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Service of Worship

April 11, 2021

Easter Sunday
Liturgical Color: White

“God listens to my every request with His whole heart.

I will expect the unexpected, greater than all I ask or imagine.”
~ Andrew Murray ~
Welcome and Announcements Rev. George Haugen
Hymn #236 “The Strife Is O'er”

Prayer of Confession Rev. George Haugen

O Lord God, you have lavished your grace, love, and blessings upon us; yet we confess that often our
lives are self-focused, and unmoved by the needs of others. We do not trust you to take care of us, so
we worry and grab for ourselves. The wonderful salvation of your Son does not shock and surprise us
anymore. We have believed the lies of the world, instead of believing your word of truth to us. Have
mercy on us we cry! Change our hard hearts, and help us to believe the gospel, and live as your
people. (Please continue in silent confession) In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon Rev. George Haugen

Leader: For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not
perish, but have eternal life.
People: We embrace God’s love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. In Him we are forgiven and have eternal
life. Praise the Lord! Amen!

Praise Song “Mighty to Save”

Doxology blue hymn book #593
Offertory Prayer

Anthem “Resurrection Chorus”

Children's Message Proverbs 8:17

New Testament Lesson Matthew 28:5-10
New Testament Lesson Luke 5:1-11
Sermon: Looking for Jesus Rev. George Haugen
Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
Creed Apostles’ Creed
Hymn #240 “Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks”
Benediction Rev. George Haugen

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