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Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University


Student Name: Abdul Wahab

REG no: 512bba/18-s/9
Semester 5th
Section: A
Batch: 9th

Assignment 02
Institution, Inequality, and Income:
Ghana and Cote d ivorie

Instructor: Abdul Sammad Sheikh

Institution, Inequality, and Income:
Ghana and Cote d ivorie
Executive Summary

Ghana and cote d ivorie each border are in west Africa and their land size
are also similar. Ghana population was 25.5 million and cote d ivorie
population was 20.6 million in 2012. Ghana was the part of British
Empire from 1821 to 1957 and cote d ivorie was part of French colony
from 1842 to 1960.
In UNDP’s ranking 2013 Ghana was consider medium human
development country, its NHDI value was 0.558 and CIV consider as
low human development country with NHDI value of 0.432. In 1990
NHDI report CIV value was 0.393 and Ghana value was 0.360.
In 2013 multidimensional poverty index report show that CIV poverty
rate is greater than Ghana where CIV rate was 0.353 and Ghana rate on
0.144. In 2009 HPI ranking of CIV was 0.374 and Ghana HPI was 0.281.
At the time of independence Ghana real GDP per capita was $594 and
CIV real GDP per capita was $675, but after 47 year in 2007 Ghana
increase his per capita GDP by 278% while CIV increase 33%.
According to PRB estimate report of 2012 life expectancy rate of Ghana
was 64 while CIV was in 55. In 1960 life expectancy of CIV was 51 and
Ghana rank on 46 only, by 2008 the adult literacy rate reached 65.0% in
Ghana and 48.7% in CIV.
At the time of independence Ghana poverty was higher than CIV where
poverty rate was 46.51% in Ghana and 3.28% in CIV after47 year
poverty rate fallen in Ghana and raised in CIV.
Both country suffered ill treatment including brutal campaign by the
French Colony and British Empire. The colonial power with the long
term pernicious effect was stunningly high in these two countries each
with an estimated 668 death per 1000 per year
The most recent World Bank Gini coefficient estimate for CIV and
Ghana do not differ significantly at 0.42 and 0.43. There are great
investment in education by Ghana which focus on providing education in
poor areas of Ghana according to human development report 2013. The
mean year of schooling almost 3 year higher in Ghana at 7.0 and 4.2 in
Develop policies also play an important role by a country it can plan
constraint on the types of beneficial reforms and policies that a country
can successfully implement the general scholarly view is that first quarter
After an independence Ghana chose many poorly conceived and often
corrupt interventionist polices, after disastrous policies and extreme
instability including coups in the mid-1960s to 1980s Ghana underwent a
policy transformation to become a favorite country of liberalization
promoters in the World Bank in 1980.
CIV experienced relatively faster growth in the 1960s and 1970s and
then decline in its performance from 1980. There were a large migration
into CIV for example including the labor force brought into CIV from
Burkina by the French in the early 1940s, in the late 1990s is viewed by
specialization in the politics of CIV as helping to precipitate the disaster
of regional and ethical conflicts in the 2000.

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