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Dough : flour, oil, salt, water
Stuff: kimchi, minced meat, Korean vermicelli
(dried noodle), tofu, chives

* You can make mandu depending on your taste.

** I don’t know the amount of the ingredients.
Follow your sense or feeling.

How to make a dough : Mix flour and water, and add a little oil and salt.
Make a chewy paste with powerful hand. (I tend to ask to my husband) It’s better to keep the dough in
the refrigerator for 6 hours.

According to your taste, the type of mandu can be different. There are many kinds of mandu. Try to put
in mandu whatever you like :)

Put the korean vermicelli into boiled water. Keep in there until it turn to be transparent.
After cooling down, chop the noodle into small pieces with knife.
Cut chives into small pieces.
You have to squeeze kimchi to get rid of moisture. the water of ingredients makes the dough be torn.
And then chop the kimchi.
Mix all ingredients in the bowl. Add tofu and minced meat.

I prepared two types of mandu, One is kimchi mandu, the other is meat mandu.
It differs from main stuff. Season the meat with salt. I add red pepper powder(paprika powder) to
kimchi mandu stuff. In order to raise up the flavor and color. Mix together all in the bowl.

Take apart small dough from big one. push and roll the small dough with bottle like a paper. It will be a
dumpling’s skin(cover).
Put the mixture with a spoon into a flour paper.
And fold it, so that the edges overlap. a little water will
be helpful.

Finally, steam mandu! THAT’S IT.

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