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- A Long Way Gone -

Using the Internet, find answers to the following questions, all of which pertain to the
book we’ll be reading next, A Long Way Gone.

The Book
1. Who is the author of A Long Way Gone?

Ishmeal Beah

2. This book is considered a memoir. Look up this term. Explain what this
term means.

A memoir is nonfiction narrative writing based on the author’s

personal memories.

3. When was this book published?

February 13, 2007

4. Is this book a work of fiction (not-real) or non-fiction (real)?


5. Write a brief summary of what this book is about. If you use a summary
from a web site, be sure to give credit to the website by writing down
where you got your information from.

I think that the book is going to be about a kid who tried to survive the
war that was going on in their country

Conflict Diamonds
6. What are conflict diamonds?

Conflict diamonds are diamonds that are mined in an area of armed

conflict and traded illicity to fiance the fighting
7. What is another name for conflict diamonds?

blood diamonds

8. What is the reason behind this 2nd name for conflict diamonds?

ge pink diamond found in Sierra Leone

9. Where are the majority of conflict diamonds found?

Sierra Leone
Democratic Republic of the Congo

10. What are the conflict diamonds used for?

sell these diamonds, and the money is used to purchase arms or to

fund their military actions.

Civil War
11. Where is Sierra Leone?

West Africa

12. How long did the civil war in Sierra Leone last? (dates from start-finish)

March 23, 1991 – January 18, 2002

13. What was the RUF (what did it stand for)?

The Revolutionary United Front

14. Explain who/what the RUF was.

was a rebel army that fought a failed eleven-year war in Sierra Leone,
starting in 1991 and ending in 2002
15. How did the RUF mainly terrorize people?

they would chop off there hands

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