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Evander Eloi Krone (CAPES Scholarship grantee) –
Postgraduate Program in Anthropology – Federal University of Pernambuco – Supervisor: Professor Josefa Salete Barbosa Cavalcanti
Visitor PhD Student at School of Geography and Planning – Cardiff University

This work is the result of ethnographic research carried out with farmers
and rural workers from the irrigated fruit production of the San Francisco
Valley. In the 1980s the San Francisco Valley – whose polo cities are
Petrolina and Juazeiro – became known at the national and international
scenario levels by the quality fruit production. The State promoted an
agrarian reordering in this region with the installation of large irrigated
perimeters and granting irrigated lots for companies, family farmers and
business farmers. Since then the San Francisco Valley has become a
center of attraction for thousands of immigrants from the Northeast,
South and Southeast of Brazil (CAVALCANTI, 1997). However, , in spite
of the growing of quality fruit production, according to international
standards of quality for global markets the use of pesticides in the
irrigated fruit system has generated fears and anxieties, especially
among the family farmers and rural workers directly involve in the fruit
production. The goal of this work is to understand the classifications and
native categories about risk and trust among the family farmers and rural
workers involved in the fruit production of the San Francisco Valley.

The field work was carried out between September and November 2015
and followed the tradition of ethnographic method with the use of field
daily, participant observation and carrying out semi structured interviews
with family farmers and rural workers from the irrigated fruit production of
the San Francisco Valley.

There are among the social actors studied the perception that the
contact with the pesticides - through the direct exposure or from
consumption of contaminated food - is changing the taste of the food, as
well as provoking physical and moral weakness. In this way, the
chemicals, pesticides and preservatives used by the agro-food industry
appear in the local imaginary as a source of physical and moral disorder.
The data shows that ideas of cleanness and purity of the food arise
associated to the local food production where the knowledge of food
production are under the domain of family farmers. For the family
farmers, on the other hand food that are not from the own food
production appear as potentially dangerous not only for the biological
body, but also as a source of social disorder. In this context the
pesticides and preservatives used in the contemporary food production
appear as a source of concern and distrust for the rural families.

This research is carried out as a part of a PhD Thesis to be submitted in
2018. Therefore this presentation offers preliminary results of a work in
process. For the rural workers and family farmers studied in this work the
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