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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

ISSN 0077-8923

Special Issue: Health Neuroscience

The neurobiology of interoception in health and disease

Lisa Quadt, Hugo D. Critchley,1,2 and Sarah N. Garfinkel1,2
Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS), Trafford Centre University of
Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom. 2 Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science, University of Sussex, Brighton, United

Address for correspondence: Lisa Quadt, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
(BSMS), Trafford Centre, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RY, UK.

Interoception is the sensing of internal bodily sensations. Interoception is an umbrella term that encompasses (1) the
afferent (body-to-brain) signaling through distinct neural and humoral (including immune and endocrine) channels;
(2) the neural encoding, representation, and integration of this information concerning internal bodily state; (3) the
influence of such information on other perceptions, cognitions, and behaviors; (4) and the psychological expression
of these representations as consciously accessible physical sensations and feelings. Interoceptive mechanisms ensure
physiological health through the cerebral coordination of homeostatic reflexes and allostatic responses that include
motivational behaviors and associated affective and emotional feelings. Furthermore, the conscious, unitary sense
of self in time and space may be grounded in the primacy and lifelong continuity of interoception. Body-to-brain
interactions influence physical and mental well-being. Consequently, we show that systematic investigation of how
individual differences, and within-individual changes, in interoceptive processing can contribute to the mechanistic
understanding of physical and psychological disorders. We present a neurobiological overview of interoception and
describe how interoceptive impairments at different levels relate to specific physical and mental health conditions,
including sickness behaviors and fatigue, depression, eating disorders, autism, and anxiety. We frame these findings
in an interoceptive predictive processing framework and highlight potential new avenues for treatments.

Keywords: interoception; health; mental health; predictive processing; autism; anxiety; depression; eating disorders

Introduction environment and its relation to it. Interoceptive

information is communicated through a set of
A fundamental responsibility of the brain is to keep
distinct neural and humoral (i.e., blood-borne)
itself, with the rest of the body, alive. The brain
pathways with different modes of signaling, which
coordinates the regulation of vital inner processes,
the brain represents, integrates, and prioritizes.
including blood pressure, digestion, and breathing,
How these central representations of the inner body
by flexibly reacting to external and internal changes.
are generated and interact is an important focus
Interoception refers to the sensing of the internal
of interoception research, not least because of the
state of the body,1 providing the afferent channel
implications for a range of cognitive and behav-
of the interplay between body and brain that allows
ioral processes and disorders. A comprehensive
homeostasis (i.e., maintenance of physiological
understanding of cognition, emotion, and overall
stability) through covert reflexes (e.g., baroreflex),
well-being must incorporate an understanding of
motivational drivers (e.g., hunger and thirst), and
interoception. The same questions are conse-
explicit bodily sensations (e.g., breathlessness,
quently integral to the field of health neuroscience.3
bladder distension, or gastric pain). Interoception
Interoceptive processing has a key role in health and
is differentiated by this inward bodily focus from
disease, and research is systematically delineating
exteroceptive senses (e.g., vision and audition)2 that
the ways in which brain–body relations can alter a
process information about the outer world, and
person’s well-being.
more proximate senses (e.g., proprioception, touch,
Interoception involves a relatively restricted set
and taste) that use the body to describe the external
of classes and channels of information (e.g.,
doi: 10.1111/nyas.13915
112 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1428 (2018) 112–128 
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cardiovascular, gastric, and respiratory).These dif- single term generalizes communication through
fer with respect to the generation of the signal multiple distinct physical axes, and representations
(organ stretching, mechanoreceptive, and chemore- that unfold at different anatomical and psycholog-
ception) and their afferent pathway (neural and ical levels, on different timescales. Interoception is
humoral).4 Complexity within interoceptive signal- a concept that implicitly suggests the integration
ing arises more from the need to parse and integrate of different types of sensory information. How-
information originating from multiple organs and ever, inconsistency within the physiological and
across wide temporal domains than from the need psychological literature regarding the definition of
to differentiate, uniquely characterize, and encode interoception, and use of terms such as interocep-
complex novel stimuli (even in the generalization tive awareness, led to proposed dimensional frame-
of immunological responses). Nevertheless, con- works for understanding and studying this set of
tinuous, dynamic, and diverse information about senses.10,11 Within such a framework, interoception
internal bodily function is integrated within shared can be described from the physical responses in body
neural substrates supporting distributed intero- and brain representation up to (and beyond) inte-
ceptive representations and associated experiences roceptive metacognitive (i.e., available for explicit
(feeling states). Together, these shape the generative awareness and reflection) insight and conscious
(autonomic or hormonal) control of bodily states awareness.
and steer adaptive behaviors (e.g., a drop in blood The first dimension of interoception refers to the
sugar levels leads to foraging). afferent, interoceptive signal that is communicated
One theoretical framework to frame the dynam- to the brain from one or more internal organs,
ics and dimensions of interoception is predictive pro- which can be measured, for example, by evoked
cessing (PP).5–7 PP is a hitherto mainly hypothetical changes in central neural activity, for example, as a
model (with growing evidence) of neural function change in neuroimaging signal or heartbeat evoked
that assumes a functional and cortical hierarchy, potential (HEP).12 HEPs refer to a change in neural
where models about incoming signals are gener- activity (measured using magnetoencephalography,
ated, compared with, and lastly improved by, actual electroencephalography, or intracranial neural
sensory input. Originally developed as a princi- recordings) that occurs after a heartbeat. Interest-
ple for exteroception (e.g., vision), PP was recently ingly, HEP amplitude typically correlates with the
applied to interoception (interoceptive predictive ability of an individual to detect and report their
processing; IPP).2,8,9 IPP describes the hierarchical heartbeats.13
processing schemes that may underlie brain–body The second dimension reflects the impact of vis-
interaction. For IPP, where informational parame- ceral afferent signals on other forms of central sen-
ters are arguably more restricted, yet under more sory or cognitive processing and behaviors. This
direct neural control, the cerebral cortex might level does not necessitate (or preclude) perceptual
dominate only at higher order representational awareness (i.e., consciousness) of the interoceptive
levels. signal or other processes. Illustrations of this inte-
In this article, we review the dimensional nature roceptive dimension are found, for example, in car-
of interoception, approaches to their quantifica- diac timing experiments where afferent heartbeat
tion, discuss the neurobiological basis of interocep- signals affect decisions, emotional processing, and
tion, and how these findings can be framed within memory.14–16
IPP. We offer our perspective on the implications Three “psychological” dimensions refer more
for both physical and mental health, and scruti- directly to the perception of interoceptive signals:
nize the contributing role of interoception to dif- interoceptive accuracy, sensibility, and awareness.10
ferent health conditions. Finally, we suggest how These dimensions developed from the use of tests of
interoception research can further enhance health interoceptive sensitivity/ability, such as heartbeat-
neuroscience. detection tasks.a These tasks are designed to rate
Dimensions of interoception
Interoception is defined by both its origin within, a
Classic methods to assess interoceptive accuracy include
and reference to, the inner state of the body. This heartbeat tracking17 and heartbeat-discrimination

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individual differences in the ability to sense internal subjective and objective rating can diverge, a level of
bodily signals, which might account for variation conscious insight can be calculated: Metacognitive
in emotional temperament or psychosomatic interoceptive awareness expresses this insight into
vulnerability.33 Typically, an interoceptive task interoceptive performance aptitude and is derived
requires a participant, at rest (i.e., usually sitting from confidence–accuracy correspondence.10 This
or lying down in a laboratory setting), to report metacognitive dimension of interoception is a most
“felt” interoceptive sensations (e.g., the timing appropriate use of the word “awareness” in the
of a heartbeat): Interoceptive accuracy refers to context of interoception.
objective performance on such behavioral tests, for A further “executive” dimension on this intero-
example, how accurately they perform a heartbeat- ceptive dimensional framework attempts to capture
tracking task.17 Next, interoceptive sensibility the degree to which an individual is able to flex-
describes subjective belief about one’s own ability ibly attend to, and utilize, interoceptive informa-
to consciously perceive bodily signals, ascertained tion or can adaptively switch between interoceptive
via self-report measures, such as questionnaires and exteroceptive representations.11 The conscious
(e.g., body perception questionnaire; BPQ),34 or perception of bodily sensations is an important yet
reflected in their rated confidence in their perfor- broad topic. Most theoretical approaches to intero-
mance accuracy on an interoceptive task. Since ception and consciousness focus on the role of bod-
ily processes for phenomenal selfhood,8,35–37 where
interoceptive events provide a bodily anchor for
tasks.18–20 Indeed, these two tasks are widely and prin- experiences of selfhood.38 A more pressing ques-
cipally used to indicate accuracy, although empirical tion, however, is which circumstances elicit con-
assessments often use only one of the methods as a
scious awareness of internal signals, such as the
sole proxy for interoceptive ability, with the majority of
the current work dependent on the heartbeat-tracking
sudden awareness of heartbeats in fear-related sce-
task.21–24 The two cardiac interoceptive tasks tap into narios. The subjective impression of body percep-
different processes,25 with the tracking task based on the tion and actual accuracy in perceiving interoceptive
sensing of internal physiological information, but also signals can diverge,10 raising the issue of how and
potentially amenable to higher order influences such as when precise bodily signals are consciously repre-
knowledge about heartrate;26 and the discrimination sented.
task requiring coupling information proceeding from
exteroceptive and interoceptive channels.10,27 Both tasks The neurobiology of interoception
share similar and distinct functional architecture.28 Convergent evidence identifies the insular cortex
Beliefs about heartrate have been shown to influence per-
(IC) (Fig. 1) as the brain substrate underpin-
formance on the tracking task, leading some researchers
ning higher order interoceptive representations: for
to question its validity.29 Moreover, performance on
these two cardiac tasks can diverge,30 and the relationship example, the left posterior IC is reliably engaged
between heartbeat perception and other bodily axes when attention is directed to one’s heartbeat, rel-
of interoception, such as respiration and gut, is scarce ative to an exteroceptive focus.39 Also, anterior IC
and inconsistent.25,31,32 Therefore, the generalizability (AIC) activity predicts objective performance accu-
of findings derived from the heartbeat-tracking task is racy on interoceptive tasks. In particular, right AIC
questionable. From an IPP perspective, sensory evidence functional reactivity predicts interoceptive accu-
or predictions related to certain modalities may be racy on a heartbeat discrimination task and its
weighted more heavily than that of other modalities. volume predicts interoceptive sensibility.1 The IC
Conditions in which cardiovascular sensations may be of is buried between the adjacent frontal and tem-
less relevance than sensations from other modalities (e.g.,
poral lobes. The architecture of insula changes
eating disorders) suggest that this may be indeed the case.
(including progressive loss of the granule cell layer)
Thus, the assumption that the heartbeat-tracking task
can serve as a valid proxy and the potential differential from the posterior to AIC, with other subregional
weighing of interoceptive sources needs to be treated with differences in cellular organization. The ICs are
caution. Further research using additional interoceptive bidirectionally connected to the cingulate, pre-
tests, covering a wide range of visceral signals, is needed frontal, parietal, and medial temporal cortices
to comprehensively understand the role of interoception and subcortically to basal ganglia:40 The AIC is
in health and disease. strongly connected with the anterior cingulate

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Figure 1. Diagram of insula connectivity. The insular cortex divides into the posterior (PIC) and anterior (AIC) insula. The
PIC receives afferent input from the thalamus (THAL) and is reciprocally connected with the primary somatosensory cortex
(SI). Within the insula, the PIC projects interoceptive information to the AIC. The AIC strongly connects bidirectionally with
the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), amygdala (AMY), prefrontal cortex (PFC), and the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), forming a
functional network.

cortex (ACC), arguably forming a functional unit motor information. This information reaches the
with the amygdala and ventromedial/orbitofrontal brain through humoral and neural pathways.42
cortex (VMPFC/OFC), to which they are mutu- Microglial transduction pathways additionally
ally linked. The posterior insula (PI) has stronger inform about, and even engage the brain in, inflam-
reciprocal connections to the second somatosensory matory status, where inflammatory mediators lead
cortex, and receives direct afferent input from to waves in microglial activation that is propagated
the interoceptive thalamus (posterior ventromedial across the brain.43 However, the loss of anatomi-
nucleus, which has a lighter corollary projection cal specificity, temporal structure, and perceptual
to the ACC), relaying interoceptive and nocicep- distinctiveness may be obligatory characteristics
tive information. Interoceptive information is pro- of a dynamic higher order integrative interocep-
jected within the PI (i.e., primary viscerosensory tive representation, from which may emerge an
cortex implicated in primary, objective representa- amorphous affective feeling state that is the pre-
tions of bodily signals), and rostrally to the AIC, dictive platform for motivational behavior, emo-
which serves to rerepresent and integrate intero- tional experience, and internal homeostatic control.
ceptive signals with exteroceptive and motivational Hypothetical models of brain function state that
information.41 higher order representations require nonspecificity
The higher order representation of interocep- to enable abstract and future-directed predictions to
tive information within the AIC and its pro- ensure flexible adaptation to potentially disruptive
jection regions underpin consciously accessible events.2
feelings that inform emotions and motivate behav- Nevertheless, well before the IC, conscious access,
iors. This representation also shapes the operational and affective feeling states, afferent viscerosensory
functioning of the brain, as it continuously receives information is processed within subcortical and
and responds to such homeostatic afferent signals. brain stem regions supporting homeostasis (Fig. 2).
An important aspect of this higher order represen- The nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) is the
tation is the integration across distinct categories main region where visceral neural (spinal lami-
of signals that possess distinct temporal response nar 1 and vagus nerve) inputs converge within the
characteristics and encode hormonal, metabolic, brain stem44 and is of critical importance for the
thermal, immunological, nociceptive, and viscero- control of physiological state (e.g., blood pressure

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Figure 2. Schematic depiction of interoceptive brain centers and pathways in the human brain. Schematically depicted are
interoceptive brain centers (A) and viscerosensory pathways (B) in the human brain. The circumventricular organs area postrema
(L), organum vasculosum (C), and subfornical organ (D) provide access to the brain for chemicals circulating in the blood stream.
Visceral afferents (blue arrows) enter the spinal cord (lamina 1) and spinothalamic tract, with outputs in the nucleus of the solitary
tract (NTS; J), parabrachial nucleus (I), and periaqueductal gray (H), terminating in the thalamus (E). Viscerosensory inputs (green
arrows) ascend mainly from the vagus nerve (M) and terminate in the nucleus of the solitary tract (J). The NTS projects to the
ventrolateral medulla (K), parabrachial nucleus (I), periaqueductal gray (H), and the thalamus (E), from where inputs (green and
orange arrows) are relayed to the hypothalamus (F), amygdala (G), insula (B), and the anterior cingulate cortex (A).

control). The NTS consists of a series of purely sen- ther to the hypothalamus and amygdala, and
sory nuclei and is organized viscerotopically, where complement the main viscerosensory thalamo-
neurons that receive input from distinct organs and cortical projection to the IC (and the ACC).47
types of visceral receptor are in close proximity. This Nevertheless, all levels of the neuroaxis represent-
specific organization hints to early integration of ing interoceptive information are implicated in the
viscerosensory signals across related modalities.45 autonomic control of internal physiological state
The NTS projects to the hypothalamus, ventrolat- and processes that shape emotions, feelings, behav-
eral medulla, and parabrachial nucleus, and through ior, and cognition.8,35,41,42,47–49 Ultimately, the inter-
these regions provides a first level of control of hor- play of body and brain depends on bi-directional
monal, immune, and autonomic outputs.46 Chemi- signal messaging, where higher level brain regions
cals circulating in the blood stream access the brain might influence bodily processes in a top-down
via specialist circumventricular organs (the area manner, and afferent signals influence brain pro-
postrema, organum vasculoscum of laminae termi- cesses from the bottom-up. This complex and
nae, and subfornical organ). The humoral infor- dynamic interaction is theoretically captured by an
mation is projected to the hypothalamus and NTS, increasingly prominent framework, PP, or, more
contributing the negative feedback control and specifically, IPP.
cross-modal homeostatic responses mediated
through pituitary hormones and the autonomic Interoceptive predictive processing
nervous system. General predictive processing
The NTS receives from spinal visceral affer- PP5,6 is an algorithmic theory about neural function
ent neurons with cell bodies in the dorsal and cortical organization.b The rationale is that the
root ganglion containing motivational informa- brain only has an approximate access to external
tion from cranial nerves, notably the vagus
nerve. Viscerosensory inputs with cell bodies in
vagus nerve ganglia terminate in the NTS and b
Although PP is praised as a very promising theory6
project onto the pontine parabrachial nucleus that aims to provide a unifying framework for cogni-
and periaqueductal gray before an obligatory tion, action, and perception,5,7 critics voice concerns50
relay within the posterior ventromedial thalamus. about key assumptions of the theory being untested51 or
These prethalamic midbrain pathways project fur- even untestable.52 Most empirical demonstrations of PP

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(e.g., environmental and bodily) states, requiring gain, prediction errors are weighed low or high. Only
it to infer the most probable hidden cause of the error signals that are deemed precise will be prop-
multitude of sensory signals it receives. In order to agated back up and alter predictions.6 According
steer the organism in an adaptive manner, a major to PP, prediction error minimization is the brain’s
goal of brain function is to filter out regularities primary task in efficiently navigating behavior and
on different spatial and temporal scales, and cancel experience.
out noise and irregularities.7 PP suggests that the
neural system achieves this by generating predictive Interoceptive inference
models about the likelihood of incoming signals, Interoceptive inference,2,8 or IPP, takes up the
whose probability is improved by feedback loops general PP framework and applies it to internal
that are driven by the mismatch between signal body–brain interactions. Here, high-level predic-
and prediction (i.e., prediction error). Error signals tions about the internal state of the body are
serve to either update the model, perhaps gener- generated within cortex (AIC is most strongly impli-
ating a perception (i.e., perceptual inference), or cated) within a neural hierarchy, proximately involv-
by eliciting changes in behavior to improve world- ing the PI. Descending predictions are compared
model fit (i.e., active inference).59 External signals against incoming afferents, creating an error sig-
thusly fundamentally alter predictive representa- nal that serves to improve predictions and reduce
tions; causal regularities of brain–external matter subsequent prediction error through both percep-
are “folded into” predictions.53 PP thereby allows tual inference (change in feeling state) and active
for the influence of multiple factors, both from the inference (autonomic and behavioral response). It is
top-down (e.g., environmental, social, cultural, and assumed that these generative predictions cascade to
prior experience) and the bottom-up (e.g., genetic earlier levels of control (including brain stem auto-
dispositions and hormone levels). nomic centers, which operate along similar negative
Although PP integrates these brain–external control feedback principles), ultimately serving to
components into its theoretical horizon, it is mainly keep bodily states within their expected range for
an account of neural function. The basic assumption adaptive behavior, thereby keeping the physiologi-
is that predictive models are generated within corti- cal integrity.
cal hierarchies whose representational array ranges The Embodied Predictive Interoceptive Coding
from highly abstract regularities at higher levels to (EPIC) model2 relates IPP and prediction error min-
concrete sensory signal properties at lower levels. imization more specifically to cortical architecture,
Timescales putatively differ from slow to fast as the offering a hypothetical model of IPP. By analogy
degree of abstraction decreases.60 Along this hierar- to predictive coding within the motor system,61–63
chical organization, generative models travel down- EPIC proposes that interoceptive predictions origi-
ward, carrying predictions about the state of the nate in the deep layers of the agranular (i.e., less lam-
level below, and are met by, and compared with, inar differentiation) visceromotor regions within
signals that are propagated back up to improve pre- the prefrontal (caudal VMPFC/OFC), anterior/mid
dictive power. The result is a dynamic and flexible cingulate cortices, and AIC. Back-projecting pre-
cascade of top-down and bottom-up information dictions are deemed to terminate within the super-
canceling out prediction error. PP states that preci- ficial layers of dysgranular and granular cortical
sion estimations of error signals (i.e., the probabil- columns, where they alter an ongoing pattern of
ity of carrying valid signals with little noise) factor activity by changing the firing range of neurons in
in this process. By reducing or increasing synaptic anticipation of viscerosensory input. These intero-
ceptive inputs ascend from the NTS, parabrachial
nucleus, via the thalamus to primary dysgranular
in the brain remain indirect53 and appear in the form and granular regions of the mid- and posterior
of, for example, computational simulations54,55 or repeti- IC.64 Therefore, it is assumed that cortical predic-
tion suppression effects.56 However, new evidence keeps tion errors (i.e., difference between predicted and
accumulating.39,57,58 In this paper, PP is treated as a model actual signal) are computed. The resulting predic-
of neural functioning, parts of which are rather specula- tion error signal is then projected onto the deep lay-
tive, or are inferred from existing evidence. ers of the agranular visceromotor cortices, where the

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prediction originated.c At this point, the error sig- to provide an embodied representational context
nal can trigger the generation of new descending for perception, cognition, and action. This way,
predictions that are ultimately expressed as the interoceptive representations modulate responses
autonomic/visceromotor outputs. This process is across the brain, which serves as a reference
interoceptive active inference minimizing future for exteroceptive process and enables a dynamic
prediction error through generating interoceptive multisensory representation of the body in its
inputs that confirm predictions. Alternatively, the environment. Interoceptive predictions may thusly
error may trigger a reduction of further signal sam- determine behavioral and perceptual patterns
pling to reduce subsequent prediction error (affect- steered toward enabling and maintaining overall
ing feeling state). Lastly, another option is that the integrity. The agranular cortices, the putative ori-
error signal adjusts the precision of prediction units gin of interoceptive predictions, are likely less con-
within the visceromotor cortices thereby modu- strained by incoming signals from the body.2 This
lating sensory sampling and viscerosensory input in turn may permit abstract and future-oriented
through adjusting the gain on the thalamo–cortical predictions, enabling the system to flexibly adapt
communication. to and anticipate ever-changing demands (allosta-
The EPIC model of IPP also suggests, in line sis), instead of merely maintaining fixed set points
with the general principle of PP, that interocep- in a reactive manner (homeostasis). IPP therefore
tive sensations are largely driven by predictions. encapsulates the flexible interplay between top-
This means that the perception of bodily signals down and bottom-up processes that supports a sta-
is weighed toward mostly top-down, rather than ble, yet dynamic, internal environment.
bottom-up, cortical processes. The perception of In a healthy brain, predictions are informed by
bodily sensations is thus determined by predictions prior experience, situational context and state of
that are informed by prior experience and kept in the system, the comparison between prediction and
check by actual bodily states. The extent to which actual incoming bodily signal, and precision esti-
these predictions lead to perception also depends on mation that results in a well-balanced interaction of
precision weighing across the interoceptive hierar- brain and body. The goal of this complex process is
chy, where precision units reflect both the reliabil- to keep bodily states within a functional range that
ity of predictions and prediction errors to increase permits flexible adaptation to both internal changes
or decrease the gain on error signals in order to and external challenges. The interoceptive sys-
change predictions. PP claims that precision instan- tem balances anticipated demands and deviations,
tiates attention, as estimates of reliability determine efficiently regulating needs and resources. This
the impact of error signals on prediction units. process was conceptualized as “allostasis” or “pre-
Attention is thus thought to be the consequence dictive regulation”67 and it underpins the well-being
of an increase in gain on prediction errors, ren- of body and mind.
dering them apt to drive responses, behavior, and
Interoception in health and disease
learning.66 A well-functioning precision-weighing
system is paramount for healthy functioning, as will The processing of interoceptive signals in the
become more obvious later in this paper. brain informs central control processes involved in
EPIC assumes that interoceptive predictions maintaining physiological integrity. Interoception
interact with other sensory modalities, projecting is tightly related to the predictive control of bodily
onto visual, auditory, and somatosensory networks, signals that contribute to a system being able to
maintain homeostatic set points, and a flexible
allostatic regulation of more complex demands.
c When the system fails to respond to demands in an
EPIC, IPP, and PP assume brain function to be imple-
mented in a hierarchical manner. This hierarchy does not adaptive manner, or when predictive fluctuations
represent rigid step-by-step processing, but rather a highly fail to foresee necessary demands, the organism may
context-sensitive, reconfigurable dynamical system whose reach allostatic overload and succumb to sickness
patterns of effective connectivity change on a moment- and disease. Interoception research is increasingly
to-moment basis depending on task, and internal and demonstrating that the signaling and detection of
external contexts.61,65 internal bodily signals is important for physical and

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mental well-being.68 Interoceptive and emotional peripheral immune reactions,77 and also a stereo-
processes share underlying neural substrates,11 and typed pattern of responses called sickness behaviors
prominent theories of emotion even suggest that (SBs).78 These entail fatigue, reduced calorie and flu-
emotional feeling states arise through the sensing ids intake, social isolation, anhedonia, and fever.79
of bodily signals.69–72 Emotional impairments SBs potentially facilitate counteracting responses to
accompany the majority of mental disorders,37 infection and inflammation by inducing behavioral
acting as one potential route linking interoception patterns that reduce bodily strain (e.g., fatigue moti-
to mental health. vates rest), and risk of additional infection (e.g.,
Health and disease have distinct behavioral and social isolation). This narrow repertoire of behav-
experiential profiles that can be characterized by iors is evoked as a response to a wide range of infec-
the presence or absence of reported symptoms and tious and inflammatory conditions, which suggests
changes in behavior. PP claims that conscious per- that they may form a coordinated general physiolog-
ception is the product of prediction error min- ical and motivational reaction to a particular type
imization where the hypothesis with the highest of interoceptive challenge for the protection of the
posterior probability populates consciousness.73 body’s integrity.80
Probability distributions depend on prior expe- Experimentally, these mechanisms can be explo-
rience (predictions), sensory effects (prediction red by administration of substances that cause a
errors), and the flexible weighing of their brief spike in inflammation, for example, typhoid
precision.74 An important consequence is that per- vaccine,81 infusion of endotoxin,82 or inhalation
ceptual content is determined by the estimated relia- of antigens.83 A neurally mediated interoceptive
bility of both prior knowledge and sensory input.75 pathway, recruiting the basal and posterior ven-
Under this assumption, prediction errors need to tromedial thalamus, and dorsal mid- and PI, is
be precise or unsuppressed to determine conscious activated after typhoid vaccination.84 Specific com-
perception. Van den Bergh and colleagues76 offer a ponents of SBs are associated with functional
plausible account of the role of interoceptive infer- changes within interoceptive brain regions, includ-
ence in the occurrence of reported symptoms. They ing the mid-insula (fatigue),84 subgenual cingu-
suggest that interoceptive signals rarely reach aware- late (mood change),81 and the midbrain substantia
ness in the state of health, as interoceptive events nigra (psychomotor slowing).85 The insula is fur-
are within the expected range (i.e., low prediction ther implicated in the expression of inflammation-
error). Interoceptive sensations are considered to induced subjective experiences of fatigue, malaise,
arise only when signals are unexpected, thus elicit- and social disconnect.86 Increase in the right ante-
ing prediction errors that are sufficiently precise to rior insula (AI) metabolism tracks the loss of
reach awareness. Interoceptive sensations are inter- interest in social interaction,87 while heightened
preted as symptoms when the hypothesis with the connectivity between the AI and middle cingulate
highest posterior probability contains information cortex predicts subjective malaise and discomfort
representing aberrant, disease-related, causes.76 after induction of inflammation.88 These findings
Below, we review the role of interoception and indicate a role for the insula in mediating the expe-
interoceptive inference in several health conditions riential side of SBs, a hypothesis that is in line
whose symptomatic profile shows that mental and with the theoretical proposal and emerging evi-
physical health are often inextricable. dence implicating the IC in subjective experience of
conscious motivational and emotional states arising
Sickness behaviors from IPP.35,70
The human immune system communicates imm- The same brain regions that support emotions
unological and inflammatory states to the brain via and affective regulation are thus involved in SBs
interoceptive pathways.42 Peripheral states of infec- (and their origin in IPP), highlighting a connection
tion and inflammation are transmitted to the brain between inflammation, SB, and mood disorders.86
via vagus nerve pathways, cytokines that circulate Changes in motivation are a hallmark of both SBs
humorally, and via immune cells.42 Responses to and major depressive disorder.89 Low motivation
these insults include the activation of cardiovascu- to move can be adaptive in the context of physi-
lar and gastrointestinal reflexes, the regulation of cal illness, as it enables energy conservation while

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prioritizing resources for fighting off inflammation infections.96 Fatigue can also appear on its own as
and infection. In the case of prolonged or very severe a chronic condition (chronic fatigue syndrome),97
inflammation, however, these motivational changes which affects approximately 20% of the general
can mark the onset of a depressive episode.86 Moti- population.98 Its prevalence increases to 50%, how-
vational changes ultimately influence processing ever, as a symptom in conditions that are associ-
of reward-stimuli;18,19 correspondingly, response ated with a compromised immune system,99 such
to reward outcomes is altered following inflam- as cancer,100 autoimmune diseases like multiple
mation. This is reflected on both the neural and sclerosis,101 and fibromyalgia.102 Fatigue is strongly
behavioral level; reactivity within the ventral stria- associated with depression,103 and listed in both
tum, a center of (predictive) reward processing90 DSM-5 and ICD-10 as a core criterion for major
is decreased, and both subjective and objective depression.95,104
measures of anhedonia (the absence of reactivity Fatigue is a multidimensional construct that
to positive stimuli) are increased.82 Distinct brain involves impairment of motor and cognitive pro-
areas connected with interoceptive processing play cesses, the subjective experience of fatigue, and
a major role in the regulation of homeostatically behavioral changes affecting every day activities.105
relevant behavioral motivations.47,91 To maintain Research on fatigue emphasizes approaches that
the organism’s integrity, information about aber- associate the condition with peripheral inflamma-
rant bodily states is conveyed by interoceptive path- tion and its influence on brain structures involved in
ways, ultimately enabling behavior to balance out steering immunological responses.79,106 Brain struc-
equilibrium through motivational changes result- tures involved in fatigue include the insula and
ing in the necessary action.42 Social withdrawal is the frontostriatal network, most notably the ventral
another symptom that SBs and depression share. striatum.107 In this context, signals of peripheral
Not participating in social interaction often leads to inflammation reach the frontostriatal network via
feelings of isolation and loneliness, and contributes immune-to-brain communication pathways that
to the maintenance of depressed mood.92 Inflam- involve activation of microglia. This network under-
mation, through interoception, thus facilitates pro- lies response to reward, which supports anticipa-
cesses that underlie and enhance feelings of social tion and motivation, both of which are reduced in
isolation; induce feelings of social disconnect;93 and fatigue.108 An altered frontostriatal network due to
impair the processing of social cues.94 inflammation is thus one strong candidate for the
Taken together, SBs illustrate how perturbation neurobiology of fatigue.107 AIC has been associated
of internal bodily states affects neural representa- with the experiential quality of emotions and feel-
tions, emotional states, and executive behaviors. ings, and is thought to play a key role in the experi-
These reactive patterned responses are mediated ence of fatigue.108 After the experimental induction
via interoceptive pathways that typically support of inflammation via typhoid vaccine, fatigue was
adaptive social, emotional, and motivational behav- predicted by altered reactivity within the mid- and
iors. The next section focusses on fatigue as an SB, PI, and the ACC.81 This suggests that interoceptive
chronic condition, and symptom of inflammatory signaling of inflammatory states, and their impact
or immunological diseases. Both SBs and fatigue can on brain regions that are associated with process-
be conceptualized under the IPP principle, as will ing interoceptive input, is an important factor in
be detailed in the following. subjective experience of fatigue and vitality/agency.
Newly emerging views on fatigue are turn-
Fatigue ing toward approaches that do not only consider
Fatigue is a disorder that is characterized in the ICD- the bottom-up effects leading to fatigue, but that
10 as a long-term condition that includes severe and also take into account possible top-down influ-
constant feelings of tiredness, trouble concentrat- ences. From a Bayesian perspective, SBs in general,
ing and carrying out daily activities, generalized and fatigue in particular, may occur as a con-
aches and pains, fever, and sleep disturbances.95 sequence of aberrant metacognitive beliefs about
It can be part of SBs, and as such have adaptive the brain’s capacity to predictively control bod-
effects in that it prioritizes rest to save resources ily states.109 These aberrant beliefs could be
and may facilitate the role of fever in fighting off the product of immunological and metabolic

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disturbances that remain unresolved, or may atal reward circuitry is observed in depressed indi-
result from the chronic exposure to environ- viduals with elevated C-reactive protein.58
mental or social stress. Chronic stress mani- Healthy controls demonstrate a correlation
fests physiologically,110 for example, as increased between interoceptive accuracy and intensity of
cortisol levels,111 or as impaired hypothalamus– experienced emotions, where better accuracy corre-
pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis activation.112 The lates with reports of more intense feelings,33 raising
resulting disturbances feed back into cerebral the possibility of an impairment in interoceptive
circuits, where increased cortisol levels disrupt accuracy in depression where emotional “numb-
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor function,14 which ness” is often reported. However, the experiments
has been claimed to be involved in the generation detailing patterns of altered interoceptive accuracy
and updating of belief representations.113 This posi- associated with depression present a more com-
tive feedback loop may be the basis for the metacog- plex relationship.22 The ability to accurately per-
nitive belief that the system is unable to regulate ceive one’s heartbeat is negatively correlated with
bodily states, due to a chronically occurring dis- depression symptoms in healthy controls, an effect
crepancy (i.e., prediction error) between predicted only found to manifest when coupled with high
(i.e., belief based) and sensed internal states. Resort- anxiety.117 In an experiment that contrasted inte-
ing to SBs and fatigue may thus be an adaptive roceptive accuracy across three groups (healthy
response to a metacognitive evaluation of the sys- controls, community sample with moderate depres-
tem’s dysfunctional regulatory capacities that are sion, and a more severely depressed clinical sample),
manifested in the failure to reduce interoceptive pre- only the moderately depressed sample had signifi-
diction error.109 cantly impaired interoception.22 Interestingly, and
Further research is needed to determine if distinct counter to predictions, the more depressed group
levels of interoceptive processing accuracy are com- displayed levels of interoceptive accuracy compa-
promised in individuals with high levels of fatigue, rable to the control group,117 though this effect
which would indicate another possible source of may have been influenced, in part, by medication
maladaptive regulation of bodily states. status.22 Increasingly, nuanced investigation of inte-
roceptive behavioral impairments linked to specific
Depression clusters of symptoms (e.g., differentiating negative
Major depressive disorder is associated with affec- effect from emotional numbness) may reveal clearer
tive symptoms such as low mood, and negative associations in depression.
cognitions such as pervasive negative thoughts and Decreased heartbeat perception accuracy is
intense feelings of hopelessness.114 In addition, accompanied by significantly reduced HEP ampli-
somatic symptoms, including aches and pains, dis- tudes in depressed individuals.62 The neurocircuitry
ordered sleep, loss of appetite, and fatigue are just as underlying attention to visceral interoceptive sensa-
frequent and occur universally across cultures.115,116 tions was assessed in unmedicated individuals with
Recognition that somatic alterations are an impor- major depressive disorder (MDD) relative to con-
tant factor for changes in emotion and cognition has trols. Activity in the dorsal mid-insula and a network
grown over the past decade.22,117 Depression is asso- of brain regions involved in emotion and visceral
ciated with autonomic dysfunction, manifesting as control were decreased in the MDD group. More-
decreased baroreflex sensitivity,112,113 reduced pha- over, resting state functional connectivity between
sic skin conductance responses,14,118 and reduced the amygdala and the dorsal mid-insula cortex was
heart rate variability.118 In addition to autonomic increased in MDD and predictive of depression
alterations, signs of heightened inflammation have severity.46 Together, these results suggest that the
been documented in depression.39 In a subset brain representation of interoceptive focus may be
of individuals with depression, cumulative meta- altered in MDD.
analyses demonstrate raised inflammatory markers, From a theoretical approach, IPP (including
particularly IL-6 and C-reactive protein.40 Distur- the EPIC model) provides a potential insight into
bances in brain function are linked to increases in depressive mechanisms, extending to the hypothe-
peripheral inflammatory markers, where, for exam- sis that structural abnormalities and dysfunctional
ple, reduced functional connectivity of corticostri- metabolism within the agranular visceromotor

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cortices may be underlying causes of depressive tic children and adolescents (aged 8–17),123 while a
states, particularly when associated with inflam- subsequent study found that interoceptive accuracy,
mation and SBs.2 Visceromotor cortical dys- ascertained using heartbeat tracking, was markedly
function causes imbalance between demand and impaired in a comparable child and adolescent
response through overpredicting metabolic energy autistic sample.52 Impaired interoceptive accuracy
demands.119 This may engender overactivity of the has also been shown in autistic adults, demon-
HPA axis and thereby increasing levels of proin- strated using the heart beat tracking task, where sig-
flammatory cytokines,66 causing concomitant alter- nificantly lower interoceptive accuracy scores were
ations in the immune and endocrine system.120 observed relative to a matched control group.27
This aberrant process will compromise dependent One study, however, demonstrates data to suggest
coupling of interoceptive predictions and inputs at that autism per se does not necessarily lead to
the thalamocortical level, leading to a speculated interoceptive impairments, but instead alexithymia,
increase in interoceptive prediction errors. Down- which is highly comorbid with ASCs, is associ-
regulation of these noisy error signals by preci- ated with reduced interoceptive accuracy.124 Alex-
sion units leaves them less able to influence and ithymia is a subclinical condition characterized by a
inform predictions. To further reduce prediction reduced capacity to detect and identify emotions
errors, the interoceptive network is left with two in oneself and others,125 and thus the emotion-
principal options: maintaining the dysfunctional processing deficits in autism, characterized by high
predictions, or generating afferents that match these alexithymia, may be the principal driver for intero-
predictions. The latter may lead to noisier sig- ceptive impairments in ASC. A recent study revealed
nals that fail to update predictive models. This that impaired interoceptive awareness, but not inte-
insensitivity to prediction errors might mean that roceptive sensitivity, is linked to autistic traits,
faulty predictions will maintain metabolic energy alexithymia, and empathy.126 Other studies in
demand, until the endocrine and immune system nonautistic populations have demonstrated a link
have reached their limit. Depression, according to between high alexithymia and impairments in
EPIC, ensues when the error signals can finally no interoceptive accuracy.127 Together, these results
longer be ignored and must be reduced, enlisting SBs suggest that interoceptive accuracy may be
to conserve energy.2 The insensitivity to prediction impaired in autistic individuals, and that this may
errors in combination with ever-more demanding be particularly coupled with emotion-processing
predictions is hypothesized to lead to a “locked- deficits.
in” (attractor state) brain that maintains a vicious In contrast to behavioral performance on inte-
cycle of faulty predictions and noisy error signals.121 roceptive tests, interoceptive sensibility, assessed
Inefficient energy regulation may underlie negative via self-report questionnaires, is elevated in autistic
affect, biasing the system more toward avoidance adults, despite these same individuals demon-
behaviors and social withdrawal.110 A hypothetical strating a relative impairment in interoceptive
IPP model of depression (and fatigue) thus connects accuracy.27 This is in line with research docu-
aberrant allostatic processes to imbalanced affective menting that interoceptive aptitude ascertained
processing, driving both somatic and experiential using self-report does not necessarily predict actual
emotional symptoms of depression. performance measures.10 Moreover, it suggests that
these interoception dimensions may further diverge
Autism spectrum conditions in clinical populations, with autistic individuals
Autism spectrum conditions (ASCs) are classified having an overinflated belief in their interoceptive
as neurodevelopmental conditions that are asso- aptitude relative to their performance accuracy.
ciated with stereotypical and restricted behavioral This enlarged discrepancy between objective and
patterns, altered sensory reactivity, and social and subjective interoceptive performance denotes
emotional difficulties.122 potentially poor interoceptive sensory precision
Research is currently investigating the nature of in ASCs and is in line with accounts of autism
interoceptive deficits associated with ASCs. Work conceptualized as a condition with an imbalance of
in children is divergent, with one study suggest- the precision ascribed to sensory evidence relative
ing that interoceptive accuracy is intact in autis- to prior beliefs.128

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Altered insula reactivity has been observed in self-reported sensitivity to internal signals. Here,
autistic individuals across a variety of distinct the self-report measure (such as the BPQ) is a
emotion-processing tasks, including response inhi- belief about general interoceptive aptitude, poten-
bition of emotional stimuli,129 processing of tially serving as a prior. In contrast, metacognitive
bodily expressions,130 and the processing of incon- interoceptive accuracy depends on the moment-
gruent emotional information.131 ASC is also asso- to-moment divergence of interoceptive dimensions,
ciated with altered intrinsic functional connectivity such as confidence–accuracy correspondence. This
of anterior and PI regions and specific brain regions interoceptive predictive error is potentially consis-
involved in emotion and sensory processing.132 tent with theoretical work that has posited that the
Together, these results suggest that altered sensory pathogenesis of anxiety is related to noisy intero-
precision marked by reduced interoceptive accu- ceptive input in combination with noisily ampli-
racy underscored by aberrant insula activity and fied self-referential interoceptive predictive belief
functional connectivity may contribute to emotion- states.137
processing deficits observed in ASC and alexithymia
more generally. Eating disorders
Eating disorders (EDs) are characterized by atyp-
Anxiety disorders ical food intake (e.g., restriction in anorexia ner-
Anxiety disorders include panic disorder, agorapho- vosa, or binging and purging in bulimia nervosa),
bia, social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, and and are often accompanied by a distorted body
specific phobias.104 Investigations into interoceptive image.138 Poor interoception has been linked to
alterations in anxiety disorders are mixed, reflect- body image concerns,57 and a number of empir-
ing the diversity of anxiety conditions and also ical findings converge to suggest potential distur-
the range of methodological approaches.133 Stud- bances in the processing of interoceptive signals in
ies have reliably found that interoceptive sensibil- individuals with EDs. Interoceptive self-report in
ity (i.e., self-report measures of interoception) is this population has been primarily probed using the
elevated in individuals with a variety of anxiety- Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI),139 which assesses
related conditions.134,135 In accordance with this, the subjectively reported ability to discriminate sen-
interoceptive accuracy is also frequently elevated sations of hunger and satiety, and to respond to
in individuals with anxiety, indexed by height- emotional states. Patients with EDs report impair-
ened performance on heartbeat perception tests in ments in these abilities,140 which could reflect a
patients with anxiety and elevated occurrence of generalized deficit in interoceptive processing.
trait anxiety symptoms with heightened interocep- Empirical findings support this in part, with studies
tive accuracy in nonclinical cohorts.22,136 However, a demonstrating impaired interoceptive accuracy in
straightforward relationship between elevated inte- anorexia nervosa patients relative to matched con-
roception in anxiety is challenged by a number of trols using a heartbeat perception test.76,141 Other
studies that either do not show a relationship,54,56 studies, however, fail to show impaired interoceptive
or reveal a reverse relationship, with higher levels of accuracy in anorexia nervosa,75 and instead docu-
anxiety related to reduced interoceptive accuracy.50 ment enhanced reported detection of interoceptive
Recent work partly reconciles these divergent find- sensations.
ings, by demonstrating that it is the relationship To date, only few studies have investigated
between subjective and objective measures of intero- whether interoception is compromised in bulimia
ception, which predict anxiety symptomatology (in nervosa, although it is suggested that interoceptive
both an autistic population and healthy controls).27 processing deficits drive the symptoms and asso-
Specifically, individuals with an elevated interocep- ciated behaviors in bulimia.61 One study inves-
tive trait prediction error (ITPE), derived from a tigating interoceptive accuracy in women with a
propensity to belief one is interoceptively profi- current diagnosis of bulimia nervosa observed no
cient despite relatively poor interoceptive accuracy, differences in heartbeat-tracking task performance
had heightened trait anxiety scores.27 ITPE refers to when correcting for the presence of covarying
the specific discrepancy in interoceptive dimensions comorbid alexithymia, depressive symptoms, and
describing low accuracy paired with perceived high anxiety.142 In contrast, women who had recovered

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from bulimia nervosa (without a prior diagno- interoception contributes to, and maybe even pre-
sis of anorexia nervosa) demonstrated significantly dict, the occurrence of EDs.
reduced interoceptive accuracy compared with
controls.91 Conclusion
Neural representation of bodily state is altered in There is increasing evidence that the signaling, sens-
EDs. During an interoceptive attention task (focus- ing, and detection of bodily states are implicated in
ing on the heart, stomach, and bladder), the indi- physical and mental well-being.45,148 Interoception
viduals with anorexia nervosa display significantly research contributes an important dimension to the
reduced activation in the AI during heartbeat per- field of health neuroscience, by providing a pow-
ception, and significantly reduced activation in the erful explanatory understanding into the dynamic
dorsal mid-insula during stomach interoception, interactions between body, brain, and mind that
relative to a matched control group.143 Individuals underlie pathophysiological disturbances across
with anorexia nervosa display reductions in func- physical and mental disorders. Capitalizing on
tional connectivity in the thalamo−insula subnet- strengthening theoretical frameworks, including
work, thought to reflect changes in the propagation IPP, further research needs to extend systematic
of sensations that convey homeostatic imbalances.30 interoceptive investigation across different bodily
Bulimia nervosa is associated with increased gray axes, and include measures of interoception that
matter volumes within the ventral AI,29 and binge cover neural signaling, objective behavioral perfor-
ED is associated with increased insula activity when mance, subjective experiences and beliefs, alongside
viewing food images after an overnight fast.25 metacognitive measures, to delineate comprehen-
Interestingly, altered interoception is not only sively interoceptive predictors of specific symptoms.
found in patients who are currently suffering from Where aberrant interoceptive processing appears
an ED. Impairments in interoceptive self-report, as related to symptoms, therapeutic efforts target-
measured by the EDI, predict vulnerability to the ing interoception could prove to alleviate specific
development of EDs, as revealed in longitudinal conditions. Interventions based upon biofeedback,
studies.144–146 It is not yet known whether other for example, could improve interoceptive accuracy.
dimensions of interoception, such as interoceptive More accurate access to internal signals, in turn,
accuracy or neural processing of bodily state, may be helpful to contextualize them within a non-
would also demonstrate premorbid alterations. threatening setting, potentially decreasing anxiety
Nevertheless, interoceptive measures, at least symptoms.149 Understanding the precise nature of
ascertained via self-report, may serve as a marker interoceptive deficits has important clinical impli-
for ED vulnerability, facilitating potential early cations, as insight into interoceptive mechanisms
intervention. may reveal new therapeutic targets to promote novel
The exact nature of interoceptive impairment interventions.
in EDs remains unclear, as it varies across the
type of ED, and studies often do not take into Competing interests
account comorbidities, such as anxiety, depres- The authors declare no competing interests.
sion, and alexithymia, which are also associated
with aberrant interoception.125,147 Differences in
methodology also potentially contribute to further References
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