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1. Circle the correct past participle of the word rise.

a. rose
b. rises
c. rise
d. risen

2. Complete the closed question by choosing a correct beginning.

_______________ feeling better today?

a. Do you
b. Where
c. What
d. Are you

3. One of the reasons for the usage of technical vocabulary is

a. it is accurate and exact in its meaning

b. it is accurate and not exact in its meaning
c. it is not accurate but exact in its meaning
d. it gives less information

4. Substitute the word “warm buildings” with the technical word from the below options

a. blue house
b. red house
c. green house
d. none of the above

5. What does the word “biopic” mean?

a. a film about the geographical features of the earth.

b. a film about the life of a person
c. a film about the life of the living species
d. a humorous film for entertainment
6. Give one word for a complete disaster or failure.

a. blessing
b. success
c. fiasco
d. advantage

7. Circle the synonym of difficult.

a. easy
b. effortless
c. tricky
d. smooth

8. Circle the correct spelling

a. sieze
b. seize
c. cieze
d. ceize

9. If I do not get this job, I will start a business

a. compound sentence
b. subordinate clause
c. complex sentence
d. simple sentence

10. While writing an article or a letter the last step is __________________

a. editing
b. proofreading
c. planning
d. writing
11. Circle the past form of study

a. studied
b. studyed
c. studiied
d. study

12. Identify the type of question

“Can I help you?”

a. open
b. closed
c. rhetorical
d. leading

13. Identify the type of question

“Why do so many people distrust robots?”

a. leading
b. open
c. closed
d. rhetorical

14. Choose the correct answer

________________ exactly happened?

a. How
b. When
c. What
d. Why
15. Circle the meaning of “herbicide”

a. a substance used to destroy unwanted vegetation

b. a substance used to increase the vegetation
c. a substance which does not help in the growth of the plants
d. none of the above

Read the following poem carefully. Select the correct answer for each question given below:

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats once high o’er vales and hills

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host of golden daffodils,

Beside the lake beneath the tree,

Fluttering as the stars that shine.

And twinkle on the milky way,

They strech’d in never – ending line.

Along the margin of the bay,

Ten thousand saw I at glance

Tossing their heads in spiritly dance.

16. What flowers did the poet see?

a. lotus
b. lilies
c. daffodils
d. roses

17. What colour were the flowers?

a. purple
b. yellow
c. red
d. white
18. What were the flowers beside?

a. lake
b. trees
c. hills
d. milky way

19. What does the poet compare himself to?

a. breeze
b. bay
c. milky way
d. a cloud

20. What were the flowers tossing?

a. hair
b. leaves
c. heads
d. hands

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