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5/28/2017 Introducing the Fifth Political Theory | 5PT – The Fifth Political Theory

5PT – The Fifth Political Theory

Introducing the Fifth Political Theory

Posted on April 29, 2017May 22, 2017 by fifthpolitical
The Fifth Political Theory (5PT) seeks to conceptualize a non-nationalist approach to the perpetuity of
Western people(s) and their cultures in our world. When completed, it is my hope to have formed a
sound theory aimed at reconciling our heritage and the legacy of our empires and nation-states with our
most viable future prospect, which is becoming a stateless diaspora people or peoples.

Per Alexander Dugin, the first three political theories are Liberalism, Communism, and Fascism. In brief,
his Fourth Political Theory (4PT), while deliberately not an -ism, contains elements of communism, fas-
cism, and pan-nationalism(s) lumped together under the label of Tradition and the cause of opposing
Westernization (which to him is a chimera of secularization, imperialism, and capitalism). 4PT is tied to
Eurasianist geopolitics (Russia as the center of the world) and similar to the idea of “the autarky of great
spaces” that also has currency among the European New Right, particularly Guillaume Faye’s work. 4PT
conceives of vast civilizational blocs and a multipolar world, but does so from the perspective of promot-
ing peace and preserving the diversity of traditional cultures against what is considered capitalist- and
imperialist-driven homogenization. In that sense 4PT diverges from the more popular geopolitics of
Samuel Huntington, who theorizes these blocs as primed for war with one another rather than forming a
system to check the advance of Liberalism.

What makes 5PT an innovation upon this, localized to the specific needs of Western peoples (rather than
Russians and Middle-Eastern peoples), among other things is chiefly that the national or pan-national
approach is replaced by one of diasporic tribes, both sub-national and trans-national. That is to say,
due to the intellectual and political trajectory of the Western world, we exist not as peoples with states,
but inside them. And among those who have cultivated a mindset of “saving” their nation, the hardest
pill to swallow is that they will only be able to save those who elect to save themselves—to form a dias-
poric tribe rather than being dissolved into the homogenizing mass of consumption and nihilism. 5PT is
about studying, defining, and implementing the ideal of the diasporic tribe.

Apart from literature to this end, the long-term goal is to create our own inter-connected communities
and networks that would exist independently of whatever empire happens to nominally rule us, under
the assumption that we will need to endure for a very long time without a sovereign state or states.

The Alt Right/white nationalists/blatant Nazis are fond of arguing that there is a “white genocide” or
that “white countries” are being blended out of existence through immigration and the diversity ideolo-
gy. What they are not fond of pointing out is that there is no viable solution to the problem they have
portrayed. Europeans and Eurocolonials, or “white people,” routinely refuse to “ban” the immigration 1/5
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that is “causing” this. Slim majorities or pluralities of the electorate in these countries favor nativism and
an unquantifiably lower share supports the kind of ethnic nationalism peddled by the Alt Right. And a
civil war, while appealing to some identitarian adrenaline junkies, would be a catastrophic loss.

It is true that the Western heritage is in decline all across our world, as our numbers shrink relative to the
growth of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and as people from those regions move unopposed into what
we conceive of as our “regions”—and as we ourselves become more absorbed into a bland, universalist,
interchangeable consumer culture.

But it is also true that in the aggregate, Europeans and Eurocolonials have no interest in taking self-pre-
sevatory action to counter these trends. Remember, you can only save those who elect to save

So for those that care about the perpetuity of the West, our values, our heritage, our traditions, and our
families, is the solution really to be found in speaking in terms of nations and geopolitics? Outside of
perhaps Poland and Hungary (which themselves are part of the pro-immigration European Union), are
there any European or Eurocolonial nations which support ethnic nationalism and nativism? Are there
any nations which conceive of themselves as nations outside of the third world and Eastern Europe?

5PT recognizes the nation (and its derivative political organ, the nation-state) as a historical expression in
the continuity of civilization, not a constant. We are now witnessing as much, that the nation is not con-
stant. What can be constant is what can be controlled. And what can be controlled are ourselves and who
we choose to form connections and communities within our own lives. And what we know from history
is that peoples who are too tied to particular states disappear when those states disappear, while com-
munities can last across multiple states and eras, sometimes permanently.

It is becoming an anachronism to speak of ourselves as belonging a particular nation, since those nations
do not even care for their own existence. This is a dangerous paradigm to remain trapped in, but the di-
aspora model is a way out.

5PT, unlike most other political theories, will not focus on wielding power on the international stage or
directing it at other groups internally, but on creating spaces for “our people” which are capable of resist-
ing the trends that work against. Rather than engaging in theories of global conflict or coexistence, of
more interest is finding ways to live with the conflicts inside countries (or civilization blocs) that threaten
our existence.

Instead of a preoccupation with nationalism, statism, or electoral politics, 5PT is about the self-selected
tribe, no questions asked and nothing owed to others unless necessary for its perpetuity. It is not about
the capture and direction of a state but the creation of folk communities both sub-national and trans-na-
tional, capable of enduring under any state that would tolerate them and able to assist those living
where they are not tolerated. Such will be the essence of the diasporic tribe.

As this blog progresses, I hope to expand the 5PT to cover a variety of important topics and ideas perti-
nent to the conception and development of the diaspora model. Tentative key concepts and influences of
the 5PT which shall be expanded upon include:

1. The De-Nationalization of the Global European Diaspora

2. The Necessity of a New State-Agnostic Model 2/5
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3. Sub-National and Trans-National Identity as a Response to the Loss of Nation-Statehood

4. Contributions of Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW) to De-Nationalized Thinking
5. Models from the Millennia of Jewish Diaspora
6. Learning from Extant “White Tribes”: The Amish and The Mennonites
7. A Post-Electoral Perspective on the Presence of Outsiders
8. Diversification of Location: Suitability of Regions Beyond the “First World”
9. Civil Defense

Titus Quintus

April 29, 2017 (

Tags: 5pt, 5th Political Theory, Diaspora, Dugin, Fifth Political Theory, Nationalism, Western

9 thoughts on “Introducing the Fifth Political Theory”

P.T. CARLO says:

April 30, 2017 at 3:26 AM
Hey, this is extremely exciting as I’ve been thinking many of the same thoughts. We need many of
Dugin’s principles but ones that have been transmuted into our own American context.

Shoot me an email: I’d love to touch base

May 3, 2017 at 6:11 PM
Interesting stuff, but our enemies will not allow us the luxury of not focusing on power.

May 9, 2017 at 1:52 AM
The pursuit of power takes a variety of forms. Manipulating a state is not the only kind, and as far
as I am concerned, power of that sort is totally unreachable for anyone not willing to submit to
demo-bureaucratic paradigms.

May 11, 2017 at 10:49 PM
> The pursuit of power takes a variety of forms. Manipulating a state is not the only kind, and as far
as I am concerned, power of that sort is totally unreachable for anyone not willing to submit to demo-
bureaucratic paradigms.

Like the Jewish diaspora. We could advocate for ourselves and interact with the outside world by
sending some of our people out as emissaries. We’ll also need to engage in trade. And, to that end,
we’d likely be well served to focus on a few key industries so that we can dominate them and in- 3/5
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crease our leverage.

As another aside, I didn’t see anything about education or how we play to transmit our values across
generations. I think this is of the utmost importance. Jews do it (partly) with their own schools, chil-
dren’s programming, and summer camps.

May 11, 2017 at 11:53 PM
Right. We are going to have to create our own parallel social institutions to make this work. Oth-
erwise it’s just a hobby and when you die someone junks all of your model airplanes.

May 12, 2017 at 12:23 AM
Because I’m close to settling down and starting a family, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about
what sort of community I’d like to live in. Will you advocate for some of our people to start
quietly converging on small towns? It would be incredible to live and raise children among
like minded people. It also seems like a good way to start growing institutions.

May 12, 2017 at 1:59 AM
Well we need to find a way to balance cost of living with access to employment. It is not about
demographically taking over electoral districts or councils though if that comes as a side effect
of our growth it will be useful. The important thing is to build networks of people who are
spatially not as far away from one another as they are now, since that facilitates much greater
economic cooperation and social life among our people. For instance, no one should be home-
schooling their children alone, or purchasing all of their groceries directly or hiring outsiders
to do housework when these things could have their costs reduced by educating multiple chil-
dren together or by purchasing in bulk or by relying on an ethnic network. Little things like
that are very important when repeated over and over, yet they are impossible if people are not
literally closer together.

Once a community is large enough it can simply impose itself on any surroundings and not be
too concerned with outgroups. This is how immigrants behave; they set up a beachhead in a
city or near one and more and more their kind begin to arrive until it snowballs and they have
their own parallel society right in the middle of an entirely foreign country. So I am not terri-
bly worried about small towns vs cities vs exurbs; we will go where there are opportunities. A
diaspora doesn’t care that it is a minority living somewhere else, it adapts itself to those


May 13, 2017 at 10:00 PM
This is a very interesting direction of thought. I wish I could refute your reasoning, but I really can’t.
We are about to go through a population bottleneck, sloughing off those members of our race who
lack any degree of ethnocentrism. In a sense, this could be looked at as a good thing. Yet I mourn for
greatness lost, and rage at those who allowed our lands, some so recently won, to be taken from us …
all for nothing but a few dollars. Our children, and their children, and so on unto the end of time, will
be taught to curse the names of those who allowed the empire to fall. 4/5
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On another tack, this strategy reminds me somewhat of Neal Stephenson’s Diamond Age which, if
you have not already read it, you really should. He portrays a future in which most cultural groups
exist as global diasporas, with enclaves in cities all around the world. The underclass are a deracinat-
ed, homogenized mass kept pacified with a basic income and cheap entertainments. Whites have be-
come neo-Victorians, with very strict sexual morals, classical dress codes, social taboos around the
consumption of entertainment media, and a hierarchical society that bears no resemblance to democ-
racy. They’ve specialized in nano-engineering, competing in the global marketplace by designing
novel machinery.

May 13, 2017 at 11:29 PM
Yes I think something like that is quite possible. With most (white) people becoming denational-
ized while the demographics of most (white) countries become microcosms of the global popula-
tion since they permit anyone to enter them and are more desirable places to live than elsewhere,
the only people left with any sense of European or Eurocolonial nationhood will by definition be
both a minority and foreign to what the society they live in has become. But we wouldn’t be the
only people whose diaspora is centered around not forgetting its origins and keeping outsiders
out through arbitrary rules and rites.



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