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How to read the QMDJ (奇门遁甲) Hour


Lately, i have been receiving feedback from
the readers that they have difficulty to read
the Qi Men Dun Jia (QMDJ 奇门遁甲) Hour
Chart. In this article, i will go through some
basic knowledge to lead you to understand
my articles in the “Posts” better.
The QMDJ Forecasting relies on the Hour Chart plotted at the time of question being
raised. The Hour Chart’s table will have 4 Pillars as shown in the Figure 1:

Figure 1: The QMDJ Hour Table that shows the 4 Pillars and other Important notes
The two main stems which are the most common used in the QMDJ Forecasting are Day and
Hour Stems. The Day Stem represents the person who asks the question (asker) while the
Hour Stem represent the general outlook or focal point at that time. The Month and Year
Stems are generally used in the career and business forecasting where they represent the
colleagues and superior in the career or competitors in the business.

In forecasting, it’s important to find out where these Stems are located in the palaces (boxes)
at the 8 locations, namely North (N), Northeast (NE), East (E), Southeast (SE), South (S),
Southwest (SW), West (W) and Northwest (NW). Figure 2 shows the location of each palace
and their respective element.

Figure 2: The location of each palace and their respective element.
From the Figure 2, we need to determine the palace relationship using 5 elements principle.
The Figure 3 and 4 show the elemental production and countering respectively:

Figure 3: 5 Elements (Produce 生 relationship)

Figure 4: 5 Elements (Counter 剋 relationship)

In QMDJ Forecasting, we would in favour of production cycles than countering cycles for
better outcome.
Also, each palace consists of Universal forces (Deities), Heavenly Stars, Doors and Stems as
shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Contents inside each Palace of a QMDJ Hour Chart
The Universal Forces or Deities or Guardian Angels are quite important in the Forecasting as
they play the important role especially in the dire situation, particularly the UGrandee ()
which can saves the entire situation. UGrandee () is the most important Universal Force that
controls the entire situation.

The Heavenly Stars on the other hand, represents the current environment, the current trend,
big events, characteristics for the QMDJ Forecasting.

The Doors are actions, executions or situations that one has taken, takes or going to take in
the QMDJ Forecasting.

The Heavenly Stems represents who or what in the context of QMDJ Forecasting. For
example, Day Stem is the person asks the question or asker; Hour Stem is the general
outlook/outcome or another party or opponent; Month Stem is the colleagues while Year
Stem is the superior in the career forecasting.

Generally, the red colour fonts represent auspiciousness while the blue colour fonts represent
the in-auspiciousness in the QMDJ Forecasting.
For more examples of QMDJ Forecasting applications, you may go to the “Posts” link.
Happy Reading and Learning.

If you have question regarding QMDJ Forecasting, you may email


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