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Read the following text and answer the questions:

Mrs. Spears, an office cleaner from Chicago, arrived at work one cold, winter
morning. The temperature was very low and it was beginning to snow. Hurrying to go inside
and get warm, she was surprised to see something large and still outside the office door. She
looked closer and was shocked to discover it was a cat frozen to the ground. “It gave me a
real fright!” Mrs. Spears realized the cat was alive but unable to move so she wrapped him
up in her coat. When the office workers came later, they too put their coats around the cat.
Eventually he started to move and opened his eyes. They took him inside the office, put him
near a heater, and gave him some warm milk to drink. Now he lives in the office and has a
new name, “Lucky”.

1. What is the text about?

2. What was the cat doing when Mrs. Spears arrived at work?
3. Why is the cat’s name Lucky?
4. Do you think pets are toys? Give arguments to support your opinion

Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

The British spend their free time in different ways. People generally use it to relax,
but many people also do voluntary work, especially for charities.
A lot of free time is spent in the home, where the most popular leisure activity is
watching television, the average viewing time being 25 hours a week. People often record
programmes on video so that they can watch later, and video recorders are also used for
watching videos hired from a video rental shop. Reading is also a favourite way of
spending leisure time. The British spend a lot of time reading newspapers and magazines.
In the summer gardening is popular, and in winter it is often replaced by “do-it-
yourself”, when people spend their time improving or repairing their homes. Many
people have pets to look after; taking the dog for a daily walk is a regular routine.
Families often have a “day out” at the weekend, especially in summer, with a visit
to a local event such as a festival, fair or show. Young people especially go to clubs and
discos, while people of all ages go to the theatre, the cinema, art exhibitions and concerts.

1. How do the British spend their free time?

2. What do they enjoy doing most indoors?
3. What is a”day out”?
4. Which leisure time activities do you enjoy most?
Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

For many people today it is difficult to imagine a life without a cell phone. Once
the preserve of the rich, they have now become an indispensable part of modern day life.
The technology for cellular phones was patented in 1975, but it wasn’t until 1982 that the
first commercial cell phone network was established in the United States. Since that time,
the cell phone has changed from a bulky machine to something that can fit into the palm
of your hand. The functions available in modern-day cell phones are increasing rapidly.
Email access is now standard. Cell phone cameras now rival digital cameras in terms of
quality. With third generation telephones, broadband access offers the possibility of video
phones, television and full internet access. All this comes at a cost, however. Many
people disagree with a society where people seem to be glued to their phone, but forget
everything that is going on around them.

1. What is the text about?

2. What were the first cell phones like?
3. What are the advantages of third generation cell phones?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a mobile phone? Give
arguments to support both sides of the statement.

Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

Harrods is probably the most famous department store in the UK. It’s over 150
years old and it has 330 departments on seven floors. On special days, about 300,000
customers come and spend their time and money in Harrods.
More than 5,000 people from over fifty different countries work for the store.
However, the staff are not just shop assistants, Harrods has its own hairdresser’s,
doctor’s, bank, fire brigade, and much more. A huge team of people clean and look after
the store. This includes checking and changing the 11,500 light bulbs on the outside of
the building.
Harrods is famous for providing „all things, for all people, everywhere.” Whatever
you want, you can buy it at Harrods – from expensive jewellery and furniture, to paper
and pens. Someone even bought a baby elephant called Gertie as a present for Ronald
Reagan. However, many people come to Harrods just to look and not to buy and this can
be a problem. Sometimes the doormen doesn’t let people in because they are wearing the
wrong kind of clothes!

1. How many people go to Harrods on special days?

2. Who was Gertie?
3. What does „all things, for all people, everywhere” mean?
4. Which is the most famous shop in our town? Describe it.

Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

Toy Story 3 is a 3D computer-animated American cartoon produced in 2010. It is the

third film in the Toy Story series. It was released by Walt Disney Pictures ancreated by Pixar
Animation Studios. The director was Lee Unkrich. This movie had the highest gross revenue in
2010 in the United States, Canada and worldwide. It became Pixar’s highest grossing film in the
North American box office, surpassing Finding Nemo. It received five Academy Awards
nominations and won the Best Animated Feature Film and the Best Original Song awards in
The plot mainly focuses on the toys Woody, Buzz Lightyear and their friends. Andy, a
seventeen-year-old college student, owns these toys. He has not been playing with his toys for
years. So he decides to take Woody to college and stores the rest of them in a trash bag in the
attic. However, Andy’s mother throws the toys out accidentally. Woody wants to explain to the
toys that they have not been abandoned but they refuse to listen. The toys escape and decide to
climb into a donation box for the Sunnyside Daycare Centre.
As the story continues, Woody finds the other toys, which have escaped, and saves them.
In the process, Woody makes friends with Bonnie, who is Andy’s friend. At last, Woody and the
other toys, rather than being stored back in the attic, are given to Bonnie, as she loves to play
with them a lot. The toys are wanted and loved once more.

1. What is the text about?
2. Who are the characters?
3. What did the toys do when they thought they were abandoned?
4. What happens at the end of the film?

Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

It was already late when we set out for the next town, which according to the map
was about fifteen miles away on the other side of the hills. There we felt sure that we
would find a bed for the night. Darkness fell soon after we left the village, but luckily we
met no one as we drove swiftly along the narrow winding road that led to the hills. As we
climbed higher, it became colder and the rain began to fall, making it difficult at times to
see the road. I asked John, my companion, to drive more slowly.
After we had traveled for about twenty miles, there was still no sign of the town
which was marked on the map. We were beginning to get worried. Then, without
warning, the car stopped. A quick examination showed that we had run out of petrol.
Although we had little food with us, only a few biscuits and some chocolate, we decided
to spend the night in the car.

1. What is the text about?

2. What did the travelers expect to find in the next town?
3. Why did John ask his companion to drive more slowly?
4. Do you think that the car is the ideal means of transport?

Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

Fantasy films now exert a pressure on the world’s cinemas in a way no genre has
ever done before. “Harry Potter” and “The Lord of the Rings” are the motor that drives
the motion picture industry in much of the world. These movies appeal not only to
children but also to adults whose interest goes back to the first “Star Wars” film and the
“Star Trek” television series. When they watch these fantasies, they are gazing at
idealized versions of themselves. The heroes begin in unremarkable places, discover they
possess extraordinary gifts, and set out on voyages, using their gifts to combat evil,
overcoming several obstacles on the way and learning profound truths about their inner
selves. Thus the appeal of these stories seems to be that they address an innocent desire
on the part of young audiences for unspoilt heroism. Fantasy is the only genre that offers
up heroism with no reservations. Harry and Frodo and Luke are forever struggling with
dark forces, and always with the purest of intentions.

1. Which are the most successful movies nowadays?

2. What kind of audience do they aim at?
3. Which is the message of these movies?
4. Which are the main characteristics of this type of hero?

Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

I remember watching TV many hours a day when I was a child. One of the
programmes that I liked very much was “Candid Camera”. There, ordinary people were
tricked into doing ridiculous things and sometimes they were very funny. But as I grew
up, things changed. The European television introduced what we call today “reality
shows”. They turn common people into “stars” by putting them in unusual situations.
Some of them are locked in a small house with cameras running twenty four hours a day.
Others are filmed in a hostile environment where they have to find food and shelter or
they have to face the thing that they are most afraid of. In all these cases the viewers are
those who decide who should leave or stay. The TV companies like this kind of shows
because they are cheap to produce and attract young viewers. But even if many people
are attracted to watch or participate, there are critics who believe that programmes like
these are humiliating and they can be dangerous for society.
(Arcadia Press)

1. What is the main idea of the text?

2. What kind of people participate in these shows and why?
3. Why do TV companies prefer to produce this kind of shows?
4. What is the critics’ opinion? Do you share it?

Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

Because more and more people use the Internet nowadays, a new concept of
learning is growing, namely e-learning. Students study at their computers, read texts,
write essays, and talk through E-mail to their instructors and classmates. In other parts of
the world students watch their teacher on a television screen at the front of the classroom
while sound-sensitive video cameras can move from teacher to student when somebody
asks a question. “At first, I was nervous about taking a language class because there was
no teacher in the room, but after a while you don't even notice the difference," says one of
the students. Despite the physical distance from their teachers, students can receive
personal attention when they need it: phone calls or e-mails. Along with the new e-
learning technologies: telephones, satellites, computers, interactive TV CD-ROMs and
Internet, books will continue to be important in people's education.

(Arcadia Press)

1. What is the main idea of the text?

2. How can the students attend courses by using a computer?
3. Do the students feel comfortable when using this new way of learning? Why?
4. Do books have any role with the new e-learning technology? Which one
would you prefer: traditional learning or e-learning?

Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

Ad Aware
How many times have you heard it before? ,”Mom! Can we get this please?"
You've probably done it yourself a couple of times, while standing in the grocery store.
And of course your mother sighs and says no. But you need this! It's so cool, and
everybody else has it! The truth is your parents are probably right in this case. And I ask
you, what is that thing you need so desperately and why? Advertising is everywhere, in
our schools, our video games, on TV, plastered all over the cars driving around town, on
billboards. Because advertising has been around for so long, marketers know what they're
doing. They know what colours, sounds and images make us want that box of cereal or
the latest CD. How many times have you bought something, and later regretted it? What
determined you to buy in the first place?
Maybe the “happy colours" red, orange or yellow or the celebrity seen in a
commercial? But just because the singer is on a box of cereal doesn't mean he eats it, or
that the product has the power to make you an amazing singer.

1. What is the general idea of the text?

2. Why do teenagers want certain products so desperately?
3. What methods do the marketers use to determine people to buy more and
more goods?
4. Which are those things which tempt people into buying?

Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

When most people hear the words ‘fast food’ they probably think of cheap, hot food sold
in a place where they don’t have to wait more than a couple of minutes between ordering
and taking their first bite, and where they can either ‘take away’ or ‘eat in’.

Perhaps the best example of traditional ‘British’ fast food is fish and chips, which means
deep-fried white fish with chips. Many foreigners could find some things a bit strange in
a fish and chip shop, for example the fact that many customers put a lot of salt and
vinegar on their fish and chips, or the ‘mushy peas’ some people eat as an
accompaniment. In fact, they are one of those kinds of food that generate strong opinions
– most people either love them or hate them.

1. What is this text about?

2. What does ‘fish and chips’ mean?
3. What do foreigners find strange about fish and chip shops in Britain?
4. Is eating in a fast food the best solution for busy people?

Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

The use of computers has meant students can study language programmes at their
own speed when and for how long they want. What’s more, in the virtual classrooms of
the future the student will put on their headset, and be transported into an imaginary
school, choose their class, take the books they need off the shelf and hold conversations
with other computerised students. At the press of a button they would be transported to
more realistic settings where they could practise their English. All this perhaps, at the
computer, from the comfort of their home: no need to catch the bus to college or a plane
to England. Exciting?
Certainly, and an interesting alternative to traditional classroom lessons. But would it
ever replace the classroom? Hopefully not. The need to relate to real people talking about
real issues and generally learning a little more about others will always lead language
learners to dedicate at least a little of their time to real people.

1. What is this text about?

2. What options will the virtual classroom offer to students?
3. Why will language learners always spend some time with real people?
4. Will computers replace teachers in the future?

Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

Junk Food Is Fooling People into Overeating

More and more people agree that fast food restaurants are feeding the obesity
epidemic by tricking people into eating more calories than they need or mean to. Typical
menus at these restaurants contain 65 per cent more calories per bite than standard meals,
making it far too easy for customers to overindulge without realising it. The high "energy
density" of junk food - the amount of calories it contains in relation to its weight - throws
the brain's appetite control system into confusion, as this is based on the size of a portion
rather than its energy content. This means that a person eating a Big Mac and fries would
consume almost twice as many calories as someone eating the same weight of pasta and
salad. Scientists found out that the human appetite encouraged people to eat a similar
quantity of food regardless of its calorific value. Thus regular consumers grew fat while
eating portions they did not consider large. Scientists said that fast food outlets should
reduce the energy density of their menus as well as their portion sizes.

1. What is the author's main concern?

2. Are people conscious of the consequences of eating this kind of food?
3. What is the main characteristic of junk food?
4. Is there any solution to this problem?

Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

Television has become, for most of us, as much a part of our lives as the electricity
that comes into our homes or the air we breathe. It is now a central part of what makes us
who we are. There is, however, a particular aspect of television which makes it unlike
almost all other influences on our lives. It is not yet truly interactive. It speaks to us, but
we do not speak back. The reality we get from television - we don’t participate in it, we
just watch it. In other words, we don’t have to do any thinking for ourselves. We just get
reality given to us by those who make the programmes. That’s why it matters so much
what they decide to show us. The television networks can present us with a picture of the
world as it really is – complicated and interesting and full of variety. But equally they can
appeal to the worst sides of our nature, or turn everything into light entertainment. If they
do that, then that’s how we will start to respond to the world too.

1. What is the main feature of television as compared to other influences on our lives?
2. What is the picture of the world presented by television networks?
3. What can television equally appeal to?
4. Is it better to watch a movie than to read a book?

Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

New York City isn’t a city that can easily be ignored even by the most demanding
visitor. Located on the east coast of the United States with a population of over ten
million people, it is the destination of thousands of visitors who come every year to
experience the excitement of one of the busiest cities in the world. The streets of New
York are incredibly noisy, with the sounds of car horns beeping, people shouting and
police car sirens wailing. Amazingly tall skyscrapers rise up everywhere.
The most exciting thing about New York is how much there is to see and do there.
For sightseers there is the Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge and Central Park, while
lovers of culture can visit the theatres of Broadway or some of the city’s hundreds of art
galleries. Alternatively, if you are a sports fan you can even catch a game of baseball at
Yankee Stadium. The night in New York is equally brilliant, with a wide variety of
restaurants, bars and nightclubs to choose from.
New York is a lively and exciting city to visit with something for everyone, and is
recommended to anyone seeking fun, variety and adventure.

1. What is the text about?

2. What can visitors see there?
3. What can visitors do in their free time?
4. Do you think travelling is the best way of spending your holiday? Give arguments to
support your opinion.

Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie is possibly the world’s most famous detective story
writer. She wrote 79 novels and several plays. Her sales outnumber those of William
Shakespeare. However, behind her 4,680,000 words was a painfully shy woman whose
life was often lonely and unhappy.
She was born in 1890 in Devon, the third child of Clarissa and Frederick Miller,
and grew into a beautiful and sensitive girl with waist-length golden hair. She didn’t go to
school but was educated at home by her mother. Her father died when she was 11 and
both she and her mother were grief-stricken.
During World War I, while she was working in a hospital dispensary, she learned
about chemicals and poisons, which proved to be very useful to her in her later career.
She wrote her first detective novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, in 1920. In it she
introduced Hercule Poirot, the Belgian detective who appeared in many subsequent
novels. Her other main detective was an elderly spinster called Miss Marple.

1. What is the text about?

2. How many novels did Agatha Christie write?
3. How did her experience of working in the hospital help her in her career as a
4. Do you think reading books is more exciting than watching movies?

Profesori examinatori:

Read the following text and answer the questions:

Fashion designers have finally realised that working women are their main
customers. Well-made clothes for the office rather than high glamour are now top
priority. This season’s designs show that the working woman has become very important
to a wide range of fashion designers, with garments being made to fit not only the body
but the lifestyle as well. For years, plain-coloured basic suits were the only thing business
women used to wear, but today’s woman isn’t happy wearing what is no more than a
version of a man’s business suit. She wants her clothes to be elegant, modern and
dynamic – and good value for money. While few big names in fashion have turned their
attention to the office, a new group of designers is emerging, whose main goal is to dress
city women in style. Collections are now designed with the aim of providing easy,
comfortable, all-purpose clothes that will free women from thinking only in terms of the
usual blouse, jacket and skirt.

1. What is the text about?

2. What is the designers’ priority today?
3. What kind of clothes does the modern woman want?
4. Do you think it is important to follow fashion?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

Twenty years ago, kids in school had never even heard of the internet. Now, I'll bet you
can't find a single person in your school who hasn't at least heard of it. In fact, many of us use it
on a regular basis and even have access to it from our homes! The 'net' in internet really stands
for network. A network is two or more computers connected together so that information can be
shared, or sent from one computer to another. The internet is a vast resource for all types of
information. You may enjoy using it to do research for a school project, downloading your
favorite songs or communicating with friends and family. Information is accessed through web
pages that companies, organizations and individuals create and post.
It's kind of like a giant bulletin board that the whole world uses! But since anyone can put
anything on the internet, you also have to be careful and use your best judgment and a little
common sense. Just because you read something on a piece of paper someone sticks on a bulletin
board doesn't mean it's good information, or even correct, for that matter. So you have to be sure
that whoever posted the information knows what they're talking about, especially if you're doing
research! But what if you're just emailing people? You still have to be very careful. If you've
never met the person that you're communicating with online, you could be on dangerous ground!
You should never give out any personal information to someone you don't know, not even your

1. What is a network?
2. How is information accessed on the internet?
3. Why should you not trust everything you find on the internet?
4. In what ways does the internet influence our lives?


Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

It’s not always easy to decide which sport to take up. When choosing, it is
important to remember that excellence in sports results from a number of factors. For
some sports, the body shape and structure with which you are born are important. Top
runners are typical examples of individuals who have selected a sport because of their
natural body type. Many other sports are more dependent on training and technique, and
anyone following a well-structured and appropriate training programme should do well.
The aim of all sports training is to improve fitness and skills, and to develop
training programmes that are both safe and effective. To do this properly, an
understanding of the physical demands of sport is needed. All sports require a
combination of strength, speed, endurance, agility and flexibility to varying degrees.
What is important is how these elements are combined to build up the skills of the sport
in question.

1. What is the text about?

2. What is the aim of sports training?
3. What do all sports require?
4. What do you do to keep fit?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

What is the best-known symbol of London? Big Ben? The statue of Eros in
Picadilly Circus? Or could it be something much more ordinary than that? Could it be the
big red London double-decker bus? It certainly could. Big red buses are recognized - and
even found - all over the world, and people recognize them as symbols of London.
Visitors climb into London buses to go and see the Niagara Falls. London buses can be
seen driving round Europe to advertise big department stores, or British events. They
don't need to have the words "London Transport" on the side of them: they are instantly
recognised by millions of people!
The idea of the "double decker" is actually much older than the motor bus; it is
simply a continuation of the system that was used for public transport in the age of horse-
drawn vehicles, when some of the passengers sat inside, and the rest travelled on the roof.
Too bad if it was raining!
The earliest horse-drawn double-deckers in London had steps at the back, so that
people could climb up onto the roof. The main difference with today's buses was that in
those days, there was no protection for the people travelling on top: if it rained, they
could pull a sort of oil-cloth cover out of the back of the seat in front of them, and pull it
over them; but they still got wet.
Today the only open-topped buses are the special tourist buses.

1. What is the text about?

2. How did the double-decker appear?
3. How did the people in the past use to protect themselves from rain when being
in a double-decker?
4. Would you like to take a ride on a double-decker if you had the chance? Why/
Why not?
Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

Black music has done more than most things to bring Black and White cultures
together. Almost the whole of today's rock and pop music has its roots in Black music:
rock 'n' roll, the base of today's pop, developed out of the jazz and rhythm 'n' blues of
Black America. England's Blacks, however, have added their own specific contribution to
contemporary pop music, in particular through reggae music, the music of the West
Indies. Reggae came to England in the late 60's through an innovative record company
called Island Records. Island soon helped lots of Black bands from the West Indies and
from Britain, led by Bob Marley, to become popular with British youth of all
backgrounds .
Before long, Black British musicians were regularly finding themselves in the Top
Ten, while white bands played more and more "black" music, and an increasing number
of bands recruited musicians regardless of their colour.

1. What is the text about?

2. Which are the roots of rock and pop music?
3. What music styles are mentioned in the text?
4. What role does music play in people’s lives in general?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

The history of writing and drawing on walls, nowadays known as graffiti, is much
longer than most of us realise. People were painting on walls thousands of years ago.
Although the paintings have been done for religious reasons, there is also the possibility
that the artists wanted to express their individuality at the same time. These days graffiti
can be seen almost everywhere, from the Paris Metro to the outside walls of houses in the
Northern Ireland. It is often viewed as the work of vandals, but some people actually
claim that it is a work of art. Certainly, there have been a number of models of graffiti
which have been shown at art exhibitions. However, as most graffiti is not appreciated,
there are continuous efforts to have it removed, which costs a great deal of money. For
instance, London underground has to spend 5 million pounds a year on cleaning its
stations. Unfortunately the stations do not stay clean for very long. But recent research
has led to the development of a new type of paint. This is effective in the fight against
graffiti because paint will not dry on it, so it is much easier to clean the walls.

1. What is the text about?

2. Why did people paint on walls in the past?
3. Why is graffiti negatively viewed nowadays?
4. Do you think graffiti is an art? Give arguments to support your opinion.

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

Tattoos have become so extraordinarily popular that it’s hard to think of a pop,film
or sports star who doesn’t have at least one. Considering how very common tattoos are in
Britain and many other countries today, it’s surprising to discover that they were almost
unknown in northern Europe for centuries. On many Pacific islands, however, over
several millennia, tattooing became an important part of life. It was used as a means of
decorating the body and of protecting the wearer from evil spirits. Then the practice was
rediscovered for the West by Captain James Cook who reached the island of Tahiti in
1796. Joseph Banks, the great naturalist who accompanied Cook on his voyage was so
enchanted with the Tahitians’ tattoos that he wrote an elaborately illustrated book about
them. Today more than 10 million people in the United States have at least one tattoo.
They make statements of individuality, belonging and sometimes frustration and anger.
The disadvantage of the whole things is that tattoos are more or less permanent. Despite
their rise in popularity, more than half the people who have tattoos eventually regret
having them done.
(Arcadia press)

1. What is the text about?

2. What was the initial function of tattoos?
3. Why are tattoos so popular today, according to the text?
4. Do you think having a tattoo makes people getting the wrong impression of a
person? Give arguments to support your opinion.

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

The British spend their free time in different ways. People generally use it to relax,
but many people also do voluntary work, especially for charities.
A lot of free time is spent in the home, where the most popular leisure activity is
watching television, the average viewing time being 25 hours a week. People often record
programmes on video so that they can watch later, and video recorders are also used for
watching videos hired from a video rental shop. Reading is also a favourite way of
spending leisure time. The British spend a lot of time reading newspapers and magazines.
In the summer gardening is popular, and in winter it is often replaced by “do-it-yourself”,
when people spend their time improving or repairing their homes. Many people have pets
to look after; taking the dog for a daily walk is a regular routine.
Families often have a “day out” at the weekend, especially in summer, with a visit
to a local event such as a festival, fair or show. Young people especially go to clubs and
discos, while people of all ages go to the theatre, the cinema, art exhibitions and

1. How do the British spend their free time?

2. What do they enjoy doing most indoors?
3. What is a „day out”?
4. Which leisure time activities do you enjoy most?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

Martin was not happy. He'd wanted to work during the half-term break and earn a bit of
much-needed money, but wherever he'd asked he'd got more or less the same reply.
"Sorry young man, we don't need any help," said the man in the supermarket.
"I'm afraid not," said the lady at the newsagent's.
Then, on the Tuesday before half term, he spotted a small ad in the local paper: HELP
WANTED. Two people required for one week. Packing. No experience needed. Phone
Without wasting a moment, Martin was on the phone. To his surprise
and disappointment, all he got was an answer phone, with a message: "You've reached
25573. I'm sorry but there is no-one here at the moment. Please leave your name and
number, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible."

1) What is the text about?

2) Why wasn't Martin happy?
3)What reply did he get when he asked about a job?
4) What happened when he called the number in the ad?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:
We need to leave the icy cold waters of the North Atlantic, and go thousands of miles
back to the dry heat of the Nile Valley in Egypt. It is here, perhaps, that we can find the
start of the mystery of the Titanic, here in the year 1910, in the great city of Cairo.
One day, a British Egyptologist, called Douglas Murray, was staying in Cairo, when he
was contacted by a man he did not know, a strange American adventurer.
The American had something unusual to offer the British archaeologist, something that
was certain to thrill him: a beautiful ancient Egyptian mummy-case, containing the
mummy of the high-priestess from the temple of the god Amon-Ra. The object was over
3000 years old, but in beautiful condition – gold, with bright paintings on it, and a
"portrait" of the priestess. The American did not want a lot of money for it, and Murray
was delighted. He gave the man a cheque.
1) What is the text about?
2)Where can we find the start of the mystery of the Titanic?
3)Who contacted Douglas Murray?
4) What did the American have to offer the British archaeologist?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

"Well, let's go!" said Peter.

The tail-light of the minibus that had brought them as far as the village disappeared into the
mist that was hanging over the mountain above them.
Emily pulled on her rucksack and looked at the hills in front of them. Somewhere, ten miles to
the north, was the barn where they were to spend the night; at that moment, ten miles suddenly
seemed a long way away.
"Come on then!" said Steven; "What are we waiting for?"
"Yeah, come on," replied Amira. "The sooner we get going, the sooner we'll get there."
So this was it, thought Emily. Back in May, when their sports instructor Mr. Pike had
suggested trying for the Silver Award, it had sounded good. A twenty-five mile trek in two days
had sounded easy; the pictures in the brochure had looked good too - smiling young people
walking across the hills on a warm sunny day. The reality was a bit different; and even if it was
not raining, the low grey ceiling of clouds looked cold and menacing.

1)What is the text about?

2) What was hanging over the mountain above them?

3) Where was the barn?

4) What are they trying to win?


Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

What will the car of the future be like? This car will be the opposite of today's cars;
today's cars are noisy and dirty, this one is going to be silent and clean. Today's cars have
wheels, this one will not. It will move like a snail, but much faster than a snail!
This car will use electric energy, not petrol or gas; it will have batteries that can be
recharged instantly from chargers in the road. It will also be very easy to drive.
In fact, you won't need to drive it; it will drive itself. You will just need to tell the
computer: "Go to X" and the car will go there. Also, it will reach X very quickly, much
faster than today's cars. It will also be very safe and comfortable.
A lot of the technology already exists, but it is very experimental. Already today
scientists are developing new materials for the surface of roads: In fifty years from now,
perhaps sooner, some new roads will capture solar energy: they will store this energy
under the road, and some cars will be able to use it.

1) What is the text about?

2) What will it use?

3) What will it have?

4)What will happen in fifty years' time?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

To start with, we cannot go on using oil forever. We can do so for a few more decades-
perhaps until 2070, then it will run out. There will be none left - or at least, there will be
hardly any left.
At present, there is still plenty of oil under the ground. There is oil under the North Sea
and under the Atlantic Ocean. Engineers keep finding new sources of oil. But there are
some realities which cannot be avoided.
a) The quantity of oil under the ground and under the sea is not infinite. It will not last
b) As oil becomes rarer, it will become harder to extract. It will also become more and
more expensive. It will therefore become more expensive than other fuels.
c) Oil will always cause pollution.
Of course, there are also other truths:
d) Scientists are making new forms of oil, using plants.
e) Most of the oil that we eat comes from plants; and it is sometimes possible to make
petrol from this oil. For instance, some types of diesel-fuel already contain sun-flower oil.

1) What is the text about?

2) Where is there oil?

3) Which are the realities which cannot be avoided?

4) Which are the truths concerning other fuels?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

When you're 50, what sort of holiday will you want to take?
If you're under 30 today, perhaps you'll be able to take a holiday in space! A
Japanese company, Shimizu, plans to open the first hotel in space within 15 years. They
want to offer 3-day holidays in a space station, which will be bigger than the International
Space Station. However, holidays in space will be very expensive! About 90,000 dollars
for three days! It is believed that there are enough people who will be ready to pay the
price. Other firms, in Japan and the USA, want to open hotels on the moon! Trips to the
moon will be even more expensive!
The Japanese firm is quite serious; but they cannot yet start building their orbiting
hotel. First they will have to buy a commercial re-usable shuttle. Today there are no
shuttles. The old American shuttles, such as Atlantis and Columbia, were very expensive
to launch. They had to be launched into orbit with a big rocket which cannot be re-used.
Tomorrow's shuttles will take off and land on their own, probably like planes. They will
therefore be much more economical.

1) What is the text about?

2) What does Shimizu plan?

3) What does this company offer?

4)What does the Japanese firm have to do?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

It is not made of silicon; and it is not a river valley; but forgetting that, Silicon Valley is
probably the most famous valley in the world. Although it is not the place where the first
computer was built (that was Manchester, England), Silicon Valley, near San Francisco,
was the birthplace of the modern computer industry. For this, we can say thank you to
scientists at the universities in California, and to the Hippies of the 1960's.It was in the
nineteen-sixties that American "youth culture" really began. California, of course, already
existed; but the Sixties Generation rediscovered it. At the time there were really two
different forms of youth culture; the "Beach Boy" culture on the one hand, and the anti-
establishment hippies and radical students on the other hand; and they all dreamed of
California. For the Beach Boys, that meant southern California, where they could sing
about surfing and cars; for the Hippies and radicals, it meant San Francisco, "flower
power" and revolutionary new ideas. The campuses at Berkeley and Stamford, near San
Francisco, were places for new ideas, new technology, new culture, and new ways of

1)What is the text about?

2) What is Silicon Valley?

3)Which were the two different forms of youth culture?

4) What did campuses create?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

Most houses use energy - lots of it. We use energy for heating, lighting, for running our
household appliances - TV's, washing machines, fridges, and so on. In winter time, most
houses use dozens of kilowatts of electricity every day, or the equivalent in gas. There are
houses which use virtually nothing: most of the energy that they use comes straight from
the sun, the wind or the ground. One such experimental house is at the University of
Nottingham, and it could be the kind of house that most people are living in fifty years
from now.

During the daytime, it is rarely necessary to turn on an electric light, even in rooms
without windows. Sunlight, or daylight, is "piped" through the house, into each room,
through special high-reflection aluminium tubes. At night, of course, energy is necessary
- but most of this comes from the sun or the wind. The house is fitted with photovoltaic
solar panels that generate electricity during the daytime, and a wind turbine power
generator too; electricity from these can be used directly, or else stored in batteries, and
used when it is needed.

1) What is the text about?

2) What do we use energy for?

3)What do you have to do during the daytime in an experimental house?

4)Where does energy come from at night?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

You may be surprised to learn that the humble bicycle was invented several years later
than the railway locomotive! But the two-wheeler has come a long way since the day it
was invented by a Scottish blacksmith, Kirkpatrick MacMillan, back (it is said) in 1839.
MacMillan developed his bike from an older wheeled vehicle, called a "hobby horse".
This was a wooden horse with two wheels. The rider sat on the horse, and pushed the
vehicle along with his feet. It was not a very fast or safe vehicle, since it had
no steering and no brakes.
MacMillan, nicknamed Mad Pate, modified the hobby horse, by adding a system
of articulated bars. The rider could push the bars back and forwards with his feet, and
make the back wheel go round. He could also steer the bike, as the front wheel could be
turned. To demonstrate his invention, he cycled 60 miles to Glasgow! It must have been a
terrible journey, on the roads of the day! Pate's bike did not have rubber tyres or springs.
Since then the bicycle has had a magnificent fortune. Today, it is probably the most
common form of transport in the world, especially in the Third World; and non-polluting
and easy to ride, it has a big future as the town vehicle of tomorrow. Thanks Pate!
1)What is the text about?

2)Who invented it?

3)What did Macmillan develop his bike from?

4)What did Mad Pate do to demonstrate his invention?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

The original "Mini", which first came out in 1959,remained in production for over 40
years - an incredible success story in the rather unsuccessful modern British car industry.
And for most of that time, the most exciting Mini of them all was the Cooper.
During the 1960's in particular, the Mini Cooper was the car of the stars. Mini Coopers
won the Monte Carlo Rally four times in a row, from 1964 to 1967 (though the 1966
result was contested); they also won races and other rallies throughout the world.
Everyone, film stars, pop stars, sports stars, wanted to have a Mini - preferably a Mini
The production of Mini Coopers ceased in the 1970's, but people kept wanting them;
so the Cooper Car Company - who designed and made Cooper engines for the Mini - sold
conversion kits, to change ordinary Minis into Mini Coopers.
In the 1990's - after 17 years - Rover (who then owned the Mini marque) brought back
the Mini Cooper , and new Mini Coopers again rolled off the production line. As before,
they were all quickly snapped up by keen buyers - proving that the legend was still very
much alive!

1) What is the text about?

2) Which was the most exciting Mini?

3)What happened in 1960's?

4) What happened in the 1990's?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

Buffalo Bill Cody was born on a farm in Scott county, Indiana, on 26th February 1846.
At age 12, Bill killed his first Indian. In those days, life in the American West was a
constant struggle for survival, and Indians and white pioneers would fight to the death to
protect their homes and their people. Clearly, young Bill was a tough boy, who knew
what he was doing. Before he was thirteen, he was an expert horse-rider and very good
with a gun; and in those days, when the West was wild, that meant he had excellent
qualifications for a job.
Before the age of twenty, Bill left home and took a job with the Pony Express
company, and very soon he became reputed as one of their best riders. It was the time
when the West was being opened up. After the Pony Express, Bill got a
job supplying buffalo meat to the men building the Kansas Pacific rail- road. In the space
of 17 months, he claims to have killed 4,280 buffaloes. This is where he got his name,
“Buffalo Bill”.
In the 1870s, he worked as a scout for the army, during the Indian campaigns, and
took part in General Custer’s war against the Sioux. Once, he killed Chief Yellow Hand
in a duel. This was just one of the exploits that were written about in popular story books.
In those days, anyone who killed Indians was seen as a hero.
Today, we look at the Indian wars in a different light. Though many American
Indians still call themselves “Indians”, the expression “native Americans” is considered
to be more correct
1) What is the text about?

2)Who was Buffalo Bill Cody?

3)How was life in the American West in those times?

4) Where did Buffalo Bill Cody get his name from?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

Europeans play football, and Americans play football; but surprisingly they do not
play the same game. American football is played by men (and occasionally women)
wearing helmets and protective clothing; the ball is oval. European football is played
with a round ball, by people wearing just socks, shorts, a shirt, and football boots.
Americans have another popular outdoor game too; baseball - a classic American game,
that is only played seriously in North America. In Britain, a few people play an
"ancestor" of baseball, called "rounders" - but it is not a popular sport.
In today's "global village", lifestyles have become international; often the American
model has spread to other countries of the world. American sports, however, have not
spread all over the world, as American films and American fashions have. On the
contrary, European sports have been more successful internationally; European football,
indeed, is slowly developing in the USA (where we call it "soccer").
In motor racing too, though it is not really a team sport, the USA stands apart from
most of the rest of the world. In Europe, South America, Japan and other countries
(including Canada), "motor racing" means "Formula 1"; in America they have Indy Car
1) What is the text about?
2) How is American football played?
3) Which is the American popular outdoor game?
4) Where has the American model spread?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

It's hot and sticky in the summer in Memphis, Tennessee. The sea is hundreds of miles
away from this city on the Mississippi river, yet that doesn't stop the tourists from
coming. Some come just once, others make the trip regularly. These are the real fans,
those for whom rock 'n' roll has only one voice, that of "the King" himself: Elvis
Memphis is the city where Elvis lived for most of his professional life; and though he
died in 1977, Memphis has not forgotten him. On the contrary, America's most famous
rocker (the only one to have had his picture on a set of U.S. postage stamps!) has become
the city's most famous son — and seems to get more and more important as the years go
by. Beside Highway 51, just south of the city is Graceland; this is the house which Elvis
bought after he became a star, and which he kept till the day he died. Today it belongs to
his daughter Lisa Marie, but is run as an Elvis Presley museum: it is the second most
visited house in the U.S.A., after the White House. The people who work at Graceland
seem to be some of Elvis's biggest fans. They live and breathe Elvis! In the café, there is
day-long Elvis on the music system; and as visitors are taken round Graceland, their
guides talk about Elvis as if he were more than the King — more like the God of rock 'n'

1)What is the text about?

2)Why do people come to Memphis, Tennessee?

3)What is Graceland?

4)How do people who work at Graceland behave?


Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

A gap year is time out - it can be anywhere, anytime, doing anything. You could be
building a school in Chile, getting some work experience, sunbathing on a beach in Fiji,
simply working for a year to save enough money for university or a new house, or even
taking time out to change your career. It is about living life to the full and realising that
there is a world of opportunity out there just waiting to be explored. A 'gap year' was
traditionally viewed as the activity of taking time out before university. Nowadays,
however, all sorts of people are taking 'gaps', doing all sorts of different jobs.
There are many options for gap years that include travel, work or volunteering, so there is
something to suit everyone.

1. What is the text about?

2. What was a 'gap year' traditionally?
3. When did people use to take a gap year?
4. What can people do in this time?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

Going to the cinema to see The Social Network, I found myself wondering if I was going
to look at Facebook differently afterwards. I doubted anything in the movie could make
me stop using Facebook - because, as a character in the film says, "it's extremely
addictive" - but I did wonder if it would make me nervous about using it. It turned out,
though, that The Social Network isn't really about Facebook, because it's a character film.
It is more about the development of Facebook from its roots as 'The facebook'.
The film asks the audience to consider whether Mark Zuckerberg, the creator, stole the
idea for Facebook or not. Facebook was launched in February 2004. At that time,
Zuckerberg had been recruited to work on another site, based on a similar idea to

1) What is the text about?

2) What did the writer think he might do after seeing the film?
3) What did we find out about the person who created Facebook?
4) Do you find social networks useful? Why?

Profesori examinatori:
Read the following text and answer the questions:

Only two parts of the USA are mild or warm in winter — a) the coasts, especially Florida
and southern California, and b) the southern part of the Mississippi basin. Everywhere
else it gets cold, often very cold. By the end of November, many American states are
often covered in snow; and although recent winters have been less cold, sport in winter
usually means snow sports, or indoor sports. By January, many people in North America
will have temperatures of -30°C; not every day, of course, but such low temperatures are
not rare. In Chicago and Minneapolis, the temperature can fall below -40°. When it is
very cold, especially when there is a cold wind, few people want to go outside, unless
they have to; but on sunny winter days, winter sports are popular. In the large flat regions
in the middle of North America, the most popular winter sports are snowmobiling, snow-
shoeing and cross-country skiing. Ice-skating is popular too; lakes and rivers freeze, and
many towns and cities have free open-air skating rinks. In many places, these are flood-
lit after dark, so that people can enjoy skating in the evening. However, for many people,
real "winter sports" means downhill skiing; and in the USA, there are two principal areas
for this; the Adirondack Mountains in the North East, and the Rockies in the west.

1) What is the text about?

2) Which are the two parts of the USA which are warm in winter?

3)Which are the most popular winter sports?

4)Which are the areas for downhill skiing in the USA?


Profesori examinatori:

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