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TOEIC Practice Test | Section Il: Reading Section II: Reading In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several diferent types of reading comprehension questions. ‘The entire Reading test wil last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book. Lae Decay pelted erie cere (Ayloving ——_(C)oviney @lowy ——(O)lowe Correct answer: (C) phrase is missing in each ofthe sentences below. Four answer choices are given below Se ae ONO KOC 101, __ John found Mara hard to get along with, 107, On ove hand we've had bit of a setback. but on he did the best he could hand t's a chance to show that we're determined. {A However aificuit (A) the other (B) Because of (B) another (C) Nevertheless (C) the second (0) Athough () that 102. He was forced to declare two years after 108, Be sure to let me know if can be of any purchasing the property because he could make (A) assistance payments. (B) onightsament 1 eligbilty (C) incination (8) candidacy (0) chartication {C) bankruptcy (0) bai 109, Due to a__in security, hackers got access to the company’s fies. 103. Athough his new job had long hours, Mike was pleased (A) rebate vith fs higher ‘ (8) 1A) cues (6) spam 18) salary (0) ise {C) fees {D) earns 110. Lunch inthe ding room at midday. 18) wil serve 104. Be sure to submit your application form by the 20th of (B) to be served March __ you wish to be considered forthe post. {C) wit be served 1A) usess that (0) is serving 1B) whether wit LL. Although one of the two canddates has more experience, {) incase of. ___has great enthusiasm and energy. WW either 105, | __the report now ibe with you ina second. 1B) the one (finish {C) another {B) fished {) the other {C) would fish {D) am fishing 112. The bus is departing _ so pease hurry up. 1A) promotty 106. The day of the mecting has been changec it has been {B) oromot ~ for Thursday. {C) prompted (A) reserved {D) prompting {B) canceled {C) rectified {D) rescheduled uv x y a (5 a) co} ey 7 ee a4 3 os rt = ee} g = 3 TOEIC Practice Test | ‘113. Does the poston include any or health insurance? (A) bonuses {B) benefits {C) breaks {) brackets . such as retirement 114, Mary were worried the country would suffer a because ofthe rise in interest rates. (digression {) regression {C) recession {0) depletion 115, The folder, shel, 9) wich {B) in which {C) where is {) wherever yu wil find the report ison the top 16, tis important that you _ ay concerns you might have so we can adress thm. Wraly (8) rise (6) rage (D) rule 117. James always seams to dress to (9 ipress. {B) impressed {C) imoressive {0) impressively 118. Nicholle fet tke she was kept onthe and was ‘ot realy considered part ofthe team. ( outine {B) sidelines {C) off ine {) guidelines 119. Amy decided to {rom medical school W) ivestigate (8) detail (0) exlore {) speciaize in cardiology after graduating 120, The hearty _ (wn (8) on {6} around (0) among ___ the company was very complex. 121, Ama was concerned about Keeping her job because the ‘company was (expanding {8) condensing, {C) downsizing {) backdating Sec Jn Il: Reading 122, Profits were short of our goal (8) morbid (8) marginal (C) menial (0) moaniness better than last year but sil Im afraid tm __; "Ne been working in the office since Jam. (A) exhausted () ivigorated (C) extended (0) ncensea 124. Mari felt that he did not get enough for his hard work. (A) recognition (B) stinuation () consideration (0) obigation 128. Also, tke her sister Jessica, _ studying to be a lawyer. (also (B) have been (C) are (Dis 126. | woud tke to thank you for your a speedy solution (A) trust (8) cooperation (C) ineination (0) resistance in reaching 127, Mary Aan, (A) is going (0) zues () has gone (0) is going to {or an auction fora pay on Thursday. 128, you were working under pressure, you have done ‘an excelent jot (A) However (8) Atough (6) nse of {0} No wonder 129. The check ___ because the account was empty and he was charged a fee. (failed (8) rolled {C) sid {0) bounced 130. In order to be efficient you must at hard, (strive (8) focus, fon the task (¢) aim (0) grasp TOEIC Practice Test | 131, We expect you to be in the offco__ from am to Som. Weary (B) steady. (C) how {0} daily 132, Excuse me, can you tel me_to 29th Street? (A) where is (6) the way for (©) where to go (0) tow to get 133, Wr. Sith was late for the meeting because his fight. was . (A) dismissed {lengthened {C) delayed {) lost 1134. Can | help you?" "Thanks, but tm already" (A) helped 18) being helped (C) having helped (0) heping 135. Do you think that | can (9) count (6) relieve (C) lok (0) base on im to get the job done? 136. Im sorry; | cide't understand. Can you please what you just said? (A) rectity (8) clarity {C)objectty {) justity the quarterly report. 137. Okay, the first step is (A) finishing {B) to irish {C frshed {) frsh 138. The noise ofthe roadworks was so ‘no one coud concentrate. (A) wetting (B) distracting (C} insistent (0) unpleasant that 139. Tim became a doctor because he wanted his father proud of him. (W) to be (6) being (C) would be (0) wil be 140. There was a growing sense of 2 the deadline approached. {A) excitement {B} suspicion (C) anticipation (0) tension uv x y le} bar Ta} o cy ay o Rena )

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