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Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA; 2Department of Kinesiology, California State
University, Northridge, Northridge, CA; and 3Center for Exercise and Sport Science, School of Exercise and Health Sciences,
Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Australia

ABSTRACT arms resulted in a lower HHBD lift time. Arm length may have
Lockie, RG, Moreno, MR, Orjalo, AJ, Lazar, A, Liu, TM, Stage, influenced women more because of the fixed dimensions of the
AA, Birmingham-Babauta, SA, Stokes, JJ, Giuliano, DV, Risso, hexagonal bar. Coaches should be cognizant of potential differ-
FG, Davis, DL, and Callaghan, SJ. Relationships between ences in CD and HHBD work when performed by individuals of
height, arm length, and leg length on the mechanics of the different body sizes.
conventional and high-handle hexagonal bar deadlift. KEY WORDS anthropometry, lift distance and duration, force,
J Strength Cond Res 32(11): 3011–3019, 2018—The study power, and velocity, hex bar, work
investigated relationships between arm length (AL) and leg
length (LL) and conventional deadlift (CD) and high-handle INTRODUCTION

hexagonal bar deadlift (HHBD) mechanics. Twenty-three resis-
he conventional deadlift (CD) performed with an
tance-trained subjects (14 men and 9 women) completed a 1
Olympic bar is a popular strength exercise that
repetition maximum CD and HHBD. A linear position trans- targets the leg, hip, back, and torso musculature
ducer was used to measure lift distance and duration; peak (8,15,35). Use of this exercise has contributed to
and mean power, velocity, and force; time to peak power and improvements in lower-body strength across different pop-
velocity; and work. Right AL and LL were measured, and AL-to- ulations (39,42,44), which provides validation for its use in
LL ratio (AL:LL) was also calculated. Spearman’s correlations resistance training. However, the CD can be difficult for
(r; p # 0.05) computed relationships between anthropometry some individuals because of physical limitations (15). Indeed,
and deadlift mechanics separately for men and women. For the body height, arm length (AL), and leg length (LL) can all
HHBD, greater height and LL related to greater lift distance influence how an individual performs the CD (15,27). This
and work (r = 0.54–0.68); a higher AL:LL related to time to formed part of the reason as to why the hexagonal bar was
peak power and velocity occurring sooner (r = -0.67 to 0.78). designed (40). The hexagonal bar, which can feature high
and low handles (Figure 1), allows the lifter to keep the load
For the HHBD, greater height and LL related to greater lift
closer to the body during the deadlift exercise, as they lift
distance and work; a higher AL:LL related to time to peak
within a frame (4,11,40,41).
power and velocity occurring sooner in the lift (r = 0.54–
When compared with the CD, the hexagonal bar deadlift
0.77). In women, greater height, AL, and LL related to a longer resulted in less bar displacement (40), changes to the lifting
CD lift distance (r = 0.67–0.92). For the HHBD, greater technique (26), and muscle activation patterns (4). Anecdotal
height, AL, and LL related to a longer lift distance and greater information has suggested that the hexagonal bar deadlift
mean velocity (r = 0.69–0.96). There was a negative relation- could be beneficial for taller individuals because the set-up
ship between AL and lift time (r = 20.83), which meant longer position is easier to attain (12,36) and requires a more
upright trunk position (i.e., less trunk flexion) at liftoff
Address correspondence to Robert G. Lockie, (25,43). The high-handle hexagonal bar deadlift (HHBD)
32(11)/3011–3019 should make it even easier for the taller individual to position
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research themselves within the bar frame because the handle position
Ó 2017 National Strength and Conditioning Association could further reduce the resistance moment arm at the

VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2018 | 3011

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Anthropometry and the Deadlift

work performed (25). This could

be more evident in women
because women tend to have
a smaller body size when com-
pared with men (10,22). The
hexagonal bar has a set design
and distance between the han-
dles, which may not be optimal
for individuals of a smaller body
size, which could affect women
more than men. Furthermore,
Figure 1. GymAware placement for the conventional deadlift (A) and high-handle hexagonal bar deadlift (B). Fuster et al. (10) also found that
body height correlated with
pulling strength in collegiate-
lumbar spine (40). Lockie et al. (25) suggested that a more aged women but not men. As a result, the authors concluded
advantageous lifting position provided by the HHBD re- that body size in women was a determining factor in pulling
sulted in greater peak power, velocity, and peak and mean strength. The results from Fuster et al. (10) underscore that
force in a 1 repetition maximum (1RM) lift when compared there could be differences between the sexes as to the relation-
with the CD. However, Lockie et al. (25) found that because ships between height, AL, LL, and AL:LL during the CD and
of a greater lift distance, greater work was performed in the HHBD. This could be exacerbated in the HHBD because of
1RM CD. An individual’s anthropometry, such as AL and the set design of the bar. Further research is needed to confirm
LL, could also influence factors such as lift distance and this hypothesis because an individual’s AL and LL could influ-
duration, and by extension, the work performed during the ence the power, velocity, and force profile of these lifts, in
lift. Given that total work performed during resistance train- addition to the work performed during a resistance training
ing sets may be the most valid way to measure strength session. This could then influence any resulting long-term
training load (29), this is notable. However, no research adaptations from the CD or HHBD.
has investigated the relationships between height, AL, and Therefore, this study investigated relationships height,
LL on the mechanics of the HHBD, and whether this differs AL, LL, and AL:LL with the mechanics of the 1RM CD and
to the CD. HHBD. Resistance-trained men and women were recruited
Indeed, there is little research that has investigated the and analyzed separately. The procedures used in this study
influence AL and LL may have on the performance of were similar to that used in the study by Lockie et al. (25).
strength exercises (28). It has been anecdotally believed that The mechanics of the CD and HHBD were both measured
individuals with a longer AL relative to LL (AL:LL ratio) through a linear position transducer, which was used to
may have better deadlifting ability (27). Mayhew et al. (28) ensure that the recorded data would have practical value
found that a shorter LL had a positive effect on CD when to the strength and conditioning coach because this equip-
performed by collegiate football players; however, informa- ment is used extensively in the field (6,16,25). It was hypoth-
tion about the mechanics of the lift (i.e., power, velocity, esized that greater height, AL, and LL would relate to
force, and work) was not provided. By contrast, Mayhew a greater bar displacement for both men and women, which
et al. (27) illustrated that AL, LL, or AL:LL did not correlate would also result in greater work being performed. Specific
with the CD performed by novice adolescent powerlifters. to the HHBD, it was further hypothesized that these rela-
After a review of literature, Pereira and Gomes (34) sug- tionships would be more pronounced for men because AL
gested that anthropometry was a poor predictor of 1RM would have less impact in women because of the fixed han-
for most strength exercises. Arm length and LL, however, dle width. Last, it was hypothesized that men and women
may be more of an influence on lift mechanics when per- with a higher AL:LL (i.e., longer arms relative to the legs)
forming the HHBD, where the handles are in a fixed posi- would generate greater peak power, force, and velocity in
tion. Nonetheless, there is currently no research that has both the CD and HHBD.
investigated the relationships between height or limb length
Furthermore, there could be differences between the sexes Experimental Approach to the Problem
with how limb length may influence the mechanics of the A cross-sectional analysis of resistance-trained men and
CD and HHBD. About the HHBD, a shorter AL could women was conducted to investigate the relationships
affect lift mechanics because the arms will need to be between body height, AL, and LL on the mechanics of
abducted further from the body to grip the bar handles. the CD and HHBD. All data for the CD and HHBD were
This may reduce lift distance, and reduced lift distance in the recorded by a linear position transducer. Within 1 testing
HHBD can cause changes to the power, velocity, force, and session, subjects had their height, AL, and LL measured
the TM

3012 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

TABLE 1. Descriptive statistics (mean 6 SD; 95% CI) for 1 repetition maximum (1RM), relative strength derived from
the 1RM, lift distance, and lift time for the conventional deadlift (CD) and high-handle hexagonal bar deadlift (HHBD)
performed by resistance-trained men and women.*

Males (n = 14) Females (n = 9)


1RM load (kg) 161.56 6 31.03 186.14 6 33.08 92.74 6 26.06 106.04 6 29.32
(143.65–179.48) (167.04–205.24) (72.71–112.78) (83.51–128.58)
Relative strength 1.86 6 0.28 2.15 6 0.32 1.53 6 0.38 1.75 6 0.43
(kg$BM21) (1.70–2.02) (1.96–2.33) (1.24–1.82) (1.42–2.08)
Lift distance (m) 0.53 6 0.05 0.42 6 0.06 0.46 6 0.06 0.37 6 0.04
(0.50–0.56) (0.39–0.45) (0.42–0.51) (0.34–0.40)
Lift time (s) 2.22 6 0.67 1.73 6 0.33 1.97 6 0.38 1.37 6 0.41
(1.84–2.61) (1.54–1.92) (1.67–2.26) (1.06–1.69)

*CI = confidence interval; kg = kilograms; kg$BM21 = kilograms lifted per kilogram body mass.

before they performed the 1RM CD and HHBD in a random- procedures used in this study. All subjects received a clear expla-
ized order. The dependent variables included: height, AL, LL, nation of the study, including the risks and benefits of partici-
and AL:LL ratio; 1RM load for the CD and HHBD, and pation, and written informed consent was obtained before
relative strength derived from both of these lifts; lift distance testing.
and duration; peak and mean power and velocity, and the
relative time at which peak power and velocity occurred within
The procedures used for this study have been detailed by
the lift; peak and mean force; and work.
Lockie et al. (25). One testing session was completed by all
Subjects subjects, with all assessments conducted in the university
Twenty-three resistance-trained individuals (6 SD age = 22.48 strength laboratory. Before data collection, the subject’s age,
6 1.38 years [all subjects were 18 years or older]; height = 1.73 height, body mass, AL, and LL were recorded. Height was
6 0.12 m; and body mass = 76.81 6 17.77 kg), including 14 men measured barefoot using a portable stadiometer (seca, Ham-
(age = 22.43 6 1.51 years; height = 1.80 6 0.09 m; and body burg, Germany). Body mass was recorded by electronic digital
mass = 87.36 6 14.20 kg) and 9 women (age = 22.56 6 1.24 scales (Tanita Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). The right arm and
years; height = 1.62 6 0.06 m; and body mass = 60.40 6 6.59 right leg were used for the AL and LL measurements, respec-
kg), volunteered to participate in this study. G*Power software tively (33). A thin-line metric tape measure (Lufkin, Apex
(v3.1.9.2; Kiel University, Kiel, Germany) confirmed post hoc Tool Group, MD, USA) was used to take these measure-
that the male sample size of 14 was sufficient for a correlation, ments. Arm length was measured as the distance from the
point biserial model, and ensured the data could be interpreted acromion of the scapula, which was determined by palpation,
with a moderate effect level of 0.65 (17) and a power level of to the tip of the middle fingertip (3,45). As per Young and
0.84 when significance was set at 0.05 (9). The female sample Pryor (45), the AL measurement was taken while the subject
size of 9 meant data could be interpreted with a moderate effect held their arm extended and parallel to the ground. Leg
level of 0.70 (17) and a power level of 0.71 when significance was length was measured when subjects were laying supine on
set at 0.05 (9). Subjects were recruited from the student popu- a portable plinth. Using the procedures detailed by Beattie
lation at the university in which the study was approved. All et al. (1), LL was measured as the distance from the anterior
subjects were required to be currently resistance training ($3 superior iliac spine to the medial malleolus. The ratio between
hours per week) with a focus on either hypertrophy or maximal AL and LL was expressed as a percentage and calculated by
strength development; have a strength training history ($2 the formula: AL:LL = (AL$LL21) 3 100 (27).
times per week) of at least 2 years and be experienced with The 1RM CD and HHBD were both assessed within 1
completing maximal lifts; be experienced with the CD and session, and the order of the strength tests was randomized
HHBD; and free from any musculoskeletal disorders that would among the sample through the randomization function in
influence their ability to participate in this research. Similar to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (Microsoft Corporation,
Lockie et al. (25), subjects were defined as being strength- Redmond, WA, USA) (25). Subjects refrained from intensive
trained, without being elite or competitive strength athletes (e. lower-body exercise and maintained a standardized dietary
g., powerlifters or Olympic lifters). The institutional ethics com- intake in the 24-hour period before testing and consumed
mittee of California State University, Northridge approved the water as required throughout the testing session. The

VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2018 | 3013

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Anthropometry and the Deadlift

TABLE 2. Descriptive statistics (mean 6 SD; 95% CI) for peak power (PP) and mean power (MP), time when peak
power occurred in the lift, peak velocity (PV), and mean velocity (MV), time when peak velocity occurred in the lift,
peak, and mean force, and work for the conventional deadlift and high-handle hexagonal bar deadlift performed by
resistance-trained men and women.*

Males (n = 14) Females (n = 9)


PP (W) 777.66 6 204.82 1,139.27 6 379.08 465.82 6 86.61 665.55 6 140.87

(659.40–895.91) (920.40–1,358.14) (399.24–532.39) (557.26–773.83)
Time at PP 66.47 6 12.20 73.77 6 12.13 71.94 6 11.71 73.50 6 6.42
(%) (59.42–73.51) (66.76–80.77) (62.93–80.94) (68.56–78.44)
MP (W) 496.15 6 119.04 562.43 6 116.41 317.99 6 142.81 333.62 6 82.69
(427.42–564.88) (495.21–629.65) (208.21–427.76) (270.05–397.18)
PV (m$s21) 0.48 6 0.13 (0.41–0.56) 0.58 6 0.13 (0.50–0.65) 0.52 6 0.15 (0.40–0.63) 0.62 6 0.10 (0.54–0.70)
Time at PV 67.44 6 11.55 75.84 6 11.81 72.40 6 11.11 75.50 6 6.26
(%) (60.78–74.11) (69.02–82.66) (63.86–80.95) (70.68–80.31)
MV 0.29 6 0.06 (0.25–0.33) 0.58 6 0.13 (0.50–0.65) 0.30 6 0.08 (0.24–0.36) 0.33 6 0.08 (0.27–0.39)
Peak force 1,796.95 6 344.89 2,142.83 6 374.99 1,010.64 6 252.90 1,229.88 6 338.30
(N) (1,597.82–1,996.09) (1,926.32–2,359.34) (816.24–1,205.40) (969.84–1,489.93)
Mean force 1,312.12 6 554.74 1,603.84 6 569.72 860.43 6 345.61 1,046.91 6 287.03
(N) (991.82–1,632.42) (1,274.89–1,932.78) (594.77–1,126.08) (826.29–1,267.54)
Work (J) 827.96 6 165.90 754.52 6 155.43 409.44 6 90.18 373.98 6 81.56
(732.17–923.75) (664.78–844.27) (340.12–478.75) (311.29–436.67)

*CI = confidence interval; CD = conventional deadlift; HHBD = high-handle hexagonal bar deadlift; W = watts; % = percent;
m$s21 = meters per second; N = newtons; J = joules.

subjects wore the footwear they were most comfortable in to were composed of 10 repetitions at 50% of estimated 1RM
complete the lifts (i.e., weightlifting or running shoes), and by the subject, followed by 5 repetitions at 70% of 1RM, 3
the same footwear was worn for both lifts. No other support- repetitions at 85% 1RM, and 1 repetition at 90% 1RM. After
ing garments, such as knee wraps or weight lifting belts, were the warm-up sets, the weight was increased by approxi-
permitted. mately 5%, and subjects completed a single repetition. This
process continued until the subjects were unable to complete
Conventional Deadlift and High-Handle Hexagonal Bar Deadlift a repetition, with 3-minute rest provided between attempts.
Maximal Strength Testing. The procedures for the 1RM CD Subjects were instructed to lift the bar with as much force as
and HHBD have been presented by Lockie et al. (25). possible (25). A successful repetition was attained when the
The lifts were performed on an Olympic lifting platform. subject was standing with their shoulders positioned behind
The CD was performed with an Olympic bar, whereas the vertical orientation of the bar (37), which was deter-
the HHBD was performed with a dual-height hexagonal mined by an investigator positioned adjacent to the subject
bar (American Barbell, San Diego, CA, USA). The dis- (25). This position was attained through the subject extend-
tance between the center of the low and high handles ing the knees, retracting the shoulders, and standing erect
was 0.10 m, whereas the distance between the centers (25,40). If the subject did not attain this position, or if the bar
of the 2 high handles was 0.64 m. As stated, the testing was lowered at any point during the ascent, the lift was
order for the CD and HHBD was randomized; the meth- deemed unsuccessful (25,40). Subjects could self-select their
ods in this study will describe the process if CD was preferred grip but were not permitted to use a sumo stance
completed first. (i.e., the hands on the bar had to be positioned outside the
The CD 1RM was performed as previously described in legs). Not more than 5 attempts were required before the
the literature (14,25,37). Subjects initially completed a general 1RM was attained.
warm-up of 5 minutes cycling on a bicycle ergometer at After completion of the 1RM testing for the CD, subjects
a self-selected intensity, followed by a dynamic stretching rested for 10 minutes before attempting the HHBD. The
routine that was self-selected and lasted for approximately warm-up for the second lift involved completing 3 sets; 5
10 minutes. Four specific warm-up sets were then com- repetitions at 70% of the estimated 1RM, 3 repetitions at 85%
pleted, with 3-minute recovery between each set. These sets 1RM, and 1 repetition at 90% 1RM. The initial, higher
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3014 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

TABLE 3. Spearman’s correlations between height, arm length (AL), leg length (LL), and AL:LL ratio with the
mechanics of the conventional deadlift and high-handle hexagonal bar deadlift in resistance-trained men (n = 14).*

Conventional deadlight High-handle hexagonal bar deadlift

Height AL LL AL:LL ratio Height AL LL AL:LL ratio

1RM r 0.33 0.46 0.57 20.19 20.16 0.24 0.42 20.15

p 0.25 0.10 0.03† 0.51 0.58 0.41 0.14 0.62
Relative strength r 20.19 20.04 20.01 20.28 20.68 20.31 20.30 20.09
p 0.51 0.85 0.97 0.33 0.01† 0.28 0.30 0.76
Lift distance r 0.53 0.39 0.51 20.20 0.72 0.41 0.57 20.41
p 0.05† 0.17 0.06 0.50 ,0.01† 0.14 0.04† 0.15
Lift time r 0.21 0.15 0.27 20.35 20.08 20.28 0.02 20.78
p 0.47 0.61 0.36 0.22 0.79 0.33 0.94 ,0.01†
Peak power r 0.41 0.54 0.50 20.10 ,0.01 0.24 0.30 20.02
p 0.15 0.05† 0.07 0.74 0.99 0.41 0.30 0.95
Time at peak power r 20.14 0.07 0.07 0.04 0.06 20.12 0.16 20.67
p 0.62 0.82 0.81 0.90 0.83 0.70 0.58 0.01†
Mean power r 20.13 20.06 0.08 20.35 20.04 0.43 0.54 0.06
p 0.66 0.83 0.78 0.23 0.89 0.12 0.05† 0.85
Peak velocity r 0.27 0.28 0.16 0.36 0.28 0.27 0.25 20.02
p 0.35 0.33 0.59 0.21 0.34 0.35 0.40 0.96
Time at peak velocity r 0.03 0.31 0.20 0.23 0.08 20.16 0.17 20.77
p 0.91 0.28 0.50 0.44 0.79 0.60 0.56 ,0.01†
Mean velocity r 20.09 20.09 20.24 0.40 0.17 0.21 20.01 0.49
p 0.76 0.77 0.42 0.16 0.56 0.46 0.98 0.08
Peak force r 0.33 0.44 0.56 20.21 20.12 0.14 0.36 20.16
p 0.24 0.12 0.04† 0.46 0.67 0.63 0.21 0.58
Mean force r 0.59 0.73 0.59 0.32 0.04 0.20 0.16 0.20
p 0.03† ,0.01† 0.03† 0.27 0.88 0.50 0.58 0.49
Work r 0.44 0.58 0.72 20.31 0.30 0.39 0.68 20.50
p 0.12 0.03† ,0.01† 0.29 0.29 0.17 0.01† 0.07

*1RM = 1 repetition maximum.

†Significant (p # 0.05) relationship between the 2 variables.

repetition warm-up was foregone in the second exercise (Figure 1B) (25). The unit was then placed on the floor
because the subjects were already warm from the first directly underneath the attachment point, with the magnetic
exercise (13,25), and 3-minute recovery was provided bottom positioned on top of a weight plate to ensure it did
between sets. The same loading procedures that were used not move during each lift (7,25). The encoder recorded
for the CD 1RM attempts were also used for the HHBD. velocity and the movement of the bar at 50 Hz for every
The body position that was required for a successful CD was 3 mm of bar movement (7). Data for each 1RM attempt
also required for the HHBD, except that the subject was were collected and stored on an iPad handheld device
standing erect within the frame of the hexagonal bar (25). (Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA) before being uploaded
Identical to Lockie et al. (25), the deadlift testing order was to an online database. The data were then exported into
randomized; thus, certain subjects performed the HHBD first. Microsoft Excel before statistical analyses.
In addition to the absolute load for both lifts, the 1RM was The variables recorded from the GymAware software
also calculated relative to body mass according to the formula: were similar to those from Lockie et al. (25). These included
relative 1RM (kg$BM21) = 1RM$body mass21. lift distance (i.e., displacement of the bar from lift initiation to
Data were recorded during the CD and HHBD by lockout) and lift time in seconds. Because a maximal deadlift
a GymAware Powertool linear position transducer (Kinetic only features a concentric phase (30), only concentric varia-
Performance Technology, Canberra, Australia). For the CD, bles were considered (25). These included peak and mean
the external end of the cable was attached on the inside power (W) and velocity (m$s21), and the relative time (%)
of the barbell (i.e., inside the sleeves and on the outer part of when it occurred during the lift; peak and mean force (N);
the grip section of the bar; Figure 1A) (25). The cable was and work (J). Power, force, and work were derived relative to
attached to the front of the hexagonal bar for the HHBD the load on the bar, which was entered into the GymAware

VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2018 | 3015

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Anthropometry and the Deadlift

TABLE 4. Spearman’s correlations between height, arm length (AL), leg length (LL), and AL:LL ratio with the
mechanics of the conventional deadlift and high-handle hexagonal bar deadlift in resistance-trained women (n = 9).*

Conventional deadlight High-handle hexagonal bar deadlift

Height AL LL AL:LL ratio Height AL LL AL:LL ratio

1RM r 20.53 20.59 20.50 0.03 20.63 20.60 20.58 0.13

p 0.14 0.10 0.17 0.93 0.07 0.09 0.10 0.73
Relative strength r 20.77 20.76 20.73 0.23 20.64 20.62 20.59 0.09
p 0.02† 0.02† 0.03† 0.56 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.81
Lift distance r 0.67 0.92 0.79 20.15 0.96 0.69 0.76 20.19
p 0.05† ,0.01† 0.01† 0.67 ,0.01† 0.04† 0.02† 0.62
Lift time r 20.56 20.58 20.58 0.32 20.54 20.83 20.63 0.12
p 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.41 0.14 0.01† 0.07 0.77
Peak power r 20.32 0.09 20.27 0.42 20.29 0.01 ,0.01 20.20
p 0.40 0.81 0.49 0.27 0.46 0.98 1.00 0.61
Time at peak power r 20.27 20.16 20.15 0.10 20.45 20.58 20.33 20.15
p 0.48 0.68 0.70 0.80 0.23 0.10 0.38 0.70
Mean power r 20.27 20.20 20.15 20.27 0.15 0.41 0.37 20.33
p 0.48 0.60 0.70 0.49 0.70 0.28 0.33 0.38
Peak velocity r 0.23 0.46 0.28 20.03 0.37 0.64 0.63 20.40
p 0.55 0.21 0.47 0.93 0.33 0.06 0.07 0.28
Time at peak velocity r 20.20 20.16 20.20 0.17 20.53 20.51 20.35 20.25
p 0.60 0.68 0.61 0.67 0.14 0.16 0.36 0.52
Mean velocity r 0.42 0.53 0.42 20.15 0.69 0.88 0.82 20.35
p 0.26 0.14 0.26 0.70 0.04† ,0.01† 0.01† 0.36
Peak force r 20.56 20.60 20.55 0.12 20.46 20.38 20.30 20.10
p 0.11 0.09 0.13 0.77 0.21 0.32 0.43 0.80
Mean force r 20.40 20.43 20.42 0.18 20.63 20.60 20.58 0.13
p 0.29 0.24 0.27 0.64 0.07 0.09 0.10 0.73
Work r 20.30 20.26 20.23 0.03 20.03 20.26 20.05 20.30
p 0.43 0.49 0.55 0.93 0.95 0.51 0.90 0.43

*1RM = 1 repetition maximum.

†Significant (p # 0.05) relationship between the 2 variables.

software. All the performance variables measured by the 0.30, or 0 to 20.30, was considered small; 0.31 to 0.49, or
equipment used in this study have been shown to be reliable 20.31 to 20.49, moderate; 0.50 to 0.69, or 20.50 to 20.69,
and valid (2,6,19,25). large; 0.70 to 0.89, or 20.70 to 20.89, very large; and 0.90 to
1, or 20.90 to 21, near perfect for relationship prediction.
Statistical Analyses
All statistical analyses were computed using the Statistics RESULTS
Package for Social Sciences (version 24.0; IBM Corporation, The men had a mean AL of 0.75 6 0.04 m, LL of 0.94 6
New York, NY, USA). Descriptive statistics (mean 6 SD; 0.05 m, and AL:LL of 80.15 6 2.01%. The women in this
95% confidence intervals) were calculated for each variable. study had a mean AL of 0.68 6 0.03 m, LL of 0.85 6 0.04 m,
The normality of the data was assessed by visual analysis of and AL:LL of 79.63 6 1.48%. The 1RM, relative strength, lift
Q-Q plots (32). Stem-and-leaf plots were used to ascertain distance, and lift time descriptive data for the CD and
whether there were any outliers in the data for each variable. HHBD for both sexes are shown in Table 1, whereas the
Any outliers were treated through a winsorization method mechanics data are displayed in Table 2. Table 3 shows the
(21,25), and men and women were analyzed separately. correlation data for men. For the CD in men, there was
Because of the sample size of the male (n = 14) and female a large, positive relationship between height and lift distance.
(n = 9) groups (23,24), Spearman’s correlations were used to Arm length positively related to peak power (large), mean
determine relationships between height, AL, LL, and AL:LL force (very large), and work (large). Leg length positively
with the mechanics of the CD and HHBD. Significance was correlated with peak and mean force (both large) and work
set as p # 0.05. The strength of the correlation coefficient (r) (very large). Height also correlated with lift distance for the
was designated as per Hopkins (18). A r value between 0 to HHBD, which was a very large relationship. Arm length did
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not significantly relate to any HHBD variable. Leg length using total work to measure strength training load (29),
had a large negative relationship with relative strength and coaches should carefully monitor the work performed dur-
large positive relationships with lift distance, mean power, ing the CD for taller athletes, especially if they are attempt-
and work. Arm length:leg length ratio exhibited very large ing to equate load across a team.
negative relationships with lift time, and the time at which There were very few significant correlations between height,
peak power and velocity occurred. AL, LL, and AL:LL ratio with the lift mechanics for the CD
The correlation data for the women are displayed in Table performed by women. However, greater relative strength related
4. For the CD, large negative relationships were found to shorter body heights, AL, and LL. These results indicated
between height, AL, and LL with relative strength, whereas that the shorter women in this study lifted a heavier 1RM CD
positive relationships were found for height (large), AL (near relative to their body mass. This is similar to what has been
perfect), and LL (very large) with lift distance. About the recorded for strength-trained men (5,20), and relative strength is
HHBD, height had a near perfect relationship with lift dis- also an important metric for female athletes (31). In addition,
tance, whereas AL and LL both had large relationships with greater height, AL, and LL related to greater lift distances. Fus-
this variable. Arm length had a significant, negative relation- ter et al. (10) illustrated that height significantly related to pulling
ship with lift time, which was very large. Height (large), AL, strength in collegiate-aged women in their study (r = 0.27),
and LL (both very large) also had significant positive rela- although the relationship was stronger in this study (r =
tionships with mean velocity. 0.67). Similar to men, taller women and women with longer
arms and legs will be required to move the bar a further distance
DISCUSSION in the CD. However, this did not translate to increased work.
This is the first study to investigate the relationships between Work is calculated for strength training repetitions by multiply-
height, AL, LL, and AL:LL ratio with the HHBD and compare ing the load by the distance it travels (29). Potentially, the taller
these relationships with the CD. Furthermore, this study also women and those with longer limbs may not have lifted a heavy
investigated men and women separately to ascertain whether enough load for this to translate to increased work.
there were any sex differences as to the influence of height, AL, About the HHBD performed by men, both height and LL
LL, and AL:LL ratio on the CD and HHBD. The results correlated with lift distance and the correlation between height
indicated that there were selected differences between the sexes and lift distance was very large. However, peak or mean force
for the potential influence of AL and LL on the mechanics of did not correlate with height or limb length, and only LL
the CD and HHBD. These primarily related to lift distance and correlated with work. The influence of AL may be reduced for
the force and work generated during the CD and HHBD. men when using the high handles in the HHBD because the
Nevertheless, there were limited relationships between AL and handle position is fixed, which means the arms must be
LL with power and velocity in the CD and HHBD for both abducted at the shoulders for the individual to grip the bar (as
men and women. The results from this study have implications opposed to being held at the side of the body in the CD). There
for strength and conditioning coaches regarding how they may was also a negative relationship between height and relative
monitor the load associated with the CD and HHBD when strength measured from the HHBD, which suggested shorter
performed by men and women of different body sizes. men demonstrated greater relative strength. This is typical of
In support of the studies’ hypotheses, height related to lift strength tests in trained male populations, where athletes of
distance for the CD in men, although there were no signif- smaller body sizes can demonstrate higher relative strength
icant relationships with AL or LL. This contrasts the find- (5,20). However, similar to the CD, men with longer legs may
ings of Fuster et al. (10), who found that height did not relate need to complete more work when performing the HHBD. In
to isometric pulling strength in collegiate-aged men. Leg addition to this, there were negative relationships between AL:
length also positively correlated with the absolute load for LL ratio and lift time and the time when peak power and
the 1RM CD. In strength-trained men, larger individuals can velocity were achieved. These relationships suggested that
often lift heavier absolute loads in strength tests (20), which a higher AL:LL ratio (i.e., longer arms relative to the legs)
highlight how this relationship may have occurred. Further- related to a shorter lift time, with peak power and velocity
more, mean force correlated with height, AL, and LL and reached earlier in the lift. A higher AL:LL ratio has been
work correlated with AL and LL. The further a bar travels related to the ability to complete the CD (27), and the results
during a lift results in more work being performed and the from this study provide some credence to this concept. Reach-
more force that needs to be applied during the lift (25,29). ing peak power and velocity sooner may assist in reducing the
This demonstrated why there were relationships between time needed to complete the HHBD, which highlights poten-
AL and LL with mean force and work in this study. For tial benefits for those men with a higher AL:LL ratio.
strength and conditioning coaches, they should be aware For the HHBD performed by the women, there were no
that men with longer limbs will likely need to complete significant correlations between height, AL, or LL with 1RM
more work during a maximal CD. This could influence and relative strength. This may have been influenced by the
how a coach programs this exercise when they are training smaller sample size of women (n = 9) in this study. However,
male athletes with a range of body sizes. Given the value of greater height, AL, and LL did relate to a longer lift distance.

VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2018 | 3017

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Anthropometry and the Deadlift

In addition to this, there was a negative relationship between related to lift distance in the CD for women. Men with longer
AL and lift time, which suggested that a longer AL related to limbs will likely complete more work in the CD, and those with
a shorter lift time. This was different to the men in this study longer legs will complete more work in the HHBD. For women,
and may relate to the advantages of performing a deadlift exer- longer legs did not relate to work in the CD, but longer legs
cise with relatively longer arms because this can reduce the time could result in more work performed in the HHBD.
and distance over which the bar needs to travel (27). Further-
more, the effect of AL on the HHBD may be exacerbated for PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
women. Because women tend to have a smaller body size when Strength and conditioning coaches should be cognizant of the
compared with men (10,22), and the dimensions for the hexag- impact that height, AL, and LL can have on the performance
onal bar are fixed, the lifting position for smaller women may be of the CD and HHBD. Men with longer limbs will need to
less than optimal. As a result, women with a smaller AL may generate more force and do more work to complete a 1RM
need to abduct their arms further to grip the bar, which could CD. In the HHBD, it seems that the influence of AL on men is
then mean the lift duration will be increased in a 1RM HHBD. reduced when using the high handles. Nonetheless, men with
Given that certain Olympic bars have been specifically designed longer arms and shorter legs will reach peak power and
for women, manufacturers should also consider designing sex- velocity sooner in the HHBD. Men with longer legs, however,
specific hexagonal bars. Last, greater height, AL, and LL all may need to complete more work during the HHBD. Strength
related to a higher mean velocity in the HHBD. Because the and conditioning coaches should consider the discrepancies in
bar needed to travel further in the HHBD for taller women and the work needed to complete a deadlift when programming
those with longer limbs, this could have meant velocity needed among a sample of men of different sizes. For women in the
to be maintained through the duration of the lift. CD, those with longer arms and legs will lift the bar a greater
There were few significant correlations for CD and HHBD distance, but limb lengths do not seem to greatly relate to the
peak and mean power and velocity for either the men or women mechanics of the 1RM. For the HHBD, greater AL and LL
(apart from the relationships between HHBD mean velocity related to greater lift distance, longer lift duration, and higher
with height, AL, and LL for the women). Indeed, the only other mean velocity throughout the 1RM lift. Unlike for the men, AL
significant relationship was the correlation between AL and CD in women did seem to influence the lift distance and duration
peak power for the men. The ability to generate high lower- of the HHBD, which could be due to the design of the bar
body power is necessary for many athletes, and deadlift exercises frame because it may not be optimal for smaller women.
can be prescribed to achieve this adaptation (39,42,44). Achiev- Coaches should consider this when programming the HHBD
ing high power and velocity in strength exercises require a great for women with different body sizes. Furthermore, because of
rate of force development, which is dependent on the neuro- the discrepancies in size between men and women (10,22),
muscular characteristics of the individual (38). As a result, even if manufacturers should consider designing a female-specific hex-
the bar in the CD or HHBD needs to travel further because of agonal bar for use in strength training.
the height, AL, or LL of the individual, high power and velocity
can still be generated if the individual has the requisite neuro- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
muscular coordination and rate of force development. The authors acknowledge their subjects for their contribu-
There are several limitations for this study that should be tion to this study. The authors also thank Ibett Torne, Megan
noted. The sample size for both men (n = 14) and women (n = Beiley, and Jillian Hurley for assisting with data collection.
9) in this study was relatively small. Future investigations into the This research project received no external financial assis-
relationships AL and LL may have on strength exercises such as tance. The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
the CD and HHBD should attempt to use a greater sample size.
The low-handle hexagonal bar deadlift was not investigated in
this study. Given that previous research has also shown differ-
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