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John Coppola

Teaching Philosophy

In my teaching, I strive for academic integrity among all of my students. I also encourage

my students to go above and beyond expectations in all skills, knowledge and attitudes related to

physical education. All three domains will be covered, and students will be expected to achieve

their own individual goals in each domain to the best of their own abilities.

As a teacher, I will strive to push all my students to the best that each individual is

capable of. I would like to be able to focus on each individual in each class so I can understand

their skill levels and proceed with adaptations or modifications in my lessons from there. In

terms of the learning environment, I will ensure that my classroom is a safe and inclusive

environment for all students. Everyone will be able to participate in each activity without feeling

discriminated against, judged, unsafe, etc. I also will be conducting assessments throughout the

school year for each unit taught in class. Assessment is one of my main focuses as a teacher. I

believe that there is nothing more important than knowing the skill levels and cognitive levels of

your own students. If I am able to assess constantly throughout the school year, I will be able to

properly help any individual who requires aid. This is one of my main goals, as I will be able to

plan properly and make any adaptation or modification needed for a lesson.

I will also include each standard, both from New York State and the National Standards,

in my teaching. This directly relates to including grade-level outcomes into my lesson plans, and

I will strive to make sure each of these outcomes are met for whichever grade-level I am

teaching. As a physical educator, I have learned these outcomes front and back, and I will

incorporate them into my everyday teaching. Students will learn fundamental motor skills, and as

they get older they will continue on with those same skills and advance them in a variety of
ways. In elementary school, the basic locomotor and manipulative skills will be taught, and

students will be able to build on that as they get to middle school. Once there, they will be able to

apply those skills into team sports, such as basketball, football, baseball, etc. The movement

concepts and affective skills they learned at a young age will be able to thrive once at this level.

At the high school level, students will get into even more advanced lifetime activities, such as

racquet activities, golf, and archery. My goal is to develop my students from a young age so they

can continuously build off the skills they learned in elementary school.

I will also strive for my classroom to be as inclusive to all backgrounds, identities, and

experience. I pledge to never leave a student excluded from any activity, and will always listen

and be open to diverse opinions of my students. There will be many different learning styles

among students, so finding the best teaching styles for each class is very important to me. When

in group activities, the groups themselves will be thought out beforehand, and made so every

group is evenly skilled. Inclusion is extremely important to me, and I believe every student has

the right to be a participant right alongside their peers in every activity.

I have wanted to become a physical education teacher for a long time now, and I take my

teaching very seriously. I believe that every student should be able to participate in physical

education, as it is crucial for their development as young students. The skills and knowledge that

will be taught within my classroom can be used for a lifetime, and I believe that’s a very

important aspect of learning. I will strive everyday to create a positive learning environment for

all students that come through my doors, because it’s what every student deserves.

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