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l.J Buckg,round of the Stullr

Effective essay \\Tiling is one or the most popular \\Tiling tasks

assigned to students at Sl;ihoolas \VCll as college level. When a scudcnt Lrics
to present de::is on a piece of cssa)' ''ffring. he should make sure lo rcn1tin AS
sin1plc :is possible al lc;:isL especially "hen wotkin gon i.nitinl draft. A student
"'ill not be able to prepru·e a l1igh· quality essay \vritjng in English if student
does not catch Che main idea of essay
\Vriting. First of all student should \\'ant lo read the title of the 001n position carefully
!Ind think abou t furthc.r actions.

A srudent has 10 un derstand "'hat he "'ants 10 achic,·e. If a stu dent needs 10

describe son1e1hing, dcsil'c after collcccing infonnznion obout 1hc proble1n, 1\I
fadda (20 12) seated that writing a com(10sition was a complex aelhity that includes
of the pr<lccdure of \\', spelling and the OOsics iilrulguag,c koowlcdgc.
cognitive. ·lcia cognitive, self regu_latol)'.and nlotivatiOJlal. \Vri1tcn
composi11on also includes nJJ of the processes related to
re.adingCfo1nprcbension Lil:e linguist.cs. cognitive tlnd strtitegic. Becrmse of
lhe difficulty of its demands_,_ \\' is considertd
by many studcn&S \\'ilh and \VilliouL disabili ty 10 be their m ost challenging
academic us Tile rnajn problem that is face of the scuden1s is th1u they are not
fully ll\\'art- of brain slOnning concept, Lhey have a lack of diction. gran1mar.
spc, issue and cohesion and cohcrcn<:c. very spctificaJly the
kno\\•lcdgc of related topic. l'hc)' also do not have enough fan1iliarity about
the notion of statc1ncn t of the problem. To solve these hurdles. lhcrc is a need
of org3nizing lraining oonrscs for tc.1chers and Sludenls .as "'ell.
A.11 essay is a part of ::i sel of \\'riti.n,g lhnt focuses on one subjecl and a
panicular purpose. Jn leruning insticutions. it is assigned to s1udcnts to build up
o.nd check 1heir \\ tiling skills speaking skill, u11de1'Sl:l11ding, and cteativily.
(2009) Stilted lha1 au essay \\13S differen t from any Od\er type of "'riling. '
hich requ ires of deep in\' tigation. slriet 1ncthod ology.
i'f6 1norc s1rict

cohesion and coherence. techniques nud approaches. An essay \\'Clcomes a

tnorc crcaCi\'C approach is son1ctimcs con1posed of _pcrsonal insighls b) the
students, and requires only outlining and simple paragraph su11c1urc.


201 S(Fal l) - 2017

M.Phil English Linguistics

Submitted By:

Muhammad Ramzan
(Reg. No. PET 10 153050)

Chapter l


10 dC\'Clop ideas in cffoctivc essay \\'riling in Eng.Lish language is not

an CaS)' subject to d scuss due. 10 the reason that it docs not requ rejust
\Vritillgits vocabu at)' or its grammar.but Jso its culture. and a OC\\' "·ay of think
ing and acting.The task to develop ideas and \\'lite these ideas successfu lly in
effecti,·e essay "'riting for foreign lan gun ge lc:uncrs or second language
learners is much more coinplex. Therefore, there arc so1nc factors that
influence student"s nehievemcnt to develop ideas in cITcc.tivc cs54y \\Tiling in
English internal fnclors such as intclliscnce and pcrccplion, self- confi.dc1.1ce.self-
n:gulotory and effective \Yriri11g style and external factors as mot if on. and
socio culturaJ stan1s so rhis cha pter 1s consisting of ten Luajor parts
e.g. background of lhe study. suue1nent or lhe groblc1n.research questjon.
objectives of the udy, purpose or the study. signi.ficance of the study .
research methodolo!!.)'
scope- of the- $Lt.Kb.• rational of I.he study and definitionsof opc1·a1ional tel'rns.

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