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Physician Role Model: Beatrice (Much Ado About Nothing)

A medical professional takes on many roles, including that of the health advocate,
a collaborator, a communicator, and a leader. Beatrice from Shakespeare’s Much
Ado About Nothing displays traits which greatly aid in her ability to fulfill these
roles. She is unafraid to have difficult conversations and will always advocate for
those who are being mistreated. She has a strong sense of justice and does not
allow others in positions of power to take advantage of her. She clearly knows
how to lead a team (as displayed through her plan to manipulate Claudio into
marrying Hero and atoning for his wrongful accusations) and I believe would
make a wonderful, albeit fictional physician. Patients want a physician who knows
what they are doing when it comes to solving problems, and someone who cares
deeply about them as patients and as people.

 Witty/intelligent – medical expert/scholar
 Confident in herself – medical expert
 Knows how to lead a team – leader/collaborator
 Strong sense of justice – health advocate
o Will never settle for less than she or others deserve – will not marry a man she
does not love, will not allow men, though far more powerful than she in the
1600s, to slander her or her family
 Clearly speaks her thoughts, both to others and to self – communicator, but also
 Cares very deeply about others – empathetic, unafraid to show she cares re: display of
outrage for Hero’s wrongful accusations
 Personal growth – her character evolves to be kinder, softer, and more forgiving
throughout the play while remaining true to herself, showing her capacity for self-
 Does not fear difficult conversations – communicator, also fundamental skill for
 Finds strength in vulnerability – both her own and others’. She tries to protect innocent
Hero from having to harden her heart, but also accepts she has emotions that allow her
to relate to others (empathy).

 Often does not know how to hold her tongue or control an emotional response (may
breach professionalism, but could likely improve this with training and time)
 Believes many things she hears without questioning them or investigating much further
(When she hears Hero say Benedick is in love with her, she accepts it with little doubt –
could certainly work on her critical thinking skills)

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