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READING & TRAINING The iene Diamond Bae | Robert Louis Stevenson sto HaMe Diamond L i SS eee ee ny it The diamond isthe property ofa certain Sir Thomas Vandeleur, but Sir Thomas's wife tries to sell it to pay her debts, But the Sea eee jpted by its great beauty and value. Follow the ate ee er) restr eae) ee eer eee 4 , Se ee eee ee ee ont eee eee nn paneer Cece amlimpent of Cideb Esc, Genoa, Canetury Fist edition January 2 ISBN 978:98-59009856 Book +CD ABSA: SR CRC BUR aD About the Author ‘ The Characters 7 rarTen one Lady Vandeleut's Hatbox 10 rarrentwo A Surprise in the Garden x ‘ciurtentmmes The Prince and the Diamond Hunter 29 arrearoun —Tartners in Crime “” urrenewe A Mysterious Benefactor 2 cnaprenam A Shocking Night « owrrenseven A Prince to the Rescu GuPrERenaNT A River Saves the Day! Dossiers e Strikes Back ® 1s Clubs a ‘The Hope Diamond a The Thousand and One Nights es FQT cambridge Perstyle ates “This story I recorded in ful, IS These symbols indicate the beginning and end of the extracts FEBS linked coche lntening activites, - PSF TK, HA AAKBASKEWS About the Author Robert Louis Stevenson was bor in Edinburgh, Scotland on 13 wember 1450, He | i | | | ingat Edinburgh Universtybut ome an engines like his father, sa he started tostudy lave By the time he finshed university Stevenson knew he dt not want to bea lawyer ether. Hi ring ona bi began to AED: AL CR ET I ED 4 appear in various magazines. These were mosty store met Fanny Osborne, an American ‘older than himsel in 1876. The two fll in Tove and four years ae, {in 1880, when Stevenson wa83, they got maid Stevenson continued to publish his tories of adventure and mystery Written in a sophisticated style and exploring the Silden, y the mysterious The Thousand and One Night Stevenson wrote a collection of stories which were published New Arabian Nights (1882) “The Raja's Diamond! was pat of hi collision, 1889, st ished the book which began to make him Popular, Tense Island. Thre years ltr, his best-known novel was Published, The Strige Case explores the contrast betwe personality and his rented iner one. and Fanny let Britain to te ouple decided to live nthe Samoan I realise that the wa peratares were god er temperatures were god his family lived a happy, active fe in dhe -—- Se eK, a Many WU ae ta roe ges Ass punt be was buried onthe top of Mount Vaea in Samoa, ee res ae eee ee The Empire Strikes Back “The English ist arsved as traders in indian the cary 1600 For the next 200 years many ofthese traders took on the customs of the Indians and learned Indian languages; some even married Indian women. But after Britain conquered all of India in the 18805 and it ‘became pat ofthe Empire, tension grew ln 1857, the sepoys~ Indian soldiers who fought forthe British — began a revolt. The Sepoy Rebellion, a the British call tor First War ‘of ndian Independence, asthe Ladin clit fightened the Bish “This fear of violence withia the Empire often appeared in Bitish Iterature. Usually there is some objec rom Indi or the pice tha almost magically, brings ei to Be Arthur Gonan Doyle wrote about a snake fom India in his 1892 short story “The Speckled Band’. Another famous shor story, “The Monkey's Paw” (1%) by W.W. Jacobs is about an evil and magical monkey paw from Inn Perhaps the most famous evil or magical objects from India were diamonds, and the most famous ofall historical diamonds from India's the Koh--noor diamond. I was taken from an Indian temple bythe Betis in 1849. In 185, it was given to Queen Vitoria. I is sl ane ofthe Crown Jee According to legend, the Koh-i:Nooe diamond brings bad luck to men, but does not hurt women Robert Louis Stevenson's 182 tale, The Raja’ Diamone’, might refer othe Koh-+noor diamond, The question for the readers does the Rojh’s Diamond bring bad luck or do the people themselves create the bad ck? ADEM: SM CLM BRB AR Before you read 3 @ uistening Per LUsten to the bepinning of Chapter One and answer the following ‘questions. For each question puta tek (/) inthe corec box 1 what kindof person was Harry Harty? 8 BD atin shy old man ] loud but kind young man © Di akind, hy young man 2 Mary ary became ate era Tomas andl because - 1A Dy hewasan excellent singer J] of his various talents ada bit of ck © Lhe finished school at an eary age 3 When siThomas frst want to India he was A Dl arich cook 8 ayoung teacher © Bh apoce soir. 4 How dd ste Thomas get the diamond? AD) thenalahgave eto im 8 [7 hestoe from the Rajah © C1 heboushe from the Rajah {5 Hays job with sir Thomas was ‘8 Ly fam andhe ai lots efferent things for him. 8 Ey realy boring bu they had a good relationship, © Ey more about Lady Vandeleur ad helping her. PStISK, HA RAKRBASKAIM . Lady Vandeleur’s Hatbox vary le sa Kind, shy young an, und hissceenth RE Dry, be red the edvation mort Engh pentemen et. tary aid st Ie studying very much, so he was allowed to fh hs eduction before mot young men do However, Harry loved ie ne elena ply plano wl These talents anda bi of ick, helped Hany to Find 2 job That ves how Harry Hartley began a new life as private tas ey rvalaorailrb jit: te wat est it ble england bite ie wad ENA: SM CBA Lady Vandeleur's Hatbox Thomas returned to England, he had with him one of the largest mportanterrand for you thie morning. Isa secret and no one (Ea oon it Sie Thomas ay get very upset FEB Ly varie conn warn you to take my hatbox to an address onthe other sie of London and give i toa man now there. Please remember to get a receipt! for. Do you derstand? Harry started repeating her instructions, but just then sir Thomas came into the roms his face red with ange. Look at this bil 3 madam! he ered.“ know you married me formy money..but don't want you to spend allo tf “Mr Harley sald Lady Vandeleur, ‘lease go on your errand ‘Walt said Sie Thomas, looking at Harry. Then he tuned to Lady Vandeleur and said, What is this errant don’ trust im oF you. After all, what does he do to earn his money? I's a mystery to everyone” 1 thoupht you had something o tell me privately’ said Lady Vandeler. “Don't try to change the subject insisted sir Thomas. “You spoke about an errand.” “I don't want our servants to listen to our arguments, Mr Hartley, you may go. Harry quickly left the room, and as he ran upstairs to get the hatbox he could hear Sir Thomas's loud, angry voice and Lady Vandeleur’s cold replies. Harry often went on these secret errands for Lady Vandeleur. He knew Lady Vandeleur's spending PHAN: SM CCB RBA Lady Vandeleur's Hatbox was a problem and he often went around Londen paying small amounts of money to different people for her. But Harry was always loyal to! his lady. Besides he disliked Sie Thomas and he Understood Lady Vandeleus love for expensive things It was a hot day and Harry decided to walk through Kensington Gardens to stay in the open. Harry walked near the ‘magnificent Kensington Palace and was almost through the tardens when Sir Thomas suddenly appeared infront of him. “Where are you going?’ demanded Sir Thomas, ''m just taking a litle walk In the park on this lovely day, replied Harry, ying to his employer. ‘with that thing?" sald sir Thomas pointing at Lady Vandeleur’s hatbox. ‘You're lying, and you know itt Where did my wife tell you to go? cried Sie Thomas. Sir Thomas started to raise his walking stick? to hit Harry, ‘but suddenly charlie Pendragon appeared, ‘Sr thomas! You can't ‘reat Mr Hartley lke this ‘No one can tell me what todo!’ said Sir Thomas, raising his walking stick and trying to hit charlie. A moment later they were fighting and a crowd of people was looking at them, ‘Run, Harry, Run! cried Charlie, ashe continued fighting. Harry ran away as fast ashe could, thinking all the time: ‘Why was Sir Thomas so curious about what was in the hatbox? What ‘doesnt Lady Vandeleur want her husband to know? Is she doing something dishonest? why were they arguing?” But Harry stopped thinking when he suddenly realised that he was lost. He was now in a very narrow street. It had high garden walls on both sides. Everything was stil and silent. As Harry hurried —- Sette. HA RAKBASKAAM The Raja's Diamond slong the street he wondered wher 6. This art of 2 wondering London a > him. rere he Was, 01 his name, He ound and Saw Charlie Pendragon coming quickly after him: he looked angry. Harry knew that Challe helped him earlier, but by now Harry was so frightened that he ran. He knew that he had to hide. He ran around a corner, cimbe ver @ garden wall and fll lover into a garden witha saft'thump: Mary was not hurt, but he lay on the soft, wet ground for a few seconds and thought, What am going todo now? had no time to think any more. A large man was looking down at him. He picked Harry up easily and stood in front of him man angrly. "And why did you © you?" demanded o my garden in th Harry was too frightened to speak, So the man went o ‘speak up, young man, oF I'll take you to the nearest police station. Just look what you have done to my flowers But as the man locked at the ground hls eyes opened wide and he said, What's al where the man was locking. The hatbox w: ‘pen and, all over the ground around them, between their fe! and under the ‘There were diamond rings, nade of diamonds, and KAY eu A Wwe: oe WS Per Go back to the text [Comprehension check For each question, choose the correct answer, A,B, Cor. 1 Lady Vandeleur wants Harry to 1A [1] et areceit forthe hatbox 3 [1] taken walkthrough Kensington Gardens © By openthehatbox 1 Cy tady vandeleur 2 Lather © [El some lovely flowers » D sirthomas 3 Aftrhe runs away from Chat Pendragon, Harry 2 [I] aallsthe police when Hary does not answer him Gy sfurious that Harry iin i arden [i opens the hatbox Harry iscaryng. A Ey some shining meta Cees Bee Look a the pictures below. They ll appear in Chapter One. Use the Picture toretelthe story in your own words O characters Compete each ofthe sentences below with the adjective from the tox thet bet deweibe the charectr frm the sty shy brave dificult Klnd angry dishonest loud 1 giving Harry the hatbox, Lady Vandeleur dd something Narry though Sir thomas wat andoften Harry war very bute dd something Harry thought Lady Vandeleur the garden val Before you read FS Otsstoning FaGir Uncen tothe beginningof Chapter Two. Decide each sentence below Iscorect or incorece Ife corect pat a tick (/) under A for Yes. If it isnot correct pata tick (/) under 8 For No Ae S)H3 1 many diamond that two people starry boeves that Lady Vandeleur is pending uch money i Lady Vandel Me Rolls alder than theater man. c Sm (PEM MMBA RD aw A Surprise in the Garden at the diamonds. The man was silent for a lang ime, to, before he finaly spoke. quickly pick up the ‘The two men walked across the garden. Harry was s0 afraid he still could not speak. He understood that he rouble. The idea that Lady Vandeleur was doing something dishones - SFI TK,. HA AAKBASKEDM ie ste Sen deta wy Se Thomas i fare leh the house. she's spending too She pebatywanted to sel her diamonds 9 ay Js Hat the man were about to go nto the man’s ust Rouse, young man came into the garden. By the way he was Dafessed, Harry could see he was either a priest or studying to besoméa priest, “Theleider man touched Harry's arm and whispered, ‘Don’t say a word” “Then he sad, ‘Hello, Mr Rolls, this isa young friend of mine who came to se my beatiful roses. ‘How do you do? Oh, but haven't we met before?’ asked Mr Rolls. ‘Aren't you Mr Harty?” ‘The man di not give Harry time to answer. He quickly pushed Harry inside the house and sad, ‘Tm sorry, Mr Rolle, But my friend can't stay long: we really must gonow. ‘So Harry and the man went inside and let Mr Rolls outside inthe garden, ‘The man immediately closed the curtains and then he sat down at the table. He divided Lady Vandeleur's diamonds into ‘two unequal iles.* He gave the smaller one to Harry. ‘Now leave and don't ever come here again he said angrily Harty did not know what to do, but he knew he could not fight this man. The man then pushed him into the street and he fell to the ground, The diamonds in his pocket were now all over te road, As he lay there a man in dark clothes appeared and 1. Shiga sd very qty ADI: SM CCB MBAR the Garden A Surprise icky picked up most of the diamonds and ran off. Now what could he say to Lady Vandeleur? ‘When Harry got back to the Vandeleur house he found Sir ‘Thomas, Lady Vandeleur and Charlie Pendragon waltng for im, Obviously Sie Thomas now knew everything about his wife's plans to sell the diamonds. Harry gave Sir Thomas the few iamonds he still had, but Sir Thomas was so angry, both with his wife and Harry, that he didn’ believe the story of the man in the garden Finally, when he was a bit calmer he said, And now, Mr Hartley, 'm going to take you straight tothe police station. You ‘an tll them everything Harry knew he had no choice but to go with Sir Thomas. When they got ther, Harry tld his story toan inspector. ‘The inspector listened carefully and after Harry stopped talking sail take you back to that man's house again. If what ‘you say is true, we must find this man and get the diamonds back immediately But while Harry and the inspector were walking back to the ‘man’s house, Me Rolles was tilin the gsrden, thinking After mecting his landlord's friend, Mr Rolles was certain that it was sir Thomas Vandeleur’s private secretary, Harry Hartley. This made him curious about why Harry as there. He could not believe that Harry really was a frend of his dishonest landlord, Mr Raeburn. ‘So Mr Rolles decided to look around the garden. He noticed some damaged? roses near the garden wall and was curious to eine —- Set eK. HA MAKBASK The Raja's Diamond as inside, On a ple diamond i seperti tlt i » Go back to the text ®.. Doe suopees tay sam tus? (1) es @ comprehension check ‘What happened in Chapter Twa? Answer the qutstons below. {What did the mando as soon ashe went inside? What dd he pve to Harry? ow did the man say goodbye to Harn? ‘Why wae the pl of aiamonds even smaller when he gavelto Sir ‘Thomas? 5 Whodid ary then have to tell history to? ‘Why did Me Roles not elev that Harry was a friend af Mr Raeburn? What did the piece of material shat Mr Ralles found help him ir Why aid Mr Roles aig something ou from under the roses? I @ Listening Per youl be Kensington Police Report Suspects mame: (1) 2 se Ceo player 2) So ete ecoota() a re ceser: (8) = Time tineléet (6) morning [Tateraon (eering ‘Suspect claims he's: @) anocet guy ‘What reason does suspect gv? (8) ri suspect get te pie in? the police inspector questioning Harry. Complete the form vith the information you hea. © Vocabutery All ofthe words in the box below appear in Chapter Two, For each sentence, complete the spaces withthe correct word from the box. landlord material velvet bills curtaine piles 1 Theman into whose garden Harry fell wasa, 2 Themen divided te diamonds into two unequal 8. Before he dvide the diamonds, the man as careful to close the ‘atthe windows 4+ Harry thinks Lady Vandeleur tied o sell he dlamonds to pay her 5 Mr Rolls knew Hay climbed aver the garden wall because he found pice of rear. {6 Thebox containing the Rajah’ Diamond hada pace of green nade. O choracters ‘Who said or thought the folowing? Explain why. 1 “take you bck to that man's house agin. 2 “Letsgo inside where noone ee can sees 3. Well wall his becoming ute teresting? 4+ ‘Timgoingtotae you straight tothe polce tation. You can all them everything 5 Now whe could say to Lay Vandel - Seen. HA RAKRBASKE RIES hae Before you read 3 @ustening Lsten tothe frst part of chapter Th The Prince and the ah Diamond Hunter What id Mr Roles leave Ye Rolles is going to take a hey are all connected with t 1g some other jewels. There's a 1e most valuable piece, the Rajah’s inspector. nd replied Mr Rolles nervously ‘Not really; the thief ean cut the diamond into smaller pieces ‘Then he can sell them separately said the inspector. ‘After everyone left, Me Rolles returned to his room. He was happy that now he knew how to sel the diamond. There was only one problem: he did not know how to cut diamonds. He looked in all his books, which had no useful advice at all, But then he | remembered an ed friend in Edinburgh. “of course! Why didn't | think of ie before? My friend's a Jeweller ~ he can teach me how to cut diamonds, thought Mr Roles He decided he could not wat so he decided to take the night train to Edinburgh the next day. The fellowing afternoan, he left hs bags at the rallway station because his train was not leaving until the evening, He had time to have dinner at his club fest. = He meta friend of ie when he arrived at he cub. "You're lucky to be here tonight. Prince Florizel of Bohemia and john Vandeleur are having dinner here,’ said hs frend. AEN: SM CRIB AD The Prince and the Diamond Hunter ‘CHAPTER THREE 'Tknow Sir Thomas Vandeleur, but | have never met his brother. mr Rolls replied. ‘Well John Vandeleur Isa great adventurer. He travels around ‘the world locking for diamonds. He knows all about them,’ said his friend, When he heard this, Mr Relles suddenly became very Interested in the two men. "You must try to listen to their conversation. I'm sure it's {going tebe very interesting added his friend, “But how wil know who they are? asked Mr Rolls, “Oh, you can't miss them! Prince Florizel is the finest {gentleman in Europe John Vandeleur is about seventy, with long ‘white hair and a scar’ aeross his face, answered his friend. Mr Rolles hurried to the dining ream. It was not dificult to find the Prince and John Vandeleur. The two of them sat at @ table together, and were talking intently. There was no one at the table nearest to theirs. ‘Good! This is my big chance! thought Mr Rolles as he sat down at the table He tried to listen to what the two men were saying ‘Did you hear that someone stole the Rajah’s Diamond from ‘my brother Thomas?’ asked John Vandeleur. “Yes, heard all about I. think that diamond shouldbe atthe bottom of the sea, replied Prince Florzel. "t's dangerous. tt ‘makes people behave in strange ways: ‘As a dlamond hunter, and a Vandeleur, | can’t agree with you, said John Vandeleur. He seemed tobe abit angry. = —- Set eK. HA RAKRBASKAAM The Raja's Diamond lo anything to find the Rajah's Diamond, 'm 'm the best diamond hunter in the fed hn Vardeler fiercely mh heard Hhese words, Mr Rolles suddenly felt very A Se ‘Oh, what if ie finds out {have the Rajah’s Diamond?’ thought Me Rolle. Then he looked at his watch. "Ymust leave now or I'l miss my tea” he though. [Ashore time later, Mr Rolles got on his train. He felt happy when the conductor said, "You're lucky! Tonight there ie only one ‘other gentleman sharing your carriage” ‘But Mr Rolls was not happy for very lon. He took a seat in his compartment. A man smoking a cigar was standing in the corridor. As the man turned around, Mr Rolle's heart jumped! He haa scar across his face. Mt Relles was filed with fear: the ther gentleman was John Vandeleur! AHN: SM CRIBB AR Go back to the text FTO comprehension check For cach qerton mark the coret ter (6,8, 06D 1 Mr Rols became interested in john Vandeleur when 4 hefeundouthe was alo studying ta become priest, 2 [D bereatsdte wae Si Thomas's brother. © Dy heheardhis conversation wth the prince Ey efound out Jon Vander hunted diamonds 2 Pine Forze tld John Vandeeur 4 she ajet's Dimond wash 2] siethomas stale th jt Damend rom hin © the Raj Damond shou be kept faraway fom people © (7 hewanted he dont for himself. 2 Prince Flee sid th aja Damond had the ower to Lake peopl hap. 1 make people dover strange tings Ly make people do anthingto isd more mons make pepe ok for diamonds in ples they dl think. 4 Mr Roles was fai that ‘8 Dy hemiphenot beable to catch is tran. 2 [5 Jon vandeteur mig find out he a the Ra's Dion © [there might be too many people inhi tran erage. D [i hemi ose the Rahs amend 5 Me Roles elt hppy when A Dy the ran condor showed hi how nic his casage was. 1 y hereasedtis train wae sil here he was told that he was one of two pepl nis caine > Ey themaninhscaregefered hin cigar - Sete. HA RAKBASKAAM 6 MrRolles wae terried when 1A [D) hesaw who the other man nis carnage was, he thought he lost the Raja's Dirmond [John vandelaursa nett hin the tran left without him, vocabutary nec the letters to form the word corresponding tothe definition 1 Ashortjourney somewhere § piece of paper here iis tage ordo something. stent you must pa on Alitebagatached to ‘clothing, Yous for holding sal object ke eye andes somebody who does not et Clothing that you wesr on bottamhalfoF yur body Jewellery that you wear on I AMINA: SM CCM B MBAR 0 wring Mr Rolles writes to his friend, Samual H. Hartright, a jeweller Obviously, he doesnot explain the real situation. But he does ask hi his opinion about a typotheica situation. Pretend that you are Mr ‘Marright and respond to Mr Role’ letter in about 100 word, Dew Sel, Tam come fo fdeerh sor nal le fo ea Peas we canhoe bnch roy el “ Tred arraigned. ws sa man wto fd very lege dr Thema vy hrc anda ful We dverd nh pace! wd dl ofl pce. Ten fe set othr who was ajo bya ny de Sed ard he vlc thei anor bo mary sal vere heya oh ‘che nal drerds ard fo hen car ch, OF cause ey gee pet flr monn pe "al oyu irk a hs sy? Bo you tek He fu men deb ora? elim yu art fo ea ne, anda ya pen of ts heetieg sony Your gd fr fakes "Now write a eter answering Mr Rolles's questions. Write your letter Inabout 109 words © speaking: Entertainment ‘As you read in Chapter Thre, Mr Rlls belong toa gentlemen's cub He often goes therein his re ime. He can havea nice meal there of chat with fiends. Bring apleture of something you enjoy doing for entertainment. Talk to the clas about Use the questions below to help you ‘what do youlike about this form of entertainment? Isitsomething that anyone can do? Why or why not? ‘Where can you enjoy this form of entertainment? Why do you think this parceuar form of entertainments beter - Ze eK. HA RAKBASKAAM Mr Roles is quit man of he late 180s, He studies religions books, but he needs information about diamonds. Where care go? Wel, Mr Roles is also @genleman. He sted theology at Oxford Univesity and knows a lot of people there. S, he goes to a gentlemen's club, “Thee he hopes to seet another gentleman who can help him. This is not surprising because the late 1800s was the golden age of gentlemen's clubs in London. There were around 00 of them. They ‘wer places where Victorian geen could havea he awaris of fabulous home without any of the problems and woris. Only men could be members of most cubs. In ft, in 1853, one Foreign writer note that most Brith women hated cubs. Teirhusbans he wrote, tried to start arguments as an excuse to go to ther cubs In addition, theirsimple hom cooking was no competition fr the refine cooking ‘of a gelemen’'s club. He ako says that some other women thought that chib members made the best husbands: clubs have severe rules which prepared her for their wives severe rules Another important attraction of cubs was the pice: they ofeed gest lures ata relatively lw price. For example, the youngest sons of important families fad litle money. But they did have enough money to bea member ofan exclusive club. Thee they had the attention of servants and fine cooks, Also, the best cubs ha magnificent roms for reading, smoking playing cards or bila and, most important for eating fine meas, Some cbs also good Morais Finally cubs had the best and most modern indoor bathrooms of the pris. “The origin of clubs goes back to 1652 when coffe first came to sally wa England, People soon discovered that drinking coffe very pleasant. Coffee also helped conversation to, Soon there were AED: SR CRIB ae - Bee ew, ie mmo hundreds of coffe-houses in London. People came to converse frely and publi: this was something new in England. People from all different soca classes cme o talk about everything fom pelts and religion tart and iterate, However after a while, some upper-class men wanted something ‘more exclusive. They did not want to drink their coffe and converse with men from different social groups, religions, professions or Political areas. These men began the firs gentlemen's cub So, im the 1800s there were clubs for lots of different groups of People. The United Service Club was fr officers who fought against Napoleon; the Athenaeum was for literary and scientific mer the ers’ Club was for gentlemen who travelled more than 500 miles from England; the Playgoers’ Club was for, ofcourse, people who often went to the theatre: the Reform Club was for Liberals; and the Carton was for Conservatives, (One writer of the 18505, Georg reat variety of clubs. He said that in London specific clubs fr he Unly Club tad tempers: the Surly Club; for unlucky people: the Unfortunate cub, tractive p Scythe folowing sateen ar tu ofl and ‘then correct the false ones. es poo : the dlisoppeated. Some 0 ppp INTERNET P « a. Ser the ie or pat ofthe eof he Book nt our engine, Open the page for The Pats Diamond. lek on the neat project ink Go down the pane unl you nate aot fe You st read, he 1800s London was ful of cube, > The Beetseak Cub > The Onental Gu > The Savage Chub Find out the folowing foreach of thor nero oftheir mombors wore 9 (he ameunt of maney that you ha to pay to ember ton (the smount of money tat you had to pay each "year fo stay a member) Before yc ‘Look atthe tie of chapter Four. With another student, discuss you think the partner willbe. Look atthe pcture of Lady Vandeler and Sir Thomas ata ball Match the words below with the objects inthe pete. = SS idleur was inthe same FCS id after he saw how the There were three compartments in the carriage. Each compartment was separated by only a sling door! There were id easily get into Mr ‘compartment. fm sure he's going to find out 1 have the Rajah’s Diamond, thought Mr Rolls of his jacket, not to goto sleep MF Roles put the diamond in the inside and then put on his coat, He was determine tners in Crime o and sat listening for any noise coming from John Vandeleur's compart A few hours passed. The train was almost halfway to Edinburgh when Mr Rolle started to feel sleepy. He tried to fight sleep, but It was very difficult, His lat thought before finally closing his eyes was of his terrifying neighbour. ‘After some time, Mr Rolles opened his eyes. Everything was dark, except for a small ight. The train was traveling very fast. "Now fully awake, Mr Rolles suddenly at up, He was very afrald because he had a bad dream. He felt under his clothes to make sure the diamond was still there. It was Now Me Rolles felt litle better. But he could not fll asleep ‘again. His hat was pulled over his eyes. He stared! atthe sliding door. Everything was quiet, except for the noise of the train Suddenly, he noticed the door m Se, then a little more. Finally t moved enough for him te head, 2 John Vandeleur’s it that John Vandeleur was looking at him. He kept After some time, John Vandeleur moved his head back ‘Then he closed the door, Mr Rolls did not know why, but he thought John Vandeleur was afraid of him, "Maybe he just came to see f'm asleep, thought Mr Rolls. This made him feel brave enough to go at ‘open the door himself. He got up and slowly made his way to the sliding door Separating his and John ndeleur's compartment, When he got there, he opened the door just enough to see what John - SF TK. HA AAKRBASK The Raja's Diamond Welldcleur was doing. He was shocked by what he saw! John \Vaideleur had knife in is hand! using it ta cut the sleeve" of his coat! But why? thought $i 000 saw the reason. There were diamonds in the sleeve of i coat, and John Vandeleur was taking them out and letting them drop into a hatbox on the floor. After the dlamonds, John \Vanieleur took from the sleeve a magnificent tiara — Lady. Vaaicleur's tiara. 1e was exactly as the police inspector deserved it. pjohn Vandeleur isa diamond thief too!" thought Mr Rolle This made him fee br without thinking, he of WOE ERED he told John Vandeleur about his vist to his landlord's Hen and how he met Harry Hartley. Mr Ralles ended his story these words, ‘When | saw Lady Vandeleurs tiara, 1 knew ime than you think. I can see this isthe right jb for you. Of help you sell the Rajah’s Diamondl We must go to Paris ABENAE: SM CCM BRB A eR Go back to the text FBTO comorehension check cathe sentences blow bout Chapter Four Decide each sentence is comet orincrrect. it iscrteck marek isnot eorecea 10 tr Roles refused to wer with ohn Vandeleur 1 ewes important for Me Rll to understand how Istramenage wa ved oo 2 Mr Roles ried very hard ofall seep. ao 3 When Me Roles woke up be wasmare afl besuse eta badcreams oo 4 John vandkeur cut his hand witha fe oo 5 JomnVandseurkeptdamondsinthe seve of hseoat. 5) E] 6 ‘The diamonds Me Roles saw nckcedseveraiaes. [JE] 7 Whenhe saw theta MrRolles was moreafrais [>] E] 1 John vandeleur refused to ei ales sl the falas amend oa © John Vandsleur tot Mr Roles that hisbroter Sr Thomay, edna. Q a oa © compronension check ln this chapter we dseover that John Vandeleur has got some of the diamonds and Lay Vandeleur's tara How do you think ego them? ‘Look back at Chapter Two. Who isthe man in dark lther? @ Speaking: Pros and Cons Discuss with your partner Mr Rolle’ decision to show the diamond to John Vendeleur. What are the pros and cons (advantages ad lsadventages) ofthe decision? Report your leas to the lass ‘Do more people inthe clas think that overall t was good ora bad decision’ - St eK. HA RAKBASKAAM Orrepositions Filln the Blanks with one ofthe prepositions from the box. You may ‘we some more than once before on in after under behind across ‘There were no lots nthe doors ofthe carriage Me Rolls was very Frightened che awoke from hisbad dreams John Vandeleur stood the ding door when he made sre Mr Rolls was sleeping 4 Jol Vandeler put diamond new his oat sleeve. Als thes inburgh Me Rlles Me Rolls put the Raja's iamend the tran arrived {nd John Vandeleur became partners, John Vandeleurhad sear. es face. Mr Rolls saw Lady Vandlou' tara, he ele brave i @ Listening ‘ou wil bear Jo Vandel ling the story of hw he pt he sar ‘con isc. or each question fila the singin # ‘Svendof sachin otek the right newer ow lng ago dd John Vandeler get is car? What country dd he get his sear in? Where was he when he got the scar? Who was with him when he gt the sar? {What ithe man offer John? Who won the fight? '5 Wastheman at the athertablesmall and blond? [1] yes [] no Bye Bl AGENT: SM CCB RBA Before you read 3 @ Listening FAB Listen tothe first part of Chapter Five and answer the questions below. For each question put a ck (nthe correct box 1 Where did Francs Sermgsour work? & Dl inabank 2 [I] naps offce © Gl atatheare 2 What did Fanci receive from the lawyer? 18 [1] some money ® Datetter © Dy analdbook 3 Where di Francis have to go before receiving the money? 4 L] the theatre in aris B Oy atrench ate © Dy someone's wedding 4 Who is Francis benefactor? A DD atewyer B his future wite © Dy hisreal father ook tthe picture on page SS and answer the fllawi 1 who do you think the people inthe picture ae? 2. Where do youthinthey are? 3 What do youthink they are doing? —- St eK. HA RAKBASKAAM ~ A Mysterious Benefactor’ He was twenty-five and lived with his father. His mother died when Francis was a young child. Francs dd not come from a rich family, but he was lucky to have a very sensible father. Francis's father made sure his son received an excellent Francis had a very normal life, He liked his job and he was very affectionate to his father. Nothing extraordinary ever fas happy. So Francis was very ved a letter from a lawyer in Edinburgh. surprised when he AANA: SH CRW R MAR mgeour worked in a bank in the centre of Edinburgh, TE Francis was curious to find out why the lawyer was writing to him. So he went to the lawyer's office immediately. There he Aiscovered that he had a mysterious benefactor. His benefactor wanted to give him a lot of money five hundred pounds a year. To receive the money, Francis had to do just two things, The first thing he had to do was go to play at the theatre in Paris the folowing Sunday. The other was that he marry someone his benefactor chose for him. Francis was very confuse ‘But! don't understand. I's all so strange, said Francis. He was quiet for a moment; then he added, ‘Why does he want to ‘choose my wife? What importance ist to him?” ‘Believe me, your future wife wil be very important to him, answered the lwyer He felt sorry for Francis because he saw how confused the young man was. This news was obviously shocking. Both men ere silent fora few seconds. Finally Francs said ‘ll accept my benefactors offer. ut ony if you tel me who he cane tll you his name. But can tell you what he has to do with you, answered the lawyer. ‘Your benefactor is your real father said the lawyer quietly = Francis did not know what to say. I¢ was all so confusing ‘rather isn't my real father’ he thought over and over again. The lawyer gave Francis his first cheque’ from his real father and he lef the office. Francs let for Paris the next day. He stayed in small hotel and, to start a new life, he bought fine new clothes and began taking French lessons. On Saturday afternoon he went tothe theatre to pickup the ticket for Sunday's play. nome —- Sete. HA RAKRBASKAM The Rajahs Diamond A person atthe tik ave Francis sid, That's strange. A man just gave me this ticket a minut he edhe asked Francs, ‘He was about 70 yedts old, | think, with long white hair. has-asearacrost le Fee; relied eis went away immediately jeEE FTE oO arourd in ll dies person he was looking for. Hs a priest, but the other was an Francis walked towards them. He saw the old man had a scar cross his face Mis heart started to eat fast. He sat on ‘The Raja's Diamond Viel of atid He went into this large house, which had green shutter, ahd Fi "what-am | ging £9 go nov {need t find a room near here, thought Francis Lekly;he saw a sign outside a tall house next to the one with the geen shutters. The sign sald, Rooms Available Francis went inside and asked fora room. He was lucky to get one hat Ha view of wie od pan’s garden, That man may, be my real father. But 1'm going to Find out what he and thatyoung theology student are doing. | think st going on with that diamond, 5d man answered, 1 dieappeared into the house for the AED: SH CRW RRB Ae RD Go back to the text FBT comprehension check Foreach question about chapter Five choose the correct answer (A, 8, coro) 4 What was one ofthe things Francs id hen he arrived in Faris? 1k [1] He took ut lots of money fram the bank 8 [Ho taok a taxi-touraf the cy © Ei] Hewrotea telegram home, [7] Mewent to pick upa theatre cet. ‘What dd Francis se when he ran into the street? ‘8 [i twomen sting ona bench 1 [] Aproup of theology students, © Ey Theperon fom he tcket of Ey the najas Diamond Who di Francis hin the oldman was? A ler 8 his real father © Ey) atheology student D [7 abanteclere ‘What ld the eld man’s house have? 1 large windows 8 [] redwindows © Dl geenshutters 1 [1] emallyetiow shutters What might Francie think about the old man? 1& Efe’ my real father he's no ery honest 8 [Ey] Maybe can help my father get the diamond © 5 “ihope he's my real father because he sems very ind! 1 ‘He seems like a very patient man tome! MEENA: SM CCB BARD ‘Wirt the questions forthe answers listed below. - has) ‘That a mysterious benefactor wanted to give him five hundred pounds ayer 2 3 ne WHE) a = (hat) Ne picked uphis theatre che, 4 (where) Ona bench sh 0) Ne saa sign that sid Room Avaliable whan) He looked out the window into hs benefactor’ arden FQFO sentence transformation Here are some sentences from Chapter Five, For each question, ‘complete the second sentence so tha f means the same asthe fist "sing no more than three words (©. Francis dd not come from ach family. Francie family a a, lot of money 1 Francis Serymgeour worked na bank in th centr of edinburgh Francis Serymgeour had Inabankin the centre of Edinburgh, 2 Francis was curious to find aut why the lawyer was writing to him Francis was very nn inding out why the lawyer wa wnitng thi, 13 The news was obviously shocking, The news obviously an i 4 Hewes qe fora moment He didnt fora moment 5 what importance ttn? wy tohine BPSt ISK, HA RAKRBASKTM

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