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Barkada Kontra Droga is a peer group organized to provide and support school activities that

promote awareness and intervention to drug abuse and its related issues. This group also supports
the projects of the community and its local government with the same objective. This
organization is supported by the students, teachers, school administrators, barangay council,
local government unit, private institutions and other identified stakeholders.

BARKADA KONTRA DROGA (BKD) is an effective peer-based preventive education and

information program to counter the dangers and ill effects of drug abuse, the Board has
institutionalized the BKD program in order to enlist the participation of more in and out-of
school youth, and eventually organize them into a movement of young people who are catalysts
within their peer groups in advocating a healthy, drug-free lifestyle through involvement in
various wholesome_activities.

Prevention is better than cure!! If we can successfully act the message across that illegal drugs
can ruin one's life, half of our battle is won. in turn, it will help the work of our law enforcement

If people are not aware of the harm of illegal drugs, how can they resist the temptation of drugs,
let alone helping drug addicts?!!

Therefore preventive education is very important .EDUCATION AND PUBLICITY are


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