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Task 1.


1. b)
2. a)
3. d)
4. c)


1. c)
2. a)
3. b)
4 d)

1. c)
2. d)
3 b)
4 a)

1. d)
2. b)
3. a)
4. c)
1. d)
2. a)
3. c)
4. b)

Task 2.

1. study
a) He enrolled in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities to study German language
and literature. - Upisao je Fakultet za društvene i humanističke znanosti kako bi studirao
njemački jezik i književnost.
b) I usually study in the evening or on the weekend. - Obično učim navečer ili vikendom.
c) I enjoy reading in my study. - Uživam čitati u svojoj radnoj sobi.
d) As part of her research, she has to study microorganisms. - Kao dio svog istraživanja, ona
mora proučavati mikroorganizme.

a) study – (studirati) – (verb – glagol)

b) study – (učiti navečer ili vikendom) – (verb – glagol)
c) study – (radna soba – (workroom) (noun - imenica)
d) study – (proučavati) – (verb – glagol)

2. object
a) Metal objects were detected by the scanner. - Skener je otkrio metalne predmete.
b) He objects to the introduction of the tuition fee for all students. - Prigovara uvođenju
školarine za sve studente.

a) objects – (noun - imenica)

b) objects – (verb - glagol)
3. objective

a) Teachers and professors should apply objective criteria when grading students. -
Nastavnici i profesori trebali bi primjenjivati objektivne kriterije prilikom
ocjenjivanja učenika.

b) Stay focused in order to reach your objective. - Ostanite koncentrirani kako biste
postigli svoj cilj.

a) objective – (adjective – pridjev)

b) objective – (noun – imenica)

4. diet
a) The traditional Mediterranean diet is rich in fish and vegetables. - Tradicionalna
mediteranska prehrana bogata je ribom i povrćem
b) He decided to go on a diet in order to lose weight. - Odlučio je na dijetu kako bi smršavio.

a) diet – (noun – imenica)

b) diet – (noun – imenica) (diet – dietary)

5. fine
a) He got a fine for speeding. - Dobio je kaznu za prebrzu vožnju
b) She did not feel fine when she got up this morning. - Nije se osjećala dobro kad je jutros
c) Anyone breaking the rules will be fined. - Svatko tko prekrši pravila bit će kažnjen.

a) fine – (noun – imenica)

b) fine – (adjective – pridjev)
c) fine – (verb - glagol)
6. refuse
a) Refuse is usually collected on Mondays. - Otpad (smeće) se obično prikuplja
b) They never refuse to help us. - Nikad nam ne odbijaju pomoći.

a) Refuse – (noun – imenica)

b) refuse – (verb - glagol)

Task 3.

1. Our professors at the Faculty of Croatian Studies want to be addressed as their

appropriate title and last name...

2. A well-balanced diet gives your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly...
3. My main long-term objective is to obtain at least a masteral degree...
4. When teachers and professors are not objective, we should talk to them about it...
5. I frequently have to pay a fine for my monthly bill...
6. Visuals in presentations can help you explain information more coherently which makes
presenting easier for you and learning easier for the audience...

7. When I commit an error, I admit it and correct it...

Task 4.

1. foster – ( encourage or promote) (poticati ili promovirati), (foster – adopt,cultivate-

2. claim – ( reclamation, accusation) (reklamacija, optužba), (request, or assertion) (zahtjev,
ili tvrdnja)
3. account – ( report, statement, assesment, importance) (izvještaj, izjava/iskaz, procjena,
važnost ili značaj), explain, justify (objasniti ili opravdati).
4. master – (maestro, magistar, lord, original, teacher, expert, main (majstor, magistar,
gospodar, original, učitelj, stručnjak, glavni), (overmaster, overcome, win, subdue, learn)
(ovladati, savladati, pobijediti, podčiniti, učiti).

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