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1.Politic about ahok want to be a politician again,after get out from the jail.

Government side :

Basuki Tjahja Purnama is a good guy.When i heard he get in to the jail or imprison in Rutan
Makobrimob,Depok on 9th of May 2017,I really really sad and feel it is unfair.The people just do not
get his point on his speech 26th September 2017 in Kepulauan seribu,Jakarta.He was imprisoned for
2 years in jail.But FYI,Actually he was imprisoned for 2 years.But,because there is remisssion for him
to ease/lighten up his punishment.And Finally the period of his punishment decrease and become
1year 8 months 15 days or about 620 days.

Basuki Tjahja Purnama A.K.A ahok is a nice person,a good politician.And he is one of most non-
muslim politician that can be rise up until now.On

Opposite : Basuki Tjahja Purnama A.K.A Ahok,just get out from the jail at 24 January 2019.There is a
rumor about he will be back to politic fields.dissagree if ahok joining / back to be a politician in our
country.There are a lot of contra in social people.Based on,Hamdali Anton said
there are 3 reasons that cause him (ahok or BTP,he want us to call him BTP,not ahok anymore) can't
“come back” to politic fields.

1.His fault in the past

As we know there are issues about his visit to Kepulauan Seribu,Jakarta at 27th of September 2016
when He held a dialog to the local people.

Accidentally,he put an ayat of alquran in his speech.and the society get miss communication about
this problem.even though ahok doesn't mean it truly.

Because of that,people untrust and have a bad perception on him.And im sure they will be a riot if
he back to politic.

2.Hamdali Said that BTP is usually cant control his behavior especially when he speak to the

I dont said ahok is a bad guy.. everyone also have strength and weakness.Not all of his words is
bad.There are also positive mean in his words.

But the society believe, although he was imprisoned for a long time,it will not change his
behavior.He will be the same ahok as usual.So,if he want to be a politician again..he needs time to fix
his attitude when speak in front of media first.

3.the background of ahok family

As we know he was divorce with his wife at april 4th 2018.there are a lot rumor about his family.

Based on that fact,we can say that he was fail on his marriage

If he fail on leading his family ,how he can guarantee that he can lead politician business in indonesia

The people will lose their trust to ahok because his failure on lead his family.
2.Ban unhealthy food advertising

Pro : Nowaday,there are such kind of advertising,like banner,reklame,poster and advertise in tv also
social media.Most people now using social media and less of them watching tv.There is no limitation
in social media.Every kind of food can be advertise in social media, especially unhealthy food .For
example like a selebgram for who recommend such of product or we call it "endorse".

Like i said,most people now using social media,and teenager either.If them watch/ see the endorse
of the unhealthy food product,it will influence them and make them want to eat the unhealthy food
that was endorsed by the selebgram.

We know that unhealthy food is bad for our body.Once you taste the unhealthy food,you will never
stop consume it.Because, most of all unhealthy food contains a lot of seasoning which is delicious
but not healthy of course.

There is a survey about showing unhealthy food (in that case i mean is unhealthy snack).There are
two groups of kids.We show a unhealthy Snack advertisement to one of them,and the another is
not.The result is,the group that saw the unhealthy snack advertisement will eat a lot more snack
after exit from the room than the group that not saw the advertisement.And from the survey we can
conclude that showing unhealthy can change their eating behavior.

Actually,the definition of unhealthy food is still debatable and subjective.There is no exact statement
about it.So we definite that unhealthy food is such kind food contains a lot of artificial seasoning.In
this era,globalitation era,modern era,why we need to buy an unhealthy food if we can buy the
healthy one.For you like burger ?,burger is include or go in unhealthy food
category.Why ? Because there are o lot of seasoning contains in the meat of burger.Whereas,the
tastiest part of burger is the meat.Can you imagine you were bought a burger without the meat
inside the burger.I think we dont want to eat that haha.

If thats the problem in your mind,well i have the solution.Based on,There is a

unique burger which call “impossible burger” in America. It looks like common burger,but the meat
in the burger is not made of meat from animals.The meat is organic and made of Re-Genetik cell of
such kind of plant.By the way,there are two version of impossible burger (i mean 1.0 and 2.0),the
meat in the first version is made of wheat proteins and the second version is made of the
combination between soybean and potato proteins,and it sells well in America.I think this is a good
reason to not buy an unhealthy food.If you were a vegetarian,you must try this burger.After
all,eating unhealthy food is bad for us, especially kids.Like the first/second speaker said When Kids
consumen it frequently. Its can lead them to illnes like obesity. Obesity can lead us into another ill.
Junk food contain flavoring, coloring, and artificial sugar that lead them into obesity. Not only that,
obesity also have Chance to have heart attack and asthma.

Kontra : We dissagree if the unhealthy food advertisement was banned.but we agree about the
limitation of advertise the unhealthy food.There are a lot of bad effect of ban the unhealthy food
advertisement.Like the first and second speaker said,from economical side,it will disavantage the
producer of the product and also the company that advertise the product. Actually,the definition of
unhealthy food is still debatable and subjective.There is no exact statement about it.So we definite
that unhealthy food is such kind food contains a lot of artificial seasoning.

Usually,most of all unhealthy food is low cost,it is cheap.I dont say all of cheap/low cost food is an
unhealthy food.Why ?, because to make a healthy food is need more funds,more money,we need a
lot of money to make it.For example,do you know an “Impossible Burger” ?.It looks like common
burger,but the meat in the burger is not made of meat from animals.The meat is organic and made
of Re-Genetik cell of such kind of plant.By the way,there are two version of impossible burger (i
mean 1.0 and 2.0),the meat in the first version is made of wheat proteins and the second version is
made of the combination between soybean and potato proteins.This burger has been sold in
america.And do you know how much it cost ?.Its about 13,5 $ or about 191 thousand rupiahs per
impossible burger.Its about 4× times more expensive than the usual burger,which the usual burger
cost is only 3,5$ or about 49 thousand rupiahs.From that fact,we cand say that to make a healthy
food is need more funds,it needs a lot of money to make it.And if we change our orientation to our
country,Indonesia we know that price is too much high,it is too expensive for our people.The
question is,are they ready to buy it ?.Because the rate of poverty in Indonesia is quite high.Im sure
they will not buy it and will buy a burger with the real meat which is cheaper than the organic one.

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