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“Understanding Self in this Pandemic A Mental Health Awareness Campaign”

As the pandemic struck the world, everything became lifeless. Anxiety ate our hopes. Agony
devoured our laughter. Fear flooded our hearts.

We came across a difficult situation, but this situation wasn’t strong enough to defeat the Filipino
resiliency. As Jiddu Krishnamurti said, “If you begin to understand what you are without trying to
change it, then what you are undergoes a transformation.”

During this pandemic, we underwent a major transformation that had shaped the new us. As
depicted in the poster, the lifeless gray color had new hope because of love that a family always
provides, just like #SanFernandoAyayatenKa. The blue area signifying our strong faith despite
religious differences because #SanFernandoTayo, we are united, we are strong - no pandemic
can put the City of San Fernando down. The red area reminds us that there is someone we can
always lean on, despite these tough times He’s with us through our frontliners who are always
dedicated to protect our mental health and overall being and welfare. Lastly, the yellow area that
gives warmth in the middle of cold dark ages.

Understanding the self means being open to be able to see that in the middle of this pandemic,
you were never alone. That in this crisis, there is love, a strong faith and clear hope.
For the strongest people are those who win battles we know nothing about. Naragsak a maika-23
nga Anibersario Siudad ti San Fernando

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