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Registration of Bachelor Thesis

B.Sc. Finance and Accounting

This form can only be submitted if the student successfully registered for the Bachelor thesis.


Student ID: ___________________________________________________________________

Surname, First name: ___________________________________________________________________
Phone/ email: ___________________________________________________________________
Supervisor: ___________________________________________________________________

Thesis topic:

Group work with other students?

Yes, specify group members’ IDs: ___________________________


___________________________ ___________________________
Place and Date Signature of supervisor

To the supervisor: please kindly sign the form, then scan and send this back to the student, please also cc
Ms. Chau: when doing so. Thank you!

After disclosure of the Bachelor thesis topic by the supervising professor the student must officially register
the topic and thesis with the FA administration office. This needs to be done within the same week. The
student must not start working on the thesis before the topic has officially been registered
Issuance of Bachelor Thesis’ Topic
B.Sc. Finance and Accounting
(filled in by the student at the FA administration office)

Student ID: ___________________________________________________________________

According to the regulations of the Bachelor program “Finance and Accounting” I was officially assigned the
above mentioned topic for my Bachelor thesis. With my signature, I state that I have received, read and
understood the information sheet about the regulations regarding the Bachelor thesis.

___________________________ ___________________________
Place and Date Signature of student

Progression Report
(filled in by the FA program administration)
Day of assignment: ____ / ____ / 20 ____
Submission deadline: ____ / ____ / 20 ____

___________________________ ___________________________
Place and Date Signature FA officer

Signature Examination Officer
Extension until: ____ / ____ / 20 ____
Bachelor thesis returned on: ____ / ____ / 20 ____
Bachelor thesis submitted on: ____ / ____ / 20 ____
Bachelor thesis not submitted
___________________________ ___________________________
Place and Date Signature FA officer

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