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Meditations and Exercises

for Stress and Pressure

of the Times

By Yogi Bhajan

Compiled by
S.S. Vikram Kaur Khalsa
& Dharm Darshan Kaur Khalsa
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compiled by

By the grace of God and Guru the Siri Singh Sahib Harbhajan
Singh Khalsa Yogiji (Yogi Bhajan) is channelling to us, to
anyone who wants it, a hitherto secret technology to take
us gracefully through the coming hard times. Many people
feel that there will be great upheaval in the physical,
economic, and social structure of this land.
It is in the area of the psyche that the greatest toll will
be taken. The psychic shock to the system that we will
undergo will be worse than any previously undergone in our
written history of wars and natural disasters. We are
softer and weaker as a people; we have less moral security;
we live for me; and the overall stress of our society is
rising dramatically month by month.
Courses for stress and burn-out, encounter groups, yoga,
meditation and relaxation classes abound. But they do
not fully accomplish what we need for protection and
preparation for the insanity of the times.
If you can familiarize yourself now with the information
contained in this book, you will not only have the mental
survival tools you need for the future, but will be able
to act to help those around you who are falling into
depression or going out of their minds.
These techniques do not require anything from you other
than to do them. They may, however, give you faith and
courage, particularly i f done at the same time each day
for" 40 days.

- 3 ­

For many years the Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan) has been
warning the world of the hard times that are coming upon us.
Here are some of his words:
" ••• A tidal wave of insanity which will almost crush humanity
is on its way. The time to prepare is now. It will be a gray
period of the planet, as was experienced before the fall of
Rome and Atlantis." (1975)
" ..• Be very cautious. Four years from now will be the test of
consciousness of the people on this planet earth. It will be
a time when you must dwell on your higher consciousness and
seek the partnership of that infinite One which is in you,
around you and without you." (1979)
"In 10-15 years the world insanity will be so great that people
are going to go berserk and jump around like monkeys without
rhyme or reason. Many nervous systems will totally fail.
People will fallon their shoulders and scream with a twisted
mouth. II (1976)
"The human race is getting into a very mentally sensitive era.
The new generation is nothing but a bunch of vibrations. People
are going to become more and more sensitive and not understand
why they feel the way they do. 90% of people will go crazy.
"Because of Uranus we are heading towards more sensitive brain
activity. The mental mind projection is becoming activated,
and controlling and channelling it will be a problem. Out­
of-body trips will be almost uncontrollable.
"The children being born and raise~ now are much more sensitive
than we were as children. By the time we are 50-60 years old
we will not be able to understand the children at all, the gap
.will be so wide." (1973)
"When the comet Kahoutec came, I told you all that five things
were going to happen, but nobody believed me. The ocean currents
are going to change, and will in turn change the weather; food
is going to become scarce; the earth's electromagnetic field
is going to change, and mental attitudes will change with it;
the fearful will become phobic; the nervous will become hyster­
ical; and children will become overquestioning." (1976)
"Time is short; there is a lot to be done; and our preparation
is not adequate .••• I know insanity is going to catch us. I
know that humanity is going to be chewed up by the jaws of
insanity •••.· My radar tells me what is coming. My guns are
not ready to fight it •..• Now, all I am doing is praying to
God that somehow ~omething can be done •••• The insanity I

- 4 ­
have been talking about now for some years is right around

the corner. Soon brakes will be used as gas pedals; knives

used to chop vegetables will commit murders. You do not need

a handgun to commit a crime. Insanity doesn't need a tool.

Insanity is a tool in itself." (1976)

"We are in the cusp period of the Aquarian Age and we have to
understand the quality of the energy which is beaming down on
us. Children born now will be super intuitive and, if not
properly disciplined in childhood, will become totally uncon­
trollable as time goes on. People will become psychically open,
without having enough strength for their nervous systems and
-their social institutions to support their heightened percep­

tions. This will produce a lot of fear. Breeding on that fear,

the number of self-proclaimed avatars will increase to the point

where there will be one on nearly every street corner. Insanity

will overtake many in our society.

"In 25 years, you will be clouded by insanity, and if you do not

know how to expand your aura beyond three feet, there is no

amount of money, no degree, no government, nor any technology

that will save you. If the aura is less than three feet, you

will be miserable, because the cosmic energy will not filter

correctly through your psyche. This is a basic fundamental on

which everything else depends." (1976)

"We have entered into a period from April 26,1980, to September

26, 1981, where the times will get tougher, the insanity will

peak and the negativity will try to unnerve and swerve all from

the path of righteousness. It is a time to remain the most

positive under the most adverse of circumstances." (1980)

!' I n
t he mid s t 0 f c ha 0 s, you r grea t est all y wi 11 be a me d ita t i ve
mind which can stop impulsive behavior and hold you to basic
values; we build this resource in our students through Kunda­
lini Yoga and Raj" Yoga. Where love has become distorted and
fraudulent, your purest touchstone will be a sense of identity
that transcends the sexual confusion of our culture; we build
that identity in White Tantric Yoga. In a society where marriages
dissolve, a great source of satisfaction and comfort will be your
"ability to establish and maintain a cozy household that will
nur"ture beautiful children; we teach this through our men's and
women's courses. We offer the technology of Healthy-Happy-Haly
Organized living, and as a network of people committed to right­
eousness, we extend to all our support, now and in the times
to come. God bless you!"
(Yoga Journal, Jan-feb 1980, "Oracles 0 f the New Age," pp 7 -12)

- 5 ­

Foreword. III " .. " " " "" " III " " 3
Yogi Bhajan on the Coming Insanity .........••............... 4

Contents " .. """ .. " ".. " " """" " """ In
Meditations for Survival ....••...•.........••.••...........• 7
List 'of Meditations Compiled According to What They
Do For you .•••••••••••. " .•••. " •••.•..••.••••••••••••• "".8
Breathing for· Survi val ..•..•.........••..........•..••..••• 46

Long Deep Breathing "" ".. """ . "" " "" . "" 47

Breath of Fire "" " " " " "." "" 49

Breath Series to Balance Blood and Mental Attitude .•••• 52

'Survi val Exercises . " ........ """ .... ".... """ . "" .... ".... "........ ".... """ .......... 53

rt t-1 ira c 1 e Be. n d " .. " " " " " " .. " " " " " " " .. " 54

Exercise for Fighting Spirit ••••.•.••.•••••••••.••••.•• 55

Nerve Balance Series ..........................•.•...... 56

Exercise to Strengthen the Nervous System and Open

the Hes rt" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 59

Emergency Treatment for Emotional Freakout. •••.••••••.• 61

Group and Team Survival Consciousness ••...•..•...•....•..•. 62

The 4/4 Breath for Energy ••........•••.••••.•••.••...•• 63

Meditation for Concentration in Action •••••.••..•...••• 64

Meditation to feel and See your Energy Body •••.•••••••• 65

Meditation to Know the Field •....•.•.•••.••.••••.•••..• 66

Exercise for Navel Point Strength ...•..•••••.••..•••..• 67

Medi tation to Ta ke You Out of Danger 68

Healing Ring of the Tantra •.•..••...•••.•••.•.•••.••••. 69

Glossary. ,. " ... " " " " " " " " " " " " " " .. " " " " " . " " " " " " " " " " " ~ It" .. " " "" " "" " " " 70

For Further Information: Telephone Numbers of 3HO

Headquarters and Other 3HO Centers •.••..•.•.•••.•.••••• 74

On Yogi Bhajan."""""."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 75

- 6 ­

Meditation for Atomic Radiation


Meditation to Prepare for Earthquake ......................•.. 12
Meditation to Adjust Your Magnetic Field After an Earthquake.13
Meditation for stress or Sudden Shock ....................••.. 14

Meditation ta Handle a Grave Situation ... ~ .•...••..••........ 15

Medi tation for Insani ty ... 16 •

< • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 ••••••••••••••••

Meditation to Maintain the Body Without Having ta Eat 17

Meditation to Ward off Death .••.....•...•......•••....••.•.... 19
Medi tation When There I s No Hospi taL •........•................ 20

Meditation to Totally Recharge You •.......•...•.•.••••....... 21

Meditation to Keep up with Our Children ...••.•..•••...•.•••.• 22

Meditation for Hairtrigger Efficiency •...•••.•...•..••..•••.• 23
Meditation for Tremendous Strength ..•..•..••.••.••.•......••• 24
Meditation to Control Death .....•.•.......••.•...•.•....•.••• 25 .....
Meditation to Tranquilize the Mind .......•••.••••.•.•••.••••• 26
Medi tation When You Don't Know What to Do 27
Meditation to Prevent Freaking Out .••..•..••..•..•••••••••••• 28

Meditation to Heal All Sickness •....•.••...••••••.••••.•.•••• 29
Heali ng Medi ta tion for Acute Depressi on •.••.•.•.•.•••••••.••• 30

Meditation for Transformation •••..••••..•..•.•••.•••.•.•..••. 31
Five Meditations Given Specifically "to Prepare far the
Gray Period of the Planet and to Bring Mental Balance":
Meditation to Become Sharpwitted .•.•.••..•..•••.••••••••. 34
Meditation to Do When Nothing Else Works •••.••••••••••••• 35
Meditation for Strong Nerves •..•...••.•.•..••••••••••••.. 36
Meditation to Make You Feel Cozy and Cantented ..••••.•.•• 37
Meditation to Prevent Aging •.•........•.•..•...•.••...•.. 38
Medi tation to Completely Neutralize Tension ...•...•.••.•.••.• 39 ......
Meditation to Relax and Rejaice ..••••.•••••••••..••••••..•.•.• 40
Meditation for Absolutely Powerful Energy ...•..•.•.. ~ •••.•••• 41

Meditation for fever, Sickness or Discomfort. .•..•.••••.••.•• 42
Meditation Against Burn-out .•...••....••..••.••.•....•..••••• 43
Meditation for Mental Control ...•.•••••••.•••.••.•.••.••• •••• 44

Meditation for Rough Times Ahead .••..•••..•••••••.••••.•••.•• 45
- 7 - til



Emergency Situations Page

for atomic radiation •••••..••..•......••••••.•.•••...•.•. 11
to prepare for earthquake •••••.•••.•••.•.••.••••.•.•••.•. 12
to adjust your magnetic field after an earthquake •••••••. 13
for stress or sudden shock .•••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••. 14
to handle a grave istuation •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15
for insanity 16
to maintain the body without having to eat ••••••••••••••. 17
to keep up with our children •••••.••••••••••••••••••••.•• 22
for hairtrigger efficiency in a life and death situation.23
eMergency treatment for insanity ••.••.••••••••••••••••••• 31
to become sharpwitted ......................••.........•.. J4

to protect you from irrationality ••••••••.•••.••••••••••• 36

to give control over one's own death •.•••••••••••• ·••••••• 44

When You Don't Know What to Do

when you don't know what to do ••••••••••.•••••••••••••••• 27

when nothing else will help (insanity) .•.•••••••••••••••• 31

. the answer to abnormal conditions we don't understand .•.• 34

when you're at your wi ts I end .••.•••••••••• '•••••••••••••• 35

when nothing else works 35

for rough times ahead 45

t'o energize you 11
to give a constant flow of energy •••••••••••••.••••••••.• 12
to build up your circumvent force and electromagnetic
fie 1 d •••••••,.' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• III 17
to totall y recharge you •.••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. 21

- 8 ­
to work on the magnetic field. .. 24
for tremendous strength. ~24

to feel very energetic. • • 31

for absolutely powerful energy ... • 41

to prevent nerves being sha t tered . ••••• 14
to bring the entire nervous and glandular system into
balance . . .. .. 23
to prevent nervous breakdown. • ••••••• 28
for failing nervous systems .. .31
for strong nerves . ..... . 36

to ward off death. • • 19
to control death •• .25
for control over onels own death .. • .44

to bring health and healing ability. • • 12
when there's no hospital •. .•• 20
for longevity •..•.••.•• .20
to heal all sickness. • ••••••• 29
to alleviate acute depression in others •• .30
to prevent aging •.••••••••••••••••.• .3B
to revitalize the glandular system •• ..39
for fever, sickness or discomfort ••• · .42
'to gi ve power, 'strength and vi tali ty. .42
against burn-out •• ~ ••.....•.••••..••.• .43
to defend your total heal th. e, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •45

Relax and Calm

to calm and relax you .•.•...•••• • • 11
to still the most restless mind. .16
for a relaxation never before experienced .• .24
to tranquilize the mind within 3 minutes •.• • ••• 26

to gain a calm mind .•••• •••••.•••••••...•••..••••.••.•.•. 36
to completely neutralize tension ........................• 39
to relax and rejoice , ,. 40
for burn-out ,. 43

to prevent sinking into depression .•...••....•.......•.•• 12

antidote to depression 21
if you're irritated, depressed, in a weird mental state •. 28
to cure acute depression in 11 minutes ..•••..•..•...•...• 30

to make you intuitive and sensitive ...•••.•..•••••.•. ~ ••• 12
to resolve conflict 15
a psychotherapy " 15
for immediate relief to any wavering, spaced-out mind •.•• 16
to balance both sides of the brain •••••••.••.•••••••••••• 20
to handle your more sensitive brain activity .•.••.••.•••• 22
to coordinate both areas of the brain •..••••.••••••••.••• 27
to solve many complications ••••.••••..••••.•••••••••••••• 27
to give self-confidence •••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••• 31
to neutralize the central portion of the brain; •••••••••• 34
to bring mental balance ••••••••.•••••.••• 34, 35, 36, 37, 38
to balance the brain to bring you in touch with your
higher self 37
for brain drain, to balance the brain •••••••••••••••••.•• 41

- 10 ­

What It Will Do for You

Radiation is already affecting
people in the United States. If
in the event of an atomic war
you are not destroyed, radiation
alone will not kill you if your
gene aura is 1 inch thick.
If your inside is in a turmoil,
this meditation will prevent you
from dying. It can be done ~ny­
time, and its effect will be to
calm you, to energize you, an~
to relax you.
How to Do It
Sit straight. Let your upper
arms htig your sides. Hold your
l~wer arms up so the hands are
as high as your neck, palms
facing away from your body. Hands
are in gyan mudra (tip of thumb
and forefinger touching).
Chant the following mantra three times on one deep breath:

PMH N91J "PI) NAIJ SIIfiJII,If}.) 1M Nil I¥E H/I flSElIMIIA /I.GE JIM Nil /l,fE JIB. fiN REE
PRAANAA is life force corresponding to the electron, APANAA is
eliminating force corresponding to the proton, and SHUSHMNAA
is the central force corresponding to the neutron. The beauty
of this mantra is in the touch of palate and tongue.
You can do this for as long as you want, singly or in a group.
If you'd like a little fun, do it for 62 minutes and measure
yourself with an electrocardiograph (biofeedback). It is very
11 ­






What It Will Do for You

This meditation is for sensitizing
yourself to predict and prepare
for changes of the earth, such as
earthquakes, climatic changes,

tidal wave, or any kind of natural

phenomenon. ...


Additional benefits are: a) to

to maintain youthfulness of mind
and body; b) to bring health and ...

healing ability; c) to fertilize

the brain so ~ou can't sink into

depression; d to eliminate fatigue

and ive a co~stant flow of ener
and e to make you intuitive and
universally sensitive.

How to Do It

Sit straight. Hold your hands at
the solar plexus level in fist~, except for the index fingers,
which are straight. Hold the right hand palm down, left hand
palm up. Put the right index finger on top of the left index 4Jj
finger, wi th lingers crossing exact} y in the middle of the second 4Jj
segment so that a special meridian contact will'take,place.


Inhale deeply and very slowly (15 second~) 'through the nose. #IJj
Exhale through the puckered mouth (not whistling) forcefully
and completely, directing the breath at the tips of the index
fingers. (Never do this with a qUick breath.) Feel the finger­
tips getting cold or vibrating.
You may yawn or stretch but keep breathing. Meditate on your
own prana carried by your breath. Continue for a maximum of ,*'*'

11 minutes.
When you finish meditating, lock the fingers and

- 12 ­

What It Will Do for You

The magnetic relationship of the 2
hemispheres of the brain is
readjusted with this meditation.

How to Do It
Sit straight. Slightly cup your
left hand and hold it over your
left ear. Hold the left arm up
in front of you so ,that the upper
arm is parallel to the ground.
Extend your right arm straight out
to your side. Bend it so that your
fist is by your ear with the hand
in conch mudra (see drawing).
Eyes are focused on the tip of the
nose. Strike the side of your head
with your left hand in time with
the mantra SAA TAA NAAMAA to the
following melody:

Do the meditation for 11-31 minutes.

- 1; ­
What It Will Do for You.

This meditation balances the western
hemisphere of the brain with the base
of the eastern hemisphere. This
enables the brain to maintain its
equilibrium under stress or the
weight of a sudden shock. It also
keeps the nerves from being shattered
under those circumstances.
How to Do It
Sit"straight. Relax the arms down .­
with the elbows bent. Draw the fore­
arms in toward each other until the
hands meet in front of the body about
1 inch above the navel. Point both
palms up and rest the right hand in
the palm of the left hand. Pull the
thumbs toward the body and press the
thumbtips together.
Look at the tip of your nose. Deeply
inhale and completely exhale as you
chant the following mantra in a monotone:
The entire mantra must be chanted on only 1 breath. Use the tip
of the tongue to pronounce each word exactly. The rhythm must =
also be exact:

~J .....
SAr NAill? SAr NR~M ~T .¥AAAt ~r NMJIt.
9r NMItI !JAiIJIIAM WA ·HA' 6-v-R. 0 c
Begin with 11 minutes and slowly build up to 31 minutes.
Upon completion of the meditation deeply inhale and completely

exhale 5 times. Then deeply inhale, hold the breath and stretch
the arms up over the head as high as possible. Stretch with
every ounce that you can muster. Exhale and relax down. Repeat
- 14 ­



What It Will Do for You

This is a very simple and ancient
meditation to resolve conflict in
us. If ybu do it, you'll enjoy it.
Just see what changes you go through;
just supervise yourself. It is a
The moment the body knows the
breath is out i t starts adjusting
at the highest rate of efficiency.·
The theory is that when the breath
is out and the prana is not there
the pranic body starts penetrating
through the other bodies to create
the combination. The computer must
figure out how to allow you and
your cells, which need x amount of
oxygen, to .,suryj;ve.
If ¥ou have a most grave situation
to handle, 5 minutes of this will
take care of it.

How to 00 It
Sit with the legs crossed. Press the hands on the breasts, palms
in, fingers pointing toward each other. The hands are relaxed
with the fingers extended and joined. This is a comfortable
position with very little pressure and no tension in the arms and
Close the eyes 9/10 of the way. Deeply inhale for 5 seconds.
Completely exhale for 5 seconds, and hold the breath out for 15
Begin with 11 minutes and slowly build to 31 minutes.

- 15 ­

What It Will Do for You

This meditation gives immediate
relief to any wavering spaced-out
mind. When there is so much
InSanity around that medical and
psychiatric help fail, this will
not. Practicing the kriya gives
the capacity to still the most
restless mind. If you're going
to tell someone to do it as
therapy, make sure you've prac­
ticed it yourself!

How to Do It
Sit in easy pose with a straight
spine. Relax the arms and hands
in any meditative pose.
Focus on the tip of the nose and
b~eathe normally through the nose.
Open the mouth as wide as possi­
ble. Touch the tongue to the
upper palate.
Start with 3 to 5 minutes of
practice, with a maximum of
11 minutes. With practice, it
can be done for 31 minutes.

- 16 ­

What It Will Do for You

This meditation will build up your
circumvent farce and electromagnetic
field. It allows you to draw in
free energy (electrons, protons,
neutrons) from the universe so that
you can maintain your body without
having to eat.

How to Do It
Sit in easy pose, spine erect, 1..
with your arms extended out in
front of you parallel to the ground
wi th palms up. (1). Very slowly move
the arms back as far as possible,
keeping them parallel to the ground
and keeping the palms up (2).
Then return the arms very slowly
to their original position, so
that the sides of the palms almost
touch in front of you. Continue.
While you are doing
the meditation,
imagine the circum­
vent force coming 2..
from the crown chakra
(top of the head) to
the palms. As the
palms approach each
other, feel "and
resist their attrac­
tion. It is this
resistance that
builds energy in

- 17 ­
con'd ••••
Continue the meditation for
11 to 31 minutes. As you end,
relax the arms down to your
sides, hands at the center of
the chest, palms 2-3 inches
a par t. (3). ~1 0 vepa 1 ms ba c k and
forth slightly. Feel the
attraction between them.
Visualize a ball of energy
between your palms.






1 B



What It Will Do for You

Yogis used to use this kriya to ward off

death. It can be seen in Egyptian pictures

as well. The meditation gives a mystical

power over death.

How to Do It
Sit in rock pose (on the heels) or in

vir as an (si tting on one heel wi th the free

foot flat on the ground immediately in front

of the knee that comes up to the chest).

Relax the arms down with the elbows bent.

Raise the forearms up and in toward each
other until the hands meet in front of the
chest at the level of the heart. The elbows
remain comfortably resting against the
sides of the body. Interlace the fingers
of both hands. Let the sides of the thumbs
touch and pull the thumbs back.

The eyes are 9 parts open, one part closed.

Deeply inhale, then completely exhale as you
times to the following tune:

Practice this meditation for 31 minutes. Upon completion,

raise the arms up straight over the head with lhe fingers still
interlaced and the palms up. Inhale, hold and stretch power­
fully. Repeat twice more, then relax.
After practice, you can increase the repetition of the mantra
from three times per breath to five times per breath.
- 19 ­
What It Will Do for You

If you need hospitalization and
it is not available t do this
meditation. If you have been
hospitalized, this meditation
may be usefuL
It brings you into balance by
inducing a neutral state of .....
activity in both sides of the
brain. It works on the sciatic
nerve (life nerve) for longe­ .....
vitYt and creates a new body
rhythm. As you do this medi­
tation, observe how your breath­
ing rhythm changes.

How to Do It ......
Sit straight. Stretch the arms
out straight in front of you,
parallel to the ground t elbows
straight. Cup your hands to­
gether as if water were about
to be poured into them. Old men
prayed like this.
Eyes 1/10 open. Meditate for
11 minutes (~ longer).


- 20 ­

What It Will Do for You

This meditation totally recharges
~. It is an antidote to depression.
It builds a new system, gives you the
capacity and caliber to deal with life,
and gives you a direct relationship
with your pranic body.

How to Do It
Sit with a straight spine in easy
pose. Arms are extended straight out
in front of you, parallel to the
ground. Close your right hand into
a fist. Wrap your left fingers
around it. The bases of the palms
touch. The thumbs are close together
and are pulled straight up. The eyes
are focused on the thumbs.
Now inhale for 5 seconds (do not hold
the breath in); exhale for 5 seconds;
hold the breath out for 15 seconds.
Start with 3-5 minutes and work up to
11 minutes. Build up the time slowly.
In time, you can work up to holding
the breath out for 1 full minute.

_. 21 ­




What It Will Do for You
"The human race is getting into a
very mentally sensitive era. The
new generation is nothing but a
bunch of vibrations. People are
going to become more and more sen­
sitive and not understand why they
feel the way they do. 90% of people
will go crazy. ......
"Because of Uranus we are heading
towards more sensitive brain ac­
tivity. The mental mind projection
is becoming activated, and control­ ....
ling and channeling it will be a
problem. Out-of-body trips will
be almost uncontrollable.
"The children being born and raised
now are much more sensitive than
we were as children. By the time
we are 50-60 years old we will not be able to understand the -III'
children at all, the gap will be so wide." -III'
This meditation will help you handle your more sensitive brain
activity and allow you to keep up with your children.
How to Do It
Sit straight in chin lock (chin to chest). Tip of thumb and

index finger are touching, with the other fingertips ·resting

at the bottom of the palm.

Eyes are focused at the solar center (top of the head). Inhale,
concentrating on the solar center while mentally projecting SAA
TAA. Exhale as yeu mentally project NAA MAA.
Do this for 31 minutes. Then bring the chin up. Chant SAT
rapidly in a monotone to the following rhythm:for 5-7 minutes:


- 22 ­




What It Will Do for You

This meditation brings the entire
nervous and glandular system into
balance. By putting the thumbs
together in the mudra the sciatic
nerve is neutralized at the point
of ego. This particular balance
puts pressure on certain meridian
points in the shoulders.
In doing the meditation you will
come to understand that even with
the breath out you are still alive.
A lot of problems in family and
social relationships are because
you don't have control over the
breath. The beauty of life is
based on the breath. It is the
link between you and God and it
is what gives you the sensitivity
to feel all around you.

Do this meditation at lunchtime or

any time you want to get sharp and
have an edge over another person. It can give you hairtrigger
efficiency in a life and death situation.

How to Do It
Sit in easy pose with a straight spine. With the elbows bent,
raise the hands up and in until they meet at the level of the
heart a few inches from the body. With the fingers of both
hands extended and joined and the palms facing the body, place
the palm of the right hand over the back of the left hand. The
fingers of the left hand point toward the right and the fingers
of the right hand point toward the left. Press the thumbtips
together. Hold the hands and forearms parallel to the ground.
Keep the eyes 9 parts closed, 1 part open. Inhale deeply and
hold for 10 seconds. Exhale completely and hold the breath out
for 10 seconds. (The air must go all the way out on the exhale
so that all the heart valves get equal pressure, and the brain
and central nervous systems will trigger survival systems for
a few seconds.) Continue. Concentrate powerfully on the breath.
Practice this meditation 3 to 5 minutes at a time. - 23 ­
~ ­


What It Will Do for You
This meditation alters the superconsciousness
present in everyday consciousness. A
simple self-created magnetic field with

a polarity opposite to the .normal func­
tion is created. The meditation will
bring you an experience of tremendous

strength and can trigger new life in
you. If your breath is contfolled,
meditated upon, and kept long and slow
enough it will not enter the diaphragm.
The eighth vertebra will start secreting.

The pituitary gland will then pulsate
differently than normal.
When pressure is put on the sun and
mercury fingers, the action of the earth

element on the parasympathetic nervous
system will balance the id. For the
first 3 to 5 minutes you will experience

nothing but irritation. If you can go
through it, a relaxation never before
experienced will come.

How to Do It

Sit in easy pose with a straight spine. Relax the arms down with
the elbows bent. Draw the forearms up and in toward each other ~
until the hands meet at the level of the throat. Separate the
fingers and thumb of each hand and point the palms at each other
with the fingers pointing up toward the ceiling. Press the cor­
responding fingertip of the opposite hands together forming a
teepee-like structure. The thumbs do not touch at all and the
middle and index fingers maintain only light contact. Apply
maximum pressure on the little and ring fingers.

~ ­­
Close the eyes. Breathe very slowly, very long, and very deep.
Focus on the various pressures on the different fingers and on
the long, slow, deep breathing. Concentrate very deeply.

~ ­•
Upon completing the meditation, deeply inhale and stretch the
arms high over the head. Hold the breath in and stretch as hard
as possible. Completely exhale and leave the hands up. Deeply
inhale, hold, and stretch. Completely exhale and relax down. --•
8 minutes is all that is necessary for this meditation.

- 24 ­



What It Will Do for You

The scriptures devote three pages to
the benefits that may be derived from
the practice of this meditation. These
include controlling one's own death and
that of others.

How to Do It
Sit crosslegged with a straight spine.
Relax the arms down with the elbows
bent. Rest the elbows aqainst the sides
and raise the forearms up until the
hands are in front of the chest at
the level of the heart. With the
palms up, point the hands away from
the body at such an angle that there
is 1% to 2 feet (depending on your
stature) between each hand. The
fingers are close together; the thumbs
are out, but not pulled back. This
is a very relaxed and comfortable arm and hand position.
The eyes are 1/10 open. Mentally focus on the third eyepoint.
Deeply inhale. Completely exhale. Hold the breath out while
you mentally vibrate the mantra SAA-TAA-NAA-MAA continuously
four times. This mental mantra is used to time the breath as
i t is held out of the lungs. This period of time should be
the sa~e each time the breath is held out. Therefore, the
mantra must be consistently vibrated at the same time.
Begin by practicing 11 minutes and slowly build to 31 minutes.

- 25 ­

- - - --~ -




What It Will Do for You
This meditation will tranguilize
the mind within 3 minutes. The
hand position is called "the
mudra which pleases the mind."
Buddha gave it to his disciples ••
for control of the mind.

How to Do It
Sit in easy pose with a straight
spine. With the elbows bent,
bring the hands up and in until
they meet in front of the body at'
the level of the heart. The elbows
should be held up almost to the
level of the hands. Bend the index
fingers of each hand in toward the
palm. Join them with each other
so they press together along
the second joint. The ••
middle fingers are extended and
meet at the fingertips.
fingers are curled
into the hand. The
The other
thumbs meet at the
fingertips. Hold
the mudra about 4
inch~s from the bridy
with the extended
fingers pointing ­ ••
away from the body.
Focus on the tip of
your nose. Inhale
completely and hold
the breath while re­
peating the mantra
of your choice 11­
21 times. Exhale,
hold the breath out,
and repeat the mantra
an equal number of
times. Practice for
3 minutes.
- 26 ­

What It Will Do for You

When you don't know what to do, try

this meditation. It is very simple,
but very powerful if done correctly.
It coordinates both areas of the
brain, gives you powerful insight,
and coordinates the mystery of
spiritual phenomena into the mastery
of the three bodies (physical,
mental and spiritual). Though it
looks simple, it solves many com­
plications. It is sometimes called
gyan mudra kriya.
How to Do It
Sit straight, crosslegged or in a
chair. Relax the arms down by the
side of the body •. Bend the elbows
and raise the hands up and in until
they meet at the level of the chest.
The fingers of each hand are extended
and joined in a relaxed way.· Cross
the hands with both palms facing
toward the chest. One palm rests in
the other and the thumbs are crossed.
The fingers point up at a comfortable
angle. (The position of left and
right hands is interchangeable for
this exercise.)
Look at the third eye, then bring

the eyes to the tip of the nose.

Inhale through the nose, then eXhale through the nose. Now,

inhale through the mouth, and exhale through the mouth. Next,

inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. Finally,

inhale through the mouth, and exhale through the nose.

Continue this sequence. All breaths should be deep, complete,

and powerful. When breathing through the mouth, purse the lips

almost as if to whistle.

start practicing this kriya for 11 minutes and gradually increase

the time to a half-hour.

- 27 ­

What It Will Do for You
This meditation will alter your energy
by changing your nostril breathing. You
can't get out of your body, but you can
change its energy. If you are thinking
something neurotic and find out that
you're breathing through your right
nostril, start breathing through your
left nostril instead. This will change
your energy from agni (fire) to seetali
If you are irritated, very depressed,
in a weird mental state, start
breathing from the right nostril.
3 minutes you will bea different
person. This ability to change
nostrils in breathing should be taught
to your children within their first
3 years. Exercising this ability can ••
prevent nervoUs breakdowns.
How to Do It
Sit in a comfortable meditative posture
with your spine straight. Interlace
your fingers with your right thumb on
top . . Place your hands at the center of
your diaphragm line, touching your body. ••
Close your eyes. Concentrate on your breath at the tip of your
nose. See from which nostril you are breathing. Within 3
minutes you should know. Then change it. If you are breathing
primarily through your left nostril, consciously change to your
right nostril. Be sure to keep your shoulders completely relaxed.
You should have a pressure at your hands, but none at your ••
Practice changing this breath back and forth for as long as you
like. 31 minutes is a good time.
- 28 ­ ••
• •

What It Will Do for You

Yogis use this simplest of the

conch or sank kriyas to heal all

energies ~all sickness; and

to glorify the self.

This meditation deals with the

Vayu (air) Siddhi. It will cause

that faculty to be totally enlarged,

to become healthier, and to. bring

all desirable, posi ti ve changes.

How to Do It
Sit in easy pose with a straight
spine. Relax the arms down by
the sides of the body with the
elbows bent. Raise the forearms
up and in toward the chest until I,
the hands Meet at the level of the
heart. With both palms facing 1
up, cross the hands and the thumbs
so that the right hand is resting
in the left and the right thumb
crosses over the left. The fingers are relaxed, slightly bent,
and point away from the bo~y at an angle. The thumbs touch the
Close the eyes nine-tenths. Inhale completely, then exhale
completely as you chant RAA MA DAAS SA, SAA SAY SO HUNG.

This needs pranic energy; be sure to chant with your full breath
and full strength. You will find your voice going down after a
few minutes. Practice to maintain the full blast at a constant
Meditate for 11 minutes. When you c'an keep the full-blast pitch
constant, gradually increase to a maximum of 31 minutes. It will
take 3 to 7 years to achieve this.

- 29 ­


What It Will Do for You

This meditation can cure the worst

depression in just 11 minutes. When

someone comes to you with a story of

depression, don't get out of it by

telling them you have your own prob­

lems. Instead, help them out of

their depressed state with this

meditation. That is one of the best

ways to cure that emptiness within'


How to Do It

Sit in a comfortable meditative

posture. Place your hands back to

back with your fingers pointing away

from your body at a level between

the heart center and the throat

center. Be .sure that your knuckles

touch. Your wrists are about 6

inches away from your body. Your

forearms are as parallel to the

ground as possible. Your thumbs

point straight down parallel to

each other. This position creates

a great deal of tension on the back

part of the hand.

Eyes focus on the tip of the nose

or on the upper lip. Inhale deeply

and chant WAHAY GUROO 16 times on

the exhale. One complete cycle

takes about 20-25 seconds.

Begin practice with 11 minutes.

You may gradually increase the time

to 31 minutes.

- 30 ­

What It Will Do for You

"When we see the dark clouds
coming over the mountain, we seek
shelter because we know there is
an inherent danger in those clouds.
We may get soaking wet; we may get
struck by lightning. This meditation
clears the darkness from the clouds
in our hearts and helps us to avoid
that inherent danger. It adjusts
our perception of our projection
and prevents weird actions resulting
from a poor self image.
"In 10-15 years, the world insanity
will be so great that people are
qoing to go berserk and jump around
like monkeys without rhyme or reason.
Many nervous systems will totally
fail. People will fallon their
shoulders and scream with a twisted
mouth. If you cannot help them in
any other way, have them do this
meditation, even if you have to
tape their hands together. In
fact, if you have mastered this
meditation, all you need do is sit with them and have your
hands in the proper mudra. They will receive all the benefits.
liTo master this kriya, it must be practiced 120 days. That is
40 days for each of the 3 cycles. That is the shortest possible
time. It may take as long as 40 years. It depends on how
vigorously and sincerely you practice it. However, you will
almost always begin to notice some effects in about 120 days.
liThe effects are: 1) When you speak, the power of listening
and understanding is automatically given to the person you
are speaking to; 2) Whatever you say, you shall remember;
and 3) Your sayings shall not be forgotten among humans.
con'd ••••••• - 31 ­
"Sometimes when you
begin practice, you
will feel a pressure
around the lungs and the
thyroid gland. This

is a very temporary
effect. Later ~
will feel very young,
very energetic, and
very levitated. The
action of the tongue
as it flicks the upper
mouth causes the
central nerve or its
tip to be stimulated.
This causes the thala­
mus to secrete and
drip, the pineal to
- -
radiate, and the pitu­
itary to secrete. The
energy at your navel
point will run down'
to the base of your

spine, then back all

the way up, back and
forth. You will get 8
feeling of vast horizons;
they call it enlighten­

How to Do the Meditation
"Sit comfortably so that you can meditate with a straight spine.
"Pla,ce both of your hands in fists at your diaphragm.
middle knuckles of each Saturn (middle) finger.
Touch the
Pressure on this

central knuckle immediately gives self-confidence. Extend your

Jupiter (index) fingers directly away from your body and let
their end pads touch, forming a teepee. Extend your thumbs
straight up and stretch them back as far as possible. They ......

touch from the last knuckle to the tip. Their connection may
be different with different people. If your ego is very large,
then they will not bend back very much and you will feel a lot

of pain. Even'if your ego is a little smaller and they bend
back very far, the pain will still come after awhile.
"So, your hands are touching at the Saturn knuckles, Jupiter
fingers, and thumbs. They are placed at the level of the
diaphragm, touching your body. Your thumbs are stretched back.
llInhale deep into the diaphragm and chant WAAHAY GUROO 40 times
on this one breath. There are two important factors in this
chant. First, when you run out of breath, stop. Do not cheat
and continue chanting. Wait for the breath cycle to begin again.
You may, however, begin by chanting WAAHAY GUROO 16 or 24 times

- 32 ­
as you build up to 40 repetitions, which is the ideal. Second,
WAAHAY GUROO should be chanted in three parts. WAA means
infinite; HAY means thou; and GUROO is the Self. When chanted
in this manner, WAA-HAY GUROO draws you very near to God. So,
there are three distinct parts to this meditation: WAA, HAY,
and GUROO. They may be chanted slowly or not. The time doesn't
really matter, but the three-beat rhythm does. It must be
properly established.

"You may begin practice of this kriya with 10 to 15 minutes;

there is no maximum limit, but 31 minutes is, generally speaking,
a good length."

- 33 ­
What It Will Do for You
This meditation neutralizes the
central part of the brain and makes wi
you sharpwitted. It is the answer wi
to abnormal conditions we don't
understand. .­wi
How to Do It
Sit anywhere, any place. Hold the
left hand up as though to clap;
then, with the index and middle
fingers of the right hand, slowly ......
and with strong pressure, walk up
the center of the left palm to the
very tips of the middle and ring

The left fingers should give in
bend a little under the pressure,
and it should hurt. Walk up and
down. The eyes are 1/10 open.
Note: This ~s one of five medita~
tionsgi.ven specifically "to prepare
for the gray period of the planet and to bring mental balance."


- 34 ­




What It Will Do for You

When you're at your wits' end,

when you don't know what to do,

when nothing else works, this

meditation does!

How to Do It
Make an inverted venus lock-­

fingers interlaced backwards.

Hold at the solar plexus, palms

facing up, fingers pointi~g up,

thumbs straight. Eyes are 1/10


Chant the Guru Gaitri Mantra:

"Gobinday, Mukanday, Udaaray,

Apaaray, Hareeng, Kareeng,

Nirnaamay, Akaamay." It should

.totally turn into a sound current:

Chant as fast as possible so that
~he words are indistinguishable.

Start with 11 minutes and build

up to 31.

Note: This is one of five medita­

tions given spec:ifically "to prepare for the gray period of the
planet and .to bring mental balance."

- 35 ­

What It Will Do for You

Practice this meditation to gain a
calm mind and strong nerves.' It
will help protect you from

How to Do It
Sitting with a straight spine, hold
the right hand at ear level with the
thumb tip and tip of ring finger
touching (fingernails don't touch).
Place the left hand in the lap with
the thumb tip and tip of the little
finger touching. females should
reverse the position so that the
left hand has thumb and ring finger
touching with hand at ear level, and
the right hand is in the lap with
the thumb and little finger touching.
The eyes are 1/10 open. Make the
brea~h long and deep but not
You can practice this meditation anywhere, starting with 11
minutes and working up to 31 minutes. To end the meditation,
inhale deeply, open the fingers, raise the hands and shake them
rapidly for several minutes. Then relax.
~Qte: This is one .af fi ve' medi tations gi ven speci fically "to
prepare for the gray period of the planet and to bring mental

- 36 ­

What It Will Do for You

This meditation will make you feel
cozy and contented. It works to
balance the brain by reinforcing
~our inner ability to be in contin­ (view
ual touch with your higher self. looking
down on tht
How to Do It
Connect the thumb and middle finger­
tips of the right hand and the tip
of the thumb and little finger of
the left. Fingernails don't touch.
Females should hold the same
positions with opposite hands. With
the shoulders hanging, hold the hands
7-8 inches apart, fingers pointing
forward, a little in front of the
nipples. The eyes are 1/10 open.
Breathe ,normally and meditate for
11 minutes, then inhale, make tight
fists with both hands for a few
moments, and relax.
Note:. This is. orie of five meditations
given specifically "to prepare for the gray period of the planet
and to bring mentai -balance. II'

- 37 ­

What It Will Do for You
To brighten your auric light,
have a radiant face and prevent
yourself from aging, practice
this meditation.
How to Do It
Sit straight in easy pose. Chant
the Mul Mantra, inhaling completely
before each phrase: EK ONG KAR; .

whole breath go through the nose);



JAP (let the whole breath go.

through the nose); AAD SACHSHHH
(release breath with a hiss);

JUGAAO SACHSHHH (release breath


with a hiss); HAl BHEE SACHSHHH

(release breath with a hiss);


lease breath with a hiss).

Each time you inhale you must do so to your maximum capacity
and each phrase must use up the entire breath. On words like
AKAAL MOORT, where the sound isn't really extended, release the .­.­
breath through the mouth with a light "uhh ••. " sound. On KARTA
POORKH and JAP, release the breath through the nose. This is
the whole secret: the last 4 phrases are ended with the breath
released through the mouth like the sound of a hissing snake. ""-'
Chant for a minimum of 11 times a day for 40 days. Since each til
person has a different lung capacity, this meditation should be
done individually instead of in e group.

Note: This is one of five meditations gi·ven specifically "to

prepare for the gray period of the planet and to bring mental
balance ,."

-- 3B ­

What It Will Do for You

This is an extremely relaxing
meditation. It completely neu­
tralizes tension, and puts you
in the most relaxing situation
you can possibly imagine.
By doing the meditation for 40
days, you can revitalize your
glandular system and reestablish
glandular equilibrium.

How to Do It
Sit straight. From a relaxed
position at the sides of the body,
bend at the elbows and bring the
forearms up and in toward each
other until the hands meet at the
heart level.
Face both palms up and cross the
right palm over the left palm with
the fingers extended and joined.
Place the left thumb in the center
of the right palm and cross the
right thumb over the left thumb.
The eyes are 9/10 closed. As the
meditation progresses, they may
close all the way. Deeply inhale
and completely exhale as you chant
the mantra SAAAAAAAAAAT NAM as

~~Q ~.'=== e-I

Begin with 11 minutes and build up to 31 minutes.
_. 39 ­




What It Will Do for You

This meditation is to help you

relax end rejoice. It enables

you to understand the contrast

between working from your ego

and working from your inner

self, the will of God, the soul.

This is a very spacey meditation

so practice it when you have

nothing to do for a while.


How to Do It
Sit in easy pose with a straight
spine but be relaxed in the ....
Relax the arms down by the sides
of the body with the elbows bent.
Draw the forearms in toward each
other until the hands meet in -..-
front of the body. Make a fist
of the left hand and stick the

thumb down into the middle of

.the fist. Wrap the right hand
around the left fist and place
the right thumb over the left fist on top of the base of the

left thumb.
Focus on the tip of the nose. Deeply inhale, then completely

exhale as you chant the following mantra in s monotone:



Begin by practicing the meditation for 10-15 minutes and slowly

build to 1
or 2 hours.

- 40 ­
~ -­


What It Will Do for You

When you have a hard day to face,
this meditation will give you
absolutely powerful energy, and
it will balance your most effective
computer -- the brain. The medita­
tion can also be done when you can
sleep afterwards. It is the best
thing to do for "brain drain."
The only thing better is to do
this exact mantra and mudra in
shoulder stand. However, this
should only be done with a wall
for support.

How to Do It
Sit with your spine straight in a
comfortable meditative posture.
Place your sun fingers together
and interlace all other fingers.
Your right thumb goes on top. Hold
your hands several inches out from
your diaphragm with your ~un
fingers pointing upward at 600.
Close your eyes. Inhale deeply
and powerfully; exhale as you chant
Keep your mouth open, but let all
air flow through your nose. The
sound is far back and up in your
soft palate. When chanting in a
group, each person should use his
own breath rhythm.
The power of this chant, when correctly done, must be expe­
rienced to be believed. Only 5 repetitions are necessary to
totally elevate the consciousness.

This meditation should only be done when you can relax afterwards!
- 4'

What It Will Do for You

This meditation, called seetali kriya,
can be .practiced whenever you get a
fever, sickness .or discomfort. It
gives you power, strength, and vitality.
It is a cure from within.
At first the tongue will be bitter, then
it will become sweet. Once this happens,
you will have overcome all sickness
If you practice this kriya everything
that you need will come to you by way
of the planetary ether. In mystical
terms, you will be served by the heavens.

How to Do It
Sit with a straight spine in a comfort­
able crosslegged position. Take the
tongue and roll it into a "V,II with the
tip just outside of the lips. Inhale
deeply through the rolled tongue; exhale
through the nose.
Continue for a minimum of 2-3 minutes.
You will find this an excellent breath
to practice 26 times morning and evening.

- 42 ­

·What It Will Do for You

This meditation is the best thing to
do when ou think ou are ettin
burned out. The mudra hand position)
of this meditation causes a dormant
state of energy so that you can either
prevent burn-out or recuperate. The
posture reduces the output of your
authoritative magnetic field to zero.

How to Do It
Sit in easy pose with a straight spine.
Belax the arms down with the elbows
bent. Raise the forearms up and in
toward each other until the hands meet
at the level of the heart. Fold the
thumbs across the palms of each hand
until the thQmbtip rests at the base
of the ring finger. Face the back of
the hands toward each other and press
them together. Firmly press the backs
of the fingers of each hand'together.
The upper hands may be more loosely
pressed together. Keep the arms comfortable and relaxed, and
the elbows as loose as possib.e
Focus on the tip of the nose. Deeply inhale in eight equal
parts. Completely exhale in eight equal parts. There is no
mantra for ~his meditation. However, during group practice,
the leader can callout SAA TAA NAA MAA SAA TAA NAA MAA SAA
TAA NAA MAA SAA TAA NAA MAA to establish the rhythm and power
of the eight-stroke inhale and exhale.
Practice this meditation only when there is time after the
completion to remain still and relaxed. It can be very spacey.

Begin with 11 minutes of practice. When you feel competent,

increase to 22 minutes. Later, increase to 31 minutes.

- 43 ­

What It Will Do for You

Practice of this meditation, other­
wise known as Brahm Kalaa, can give
control over one's own death. Kalaa
is another name for Kundalini, one's
creative life energy. In this
kriya, it is like one is stretching
into the universe.

How to Do It
Sit in easy pose; cross the arms in
front of the chest, elbows with a
90 0 bend, arms parallel to the
ground. Place the right palm on top
of the left upper arm and the top of
the left hand under the right upper
arm, fingers together and straight.
In this position, close the eyes,
balance the posture, and stretch the
arms out from the shoulders as much
as possible. The breath will become
very slow.
Begin with 3 minutes and gradually
increase to 11 minutes.

- 44 ­




11/5/80 1/198
What It Will Do for You
This meditation is given to you because you

are going to h~ve a rough time ahead. It

is very effective in opening up the fourth,

fifth, and sixth lotuses. It is like a

snake. Tne nose is the mouth of the

serpent and the inner side is the body

of the snake. The secret of this is

that it balances the distribution of the

red and white blood cells. That's the

most difficult to control. It is the

area that defends your total health.

How to Do It
Sit in easy pose with a straight spine.

With the right elbow bent and relaxed nea~

the body, raise the right hand ~p to the

side as i f taking an oath. Hold the first

two fingers straight, joined and pointing

up. Curl the other two fingers down into

the palm and lock the thumb over them.

Hold the left hand in the same mudra with the two outstretched fingers
touching the heart wherever you feel the heart center is. Normally,
i f you draw a line between the nipples and drop a perpendicular line
from the nose, the intersection is the heart area or heart lotus.
Make the outstretched fingers as straight as possible for a better
electromagnetic field aro~nd you.
Breathe slowly, meditatively, and with control, taking the breath from
the nose up to the third eye point end then down to the heart where
the fingers are. The breath must go touching the entire ares, and you
must feel it. Either keep the eyes closed, or look at the tip of the
.Practice this meditation for 11 minutes. At the end, inhale and
exhale deeply three times. Then relax. To perfect this meditation,
do it once a day for 40 days.

- 45 ­

Breath is our link to the miracle called life. Breath plugs

us into the universe and turns us on to and tunes us in~o a
consciousness more expanded than our limited selves. Breath
is the simple base and the ultimate height. Breath is a number
one survival tool, of higher rank than water, food and exercise.
But we usually breathe irregularly and shallowly. We use only
a tenth of our lung capacity.
When you are experiencing stress your breath rate may double
from a normal 16 times per minute. If you can consciously
reduce your breath rate to S breaths per minute, you become
master of your life, and therefore of the circumstances and
situations you find yourself in.
If you can progress further to bring your breath rate down
to 4 breaths per minute, it is said that you will have control
over your own time of death.
There are two basic breathing techniques: Long deep breathing
and breath of fire.

- 46 ­

What It Will Do for You

1) Relax ~nd calm you.
2) This relaxation is of an active rather than a passive kind.
It will retune and reset your brain so that correct
decisions will flow automatically in a crisis situation.
3) Filling of the lungs to capacity will feed your electro­
magnetic field. Revitalizing and readjusting your magnetic
field will make you less liable to fall victim to accidents,
sickness and negativity.
4) Pump the spinal fluid to the brain, giving greater energy.
5) Regulate the body's pH (acid/alkalinity), which affects your
ability to handle a stressful situation.
6) Reduce and prevent toxic buildup caused by not clearing the
mucous linings of the small air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs.
7) Stimulate the production of chemicals (endorphins) in the
brain, which eliminate the tendency to depression.
B) Cleanse the blood.
9) Energize,. give greater alertness and awareness due to the
life force (prana) in oxygen.
10) Give clarity, coolheadedness, and positivity.
11) Aid in releasing blockages in meridian energy flow.
12) Activate and cleanse nerve channels.
13) Aid in speeding up healing, emotional and physical.
14) Aid in breaking subconscious undesirable habit patterns
and addictions.
15) Reduce insecurity and fear.
16) Rechannel previous mental conditioning on pain 50 as to
reduce or eliminate pain (as, for example, in childbirth).
17) Restore the aura.
18) Give capacity to control your negatiVity and emotions.
19) As the lung capacity increases, the pituitary gland will
begin to secrete and. the intuitional power of the mind will
begin to develop.

- 47 ­
How to Do It
The lack of relaxation and peace of mind in the personal and
collective consciousness of .present day society inhibits proper
breathing. Poor breathing increases susceptibility to stress,
with all its attendant illnesses. (The American Medical Asso­
ciation reports that 80% of diseases are stress-related.)
body's physiological response to stress, whether physical or
psychological, is (among other things) to increase the breath
rate. Shallow upper chest breathing with a faster breath rate
leads to chronic tension and weak nerves, which set the scene
for illnesses and fatal breakdown in one or another of the body
We know the importance of attitude, exercise and good diet, but
the value of breathing techniques is as yet not known or
recognized in this country.
Long deep breathing is simply proper complete efficient breathing
using the body as i t was made to be used. Try watching relaxed
babies, animals, or people in less ,complex societies. It is
not difficult: the lungs simply fill up and empty very completely .
Hold your two hands with fingertips touching on your abdomen.
As you inhale, the abdomen should expand so that the fingers
separate, and as you exhale, they should come together again.
To learn exactly how it is done, start by inhaling while relaxing
the abdomen (the navel area) and even pushing i t out. The

muscles of the abdomen draw the diaphragm down. (The diaphragm
is a circular barrier of muscular tissue separating the lung
cavity from the abdominal cavity.) The downward movement of the

diaphragm creates a vacuum in the lung cavity, .50 air automatically
flows into the lungs. The lowest portion of the lungs fills
first. an the exhale, the abdomen should shrink back -- try
pulling it back. This pushes up on the diaphragm creating a
pressure in the lung cavity which causes the air to be expelled.
Long deep breathing is also called 'diaphragmatic breathing or
- abdominal breathing. Practice it as often as possible for as
long as you can. ......





- 48 ­


Breath of fire is actually long deep breathing speeded up.

What It Will Do For You
1) Cleans the blood in three minutes.
2) Stimulates the solar plexus to release natural energy through­
out the body.

3) Raises the voltage of the nervous system.

4) Produces a global alpha rhythm in the brain when practiced


5) Increases physical endurance when needed in a survival or

competitive situation.

6) Strengthens shaky nerves.

7) Stimulates the navel point to generate constancy in both your

mental and your physical realm. For example, it can help correct
inability to keep a promise, inability to concentrate through
distracting factors, etc.
8) Can help overcome addictions and cleanse you of the bad effects
of smoking, drug-taking, sugar, alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine.
9) Expands lung capacity for all round better health and happiness.
10) Helps focus the mind.
11) Expands lung capacity in a case where someone wants to suspend
breathing for a longer period.of swimming underwater.
12) Produces energy, mental and physical, for the entire system.
13) Releases toxins and deposits from lungs, mucous lining, blood
vessels and cells.
14) Helps you regain control in a stress or survival situation.
15) Charges your aura and circumvent force to give you greater
p~otection against negative forces.

How To Do It
The breath is fairly rapid (two to three breaths per second),
. continuous, and powerful with no pause between the inhale and
exhale. As you exhale, the air is pushed out by pulling the navel
point and abdomen in towards the spine. In this motion, the chest

- 49 ­
area stays moderately relaxed. The focus of the energy is at the
navel point. You should feel the pull of the muscles in that
area. As you inhale, the abdomen relaxes, the diaphragm extends
down, and the breath seems to come in as part of relaxation rather
than effort.
The muscles that are used are the abdominals. Initially you may
have a tendency to involve more muscle groups than are needed.
As you do the breath of fire, check your body and relax tension
and effort that may build up in the legs, face, shoulders, and
chest. The rest of the body is relatively still. Even the upper
chest is motionless and in a 'slightly uplifted position. At
first, the navel and solar plexus may feel tired or uncoordinated.
If you keep practicing, the breath will become rhythmic and very
easy. Most people are not used to breathing this way. It is the
antithesis of the shallow, irregular breath characteristic of the
emotional states that accompany negative thoughts.
In physiological studies, we have found that there is no relation
between hyperventilation and breath of fire. Once you are prac­
tIced, it is possible to do the breath for 20 minutes or more.
There is no accompanying dizziness or large imbalance of oxygen
in the blood. The outer circulation does increase as does the
nervous energy, so the breath should be mastered slowly and
methodically. These increases cause an immediate detoxification
reaction in the body. Old toxins and deposits from drugs, smoking,
and bad nutrition are released from the lungs, mucous lining, blood
vessels, and cells. These toxins leave the body through the blood
and lymph systems. If you are very toxic, the breath of fire may
stimulate a very temporary self-toxification. To aid the cleansing
process, increase the amount of exercise you do each day and
simplify the diet to light vegetables, fruits and nuts for a few
weeks. This will help your body drop the heavy load of toxins it
has been carrying •.

In most exercises, the breath of fire is done for 3 minutes or

less. Occasionally it is done for 7~ minutes. As an exercise
by itself, you can start with J
minute durations, then slowly
build up to 20 minutes. Start by doing breath of fire for 3

minutes, alternating with 2 minutes of rest, for a total of 15

minutes of breath of fire and ten minutes' rest.

To focus the mind more efficiently and to channelize the

this breath creates, mentally vibrate SAT NAAM with each
breath. ....
Hearing this sound in the breath tells your mind what to
all the energy you generate. Use this energy to explore
sense of the infinite self.
do with

When you practice the breath of fire to perfect it, keep the


spine straight and your mind centered. Here are a couple of
exercises you might try:
·1. When you are exceptionally tired and need a lift, sit straight ~
and block the left nostril with the thumb of the left hand. The

fingers of the left hand point straight up. Begin breath of fire


- SO ­
through the right nostril only, for
3 to 5 minutes. Then inhale and
mentally circulate the energy
throughout the body and aura.
2. Sit in easy pose (any com­
fortable crosslegged position).
Put the palms together slightly in
front of the chest. Concentrate
at the brow point and begin breath
of fire. As you continue, let all
thoughts of who or what you may be
fall away. If you think you are
sitting, let that thought be blown
away by the bre~th. Hear the
sound of the breath. It is
infinite. It gives life. As all
the di fferent labels pass. through
your mind, let them go and then
refocus on the experience of
energy in the breath. You will
feel lighter and lighter as if
there is no body, no space, no
time, no problem. You will feel
a definite vibrance and existing


ecstasy of relaxation. Continue

breath of fire for 6 minutes.
Then inhale, hold briefly, exhale
applying mul bhand (pull up on
anus ana sex organs, pull in navel
point), and relax.

- 51 ­


What It Will Do for You
This combination breath cleansing technique will balance your

blood and mental attitude together. It wil~ automatically

cleanse and strengthen you to face the times. ......


How to Do It
1. Sit straight and block the right nostril with the thumb of

the right hand. Keep the other fingers straight up like antennae.

Take 26 long deep breaths through the left nostril only. T~en

inhale and relax. If you are overanxious and nervous, breathing

through the left nostril will soothe you and bring the body to a

calm state.

2. Breathe in the same way through the right nostril, using ....­

the thumb of the left hand to block the left nostril. Breathing

through the right nostril brings energy and confidence.

3. Do breath of fire for 3 minutes. ......
4. Now with long deep breaths inhale through the left nostril.

Exhale through the right. This breath will balance your mind

and nerves. Use your right thumb to block the right nostril, and
like a "U" your .right index finger to reach over and block the ....
left nostril. Alternate in this manner keeping a straight spine
.for 26 breaths or 3 minutes.


5. Now close your eyes for a minute and feel completely relaxed
and alert. Then inhale and feel great.
Rest 2 minutes between each exercise.


- 52 ­


To survive the stress of the times in fighting good health, we

particularly ,need a strong
1) magnetic field
2) navel point
3) nervous system.
The exercises in this and in the next section deal with these
areas. Before or at sunrise is the best time to exercise to
set your systems for the day.

- 53 ­

7/21/77 ......­

What It Will Do for You

This exercise is called "Miracle Bend. 1I It
adjusts the navel point and helps bring an
emotional and angry person to calmness. If
the spine were bent to 90 0 and the breath
were four times per minute, it would also
totally calm you, but it would take a very
long time, whereas this exercise takes only
a short while. There will be a strong and
automatic tendency to shake in the posture. ......
How to Do It
In a standing position with knees and heels ....
together, feet are flat on the ground and
angling out to the sides for balance, arms
are raised straight overhead close to the WI

ears with the palms facing forward. The
thumbs can be locked together.
Keeping the legs straight, bend back from
the base of the spine 20 0 • The head,
spine, and arms form an unbroken curve
with the arms remaining in 8 line with
the ears (1).
Hold the posture and keep the breath
long, deep and gentle. Continue for
2 minutes.

From this position, very slowly bend
forward to the maximum extent keeping
the arms straight and close to the


ears (2). Inhale and with the breath

held in as long as possible, pump the
navel point. Then exhale and do the
same on the held exhale. Continue
this process for 2 minutes.



- 54 ­



What It Will Do for You

This exercise hurts and works on
a part of your spine which is never
massaged and where you don't like
to be hurt. Moses instructed the
Jews to do this exercise before
long journeys to raise their
spirit, correct their slave mental­
ity, and give them the will to
fight and not give in.

How to Do It
In a standing position, spread the
legs as wide apart as possible
without losing your balance. Your
arms form a 90 0 bend at the elbows,
with the forearms more or less
parallel to the floor and extending __--­
away from the chest in a relaxed
Rotate the hips in a plane parallel
to the ground at a moderate pace in as complete and large a
circle as possible. The direction can be either to the left
or to the right.

- 55 ­

What It Will Do for You

This set will balance and reconstitute your nerves against the
stress effects of our times, and will help you deal with any
stressful changes in your life, such as changed living conditions,
divorce, loss of job, withdrawal symptoms resulting from change
of diet, or other personal habit changes. Take a cold shower
first. (A cold shower, rather than a warm one, is a must to

build the nervous system and also has a multitude of other wi
benefits, including improved blood circulation, clearer com­ wi
plexion and healthier skin, increased energy, and a more
positive outlook.) wi
1) Lie on the back,
right arm behind head, WI
raised up 60 0 from
floor. Left leg up 60°. wi
Block right nostril with wi
left hand, long deep
breathing through left wi
nostril. After 1 min­
ute, change to opposite
arm and leg, continue wi
left nostril breathing. wi
After 1 minute, change
again and continue left nos~ril breathing for 30 seconds. wi
Inhale deeply, exhale completely out, choke both your nostrils
with fingers, and hold breath out for about 3 seconds. Inhale
and relax. Dead relaxation, arms at sides, for 5 minutes.
Let the flow of this energy continue in yourself.


2) On back, wi
raise right
leg 6 inches wi
only from
ground (just

Right hand
behind head,
clear ground by 6 inches. Arm is next to ear. Left arm at
side on ground. Long deep breathing for 2~ minutes. This

exercise affects the brain. It has nothing to do with the


- 56 ­

body. Inhale deeply, hold 10 seconds. Exhale with force,

hold out 3 seconds. Inhale, relax. Relax 3 minutes, arms

at sides.

3) Lie on
back, venus
lock (inter­
locking fin­
gers) under
neck. Elbows
on ground.
Heels toge­
ther, press
toes forward,
raise legs
2-3 feet off
ground. long deep breathing for 1~ to 2 minutes. Then inhale,
exhale, relax for 2 minutes with arms at sides.
4) On back,
raise body on
elbows and
heels, but­
tocks off
ground. lift
left leg up at
60 0 angle to
ground. Normal
Hold position
steady for 1
minute. If
you fall, try
again. Relax
on back 2 minutes.

5) Sit on knees, feet

behi.nd off ground.

Arms'out to sides,

about 60 0 angle to

ground. Thi s

exercise works on

the fourth vertebra.

Continue for 30


6) Now start walking

around the room on
your knees, not
letting your feet
touch the ground.
Continue for 2
- 57 ­
7. Lie down. ,,
-~~,~ ,
8. Now jump up fast
and jump up and down
10 times on your toes.






- 58 ­


What it Will Do for You
This exercise will open the heart chakra. "Your breath will
become very energized. It is a very powerful exercise for the
nervous system and I want you to enjoy it. How can the country
III be destroyed when this exercise is known to a human being? How
can an American suffer from arthritis if he can do this exercise


for 15 minutes?
"It is easy to do, but it will give a good shakeup to the blood;

.. .... the blood will get purified automatically, and every capillary in

th~ body will relate to it."

How to Do It

...... "Lie down flat on this planet earth. There is a lot of space;
just feel good. Now raise the left palm very calmly, kiss the
center of it with your lips and bring it back down. And then the
other palm. Do it calmly and quietly so that your heart chakra

may get opened, i f it has not been opened by any other kriya •
Kiss each palm as a beautiful blessing, and then calmly return
your hand back to your side. Do .it consciously, and relate to

this feeling again and again~

.... "Keep up for 11 minutes. You might notice in a while that it has
a. special taste. Now take both your knees to your chest, and

.... tuck your hands into the fold at the bend of the knees (1). Raise
your legs and, keeping the hands very steady and powerful, (2)
Ii ft the body up. Return the knees to the chest wi th posi ti ve

.... strength .



- 59 ­
"Once I was asked to build up the s..tamina of some people. I
gave them a lot to eat and nothing but this exercise for 15
days. After 15 days, they could do anything. It makes you
feel good, makes your cheeks red, and makes deep breathing
automatic. Automatic pranayama increases circulation allover
the body. 15 minutes each day of this exercise can make you
young, happy, beautiful, and healthy.
"Do it for 5 to 15 minutes, then relax completely •."







- 60 ­ II


This is a set of exercises to do one after the other.

stretch pose (sets the navel point): Lie flat. Raise
the head, legs and arms 6 inches off the ground. Look at
the toes and do breath of fire for 3 minutes.
2) Relax on the back for 5 minutes.
3) Repeat stretch pose.
4) Relax on the back for 5 minutes.
5) Repeat stretch pose.
6) Relax on the back for 5 minutes.
7) 40-50 sit-ups with rhythmic breathing.

8) Walk around with hands and feet on the floor for 3 minutes.
9) Relax on the back.

- 61 ­

In any situation of crisis, emergency, or survival there is a

dood possibility that we may need to work as a team with others.
Yogi Bhajan has taught certain techniques to athletes which can
be directly applied when the need for enhanced leadership and
teamwork arises in times of crisis. These meditations or exer­
cises will help:
1) Avoid injury.
2) Rejuvenate coordination and spirit
3) Raise team or group spirit
4) Open the flow of meridian energies to all the muscle groups
5) Increase vital capacity
6) Sensitize you to know your energy field or energy body
7) Extend your energy field awareness enabling you to know what
is happening to everyone in Y04r group, what they are doing,
and what they are about to do
8) Put your mind in a state where it can act quickly and in­
tUitively rather than emotionally and reactively
9) Give you the capacity to totally concentrate and totally
relax simultaneously
10) Moke you aware of the potential conscious use of your electro­
magnetic field and of your other bodies. Yogi Bhajan tells
us we actually have 10 "bodies"; physical, sr'liritual, mental
basic, mental plus, mental negative, arcline, auric, subtle,
pranic, and radiant. This awareness will enable you to act
in totality regardless of outside circumstances.

- 62 ­

What It Will Do for You

Do this at a break in the game or the action. It will help you
combat the encroachment of fatigue and emotion. It will relax
and energize you. It can rejuvenate coordination and spirit, and
help you avoid possible painful injury.
How to Do It
To do this, sit straight in a chair
or crosslegged on a flat surface.
Place the palms together at the
center of the chest with the fin­
gers pointing up. rocus at the" brow
point with eyelids ~ightly closed.
As you inhale, break the breath into
4 equal parts (like sniffs). Hold
a few seconds, then exhale, breaking
the breath equally in 4 parts, and
hold out for a few seconds. On each
part of the inhale and exhale, pull
the navel point in slightly. One
full breath cycle (in and out) takes
about 7-8 seconds. Continue power­
fully for 3-5 minutes. (If your
mind has a lot of anxiety or con­
fusion, add to the breath mentally
the mantra SAA TAA NAA MAA on"both
the inhale and the exhale.) Then
inhale deeply and press the palms
together with maximum force for
10 seconds. Relax for 15-30 sec­
onds. Then repeat 2 times.
If you need rest for the body,
immediately lie on your back with
eyes closed and let each area
relax for 2 more minutes. Take
a few deep breaths, stretch,
and you will be ready for

- 63 ­
What It Will 00 for You
If you don't know how to meditate
or you want to develop this ability
of concentration in action, there
is a beautiful Kundalini Yoga tech­
nique to achieve this. This is a
meditation for someone who can't
meditate. It allows you to control
your own reaction to any situation
and can bring sweetness and one­
pointedness to the most outrageous
and scattered mind.

How to Do It
Sit in any comfortable pose in which
your spine is straight. With the
four fingers of the righ~ hand, feel
the pulse on the left wrist. Place
the fingers in a straight line pressed
lightly so that you can feel the
pulse in each fingertip. Focus your
mind at the point where the nose and
eyebrows meet. The eyelids are lightly
closed. On each beat of the heart,
mentally hear the sound SAT NAAM.

Practice this for 11 minutes. Slowly increase the time to 31

- 64 -

What It Will Do for You

This meditation gives you the

ability to feel and see your

energy body. It can make you

aware of the potential conscious

use of your electromagnetic field

and of your subtle bodies as well

as your physical body.

How to Do It
Sit with your spine perfectly
. straight. Hold your upper arms
near the sides of the chest. The
forearms are 30 degrees out from
the chest with the palms open and
facing each other. The fingers
are slightly spread and lightly
cupped. Breathe long, deeply,
and slowly. Keep the eyes half·
open and focus between the palms.
As you breathe, feel the energy

flow from one hand to the other.

After a few minutes, you will

begin to see the flow of energy.

Do this for 11 minutes.

- 65 ­

What It Will Do for You

ihi~ meditation is to develoQ
a taste for the experience of
expanded awareness. When you
can sensitize yourself 10 extend
your aura out to link with the
whole team energy, you will know
what is happening to everyone at
once. You will. be able to sense
where they are and what they are
about to do, as well as where
those opposing you are. In other
words, you will be able to sense
the energy flow in any situation.

How to Do It
First exercise vigorously with
yoga or some other warm-up series
which includes breathing. Then
sit with a straight spine. Lock
the first fingertip on the tip
of the thumb (gyan mudra). Close
the eyelids 9/10 shut. Let your
eyes look down. Concentrate
mentally at the point where the
top of the nose meets the eye­
brows (the third eye point).
Keeping the spine straight, start
releasing all the tension from the
spine outward. Let each segment
of the spine release and each area
of the body relax. It will take
about 11 minutes for this.
In the second 11 minutes, all your
intuitional capacities will be
This meditation was taught by Yogi Bhajan in Vancouver B.C. to
Canada's Olympic swimming team.

- 66 ­

What It Will Do for You

To develop sensitivity to energy flow safely so that the awareness
is stable and well integrated into the personality, the navel
center must be ~trong. There are many areas of energy concen­
tration in the aura. Each area coordinates different physical
and mental functions. The most important for the physically
demanding situation is the chakra or center near the bellybutton.
This cortex of energy has energy channels which spread out to
every area of both bodies. It is the coordinating point for over
72,000 main energy channels. A person with a strong navel point
_will have endurance, strong will, and a well-balanced physical
The following will show you the large amount of reserve energy
stored and regulated at the navel point. It will make you feel_
several pounds lighter, and increase your energy proportionately.

How to Do It
Walk up and down a flight of stairs and see how heavy you feel.
Then with an erect spine, take long deep breaths for 3 minutes
while concentrating at the navel point. After this navel
breathing, try the stairs again. You will feel as if you have
lost several pounds of weight.

- 67 ­

What It Will Do for You

On a number of occasions, Yogi
8hajan has taught the mantra GUROO
GUROO with varying postures and
mudras. Chanting this mantra brings
protection and allows you to escape
extreme danger.
Yogi Bhajan once told a story of how
a group of people who were under
attack chanted this mantra and were
lifted out of danger. The mantra
brings a very protective aura, and
strengthens your ability to keep
your presence of mind and inner
integrity to make correct choices
under stress.

How to Do It
Sit in easy pose with the forefingers
curled so that 'the fingers touch the
pads of the palms. The thumb is held
~traight at a 45 degree angle with
the hand. Bring the hands to ear
level, arms res~ing at a comfortable
angle. Keeping the thumbs at a 45 0
angle to.the hand, pivot the thumbs
out until they point forward and up away from you.
The palms also face away from you.
The eyes gaze past the tip of the nose. Inhale deeply; on the
exhale chant five times the following mantra: GUROO GUROO WAHAY
Continue for 31 minutes.

- 68 ­

What It Will Do for You

The healing ring can be used to generate and direct tremendous
healing energf towards any person -- a member of the circle,
someone at a ar distance, or someone located in the center
of the circle. The participants should focus their minds to
listen, and let themselves be filled with the sound, acutely
tuning in to the call, and then answering.
How to Do It
Eleven or more persons sit in any comfortable, crosslegged
position with straight spines and form a circle. All parti­
cipants hold hands with the persons sitting next to them, to
form an unbroken circle. The eyes are closed.
One person begins by sweetly and powerfully calling WAAHAY
GUROO in a monotone. WAA and HAY each have one beat, and
GUROO has two beats. Once this mantra has been called out,
the other members of the circle answer with WAAHAY GUROO,
chanting as described above. The caller then says SAT NAAM
softly, and the person sitting to the left of the caller
becomes the next caller, who then calls out WAAHAY GUROO.
The others answer WAAHAY GUROO; the caller says SAT NAAM;
and the next person to the left becomes the caller, with the
chant continuing in a clockwise direction around the circle.
Inhale as the mantra is being chanted by a caller; exhale as
you chant the mantra in response. This should be practiced
at least 11 minutes, and preferably 31 minutes. .
** Note: This meditation is only to be done on the days of the
full moon, new moon, and eleventh day of the new moon, with
a minimum of eleven people. During the meditation, the ring
must never be broken for any reason.

- 69 ­

AGNI -- sun or fire energy regulated by the right nostril. A

person with sun energy is energetic, expressive, extroverted,
and enthusiastic. Breathing through the right nostril gives
you an alert, focused mind.
AURA -- energy emanations from the body including light, heat,
sound, electromagnetic vibrations, emotions, and general health.
AUTONOMIC. NERVOUS SYSTEM -- acts upon smooth muscles and heart
muscles and the glands and governs such involuntary actions as
SHANDS locks (conscious muscular contractions of various chakras)
used to pull energy up the spine.
CHAKRAS -- seven nerve centers along the spine. Their projected
centers of consciousness are:
FIRST or MULADHARA chakra is the rectum.
SECOND or SVADHISHTANA chakra corresponds to the sex organs. It
controls and transmutes sex energy.
THIRD or MANIPURA chakra corresponds to the navel.point. This
is the place from which the 72,000 nerves of the body emanate.
FOURTH or ANAHATA chakra, also known as the HEART CENTER, is
located at the midpoint between the two nipples. It affects
the heart and circulation and imparts B sense of equality,
service and the capability to give compassion and true love.
FIFTH or VISHUDDHA chakra, where the nipples and throat form a
triangle, imparts knowledge. Also known as the THROAT CENTER.
SIXTH or AJNA chakra (THIRD-EYE POINT) is the area between the
eyebrows and slightly above them. Corresponds to the pituitary
gland. Imparts intuition.
SEVENTH or SAHASHRARA chakra, also known as the CROWN CHAKRA or
SOLAR CENTER, is located at the top of the head. It corresponds
to the pineal gland. Im~arts extreme humility, universal
consciousness, the ability to go beyond pleasure and pain.
CIRCUMVENT FORCE -- formed by the magnetic field, the circumvent
force is the protective force of the body. A person with a strong
circumvent force will be less prone to illness, negativity and

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DIAPHRAGM -- a circular barrier of muscular tissue separating the

lung cavity from the abdominal .cavity.

EASY POSE -- sit in a comfortable crosslegged position with a straight

spine (sukhasan).
is His Name; He is the Creator; the Fearless; Without Enmity; Im­
mortal; the Unborn; Self-Illuminated; by the Grace of the Guru;
Recite: True in the beginning; True throughout all the ages; True
at present; Nanak, True He shall ever be.
ELEMENTS -- There are five elements: earth, water, fire, air and

ether. These correspond to the first through the fifth chakras,

respecti vel y.

FINGERS -- each of the fingers has a special name in yogic practice

and is associated with a special effect or ability. The THUMB,

also known as dragon's head and dragon's tail, is associated with

ego. The INDEX or JUPITER finger corresponds to knowledge or

wisdom. The MIDDLE (SATURN) finger is associated with emotional

control and patience. The RING (SUN) finger represents vitality,

health and life energy. The LITTLE (MERCURY) finger involves the

ability to communicate.


AKAAMAY (the Guru Gaitri Mantra) -- Sustainer, Liberator, En­

lightener, Infinite, Destroyer, Creator, Nameless, Desireless.

GYAN MUDRA -- finger position which brings wisdom or knowledge.

There are two forms: For RECEPTIVE GYAN MUDRA, put the tip of the
thumb together with the tip of the index finger. The other fingers
are extended and joined. For ACTIVE GYAN MUDRA, bend the index
finger under the thumb so the fingernail is on the second joint
of the thumb.
HAREE HAR (8 times) -- HAREE, HAR: names for God in his creative aspect.
KRIYA -- technique used in Kundalini Yoga to produce an altered

state of consciousness. It can be a meditation, an exercise,

or both. "Kriya" means "completed action."

KUNDALINI -- latent natural energy within each individual.

KUNDALINI YOGA -- the yoga of awareness, a technique to awaken

the creative potential in a person. It has been kept secret

until brought to the West by Yogi Bhajan in 1969.

LIFE NERVE (SCIATIC NERVE) -- the longest nerve system in the body.

It extends from the pituitary down the spine, branching in the

pelvis to go down each leg and ending in the big toe. The SCIATIC

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NERVE is that branch of the system which starts at the lower back
and extends down the outside of the thighs to the feet.
MAGNETIC FIELD -­ the electrically charged field which surrounds a
person. A perso n with a strong magnetic field will be a strong,
magnetic person.
MANTRA -- mind projection: a technical device for regulating the
mind. The words of each mantra have a particular quality, rhythm,
and effect.
MERIDIAN -- an imaginary line connecting nerve centers of the body.
In accupressure, various pressure points are located along the
body's meridians.
MOOL 8HAND (ROOT LOCK) -- applied by contracting the muscles of the
rectum and sex organs and drawing them up towards the navel point.
MUDRA'-- hand position relating to energy flow of a particular
ONG -- God as the Creator in manifestation and activity. In contrast,
the mantra OM denotes God in His absolute or unmanifested state.
PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM -- the part of the autonomic nervou~
system that induces secretion, increases smooth muscle tone, and
dilates blood vessels.
PINEAL GLAND -- a small hormone-producing appendage of the brain.
Medical books say its function is unknown. In ancient times,
this gland was called the "seat of the soul." It lies deep in
the center of the skull, like a small inverted mushroom 8 mm long.
Recent research shows that it is an active secreting gland, and
that sunlight is necessary for its proper functioning. The gland
provides a natural time-keeping mechanism that enables animals to
maintain precise rhythm. Natural light, as well as music and color,
activate the gland. It also has a tranqUilizing effect associated
with homeostatic equilibrium. The pineal gland ~orresponds to the
crown chakra at the tap of the head, also known as the seventh
chakra, the gateway to perfect peace and harmony in universal
PITUITARY GLAND -- master gland which controls the whole endocrine
system. This small oval organ of the brain produces various inter­
nal secretions directly or indirectly affecting most basic body
functions. The pituitary gland is just behind the third-eye point.
-- PRAANAA is life force; APANAA is eliminative force; SHUSHMNAA
is the central channel, of energy in the spine; HAREE and HAR are
names for God relating to the aspect of creativity.
PRANA -- life force carried by the breath.
PRANAYAMA -- science of breathing
PRANIC BODY -- one of the ten interdependent bodies of which we are
composed: physical, pranic body (creativity, intelligence and
intuition), subtle (judgment), mental negative (self-defense),
mental positive (to penetrate through odds), mental basic (ability
to be compassionately and fearlessly loving), spiritual, radiant
(associated with the hair), arc line, and auric.
RAA MA DAA SA, SAA SAY SO HUNG (the Siri Gaitri Mantra) -- I am
that balance between sun and moon, earth and ether. RAA means
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sun, MA moon, DAA earth, SA infinity, SAY that totality of infinity
is Thou, SO HUNG I am Thou.
SAA TAA NAA MAA (the Panj Shabad) the bij or seed mantra SAT NAAM

broken down to its nuclear form of five primal sounds: S,T,N,M and

A. SAA means infinity; TAA birth; NAA death and MAA rebirth. The
totality includes both finite and infinite.
SAT NAAM (a bij or seed mantra) -- Truth is the Name of God, Truth
is the Identity or "Name."
SEETALI -- cool or moon energy regulated by the left nostril.

B~eathing through the left nostril is relaxing and soothing and

expands the mind.

SIOOHI -- yogic powe~ such as the ability to manifest objects.


SOLAR PLEXUS -- a nerve network in the abdomen. See also CHAKRAS.


THALAMUS -- the largest subdivision of the posterior portion of

the forebrain.
TANTRA -- the union of the male and female principles of the
universe. This is not sex; i t is a cosmic science. White Tantric
Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan clears the subconscious of its
garbage, enabling clear, harmonious communication to take place.
THYROID GLAND -- located at the base of the neck, this gland produces
a hormone that affects growth, development, metabolic rate and
assimilation of proteins.
TOXIN -- a poison taken into the body or produced by body metabolism.
URANUS -- planet which represents speed, truth, understanding and lOVE
·VENUS LOCK -- this mudra, or hand position, channels sexual energy
and balances glands. Interlock the fingers, left little finger
on the outside of the hand. Men should have the right thumb on
the outside of the hand, and women should have the left thumb on
the outside. The outside thumb should press down firmly on the
pad below the inside thumb. The inside thumb should press into
the webbing ~etween the fore-finger and thumb of the opposite hand.

Venus lock (for

women). For men,
the thumbs are

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