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ALk+IF 4-6

Ss 'is If
-,qa Tv,, %ado X.)

E x c e r p t s f r o m t h e Cl a s s i c Te x t s

***Skil, • lliaft tie. -

A waterway or path from Xun palace looping round

to Oar) points to suicide by hanging.

Two entities in a growth relationship can also be
intimidating, as in the Later Heaven crossing of Metal
Secrets Of and Wood.
Xuan Kong
When thunder and wind are attacked by Metal, being
wo und ed b y a knif e is unav oi da bl e.

*A . M.6.—itAtE
Wood and Metal transposing implies betrayal and

4.Int .1.4 •
Ode To Flying "Small Livestock" symbolizes the toil of an indentured
Stars labourer.

3T ftk~R
*tka1.81.402.MI tlo -
Ode To
If Wood (in this case Xun rather than Zhen) faces
Xu (Gan), it will be difficult to avoid the regrettable
incident of Zhuang Sheng drumming on a basin.
Whip Lash
Verses The Wind 0 1 4) covered the Heaven (#6), implying
mishaps or misfortune.

248 249
The taming power of the diminutive or gentle should never be underestimated,
as it has its own success. Although ii cannot yield any rain from the western
region, it has the PAW , to shape dense, great clouds. with the future promise of

This Gua represents the missing link m a process or situation. The Yin is being
used to sustain the Yang but the relationship is a weak one due to the fact that Yin.
being weaker, a inadequate to bolster Yang. Explained in a scenario, it could be a
sign that you do not have sufficient resources or skills to make something happen
even if you have the adequate preparation When used to predict weather, it
signifies cloudy western skies with the possibility of ram

While this Gua denotes positive blessings, one must take heed that should any
auspicious event or opportunities emerge. always be proactive in finding out
more about them before proceeding. Chances are likely that the results achieved
will be less than what you have come to expect. As such, it is wise to lower your
expectations and focus on the valuable lessons you will learn along the way

This conservative thinking also applies to investment activities as well, where the
most ideal approach would be a restrained and calculated one. The same goes
for handling matters such as argument or misunderstanding. It takes patience and
a lot of time to iron out any conflict in the interpersonal relationship lt is in this
trying time that you will find your courage to tough it out and brave whatever it is
on your own. without the help from others .

46 II one would analyze this Gua more clearly, he or she would notice that the character
Chu 4 also symbolizes a stop, or a temporary halt The 'stop' in question, should
there be one. refers to the inability for one to act now because he or she simply
lacks the resources, strength or energy to proceed Hence, the temporary halt.
Time and patience are needed as one needs to strengthen whatever it is that one
rrn is lacking before making another try

4 6 C . , an' 0
A•1" Fens, Tien Xiso



Star Combo Description

try Gua Definition

General Luck

Wealth & Investment

Expect more trouble if you are under the influence of a 4-6 combination. Couples in
relationships may not last long. Possible eye and mouth problems as well, This is
especially true when the extern& forms are negative. (For example if there is a straight
road hitting this direction or if there is a high tension tower in this sector). If this
combination is supported by favourable external features, it will exert positive influence
that leads to great success for partnership and collaborative activities. It hints on
increased wealth as a result of a successful partnership.

This hexagram is known as Small Livestock in the `ft Jing. It is an indication of conflicts
and misunderstandings. These disagreements may have long term ramifications. This
person should aim to be very mindful of their behavior and respectful in their dealings
with others. If they can remember to respect the people around them and act with
caution, the results can be favorable.

When it is untimely, this person may have a tendency to rush through their plans in a
rather haphazard way. It may also be that this person finds it hard to focus and is
inclined to drift off before completion. If this individual wants their dreams to come true,
they will need to overcome these habits. He or she will have to work tirelessly and
meticulously through to the end if they want to achieve their dreams.

A bold nature is likely to bring this person success in the stock markets. This individual
will need to be prepared to stand alone as they are unlikely to get much support from
others. If this individual is not careful, they may see their money leave as fast as it
arrives. This person would be wise to develop a financial plan to give them stability for
the future. In addition, a debtor may be hiding from them. This individual will need ask
around before they vinll be able to track them down the debtor and request a payment.

ikSft Career

4.* Business
-41.40 Relationships & Maniac,.

Peng Tien ;Gifu Xu



The timing may not be right for this person. to go seeking out new opportunities. It
would be far better for this individual to stay where they are. Although pursuing a career
change or promotion is not in the cards, that does not mean that this time is wasted. He
or she can use this time penod to learn more and enroll in training course. Right now is
the time to develop the foundation for future gains.

Opportunities may be scarce and nsky. This individual should make sure to look before
they leap particularly if they are working in a new industry. He or she should take their
time and observe the environment around them. They must make sure that they have all
of the facts before they take action. A negotiation may not be going well and it may
need more work on the business plan before it can be successful. This person may lose
their customer's interest if they are not careful.

If someone is unwilling to attend an event, the individual should let them go. They will
only bring a bad atmosphere with them if they are forced to go. When this person is a
single girl, she may be spoiled with options when a series of suitors begin vying for her
attention. If this person is a single male, he will need to be watchful. He may be faced
with a rival for his lover's affection. Married life is not always easy and a power struggle
could be the source of conflict and weakened communication. They should be sure to be
caring and open with their partner. In addition, they should listen carefully to their
partner's needs.

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