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Administración para los Negocios


Draft # 1: General description of the Business



1. Stephanie Caroline Bryson Zavaleta

2. Renzo Exebio Arana
3. Alexia Okuma Tsukida
4. Katherine Abigail Pando Solano
5. Jhoackin Enrique Toledo Flores

1. Name of your Business Idea:

We have decided that our business idea´s name will be based on an acronym.
That way, every time the customer thinks about it they would immediately have the
picture of both products’ combination, which are the hoodie and the massager
machine. And this is how “MASHOO” is born. Now, you have a comfy and relaxing
thing to wear while at home.

2. What is your Business idea about?

The idea focuses around producing a hoodie in a single size for teenagers and
adults. In this case would be 3XL, and we would have an adaptation for children in
size S. This hoodie would have an integrated massager machine and it would be
filled with the texture of a blanket. Also, the hoodie would be provided in different
colors, which makes MASHOO the perfect ally for winter days and fighting the
stress at home. 

3. Why do you think that your idea will be successful?

This business idea will be successful because, during quarantine, many people
have been stressed by doing home-office and not being able to go outside.
Furthermore, we also have another group of people who miss going to spas and
acquiring these relaxation services which can sometimes be very expensive. This is
the reason why MASHOO will be successful. It will benefit people that are stressed
every day and in need to relax, but at the same time continue with their daily
activities. In addition, with the filling of blanket texture people will feel comfortable
and they will have a more optimal development in their daily/company activities.

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