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Questions for REL 201I: Buddhist Cultures of Asia

As per the syllabus, the reading for Thursday, April 8th is a PDF of Rita Gross’s Buddhism After Patriarchy
pages 55-77, plus a few pages of two other PDFs: pages 275-279 of Nancy Barnes’s chapter from Engaged
Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia and pages 334-337 by Lori Meeks from her chapter on “Nuns
and Laywomen in East Asian Buddhism” from The Wiley Companion to East and Inner Asian Buddhism, pages
334-337. You should also review page 260 in Mitchell and Jacoby. The PDFs are available on Bb.

Here are some focused questions to consider:

1. Rita Gross’s chapter begins by explaining how Theravada Buddhists see the differences between
the two traditions, how Mahayana Buddhists see the differences, and how scholars see the
differences. How does each group see these differences? (55-56)
2. In the introduction, does Gross say that Mahayana statements about women were better than
Theravada statements? Worse? Both? Or Neither? Explain. (56-57)
3. Mahayana began in India around 100 CE and spread to China shortly thereafter. In this early
period of Mahayana, who had more important roles as laywomen and nuns: Indian Buddhist
women or Chinese Buddhist women? (57-59)
4. Examining the Mahayana scriptures, Gross finds positive statements about women and
examples of women, but also negative ones. What are examples of each? (59-77)
5. The Mahayana texts seem to contradict themselves on the issue of women: how? (59-77)
6. Nancy Barnes describes the status of Mahayana nuns in China during the early centuries and
middle ages. What was the status of nuns and status of the bhikshuni order in China during this
time? (Barnes in King and Queen, 275-276)
7. Barnes, and also Lori Meeks, describe the growth of Buddhism since 1949 in Taiwan and the
status of bhikshuni. What points do they make? What is the status of bhikshuni in Taiwan, and
what roles do they play? Why have they been successful there? What do you find interesting?
(Barnes 276-278; Meeks 334-335)
8. How do Mahayana nuns (look especially at what is said about Korea and Taiwan) see the 8
special rules? (Barnes, 278-279)
9. Lori Meeks gives additional information about nuns in Korea. How are nuns faring in Korea,
and why? (Meeks, 335-336)
10. Lori Meeks also discusses Buddhist nuns in Japan. How are they faring, and why? What specific
obstacles are there to being a Buddhist nun in Japan? (Meeks, 336-337)
11. Read the boxed text on page 260 of Mitchell and Jacoby (we have read this before). How does
Ven. Yi Fa’s story relate to issues regarding Mahayana practice, Mahayana syncretism,
Mahayana women, and Mahayana social action/social service? (Mitchell and Jacoby, 260)
12. For discussion: Overall, how does Mahayana fare vis-à-vis Theravada regarding the issue of
women and Buddhism? Consider both theoretical issues in the texts as well as lived practice.
13. What comment or question do you have?

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