. She 7started / has started collecting lunchboxes
because she sdidn't have / hasn't had one for school when she was a child.

Home task: ___________________________________________________________________

Заняття 16.
Тема Узагальнення граматичного та лексичного матеріалу. Залікове заняття
Спорт та ігри

VOCABULARY Practise the following words and word combinations.

a source
to produce
to protect
to solve
to require

Activity 1. Read and translate the text.

Cars: Passion or Problem?
For some people, the car is a convenient form of transportation.
But for many people, cars are also a source of passion and pleasure. Ye cars can be a source
of many problems.
In 1903, Henry Ford began selling the Model T car for $825. His company, Ford Motors, was
the first to produce cars in large numbers.
Most Americans buy a new car every five or six years. Some environmentalists believe that
such forms of public transportation such as buses and trains have not been fully developed in the
United States. They try to teach others that public transportation saves fuel and helps to protect
the environment. One environmentalist, Jan Lundberg, left his Mercedes-Benz in Los Angeles and
moved to the forests of northern California. There he works on the Auto-Free Times, a newspaper
that teaches people how to live without driving. Lundberg travels on foot, on bicycle, or by bus.
Lundberg and other environmentalists dream of replacing cars with bicycles, but most
people around the world believe that the car is a necessary part of life in today’s world. Still, there
is an important question that must be answered: What kind of fuel will we use when gasoline is no
longer available? Lundberg believes that by the year 2021, there will no longer be oil for gasoline
makers to use. To solve this problem, car companies in Korea, Japan, Europe, and the United
States are trying to develop an electric car that will not require gasoline at all.
Cars may change, but their importance will not. Cars are important to nearly everyone,
including engineers, businesspeople, environmentalists, and even poets. Poet Curt Brown believes
that cars are part of our passion for new places and new experiences. According to Brown, this
‘very, very comfortable flying chair’ will continue to bring us travel and adventure, no matter how
it changes in the future.

Activity 2. Number the following main ideas in the order they appear in the text.

1. Soon there will be no oil to fuel cars.

2. Cars, whether gasoline or electric powered, will always be important.
3. Cars can cause problems.
4. To some people, cars are more than transportation.
5. Some environmentalists teach people how to live without cars.

Activity 3. Answer the following questions.

1. What are cars for people?

2. When did Henry Ford begin selling his car?
3. What was the price of the car?
4. How often do most Americans buy a new car?
5. What do some environmentalists believe?
6. Will the gasoline fuel always be available?
7. What car will not require gasoline at all?

Найбільш уживані неправильні дієслова
І група V0 = V2 = V3

1. bet — bet — bet — битись об заклад

2. cost — cost — cost — коштувати
3. cast — cast — cast — кидати
4. let — let — let — дозволяти
5. put — put — put — класти
6. set — set — set — установлювати
7. shut — shut — shut — закривати
8. spread — spread — spread — розстилати
ІІ група V0 ≠ V2 = V3
1. bring — brought — brought — приносити
2. build — built — built — будувати
3. buy — bought — bought — купувати
4. deal — dealt — dealt — мати справу
5. feed — fed — fed — харчувати(ся)
6. fight — fought — fought — боротися
7. find — found — found — знаходити
8. get — got — got — одержувати
9. have — had — had — мати
10. hold — held — held — тримати
11. keep — kept — kept — тримати, зберігати
12. lay — laid — laid — класти
13. lead — led — led — вести
14. learn — learnt — learnt (learned) — вчити, вивчати
15. leave — left — left — залишати
16. lend — lent — lent — позичати
17. lose — lost — lost — губити, втрачати
18. make — made — made — робити
19. meet — met — met — зустрічати
20. pay — paid — paid — платити
21. read — read — read — читати
22. say — said — said — казати
23. sell — sold — sold — продавати
24. send — sent — sent — посилати
25. sit — sat — sat — сидіти
26. sleep — slept — slept — спати
27. stand — stood — stood — стояти
28. teach — taught — taught — навчати
29. tell — told — told — казати
30. think — thought — thought — думати
31. understand — understood — — розуміти
32. win — won — won — перемагати
ІIІ група V0 ≠ V2 ≠ V3

1. be — was (were) — been — бути

2. begin — began — begun — починати
3. choose — chose — chosen — вибирати
4. come — cаme — come — приходити
5. do — did — done — робити

6. draw — drew — drawn — креслити, малювати
7. drink — drank — drunk — пити
8. eat — ate — eaten — їсти
9. fall — fell — fallen — падати
10. forget — forgot — forgotten — забувати
11. give — gave — given — давати
12. go — went — gone — іти, їхати
13. grow — grew — grown — рости
14. know — knew — known — знати
15. mistake — mistook — mistaken — помилятися
16. rise — rose — risen — підніматися
17. see — saw — seen — бачити
18. sing — sang — sung — співати
19. speak — spoke — spoken — говорити
20. swim — swam — swum — плавати
21. take — took — taken — брати
22. throw — threw — thrown — кидати
23. write — wrote — written — писати


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