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MUC-363-S02: Music and Meaning in Video Games

Midterm Mini Boss Level: Choose your own adventure

Option 1: Paper Mario

Write a short paper (800-1000 words) describing music’s role in a particular game or game level
focusing on how music functions in a dynamic way by being interactive (responding to player’s
actions) and/or adaptive (responds to a change in game state). Your paper should do the
1. have a short synopsis of the game (one-two paragraphs),
2. describe how the particular level you are writing about (if writing about a level instead
of the whole game) fits into the overall design of the game (one paragraph).
3. Describe what types of dynamic music/sound occur in the game/level you are analyzing
and how the music/sound helps the player with gameplay and the concept of

Where the final paper could go: your final paper could build upon your midterm paper by doing
one or more of the following.
 Write about how the level you analyzed fits into the overall design of the game.
 Write about how the game you analyzed compares to other games in the same genre.
 Write about how the game you analyzed compares to other games by the same
 Write about how the game/level you analyzed is making some type of cultural
 If your game was turned into a movie, write about how the music/sound between the
game and movie are similar and how they are different.
 These are just a few examples of what you could do. See me to discuss other ideas you
might have.
Option 2: Video Game Music Tycoon
Use the provided concept art to create a music design document for a video game of your
creation (you may choose or create your own concept art). The design document should be
detailed enough that you could give to a composer and get the type of music you need for your

1. Decide what type of game it will be. They type of game will influence the type of
music/sound you will need.
a. Sandbox: Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto, The Sims
b. Real-Time Strategy (RTS): Warcraft, Ages of Empire, Command and Conquer
c. Shooter: first-person (Call of Duty) or third-person-(Fortnite)
d. Role Playing Game (RPG): Fallout, The Witcher III, Skyim
e. Simulation/Sports: Forza Motorsports, Madden Football
f. Action-Adventure: The Legend of Zelda, Assassin’s Creed
g. Platformer: Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., Crash Bandicoot
h. Fighting: Mortal Combat
i. Stealth: Metal Gear, Spinter Cell
j. Survival: The Long Dark Evil (survival horror)
k. Rhythm: Crypt of the Necrodancer
2. Come up with at least 3 attributes for your main character that fit the style of game
you are creating.
3. Decide what type of music your game will need. This should be specific to the genre
you chose above. Some examples include:
a. Menu(s) music
b. Ambient music (for different areas/levels?)
c. Stealth fail music
d. Battle music
e. Win/lose music
f. Enemy music (for each type of enemy?)
g. Other
4. Write about how each of the types of music you chose above will work dynamically
in the game (how it interacts with gameplay). Consider what types of information
each will communication to the player, how this helps the player complete the
game, how it might frustrate the player (horror genre), and how each corresponds
to one of the three levels of immersion.

Where the final project can go: you will choose a certain number (TBD, maybe 3-5) of the types
of music needed for your game and do one of the following:
 Composers: will be expected to submit a sound file along with the concept art and a write-
up outlining how your music would accompany your game and why/how you’ve designed it
as such. The music may be digitally rendered, a live performance, or a combination of both.
 Non-Composers: will create a temp track of sample music that could be used in the various
situations. The temp track needs to show unity in that all the chosen music needs to fit
together. For example, the pieces could all be in the same key, closely related keys, or same
tempo if that is the desired effect. There needs to be some justification for choosing the
music and you will need to complete a write-up outlining how your music would accompany
your game and why/how you’ve designed it as such.

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