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THEME World of Knowledge

TOPIC Unit 13: Lost and Found



DATE 1st August 2019

TIME 7:30am-8:30am



PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE . Pupils know the usage of adverbs of frequency.

Content Standard: Learning Standards:

5.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, 5.1.8 Able to use adverbs correctly and
pupils will be able to use different word classes appropriately:
correctly and appropriately.
(a) place

Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
- Match five out of five images to the adverbs of frequency on the pyramid.
- Create their own schedule and present their answers using the adverbs of frequency through
stay-stray activity.

Language Content:
Sentence Patterns ➢Miss Kazhvinie always brushes her teeth and showers in the
➢Miss Kazhvinie never plays computer games at night.

Educational Emphasis
Multiple Intelligences 1. Visual
2. Interpersonal

Moral Values 1. We need to always help our parents with their

household chores to be able to reduce their burden.
2. We need to be disciplined to follow the schedule
because time is valuable.
Resources/Teaching aids:
Visual Images, Marker Pens, Pyramid Chart and Task sheets

Stage/Time Content Teaching-Learning Remarks

Set Induction 1. Teacher shows a Preparation Phase
(5 minutes) Examples of questions: (Setting the tone of
few images on the
whiteboard about
1. Which chores above do Rationale:
daily chores.
1. To generate pupils’
you do all the time at
2. Teacher asks interests towards the
home? lesson.
pupils to guess the
2. To give ideas and direct
possible verbs to pupils to the topic.
2. Which chores you really
the pictures.
don’t enjoy doing?
3. Teacher discusses  Concentrating
the answers with
Possible answers:
the pupils. Teaching aids:
- Visual Images,
4. Teacher ask some
Whiteboard, Marker Pens
1. Watch television
questions based
2. Read books
on the images and
introduces the
content of the

Presentation 1. Teacher gives Imagination Phase

(15 minutes) “Pyramid of Ad-verbs”
input to the pupils
- (Exploring, generating,
Example of adverbs of about the usage of probing and synthesising
frequency ideas)
adverbs of
• Always frequency.
• Often Teaching aids:
2. Teacher asks
• Sometimes
• Seldom pupils to randomly 1) Pyramid Chart
• Never 2) Visual Images
select the image
3) Mahjong Board
on the whiteboard
Moral Values
and paste it to the
We need to always
pyramid of help our parents with
frequency. their household
3. Teacher checks chores to be able to
the answers with reduce their burden,
the pupils.

(Refer to appendix 1)

Practice It’s Game Time 1. Teacher distributes Development Phase

(15 minutes) (Refer to Appendix 2) worksheet to the (Guided practice)

2. Teacher requires - To provide opportunity

the pupils to write for pupils to practise more
on what they have learnt.
their answers down
on the whiteboard
given. Values:
 Concentrating
3. Pupils discuss their  Interaction
answers with the
teacher. Assessment of learning
objective 1
4. Teacher gives a
reward to the
group which wins Teaching Aids:
by answering the - Task-sheet
most amount of - Reward Chart
questions. - Marker Pens

Production 1. Teacher divides the Action Phase

(20 minutes) “ Schedule is fun “ (Independent practice)
pupils into group of six
and provides each
group a manila card
and marker pens.
Assessment of learning
2. Teacher gives clear
objective 2
instructions to create
Teaching Aids
their own schedule for
- Task sheets
one day. - Marker Pens
3. Teacher
Moral Values
demonstrates an We need to be disciplined
example of schedule. to follow the schedule
because time is valuable.

4. Teacher presents her

schedule by using
adverbs of frequency.

5. Upon completion,
pupils present their
schedule through a
stay-stray technique.

6. Teacher gives
feedback to the pupils.

Closure 1. Teacher plays Closure phase:

Expected answers: “Simon Says” and -To summarize what
the first person who pupils have learnt.
fails to follow the
1. Usage of adverbs of instruction have to -To instil the moral values
frequency. summarize the topic among the pupils.
of the day through a
2. Schedule
mind map drawn on
3. Pyramid of Frequency the whiteboard.

2. Teacher continues
until the pupils write
down the three


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