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Scholastica's College, Manila

Women's Studies
Mid Term Exams

Name: Kevin Jeremy Course: BMP-Voice Stud. No: 1610034

Write S if the statement refers to sex and G if the statement refers to Gender.
1. _______G_____ Pink is a woman’s color.
2. _______G_____ According to UN statistics, women do more than 67% of world's work yet
their earning amount to only 10% of world's income.
3. _______S _____ Women have vaginas while men have penis.
4. _______G_____ War is a man’s world.
5. _______G_____ Women are the damsels in distress while men are the knights in shining
6. _______G_____ Men are the providers of the family while women are the housekeepers.
7. _______G_____ Women, more than men, have higher threshold for pain.
8. _______G_____ Woman is taken from the rib of Adam and thus is the property of man.
9. _______S_____ It is normal for men to be circumcised.
10. _______S_____ Menstruation in a signal that the female is ready for reproduction.
11. _______G_____ Cooking is second nature to women.
12. _______G_____ Marital infidelity by men is so deeply ingrained across many cultures that is
why it is normal for men to womanize.
13. _______G_____ There are few women heroes because women have difficulty carrying a gun.
14. _______G_____ Men are better in math that is why they make good engineers.
15. _______S______ Virginity is a virtue.
16. _______G_____ Men are best in math
17. _______G_____ Women are better nurses while men are better doctors
18. _______G_____ Women should be in the kitchen, men should the ones
fixing the cars
19. _______S_____ Men have more body because of the male hormone
20. _______G_____ Dolls are toys for girls which guns are toys for boys.

Essay. Answer each in 5 to 10 sentences.

1. Why is the study of gender important to the lives of people?
For the longest time, there has been a lot of misconception regarding gender. By studying gender,
people will realize that both men and women have the same opportunities. They can decide whatever
they want to do. There is no specific role for any particular sex. Being a man or a woman has nothing
to with someone's capability to do or to be something.

2. Discuss how gender stereotypes on raising girls and boys up, (games and toys they play, stories
they grew up, clothes they wear) affect the person as she/he grows up. You can give concrete
examples to illustrate this.
Girls are always taught to be feminine and pretty, while boys are taught to be macho and brave. As a
result, grown-up men may have difficulty expressing their feelings, and grown-up women may be
hesitant to be blunt or straightforward. Boys are encouraged to play outside, while girls are only
allowed inside the house. Parents think that it is safer for boys to be outside rather than for girls.

3. Reflect on your childhood. What would you consider as a significant experience in your growing
years, that is gender based, that has impacted strongly on you as young woman/young man now.
Describe how this has affected the way you perceive yourself as a girl/woman/boy/man. The
experience may be negative or positive.
My parents, especially my father always told me not to cry. No matter what happens, I was not
allowed to cry. Today, whenever I feel sad, I find it hard to express my sadness, not to mention crying.

4. Pretend I am your daughter or niece. Tell me the story of an outstanding woman in Philippine
history. Tell me the highlights of her life and what she contributed to Philippine society that I
should, as a young girl, can model from and find empowering as a young girl.
Since I am an Indonesian, I will tell the story of R. A. Kartini.
Kartini was the pioneer in girls' education and women's rights in Indonesia. She was born to a well-off
family. Therefore she was allowed to go to school until she turned 12. After that, she was secluded by
her parents. During her seclusion, Kartini continued to self-educate herself. She was fluent in Dutch
and acquired several Dutch pen friends. Books, newspapers, and European magazines fed Kartini's
interest in European feminist thinking. They fostered the desire to improve the conditions of
indigenous Indonesian women, which had a very low social status. Kartini's parents arranged her
marriage to Joyodiningrat at the age of 24. Her husband understood Kartini's aspiration and allowed
her to establish a women's school on the eastern porch of Rembang's Regency Office complex. Kartini
died a year later at the age of 25. Her sisters continued her advocacy for the education of girls.
Although she died at a very young age, she has inspired every woman in Indonesia to receive the
same education as the men do.

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